Monday, November 19, 2012

Surface , Ground and Ocean

Surface water, ground water, and ocean shoreline are the three main topics for chapter four. Please write a post that tells how these three concepts are connected. Also do you see how they are related to the three erosional forces we studied in chapter three and the two types of weathering. Your post should have at least five well written sentences. 


cameron s said...
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Dawson,G said...
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Dawson,G said...
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cameron s said...

they all have water.they have ground. there smooth.they have rain

Aaran H. said...

They are all water. They can erode stuff and make stuff rusty. They can also wear stuff down.

Maddy C. said...

Surface water, ground water, and ocean shoreline are connected because they all have to do with water, and weather. They are related to the erosional forces and two types of weathering because they all change Earths surface by crushing large rocks into smaller rocks.

Anonymous said...
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Riley O said...

Surface water, ground water, and ocean shoreline are connected because they all have to do with water, and weather. They are related to the erosional forces and two types of weathering because they all change Earths surface by crushing large rocks into smaller rocks.

Tmmy light said...

it is water they erode and ruin stuff and then dull everything else down

Garrett H said...
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Dawson,G said...

Surface water, ground water, and ocean shoreline are connected because they all have to do with water, and weather. They are related to the erosional forces and two types of weathering because they all change Earths surface by crushing large rocks into smaller rocks. roghts of this passgaed maddy cropley

Shane.D said...

Surface water is naturally replenished by precipitation and naturally lost through discharge to evaporation and sub-surface seepage into the ground. Although there are other sources of groundwater, such as water and magmatic water, precipitation is the major one and groundwater originated in this way is called meteoric water.

cameron s said...

they can erode stuff.they can rust stuff and change stuff

David H said...

ocean shoreline ground water all have to do with water flowing in something and they are related by weathering because it has to do with mechanical weathering. they all can be eroded by gravity. surface water collects on the surface. good water is water that sinks in the ground. ocean shoreline is where the beach intersects with the water

Christian T said...

good job maddy c.

Garrett H said...

they all have to do with water and weather and they all change the earths surface. they change the earth surface by crushing rocks until they become smaller rocks.

Zach S. said...

IT all has to do with water and erosion .

Christian T said...

good job maddy

chanced said...
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Anonymous said...
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katelin k said...

they all have something to do with water.

caleb c said...

They all relate to water and erosion. It also has to do weather. They change the surface of the earth b y crushing rocks.

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

all of these are mechanical weathering these three are all products of erosion

SMITTY (EVAN) said...
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Max H said...

surface water are all the same... because surface water is water on the surface. ground water is under ground and gives most people their water.
and the ocean shorline is water with sand on it. they are all connected because they all have to do with water. the three erosianal forces are wind, glaciers, and gravity. they have to do with all those water stuff because they each have an effect in them. wind has an effect on the shoreline.. it blows the sand from under the water and on to te land. the glaciers effect the the surface water because it freezes it and makes it cold. the gravity effect ground water because it pulls it down the crevices in the ground underneath the surface of the earth.

zack c said...

they are all the same because they all have to do with water.yes i see how their connected to all of the erosional forces and how . they are connected to the two types of weathering.

catie riley said...

they are all related to water and the earth and they all have to do with weather and how they all affect the earth is by crushing rock into like eather smaller rocks and or dust or dirt which is a way some sand on beaches is formed by all the weathering just wares down on the rocks and make beach sand.

Emily B. said...

Surface water, ground water, and ocean shoreline all involve water. Water is a type of erosion. Water is mechanical weathering. These Can be eroded by gravity. The water causing the rocks and sand to scrape and crash into each other becoming more fine.

MorganD said...

They are all connected because they all have to do with water. The are connected to erosional forces because Earth changes rocks into smaller rocks. It also connects because wind has a effect on the shore line, it blows the sand. glaciers effect it because they can freeze things. Gravity pulls down the ground underneath the earth.

Anonymous said...

Surface water, ground water, and ocean shoreline are the three main topics for chapter four.Please write a post that tells how these three concepts are connected.Also do you see how they are related to the three erosional forces we studied in chapter three and the two types of weathering.They all have to do with water,erosion,and wind.The types of erosion are chemical and mechanical.We learned about glaciers wells ect.

Cassidy m said...

they are related to water. Also they are products of erosion.They are connected to the two types of weathering. Also they change the surface by crushing rocks

EmilyB said...

They are all connected because all three of them have to do with water. Those three are connected to erosion because the water can erode the rocks and land overtime. It is also connected because wind can have an effect on our shoreline. It can make the waves either bigger or smaller. The wind can also blow the sand from underwater onto the beach.

Katie L. said...

Surface water, Ground water and ocean shoreline are connected because they all have to do with water. also they can all be eroded by gravity. Ground water is water located beneath the earth's surface in soil pore spaces and cracks in rocks. Surface water is water collecting on the ground in a stream, river, lake, or ocean. Ocean shoreline is the line where shore and water meet. Glaciers can erode shorelines. Glaciers can also erode ground water when it melts because it will fill the aquifer. Glaciers can erode Surface water because it will cause runoffs. Ocean shorelines can be affected by wind because it will affect the tidal waves. the gravity of the moon causes the tides.

