Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cells and Video Responses

Watch the Videos and post vocabulary words you heard used in the videos and at least two facts from each video.


Timmy Light said...

cells monitor you so if you have any cuts or bruises it will try to fight it.
first video

cells divide in to two parts and replace with new cells

cells are the microscopic building blocks of the body. second video

muscle cells are elongated in to fibers

Riley O said...

movie 1
prokaryotic cell, nucleus
1 every thing that lives is made of cells
2 cells can sense wounds

movie 2
1 liver cells are hexagonal
2 intestins have cylinder cell

Garrett H said...

Video !
Facts: heart is made of cells. skin is made up of cells.
Vocab words: cell membrane, and nucleus.

Video 2
Facts: Nerve cells are the smallest cells in the human body. the nucleus controls the cell.
Vocab words: nucleus, enzymes, cytoplasm, and cell wall,

Aaran H. said...

Video 1
Fact one: Cells are in your hart.
Fact 2: cells can sense wounds.
Vocab: cell membrane, nucleus,
Video 2
Fact 1: Liver cells are expegona
Fact 2: The nucleous is in the nucleus
Vocab: nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, cytoplasm,

James D said...

ucareotic cell
cell membrane
sito plasum
mito condrea

the cell membrane helps the cell work
the cell takes in rough materials
the cells multiply
everything that's alive has cells
if there is a wound cells help close it
the nucleus controls the cells

Jordan M said...

Facts: Cells come in all sorts of size and shape, cells are so small you need a microscope, the heart is made of muscle cells, everything that lives is made of cells, cells die and get replaced with new ones,

Vocab: Ucareiatic cell, cell membrane, nucleus, DNA, function, cromizones, protein,

Bryn W. said...

Eukaryotic Cell
Cell Membrane
Muscle Cells
Liver Cells
Cell Environment
Cent Rials

Everything that lives is made of cells.
Heart cells twitch separately but beat as one.
Cells can sense wounds.
Mitosis causes our cells to reproduce.
Liver cells are hexagonal.

Maddy C. said...

Vocabulary: ukaryotic cell, cell membrane, nucleus, DNA, transport network, nucleolus, cytoplasim, mitochondria, ribosomes,
Most cells in our bodies are younger than we are. Everything that lives is made of cells.
Liver cells are hexagonal.

Shane.D said...

break it down they all take water and food everything that as cells live

liver cells are calender shaped
the human cell is like factory it moves so much

ucareotic cell
cell membrane
sito plasum
mito condrea

Dawson,G said...

prokaryotic cell, nucleus,mononucleosis,
1 every thing that lives is made of cells
2 cells can sense wounds
cytoplasm , ectoplasm,
1 liver cells are hexagonal
2 intestines have cylinder cell

Aaran H. said...

Video 1
Fact 1: Cells are in your heart.
Fact 2: cells can sense wounds.
Vocab: cell membrane, nucleus
Video 2
Fact 1: Liver cells are expegona.
Fact 2: The nucleous is in the nucleus.
Vocab: nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, cytoplasm

Zach S. said...

Video 1 :fact 1 In [ekariotic] cells there are many reaction's in side the cell brakes down raw material in order to grow.fact 2 [Mitosis] is the process in which the cell's reproduce, fact3[nucleus] is like the brain of the cell. Video 2: fact 1 The smallest cells in your[ body are nerve cell's ,fact 2 the nucleus has a lot of D.N.A]. fact 3 [Mitochondria] is a fluid within the cell.

James D said...

good job :)

Dominique G. said...

Eukaryotic Cell
Cell Membrane
Liver cells
Cell Environment
Cent Rials

The heart cells twitch but they beat as one.
We are made of cells.
Some cells are younger then us.
Mitosis is when the cell reproduce.
Liver cells are hexgonal

Lauryn Silva said...

Video 1
1.)Every living thing is made of cells.
2.)The nucleus acts as a brain of the cell.
3.) Most cells in your body are younger than you are.
Video 2
1.)The liver's cells are hexagonal.
2.)The cells lining the intestines are in columns.

Eukaryotic cell
Cell membrane

AlexisP said...

Video 1 : Everything alive is made up of cells.
-The whole human body is made of cells.

video 2 : Each organ has many cells around , That's what there made off . Most cells are younger than you are .

Vocabulary words : Cell membrane , Liver cells ,

Connor.R said...

1.every thing that lives has cells
2.cells can sence the part of the body that hearts

Mia F. said...

Video 1:
Vocabulary words that I heard: Eukeryotic cell, cell membrane, nucleus,

1.)Everything that lives is made of cells.
2.) Cells can tell if you have something wrong with your body.
3.) The entire human body is made of cells.

