Thursday, November 15, 2012

seasons and sunlight

What causes the seasons that we have?
Study the diagram and what the video and write a well thought out post about seasons.
You must write a response in your own words.


Timmy Light said...

what causes it is the sun and the earths climate that is what happens .

Garrett H said...

When the earth rotates around the sun is either makes the weather warmer or colder. It also makes the days longer or shorter.

Dawson,G said...

when the northern hemisphere is closetes to the sun it causes summer and oppsite for winter

James D said...

The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted. The Earth revolves around the sun, making a complete revolution in one year. During the summer in the northern hemisphere, the Earth is tilted such that the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun. The sun's rays hit the Earth more directly, causing warmer temperatures. During the winter, the Earth is on the other side of the sun, and the northern hemisphere gets less direct sunlight, causing cooler temperatures. For this reason, the seasons in the southern hemisphere are reversed. Another interesting fact is that the Earth is actually farther away from the sun during summer than winter. The angle the sun's rays makes with the Earth, however, impact the temperature more. from anwsers

Maddy C. said...

Earths seasons are caused by the tilt on it's axis. The sun doesn't directly hit all of Earths surface at the same time. When it's spring in the north, it's fall in the south.

Riley O said...

seasons change when the earth tilts

Aaran H. said...

When the earth rotates around the sun is either makes the weather warmer or colder. It also makes the days longer or shorter. From Garret

Dominique G. and Bryn W. said...

Earth's seasons are caused by the tilt of Earth's axis and the rotation of Earth.

James D said...

When the earth rotates around the sun is either makes the weather warmer or colder. It also makes the days longer or shorter. from garrett

Lauryn Silva said...

Earth's seasons are made because of the 23.5% tilt of the Earth on its axis. Also, from looking at the diagram the sun can not hit all of the Earths surface so that means when it is winter here it is the opposite on the southern hemisphere.

Lauryn Silva said...

Whatever season it is in the Northern hemisphere it is the opposite in the southern hemisphere.

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

which way the earth tilts decides the seasons

Max H said...

the earths tilt on its axis.. 23.5 degrees causes the seasons

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

on it's axis

AlexisD said...

The spot the where the sun is around the sun the earth. that's what causes the different.Also the moon is involved,but i don't really know why.

catie riley said...

i thin that the seasons happen because of the earth axis when it tilts at a 23.5 degrees angle to make and change the seasons.

Cassidy m said...

Earth's seasons are caused by the rotation of earth and the tilt of the earths axis!

ALice M. said...

The seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth's axis, the earth's axis is tilted at an 23.5 angle.

Carly M. said...

The thing that causes the season's is the Earth's axis. it's tilt is 23.5 degrees.

Anonymous said...

Earths seasons are caused by the rotation of earth and the tilt of the earths axis

Katie L. said...

Earth's seasons exist because of the 23.5 degree tilt on it's axis. If it is winter in the northern hemisphere then it's summer in the southern hemisphere.

AlexisD said...

I also forgot to put in that the way the earth's axis is tilt.

zack c said...

the earths axis is the one that makes the seasons different.

Anonymous said...

they are caused by the rotation and tilt of the earth

Anonymous said...

The Earths axis make the seasons change.....

ALice M. said...

And when the earth spins around the sun, the seasons change with it, and because of two hemispheres, the seasons in the Northern hemisphere and the Southern hemisphere are always different.

MorganD said...

Earth's seasons are made because of the 23.5% tilt of the Earth on its axis. from looking at the picture the sun can't hit all of the Earths surface so that means when it is winter here it is the opposite on the southern hemisphere.

Max H said...

the sun relfects in the hemispher and during the winter the sun id on the southern one so its cold and when earth rotates it becomes hot because the northern is now on the sothern

Jasmine B said...

what causes the earths seasons is its tilt on the axis. the more of the sun's energy that hits the earth, the more heat we get, so it would be getting warmer and be around summer time. the less of the sun's energy we get, the colder it gets, so it would be something like winter.

Katie L. said...

if its summer the axis tilts towards the sun if its winter its axis tilts towrds the moon

EmilyB said...

Earths seasons are caused by the 23.5% tilt on it's axis. The sun doesn't directly hit all of Earths surface at the same time. When it's spring in the north, it's fall in the south.

AlexisD said...

The earth rotates around the sun, and the way it's tilted, the sun can only hit the Southern hemisphere, And when the earth is opposite from where it was.Then it will hit the northern hemisphere.

Anonymous said...

and the moon makes the waves move.

Anonymous said...

did I do a good job Mr. Ruby.

Carly M. said...

The Earth's axis is involved because when more of the northern hemisphere is pointed toward the sun, it's summer and when only a little bit of the northern hemisphere is facing the sun, it's winter.

Cj W. said...

Earth's seasons are caused by the rotation of earth and the tilt of the earths axis

Kevin S said...

rotation and the tilt of the earth

Unknown said...

