Thursday, November 8, 2012


Why would the ground level in these pictures sink or collapse after pumping out water?
What type of rock probably underlies an area where something like this occurs ?


cameron s said...
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Dawson,G said...
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Garrett H said...

the ground level would collapse because when you pump all the water out of the ground there would be nothing holding the ground up so the ground would then cave in. There would be sand stone under the ground and it would fall apart because its not very sturdy so the ground would still collapse.

cameron s said...

Because there would nothing to surport the land. sand stone and it would crumble

Riley O said...
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cameron s said...

The weght would crush the sandstone

Garrett H said...

The sand stone would fall apart because mechanical weathering will where it down.

Maddy C. said...

Sinkholes are common where the rock below the land surface is limestone, carbonate rock, salt beds, or rocks that can naturally be dissolved by ground water circulating through them.

Austin H said...

That river down there is supporting the ground above it. So when there is not allot of water the ground gives out on top of itself. Do you get it .

Timmy Light said...

nothing would support land and the weight would crush the stone

Anonymous said...

Dawson,G said...

Water makes mud witch makes the mud sticky and holds the land together.

Riley O said...
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Dominique G. and Bryn W. said...

A.) The ground level in these pictures would collapse because groundwater can help hold up land. It sounds impossible, but it is true. The reason it helps is because some things are permeable which allows it to hold up the land.
B.) A sinkhole is held up with limestone, which is permeable. It is able to be dissolved, though, so when it is dissolved the land completely falls, which makes a sink hole.

Extra: There is an episode of The Simpsons when there is a leaky faucet. The faucet continues to leak for at least a year, and at on last drop all the water that was held in the ground falls, and the land falls.

Aja A. said...

The water isn't there to hold up the soil so al the soil would fall into a hole.

Allison A said...

Because the water would not be there to hold up the soil up so all the soil would fall.

Anonymous said...

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Riley O said...

Water makes mud witch makes the mud sticky and holds the land together.

Aja A. said...


Maddy C. said...

Nothing would be keeping the ground from caving in if you pumped out all the water.

James D said...

It could run out of water and cave in like if you jumped on thin ice in your driveway also that it could fall from under your house that would be bad.A wet rocky area that if there was no water the rocks would dry out and crumble.

Jordan M said...

The ground would collapse because the ground would be so wet.
I think Perdotite.

Connor.R said...

When you pump water out of the ground the ground falls out

Lauryn Silva said...

The ground level would collapse after pumping out water because there is nothing holding the ground up once the groundwater leaves the ground it loses its support. Also weathering will wear it down.

Christian T said...

Why would the ground level in the pictures collapse, because water crods the area under the top soil.

jesse.g said...
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joe p said...

The water would make the ground wet and sticky and it would hold the ground together

Max H said...

1. the ground level in the pictures would collapse because once they pump out the water, then all the water would be out and the soil wouldnt be fresh and it would crack and stuff and it would be weak and fall.
2.a type of rock that underlies where it is would be limestone because limestone gets weathered down easily.

caleb c said...

The ground level would collapse after pumping out water because there is nothing holding the ground up once the groundwater leaves the ground it loses its support.

zack c said...

it would sink because there wouldn't have any wight to keep it up. the rock would desolve and then crumble.

catie.r. said...

i think that the ground caved in by pumping out the water because the ground got all wet and soggy so it has no other way to go but down like when dirt gets wet from the rain it moves into a big puddle of dirt and water and i think that the type of rock that underlines an area were something like the picture occurs is perdotite

MorganD said...

The ground level would sink or collapse after pumping out water because... There is no water there to hold up the dirt and grass on top of it.

The type of rock that is probably Limestone or salt beds.

AlexisD said...

The ground level collapse or sink after pumping out water because there is nothing holding up the ground anymore since the water was holding it up in the aquifer. Or if there was rocks holding it up and the pumping water erodes the rock that was holding it up.

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

the ground would sink after water is pumped out because there is no water to support the earth so then the earth can't support it's own weight and it falls like in the picture.

MorganD said...

** The type of rock that is probably under it is limestone or salt beds.

Anonymous said...

They can also occur from the overpumping and extraction of groundwater and subsurface fluids. They can also form when natural water-drainage patterns are changed and new water-diversion systems are developed. Some sinkholes form when the land surface is changed, such as when industrial and runoff-storage ponds are created; the substantial weight of the new material can trigger an underground collapse of supporting material, thus, causing a sinkhole.

Carly M. said...

The ground level in these pictures would sink or collapse after pumping out water because all of the water was holding up the land and if it is gone, the ground would have nothing to hold it up. The type of rock probably underlies an area where something like this occurs would be limestone.

ALice M. said...

The ground level would sink or collapse after pumping out water because the ground might not be stable, and the ground would cave in. Rocks that would be underlying the area are limestone, granite, or sandstone.

EmilyB said...

The ground level in those pictures would collapse after pumping out water because the water may be holding up the land. It could also be bad because it makes the grass grow and then the grass would push down all the dirt through the rocks to create a sinkhole. A kind of Rock that may underlie an area where something like this may happen would probably be like these little pebble type things. I think that they would be little pebbles because why would everything collapse on big rocks that are supposed to be holding it up?

