Friday, November 16, 2012

Rocks Rocks Rocks

We know that rocks erode and weather becoming smaller and smaller. 

What do you know about any specific types of rocks? 


Garrett H said...

I don't know anything about rocks other than they are hard.

cameron s said...

granit is hard sand stonre falls apart.

Aaran H. said...

I think rocks are hard and theirs different colored rock.

James D said...

I don't know

Dominique G. and Bryn W. said...

We know about a ton of rocks. Quartz, limestone, gravel, granite, salt, diamonds. There are a bunch of rocks in the world.

Maddy C. said...

A type of permeable rock is limestone. Permeability depends on grain size of the rock. A type of impermeable rock is granite.

Zach S. said...

rock's turn's into sand and they can be really big or really small and hard.

Riley O said...

no i dont rocks are not interesting ummmm they are colorful

Connor.R said...

they can be green

AlexisP said...

What I know about rocks is that there is a lot of different colors. And also that there are lots of different shapes.

Jordan M said...

I know there is all kinds of rocks like granite and quartz.

Christian T said...

some rock like limestone can disalve by asid but some rock can't disalve as esly. an they can be diferint colors.

Lauryn Silva said...

What I know about rocks is that they are hard. Also, rocks can be eroded and the can be part of abrasion. Rocks are many different colors and have different hardness.By their color, hardness, and features you can find out what type of rock it is.

Cassidy m said...

What i know about rocks is that there are tons and tons of different types and different colors. My brother used to collect really cool rocks like granite and quartz and other stuff im not sure what they are called.

Anonymous said...

sand stone is soft

Max H said...

i know that there is alot of rocks and that granite is impermeable!!!

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

limestone an sand stone

Jasmine B said...

i know different names of rocks..............but only like 15 of them....

MorganD said...

I know that rocks are different colors and different types of rocks. I know about granite, quartz and a ton of other Types.

caleb c said...

i know there r tons of rocks and most are semi hard to break

EmilyB said...

What I know about rocks is that there is a lot of different colors. And also that there are lots of different shapes.

AlexisD said...

I know that some can dissolve faster than others. I think some rocks are called Sediment. I know there are other names for the types of the rocks, but i can't really remember.Also some rocks can be pressed together as compacted dirt and other rocks.

Emily B. said...

I know what a geode is and what quarts looks like. That's all i know

ALice M. said...

Umm.... I know that rocks like granite are impermeable. And others such as limestone are permeable.

katelin k said...

i dont know anything really

Aasyhia said...

limestone is a sedimentary stone that is very comman in mediterranean and europe

Carly M. said...

Some specific kinds of rocks I know about are quarts, rose quarts, granite, sandstone, pumice, obsidian, limestone, marble, basalt, gypsum, and slate.

catie riley said...

i know that rocks are kinda like sand if you crunch them they shribble and turn into dust

Jada M. said...


Nathan C. said...

They are very tough!!

Alissa H said...

Some rocks are harder than others......I think.....

joe w said...

there are many different types of rocks

Cj W. said...

they sink and they are hard they can be colorful there are different colors i might have more soon

Kevin S said...

im not a rockoligists so i have no idea what rocks r like

AndrewE said...

Some rocks are very valuable. The hardest rock is diamond. There are many different types of rocks.

Kaylee C. said...

I don't know anything about rocks, but I do know that if you throw one at someone and it hits them in the face it can leave a scar.

Shane k said...

Rocks are weirdly Shaped. Rocks are rocks. Blah. Blah. Blah Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. OWNED I DID 10!!!

Gia L said...

All I know is rocks are hard and different shapes.

Owen R !! said...

I know that rocks were formed millions of years ago and get old and hard.

Matt C said...

limestone is a dissolveitive rock and granoite lasts longer.

ConnorB said...

Some rocks are herder than other rocks, like are really super hard, and limestone is a softer rock, and all rocks are different colors, some are brown and some are blue.

Cameron.T said...

I know that rocks are made from different materials.

Zachk said...

Certain rocks are wicked valuable. The hardest rock is called diamond. There are many different types of rocks like granite, slate, limestone, and quartz.

Logan C. said...

Diamonds are Extreamly vaulable! Same thing with gold!!!

Journey B. said...

I know a couple types of rocks: quarts, granite, sandstone, obsidian, bedrock, marble, slate, and hardened magma rocks. There are three different types of rocks, like, some are liquid or solid. Some rocks can be broken up easily, but some are tough to crack. They can be impermeable or permeable. Rocks can be found anywhere, like on mountains, rivers, beaches, parks, and even in your own backyard. Rocks can be broken all the way down to dust or sand, and can be carried in flowing water. They can be different sizes and shapes, and different colors.

katalinaD said...

What I know about rocks it that they are hard and they come in many different colors and shapes. And specific types of rocks are The three rock groups are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Also some simple ones are limestone,Chert,Shale,ruby,sandstone,marble,basalt,slate,arkose,conglomerate.

Jenny C said...

I know that rocks can be any shape or color.

Aidan R said...

I know that some rocks are worth a lot of money. And diamond is the most expensive rock.

Zoe D said...

I know the names of some types of rocks like limestone, granite, quarts, and obsidian.

DARREN P. said...

I don't know every much about rocks and all but some names like limestone.

Sheila A said...

There are some rocks I know that are igneous,sedimentary, metamorphic, quarts, granite, obsidian,marble,slate,etc. All these rocks can come in many different shapes, colors, and sizes.

hayley g said...

I know that rocks are found outside. and there hard

JENN W said...

rocks can form in any shape or color like one rock is a limestone rock it is not smooth they are very bumpy and they are yellow

BruceB said...

they are hard i dont know any types some rocks are outside.

Mara C. said...

I know that some rocks can be used as counter tops. There is a rock that you can draw with.

chanced said...

What I know about rocks is that there is a lot of different colors. And also that there are lots of different shapes

Skyler D. said...

I know that when limestone is introduced to water it bubbles up and foams. Also when u mix baking soda is mixed with vineger. Some rocks are worth a tone of money and others are worth about just as much as dirt. Also that rocks can be A BUNCH of different colors.

Whitney R said...

I know of limestone and quarts and granite. I don't really know much about them because I am not a rock scientist. HEHE!!!

david vincent said...

Some rocks are rocks that probably is a bunch of sediment stuck together,
and some of them are very easy to know rocks.

Damian P said...

metamorphic rocks are made from other types of rocks like limestone. gold is worth a lot of money. Rocks come in many different colors and shapes.

Morgan S and Jacob G said...

they have different textures and different colors. Some rocks are rocks that probably is a bunch of sediment stuck together,and some of them are very easy to know rocks.

Mia W said...

What I know about a type of rock is that they come in different shapes, colors, sizes, and textures. Like for example: Quartz rocks are a whole bunch of rocks mixed together and have different colors all through them. They can also come in different sizes, shapes, and textures. Some quartz are smooth and others are ridged and pokey. Others are shiny or they are dark and white/black. Some other rocks that I know are Limestone, Chert, Shale, RUBY, Sandstone, Marble, Basalt, Slate, Arkose, and Conglomerate.

adam p said...

A type of permeable rock is limestone. Permeability depends on grain size of the rock. A type of impermeable rock is granite.