Video 2:
Vocabulary words that I heard: Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Mitochondria,

1.) A large cell is about 5 one thousandths on an inch.
2.) Nerve cells are some of the smallest cells in your body.

Christian T said...

v.1 membrane ,Eukeuka cell , everything that lives is made of cell. nucleus , the nucleus is the brain of the cell.

v.2 cytoplasma eurkarotic

David H said...

cells are in every living thing for example a human has cells plants has cells and animals has cells.

Aja A. said...

Video 1 : Everything alive is made up of cells.
-The whole human body is made of cells.

video 2 : Each organ has many cells. Most cells are younger than you are .

jesse.g said...

Video 1 :fact 1 In [ekariotic] cells there are many reaction's in side the cell brakes down raw material in order to grow.fact 2 [Mitosis] is the process in which the cell's reproduce, fact3[nucleus] is like the brain of the cell. Video 2: fact 1 The smallest cells in your[ body are nerve cell's ,fact 2 the nucleus has a lot of D.N.A]. fact 3 [Mitochondria] is a fluid within the cell.

nate.b said...

Cells are always in something living.

calebc said...

Video 1 :fact 1 In [ekariotic] cells there are many reaction's in side the cell brakes down raw material in order to grow.fact 2 [Mitosis] is the process in which the cell's reproduce, fact3[nucleus] is like the brain of the cell. Video 2: fact 1 The smallest cells in your[ body are nerve cell's ,fact 2 the nucleus has a lot of D.N.A]. fact 3 [Mitochondria] is a fluid within the cell.

nate.b said...

1.they work together
2.cells die
3.younger than us
4.mussle cells are in heart

Cassidy m said...

Video 1: Anything that is living is made up of cells. The heart is made out of muscle cells.

Video 2: Every organ has many cells. Nerve cells are some of the smallest cells in your body.

Max H said...

vocabulary words- cells,eukaryotik cell, nucleus, dna, membrane,muscle cells,cell support.

2 facts- the nucleus controls the cell. The nucleulos holds the nucleus.

MorganD said...

Video 1 : Everything is made up of cells as long as its living. The heart is made up of muscle cells. One cell divides into 2. Most cells are younger than you are.

Video 2 : The largest cell is the size of a pin point. Ribosomes are where proteins are made.

Aasyhia said...

video1-our entire body is made of cells like our brain and bones.Nucleus holds its DNA.
video2-liver cells are hexogonal shaped .The membrane is like soft pliable skin.

Anonymous said...

Video 1
1.)Every living thing is made of cells.
2.)The nucleus acts as a brain of the cell.
3.) Most cells in your body are younger than you are.
4.)muscle cells mitoses
video 2
1.)rna cytoplasm endoplasm ensimes miticondrea centreals golgie chemical waste

catie riley said...

fact one:your heart is made of cells so is your skin blood your whole body is made of cells.

interesting words:
embriotic development

fact two:cells that line the intestines are in colum for and lung cells are elongated

interesting words:

Jasmine B said...

cells make up everything in your body.
~they come in all shapes and sizes, it also holds DNA.
~Materials, nutrients, and waste, move in and out of a cell.
~your heart is made of muscle cells.
~nucleus controls the cell.
~membrane is a soft structure.

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

cell neculus membrain ekarioic cromizone neculosis rna dna stoplasem riticulum

cells make a heart beat cells die

Katie L. said...

- everything that lives is made of cells
-The entire body is made of cells
-you have to have cells to be able to think
-you need a microscope to see cells
-the nucleus tells the brain what to do
-cells are tiny
-The nucleus is like the boss

Jada M. said...

video 1:the entire body is made of cells even the bones and the brain the cells membrane protects the cells,one cell divides into 2

video 2: each cell is a cell contain living unit,they take on a variety of cell,the cell is the size of a in point the cells membrane is a soft membrane they move a part,

Unknown said...

Eukaryotic cell
Cell membrane

Carly M. said...

Video 1
1.) Everything living has cells.
2.) Cells can sense wounds.
3.) Most of our cells are younger than we are.
eukaryotic cells
Video 2
1.) Cells are the microscopic building blocks of the body
2.) The nucleus holds the DNA.

Cassidy m said...

Oh and Vocabulary words that I heard in video 1: Eukeryotic cell, cell membrane, nucleus

Vocabulary words that I heard in video 2: Cytoplasm, Mitochondria,

Emily B. said...

video 1 facts the entire body is made of cells, cells are so small we need a microscope to see them
cell membrane
video 2 nucleus cytoplasm facts cells carry protein and contain r.n.a.

EmilyB said...