Cassidy m said...

The ground level would collapse most likely after pumping water out because nothing is really supporting the ground below it. A type of rock probably underlies an area where something like this occurs is my guess limestone.

Anonymous said...

他們也可能來自地下水和地下流體的超高功率泵浦和提取。他們也能形成,天然水排水方式的改變和新的引水系統的開發。一些天坑形成的陸地表面的變化,如工業和徑流存儲池創建時,大量的新材料的重量可以觸發一個地下崩潰的輔助材料,因此,造成了污水池。 chinese

EmilyB said...

so probably like limestone and salt beds.

Anonymous said...

Они также могут происходить от overpumping и добычи подземных вод и подземных жидкостей. Они могут также формироваться, когда природная вода-дренажная шаблоны изменились, и новые воды утечки системы разрабатываются. Некоторые воронки образуются, когда поверхность земли изменилась, например, когда промышленные и сток-водохранилищах создаются; существенный вес нового материала может вызвать подземные распада вспомогательные материалы, тем самым, вызывая провал.

Jasmine B said...

The ground level in these pictures would sink or collapse after pumping out water because groundwater is holding up the land,so if you pump it out, the land collapses because the support is gone. A type of rock that likely underlies an area where this occurs is probobly limestone.

Emily B. said...

The ground level in the picture Would sink after the water was pumped out. There is nothing to hold the ground up so it just caves in from lack of support.

Anonymous said...

Sie können auch aus dem Überpumpen und Gewinnung von Grundwasser und unterirdischen Flüssigkeiten auftreten. Sie können auch entstehen, wenn natürliche Wasser-Drainage-Muster verändert werden und neue Wasser-Umleitung Systeme entwickelt. Einige Dolinen bilden, wenn der Landoberfläche geändert wird, z. B. wenn Industrie-und Abfluss-Lagerbecken geschaffen werden, die erhebliche Gewicht des neuen Materials kann eine unterirdische Zusammenbruch des Trägermaterials auslösen, damit, was zu einer Doline.

jesse.g said...

bwcase the wet nees whould cuz the ground to me moist and it would get beat down

Anonymous said...

Why would the ground level in these pictures sink or collapse after pumping out water?The ground level in these pictures sink or collapse after pumping out water because if you have a aquifer and take out the water you can predict that the ground will fall at least a little.
What type of rock probably underlies an area where something like this occurs ?The type of rock that probably underlies an area where something like this occurs is permeable rocks because they allow water through the pores and the sand might sink in with the water causing a telephone perhaps ti sink over a long period of time.

Aasyhia said...

all the water is out of the dirt and the soil will start to crack and get weaker and weaker and finally collapse
limestone could underlies an area where something like this occurs

Jada M. said...

i dont get it

Jada M. said...


EmilyB said...

Try thinking!!!!

AlexisD said...


Owen R !! said...

If it all leaves the ground there will not be enough to hold it up. If there isn't it will colapse.

Kevin S said...

because land like floats on water and when you take the pontoons off a pontoon boat it sinks


Zachk said...

If the aquifer levels lower through pumping the water from them, the ground would sink into the empty space. I would think that granite would under lie this area because it is an impermeable rock that does not allow the water to pass through.

katalinaD said...

I think that the ground caved in by pumping out the water because the ground got all wet and soggy so it has no other way to go.And when it gets wet from the rain it moves into a big puddle of dirt and water and I think that the type of rock.

Cj W. said...

good job kevin

Alissa H said...

Without the moisture, the ground will dry up and and collapse and create a sink hole.


Maddy P. said...

The ground level in these pictures would sink or collapse after pumping out water because eventually, all of the water getting pumped out would make the ground sink because there is just empty space under it, so it falls, making the ground level lower, or collapse.

The type of rock that probably underlies an area where something like this occurs is called limestone.

Kaylee C. said...

The ground would collapse because there would be no external surface drainage. Typically sinkholes from slowly so that the change is not really seen in ones life, but some sinkholes can occur after a sudden collapse. The water is holding up the land and when they pump the water away there is nothing there to hold up the ground so that it collapse, the more groundwater that is taken the more likely the ground may have more of a chance of collapsing.

Permeable rock like limestone could be there because the water can get rid of the rock which means that there is no rock there to hold up the ground either. Which equals=SINKHOLE.

Journey B. said...

The ground level in the picture lowered because of wells. The ground would collapse because the water below is drained out, and that means the support system below the surface is completely gone. The ground water holds up the surface, and when it's gone that causes sinkholes. Also, if you dig a well and the ground below is not that strong, it can prematurely create a sinkhole. The rock that underlies the area that sinkholes happen is limestone. Limestone is permeable, and the water can run through it. If the water breaks the limestone or is too powerful for it, that means a sinkhole can form. Bedrock also lays under the surface, and it is also permeable. The same can happen for it. If you live in a large area, and all of the ground water below the area is drained, the complete ground level will go down just like the picture above (the one with the pole).

Lauren S. said...