They way our seasons change is by our tilt on the axis. :)

Zachk said...

The seasons change because of the Earth's tilt on i ts axis. When the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, it is summer, and vice versa.

joe w said...

rotation and tilt of the earth

Kaylee C. said...

Earths seasons occur because of the tilt of the earths axis. The half of the earth that is tilted away from the sun it will be cold there. The half of the earth that is tilted towards the sun will be hot.

Shane k said...

The tilt and rotation of the earth

Matt C said...

the earth revolves around the sun, tilted. the sun only hits the southeren hemoosfeer, and when it revolves its from the opposite side then the sun hits that side]

Nathan C. said...

Earths tilt (23 1/2 degrees)

Owen R !! said...

Our seasons change because of the earth's axis.

Anonymous said...


Alissa H said...

Because of the tilt and rotation

Journey B. said...

The Earth's seasons change because of it's axis' angle. Earth is at a 23 degree angle, so that means the suns rays hit it at different parts. Certain parts of the sun hit the sun at different angles at each part of the year. In our spring, it is autumn in the southern equator. In our winter, it is summer there.

ConnorB said...

The earths seasons is caused by the tilt of the earth on its axis. The Diagram shows what part of the earth is facing the sun and at what point in the year it happens. The northern hemisphere has spring at a different time then the southern hemisphere does, same as fall, winter, and summer.

AndrewE said...

The earth's seasons are caused by the rotation of the Earth and the tilt of the Earth. The Earth rotates around the sun, so sometimes the Northern hemisphere gets more sunlight(Summer), and at other times of the year the Northern Hemisphere gets less sun light(Winter).

Lauren S. said...

What causes the seasons is the way that the earth tilts.....

Maddy P. said...

The Earth's seasons change because at the angle that our axis is on, changes the amount of sunlight we get. For example, in the summer, we are angled towards the sun more than we are in the winter. In the winter, we are more tilted away than we are in the summer. That results in having us have snow and having bitter cold weather.

Parker D. said...

The seasons change because of the tilt of the Earth's axis. The part of the Earth that is pointed toward the sun has warm weather, and the part of the Earth that is pointed away from the sun has cold weather.

Gia L said...

The seasons change because the earth tilts on its axis. The tilt makes it so the sun hits certain parts more than others. That is also why it's the opposite season in the southern hemisphere than it is in the northern hemisphere.

Emily H said...

The spot the where the sun is around the sun the earth. that's what causes the different.Also the moon is involved,but i don't really know why.

Hayley G said...

Because of the earths tilt and rotation

Zoe D said...

What causes the seasons we have is us moving around the Sun in a circle as we spin around, so the climate and the Earth's tilt and the Hemispheres are some reasons the seasons are caused.
The seasons changes are caused by the tilt of Earth's axis and where the Sun hits going on by the months and it changes for the Southern Hemisphere and the Northern Hemisphere but they are different throughout the months, too.

Whitney R said...

The tilt of the Earth is what causes the seasons. There are 4 seasons, Summer Winter Fall and Spring.

adam p said...

Earth's seasons are made because of the 23.5% tilt of the Earth on its axis. Also, from looking at the diagram the sun can not hit all of the Earths surface so that means when it is winter here it is the opposite on the southern hemisphere.

Mara C. said...

There are seasons because of the earths tilt.Because the earth is tilted and it rotates around the sun.Depending on were the earth is it makes the seasons.

Jenny C said...

The Earths season change because of the Earths tilt of the Earths axis.

Sheila A said...

The seasons that we have are caused by the Earth's tilt and the way the sun hits the Earth. The tilt of the earth also makes the southern/northern hemisphere have the opposite season that the other hemisphere is currently having.

chanced said...

When the earth rotates around the sun is either makes the weather warmer or colder. It also makes the days longer or shorter. From Garret

JENN W said...


Kelsey S. :P said...

The tilt of the world causes the seasons!

DARREN P. said...

the earth tilts 23.5' and the tilt changes when the north and south.

Jacob g, morgan s, david v said...

The tilt of the earth causes the seasons. Also the rotation causes them.

david vincent said...

THE earths tilt and its revolution affect the earths seasons.

BruceB said...

the spot where the sun is around the earth.

Aidan R said...

The seasons change because of the Earth's tilt on i ts axis. When the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, it is summer, and vice versa.

Mia W said...

What causes the seasons ( Like winter, fall, spring, and summer) Is that the Earth is moving around the Sun , so the climate and the Earths tilt and the hemisphere are some reasons that the seasons are caused.

The season changes because of the tilt of the Earths axis' and where the sun hits the the axis going on by the months and it changes for the south ( Southern Hemishpere) and the north ( Northern Hemisphere) but they are different throughout the months, too.

Skyler D. said...

The rotation of the earth and which direction it is tilted is the reason for our different climate changes. I learned this last year in Mrs.Eirings class we did a presintation on the earths rotation, we did a keynote and a voice recording of a paragraph out of our science book.