Video 1: Everything that is alive is made of cells
-your entire body is made of cells! Even your Bones!
-Most cells are younger than you are!
Video 2:
-Nucleus controls the cell
-The Nucleus has the DNA

nate.b said...

vid2:can't see with eye,flatten,pits,fluid,and stuff

AlexisD said...

Video 1:
1.)We can think by sending electrical signals to each cell.
2.)Every living thing has cells.
Video 2:
1.)A cell is the size of a in point.
2.)A nucleus has the DNA.
2.)Eukaryotic cell
4.)Cell membrane

MorganD said...

Vocab in video 1: Nucleus, cell membrane eukeryotic cell.

Vocab in video 2: Cytoplasm and mitochondria.

ALice M. said...

The cells in our body are younger then we are.
Everything that lives is made of cells.
cell membrane
Eukeryotic cell
The nucleus controls the cells.
The human cell is comparable to a factory.

zack c said...

cell reproduce and cells can have a nucleus reaction

Jada M. said...

Oh and Vocabulary words that I heard in video 1: Eukeryotic cell, cell membrane, nucleus

Vocabulary words that I heard in video 2: Cytoplasm, Mitochondria,

Maddy P. said...

The two vocabulary words I heard were nucleus and membrane.

Fact #1. You need a microscope to see cells.
Fact #2. The heart is made up of muscle cells.

Shane k said...

The nucleus controls cells, a lot of things in your body's made of cells.

Muscle cells are elongated, the ompelate is the barrier.

Maddy P. said...

The two vocabulary words from the second video are Cytoplasm and Mitochondria.

Kaylee C. said...

1.Cells are super small so you have to use a microscope to see it.
2.If there is a boo boo the cells will tell the other cells to come and repair it.
3.The cells in your heart twitch so that your heart beats.there are muscle cells in your heart.
4. Cells die and get replaced all the time.

The vocab words

Journey B. said...

1. Cells are so small that we can only see them in a microscope.
2. Muscle cells in your heart twitch. Millions of the cells twitch together to make your heart beat.

Endoplasmic Reticulum

joe w said...

nucleus,membrain,mucle cells,you have millions of cells in your heart,the cells membrain protects the cell,cells die and get replaced all the time,liver cells are diamond shape,the nucleaus is like the brain of the cell.

Cj W. said...

movie 1
prokaryotic cell, nucleus
1 every thing that lives is made of cells
2 cells can sense wounds

movie 2
1 liver cells are hexagonal
2 intestins have cylinder cell

Cameron.T<><><><><><><><> said...

nuckuless,Cytoplasm, Mitochondria

Matt C <><><><><> said...

nucules control cells: every thing i the body is made of cells!?!??!?!?!?!?!!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!?!?!??!?!?! heart made up of muscle cells

Owen R !! said...

IN vid 1: I heard nuciuls cell membrane Eukeryotic cells

In vid 2:Hexeconal, chromesone, Cytoplasm.

Logan C said...

Eukeryotic cell
cell membrane
fact the heart is made up of tight muscle

every thing that lives has cells

Nathan C. said...

*You cannot see cells with the naked eye, you require a microscope in order *to see them

*Cells Regenerate so most of your cells are younger than you.


*Cells are about the size of a pin point.

*The Nucleus controls the activities of the cell.

kevin s said...

1.Cells are super small so you have to use a microscope to see it.
2.If there is a boo boo the cells will tell the other cells to come and repair it.
3.The cells in your heart twitch so that your heart beats.there are muscle cells in your heart.
4. Cells die and get replaced all the time.

AndrewE said...

Video one I found the vocabulary words microscope, nucleus, cells, mitosis, Eukaryotic cell, cell membrane. Two facts from video one are that cells come in many different sizes. Cells work together to give us a heartbeat. Many of the cells that are in our body, are younger than we are. Video two vocabulary words that I found are muscle cells, nucleus, chromosomes, nucleolus, cytoplasm, Golgi bodies. The nucleus is in the nucleolus. The nucleus directs all cell activity!

Parker D. said...

Video 1: Nucleus controls the cells. Cells repair other cells. Vocabulary words I heard are mitochondria, and nucleus.
Video 2: The nucleus contains Deoxyribonucleic Acid. A human cell is like a factory. Nucleus, and cytoplasm.

Alissa H said...

Vocab words in video 1: Eukeryotic cell, cell membrane, nucleus
Vocab words in video 2: Cytoplasm, Mitochondria
Facts: Cells are so small that you can only see them with a microscope. When you get a cut, your cells will tell the other cells to repair the wound.

Gia L said...

Cells are so small you need a microscope to see them. The heart is made up of muscle cells.
Eukeryotic cell, cell membrane, nucleus

The nucleus is in the nucleolus. Liver cells are hexagonal.
Nucleus, chromosomes, nucleolus, cytoplasm, Golgi bodies.