The Ground level would sink or collapse after you pump it out because the water is what is holding up the water so if you pump out the water then after a while the land is just going to fall down . the type of rock that lays under the road would probably be a lot of hard sediment with limestone.... and other types of rocks... rock that probably would be under the road that came crumbling down would probably have soft sediment and and little rocks...

Nathan C. said...

Because the more water you pump out that less water than the surrounding soil. Making the land collapse?

A permeable rock.

AndrewE said...

The ground would collapse if you took out the groundwater. It would collapse because you are taking water out from underneath the land so the land will sink. That is how you get sinkholes.

Parker D. (XDMee:3) said...

Because the more groundwater you pump out the less water pressure there is to keep the dirt elevated, and it will collapse.

Limestone or sandstone could underlie an area where this could happen.

ConnorB said...

The ground collapses after the water is pumped because there is nothing holding up the land. Ground water is whats holding up the surface above, when you take to much ground water out of the ground, the ground collapses.

AndrewE said...

The type of rock that occurs underneath the sink holes is probably limestone. It would be limestone because limestone is a weak rock compared to granite and diamond.

ConnorB said...

One substance of rock that may help cause a sink hole is limestone because it is a impermeable rock.

adam p said...

Sinkholes are common where the rock below the land surface is limestone, carbonate rock, salt beds, or rocks that can be pliable. Or rock that can dissolve.

Mia W said...

The ground level in these pictures would collapse because groundwater can help hold up land. It sounds impossible, but it is true. The reason it helps is because some things are permeable which allows it to hold up the land.

A sinkhole is held up with limestone, which is permeable. It is able to be dissolved, though, so when it is dissolved the land completely falls, which makes a sink hole.

Emily H said...

The ground level in the picture lowered because of wells. The ground would collapse because the water below is drained out, and that means the support system below the surface is completely gone. The ground water holds up the surface, and when it's gone that causes sinkholes. Also, if you dig a well and the ground below is not that strong, it can prematurely create a sinkhole. The rock that underlies the area that sinkholes happen is limestone. Limestone is permeable, and the water can run through it. If the water breaks the limestone or is too powerful for it, that means a sinkhole can form. Bedrock also lays under the surface, and it is also permeable. The same can happen for it. If you live in a large area, and all of the ground water below the area is drained, the complete ground level will go down just like the picture above (the one with the pole).

hayley g said...

Sink holes are very common where rock below the land surface is limestone.

chanced said...

. 1 the ground level in the pictures would collapse because once they pump out the water, then all the water would be out and the soil wouldnt be fresh and it would crack and stuff and it would be weak and fall.
2.a type of rock that underlies where it is would be limestone because limestone gets weathered down easily.

Sheila A said...

The ground collapses after pumping out water because there is no longer anything that can hold up the land.

One rock that might cause that to happen is limestone because it is an impermeable rock.

jenn w said...

the reason it would collapse it because it has to much lime stone and other kind of rocks

key word limestone

DARREN P. said...

when the water is withdrawn from a pump some rocks like fine-grained they compact down then they give out then a sinkhole is formed.

Zoe D said...

The ground would sink or collapse after pumping out water because after a while, there would be emptiness under there so there would be nothing to support the dirt.

Skyler D. said...

The ground collapses after taking water out because there is nothing to keep the dirt mositerized so it is a clay form instead of a sand mixture. This occurs because there isn't any impermeable rock to keep it firm and stirdy. :) <3

Aidan R said...

If you took out all of the water in the ground it would sink and collapse. There are not a lot of rocks in area's like that because of all of the farm land. All of the soil is so pure that there isn't a lot of rocks and stuff in it.

adamp said...

nice cut and past

Jenny C said...

The ground might collaps after water is pumped because the pumping of the water might make the ground softer than normal or there might be a rock like Limestone under the ground that might create a sinkhole.

Arlo p said...

These would sink or collapse because if most or all of the groundwater was sucked up out of the ground then the ground would be weak and if you put enough weight on it then it can cave in and be a danger to people.

Mia W said...

It actually isn't that impossible but I just wanted to say that. And also the groundwater is very important for the crops in the pictures.

Morgan S said...

The ground would collapse after water would be pumped. It would be like this way because there is litterly nothing holding up the land. The ground water is what is holding up the surface we live one. Then when you take to much water from the ground. The surface is just going to collapse anyway. There is rocks also under the ground that is holding up the land. This is all one way to make sink holes.

The rock that under lines the earth is called limestone. Limestone can hold the ground up because it is a very strong rock. This rock is not easy to break like chalk is. it can be broken up by chemicals.

Mia W said...

I agree with adamp! I think journey will like that a lot!

Mara C. said...

Permeable rock. The ground level would sink when the water is drained out will make the aquifers dry up. They would not be able to produce water any more. The aquifers Would sink when too much groundwater is taken out. That creates a sinkhole.

Damian P said...

the ground would sink because if all of the water was gone the ground would be not be strong enough to hold itself up and collapse. limestone

Whitney R said...

Because they are staying together with water because the only way they stay "alive" is with water.

A permeable rock will most likely be under that area of land.

Jacob G said...

They are staying together and the only way they stay alive is by water.

Permeable rocks are most likely under flat ground.