Carly M. said...

Surface water, ground water, and ocean shorelines are all connected by them all being about water and erosion. These three concepts are connected to the three erosional forces in chapter 3 by them all being forms of erosion. The three concepts we have been talking about are connected to the two forms of weathering by them both being able to break down rocks.

Jada M. said...

They are all connected because all three of them have to do with water. Those three are connected to erosion because the water can erode the rocks and land overtime. It is also connected because wind can have an effect on our shoreline. It can make the waves either bigger or smaller. The wind can also blow the sand from underwater onto the beach.

ALice M. said...

Surface water, ground water, and ocean shorelines are all connected because they're all related to water, and the weather. They are related to the three erosional forces and the two types of weathering, because surface water, ground water, and shorelines all change the surface of the earth. They crush rocks into smaller and smaller rocks, until it becomes sand. That is mechanical weathering. Gravity also affects these three things, because gravity affects runoff, the gravity of the moon affects the shoreline because of the tides. Wind can erode shorelines by causing the sand to move.Glaciers can affect shorelines, as well as groundwater and surface water because when it melts, it sinks into the ground, the melting can also go into rivers, and it can erode the shoreline. chemical weathering can create caves when it gets into the ground water. It can also erode rocks on the shoreline, and the rocks on the side of a river

Jasmine B said...

Surface water, groundwater, and ocean water are connected because they all have something to do with water, and they can be eroding forces, in other words water erosion.They all affect the earths surface, like the ground water is below the earths surface, it holds up the ground. The surface water affects the surface of the ground, staying on the top.The ocean water does more erosing than anything really, its controlled by the moon, and depending on if its high tide or not will effect how much the water erodes the surface.

emily b said...

hey mr.ruby

Connor.R said...

gravity moon gravity pull

Cj W. said...

Surface water, ground water, and ocean shoreline are connected because they all have to do with water, and weather. They are related to the erosional forces and two types of weathering because they all change Earths surface by crushing large rocks into smaller rocks.

AndrewE said...

Surface water, ground water and the ocean are all connected because they are all water. They are also affected by the moon. There are tides and gravity keeps the water on the ground. That is how surface water, ground water, adn the ocean.

joe w said...

gravity water and wind chemical and mechanical weathering

Zachk said...

Groundwater, surface water. and ocean water are related because they are all water. They can also all be erosional forces. They all effect Earth surface. Surface water effects the surface of the ground.

Kevin S said...

these topics r all eroison. i.did.five.senteces.

Parker D. said...

Surface water, groundwater, and ocean water are connected because they are all water, and they all act as a force of erosion.

Owen R !! said...

Surface ground and ocean water all have to do with water. With ocean water tides are affected by the moon. They are also related to erosion.

Shane k said...

They are all water. They can erode things and make metal rusty. They can also wear rock and solid objects down down. Both are affected by gravity.

Kaylee C. said...

Gravity is something the surface water, ground water, and ocean shoreline. Erosion is something else the surface water, ground water, and ocean shoreline have in common. Surface water is water that is on the surface. Ground water is water that is in the ground. And ocean shoreline is water that is in the ocean that is on the edge of the beach.

Nathan C. said...

Surface Water is related to Ground water and ocean shoreline and they are connected to Surface Water because first;
They are both water,
and Second and they can support to erosion.

Cameron.T said...

There all a form of water, yea shu bub i got it right.

Shane k said...


Journey B. said...

Surface water is the water that you find on the surface, like ponds, lakes, and oceans. Surface water is any water on the surface. Ground water is the water you find underground, and you can pick it up by using a well. It is the main source of drinking water for many people. The water table is the level of groundwater below us. The ocean shoreline has waves that go towards the shore. The waves are controlled by the moon, which is like gravity. Gravity also effects surface water. The bigger the slope, the faster the water moves down. A river is moving surface water, that runs into the ocean. Wind has an effect on the ocean shore line. The wind moves the sand on the shoreline. Rocks can be brought in by the ocean, and then can ware down to create more sand. Ground water creates caves.

Maddy P. said...

Surface water, groundwater, and ocean water are connected because they all have something to do with water, and they can be water erosion. They all affect the Earth's surface , like the ground water is below Earth's surface, it holds up the ground. The surface water affects the surface of the ground, staying on top. The ocean water does more eroding than anything, it is controlled by the moon, and depending on if its high tide or low tide, it will not affect how much the water erodes the surface.

Lauren S. said...

They are all connected because they all have something to do with gravity .They all deal with water. When a Glacier melts it turns into water. The wind can make more waves which would erode the shore line. The gravity of the moon effects the tides. Groundwater makes caves caused by chemical weathering.

ConnorB said...