Hayley G said...

Some of the vocab words you hear are.. nuculus akes and membrain. some facts found in the video are that the heart is made of museles and the can twitch

Morgan S said...

video one: nucleus, microtublios, formations.
cells come at all sorts
they come in many different sizes and shapes.

video two: ovuam, intergrated, exogono,
cells can be 6x there normal sizes
the nucleus controls the cell

Jacob G said...

Cells are so small you have to have a fancy high-tech microscope. Our heart is made of muscle cells.

video one: Eukeryotic cell, cell membrane, nucleus

The nucleus is in the nucleolus. The cells in the liver are hexagonal.
Video two: Nucleus, chromosomes, nucleolus, cytoplasm, Golgi bodies.

Mia W said...

Some vocabulary words that you hear in the first videos are Eukeryotic cell, cell membrane, and the word nucleus.Some words that you may hear in video two are cytoplasm and mitochondria. Some facts that are found in the first video are that cells in the heart make it so the heart like twitches and gives it like a beat; also some cells are younger than you are because of the new cells that are made at least every day. Some other facts that are found in video two are the cell nucleus controls the overall activity of the cell. Those are some vocabulary words and facts that I found in these videos.

Damian P said...

nucleus,cell membrane,chromosomes and Golgi bodies

liver cells are hexagonal and cells are so small you need to use a very magnetized microscope to see them.

Emily H said...

1: Nucleus controls the cells. Cells repair other cells. Vocabulary words I heard are mitochondria, and nucleus.
2:nucleus cytoplasm facts cells carry protein and contain r.n.a.

BruceB said...

cells are realy small the cells membrane protecs the cell millons of cells make are heart beat

nucleus,cytoplasm,golgi,nucleolus and bodies

david vincent said...


Cells send signals to each other.
Millions of cells create a heartbeat.

Jenny C said...

The brain is made out of cells.Water moves into and out of the Eukeryotic cell.Eukeryotic,Cell membrane,nucleus.

Nerve cells are the smallest cell.Liver cells are hexagonal.

Skyler D. said...

Vocab 1: Cells, fundamentally, microscope, chemical, nucleus, materials, transport network, function, keil,
Cells reproduce as long as we live. All the cells work together so we get a heart beat.
Vocab 2: Modified, tissues, organs, elongated, DNA, membrane, necloless, RNA, cytoplasm, enzynes.

Colby W said...

Video 1 Vocab. words Cell, Nucleus (The Boss), cell membrane

Video 2 Vocab. words Tissue, mussel cells, liver cells, nucleus, Nucleous, cytoplasm. mitochondria, ribosomes

chanced said...




fact number one most cells ar younger than we

the nuckleus is in the nucleolus

u can only see cells with a microscope

jennifer wakem said...

first video
you need a microscope to see cell
the membrane protect the cell

million of muscle cell work together to let us have a heart beat vocab eukeryotic cells , cell membrane , nucleus,

liver cells are hexagonal
the nucleus is in the nucleus

nucleus, Chromosomes, nucleolus, cytoplasm, golgi bodies

DARREN P. said...

I heard cells, nucleus, membrain, and musel cells. Musel cells beat raped and together they make a beat. The nucleus directs the other cells and acts like a factory with the nucleus as the manager.

Zoe D said...

Some vocabulary words I heard from the first video were nucleus, function, and cell membrane. Some vocabulary words I heard from the second video were Tissue, organs, enzymes, and mitochondria.

adam p said...

ukaryotic cell, cell membrane, nucleus, DNA, transport network, nucleolus, cytoplasim, mitochondria, ribosomes,
Most cells in our bodies are younger than we are. Everything that lives is made of cells.
Liver cells are hexagonal.

Arlo p said...

Vocab words: nucleus, cytoplasm, chromosomes, mitochondria.

Cells in your heart make your heart beat. Also a large cell is about 5 one thousandths of an inch.

Mara C. said...

V1: Nucleus, cell membrane.
1) Cells make up the heart.
2) Cell make up other organs.
V2: Nucleolus, nucleus, mitochondria.
1) The nucleus is found in the nucleolus.
2) Your brain is made up of cells.

Sheila A said...

Some words I heard are cells, microscope, nucleus, function, cytoplasm, membrane, and mitochondria.

1.) Cells survive all our life but die and reproduce ale them time.

2.) The cells in our heart, beat individually but beat all together to give us a heartbeat.

Aidan Rausch said...

I learned that some cells are the size of a needle head. I learned two new words which are Eukayotic and prokaryokic.
1. Fact: nucleus controls the cell.
2. cells repair other cells.

Kelsey S. said...

nucleus, cells. They are made from other cells.

timmy light said...