Shore line, ground water, and surface water are all connected. They are all involved with water and water erosion. They are also connected gravity, wind, and glaciers. Surface water has runoff, and runoff is affected by gravity. Wind affects shore line, the wind makes larger waves that cause more erosion. Also glaciers ad to ground water.

BruceB said...

Surface water, ground water, and ocean shorelines are all connected by them all being about water and erosion. These three concepts are connected to the three erosional forces in chapter 3 by them all being forms of erosion. The three concepts we have been talking about are connected to the two forms of weathering by them both being able to break down rocks.

adam p said...

Surface water, ground water, and ocean shoreline are connected because they all have to do with water, and weather. They are related to the erosional forces and two types of weathering because they all change Earths surface by crushing large rocks into smaller rocks.

adam p said...

never mind

JENN W said...

they all go to the ocean and surface and ground water can be drink from just not the ocean

adam p said...

Surface water, Ground water and ocean shoreline are connected because they all have to do with water. also they can all be eroded by gravity. Ground water is water located beneath the earth's surface in soil pore spaces and cracks in rocks. Surface water is water collecting on the ground in a stream, river, lake, or ocean. Ocean shoreline is the line where shore and water meet. Glaciers can erode shorelines. Glaciers can also erode ground water when it melts because it will fill the aquifer. Glaciers can erode Surface water because it will cause runoffs. Ocean shorelines can be affected by wind because it will affect the tidal waves. the gravity of the moon causes the tides.

Jacob g, morgan s, david v said...

Surface water, ground water, and ocean shoreline are connected because they all have to do with water, and weather. They are related to the erosional forces and two types of weathering because they all change Earths surface by crushing large rocks into smaller rocks.ocean shoreline ground water all have to do with water flowing in something and they are related by weathering because it has to do with mechanical weathering. they all can be eroded by gravity. surface water collects on the surface. good water is water that sinks in the ground. ocean shoreline is where the beach intersects with the water.

Morgan S and Jacob G said...

whoops just jacob and morgan

jenn w said...

david did not do this

Whitney R said...

These concepts are connected by having water that is part of all of these. They are also connected by all being in the same area if they were all put together. They are also connected Because they are all part of the same erosional force. They are also connected because they all happen near water. They are also connected by they are all part of weathering!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yes he did

jenn w said...

never mind

JENN W said...

ocean shoreline ground water all have to do with water flowing in something and they are related by weathering because it has to do with mechanical weathering. they all can be eroded by gravity. surface water collects on the surface. good water is water that sinks in the ground. ocean shoreline is where the beach intersects with the water.

Sheila A said...

Shore lines, groundwater, and surface water are all connected because they are all involved with water, water erosion, and gravity.The moon controls the tides which is basically gravity.Then the wind would push the wave closer and closer to the shore and eventually crashes on the shore and can cause erosion.

Anonymous said...

prove it

Anonymous said...

he is right next to me jenn wakem

Jenny C said...

Shore line,ground water,and ocean shoreline are all connected,because they are have to do with gravity.They are also connected by gravity,and glaciers.Wind effects the shoreline because the wind make the wave bigger.Gravity also connects them by surface water can have runoff and runoff is affected by gravity.the groundwater is also effected by gravity because it makes it soak into the ground.

Mia W said...

Shore line, groundwater, and surface water are all connected in a few ways. They are connected because they all involve water, gravity, wind, and glaciers. Surface water includes gravity because of runoff. And runoff includes water and gravity. The shoreline is effected by wind and water. Wind because that is what creates the waves. And water because that is what forms the waves. Glaciers because glaciers melt and make more water and it goes into the ground. Also there is water which creates groundwater.

brandon g said...


DARREN P. said...

they all have water and water erosion involved. they have gravity,wind,glaciers. runoff happens to surface water and that's affected by gravity.And wind makes waves and glaciers add ground water.

JENN W said...

yes i know and he is right next to me he is wrighting one right now

Zoe D said...

Surface water is any water on the surface of the Earth. Gravity also affects Surface Water. Ground Water is underground and you can get to it using a well. It is the main water source for most people. The Ocean shoreline are waves that go to the shore. They (the waves) are controlled by the moon which is kind of like gravity. Surface water, Ground water, and Ocean Shoreline are all connected by the way they are all involved or related to water.

Mara C. said...

Surface water, ground water, and the ocean shoreline are connected because all three of the things involve water.They are also related to three erosional forces that are weathering erosion, mechanical weathering, chemical weathering,because it has to do with rocks hitting smaller rocks.

Skyler D. said...

So surface water, ground water and the ocean shoreline are all connected because they all have to do with water erosion and climate. They are connected different erosional forces. These erosional forces all do one thing to the surface of the earth, which is that they all wear down and erode mountains rock surfaces and different surfaces of the earth.

JENN W said...

he is done he did with them

david vincent said...

I think they're all part of a cycle and go in a certain order like,surface water,ocean shoreline,then groundwater,b/c surface water is like an oceans shoreline and the water will then soak into the ground and form groundwater.

JENN W said...

you are playgerisom that is a bad thing that almost i don't know how many years that is i will look it up at home