Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What type of blood?

What are the four types of blood? 
What are the two types of Rh factors in blood?   


owenmerola said...

has only the A antigen on red cells (and B antibody in the plasma)
Group B – has only the B antigen on red cells (and A antibody in the plasma)
Group AB – has both A and B antigens on red cells (but neither A nor B antibody in the plasma)
Group O – has neither A nor B antigens on red cells (but both A and B antibody are in the plasma)


Olivia M said...

a,b,ab,0 and Rh positive and Rh negative

Maddi T. said...

The four types of blood are A, B, AB and O. The two types of Rh factors in blood are present (+) and negative (-).

Anonymous said...

The four blood types are, A, B, AB, and O. The RH factors are positive, and negative.

yvette C said...

the 4 types of are A,B,AB,O and rh positive and rh negtive.

Anonymous said...

The four types of blood are A, B, AB and O and Rh positive and Rh negative

camden taylor said...

The four types of blood are A, B, AB and O. The two types of Rh factors in blood are present and negative.

Alexis B said...

the four types of blood are A.B, AB,O.

Anonymous said...

A,B,AB,O are the types of blood. The two types of Rh are positive and negative.

Anonymous said...

A,B,AB,O Rh positive and Rh negative

dominic l said...

the four blood types are A B AB O

the 2 rh factors are -/+

Braedon M said...

The four types of blood are A, B, AB, and O and the rh factors are positive and negitive

Dillon said...

a,b,ab,o then RH factors are positive and negative.

Anonymous said...

The four types of blood are A, B, AB,and O and the two types of RH factors in blood are positive and negitive.

Chloe O. said...

The four blood types are A, B, AB and O. The two Rh factors are Positive (+) and Negative (-)

Anonymous said...

The four blood types are, A, B, AB, and O. The RH factors are positive, and negative.

Matthew b said...

The four types of blood are A/B/AB and O and the RH groups are positive and negative.

matthew said...

the blood types are A,B,AB and O
RH is present(+) absent(-)

Anonymous said...

A,B,AB,O,and the RH factors are positive and negative

Anonymous said...

rh positive rh negative

Anonymous said...

a b bo o

Nick C said...

The four types of blood are A,B,AB and O and the Rh types of group system are Rh Positive and Rh Negative.

Anonymous said...

a b bo o

Jade S said...

The four types of blood are a,b,ab,and o and rh blood group is rh positive and rh negative.

Chris Payeur said...


Jakob P said...

o + -

Tim D said...

A,B,AB,O + -

Chris Payeur said...

Positive and Negitive

Emily B said...

The four blood types are A,B,AB and O .And the two RH factors in blood is present and absent

Brooke DeCapua said...

The four types of blood are A,B,AB, and O. The factors of the blood are rh positive and rh negative.

Hannah Perkins said...

The four types of blood is A,B,AB, and O.

Jacob Varney said...

The four types of blood are A,B,AB, and O

darren said...

The four types of blood are A,B,AB,O+-

Alicia said...

The for types of bold is A,B,AB,O and the RH grop is positive and negative.

Wayne Twombly said...

They are A, B, AB, O.

Liz Leeman said...

The four blood types are A, B, AB and O. The two Rh factors are Positive and Negative.

Josh Y said...

The four types of blood are A, B, AB, O.

The two types of Rh factors in blood are RH positive and RH negative.


Brooke Carman said...

The four major types of Blood are A, B, AB and O. The two RH factors in blood are Positive, and Negative.

Paige M. said...

A, AB, B, and O. The rarest type is AB-

Cameron M. said...

The four types of blood are A, B, AB, and O.

Kevin D. said...

The four types of blood are A, B , AB and O

Kiara M. said...

The four types of blood are A, B, AB, and O, but the the two types of rh factors in blood are rh negative and rh positive.

Anonymous said...

The four types of blood are A, B, AB, and O, but the the two types of rh factors in blood are rh negative and rh positive.

Ian R. said...

The types of blood are A, B, AB, and O. The two Rh Factors in blood are Rh positive and Rh negative.

Sameena F. said...

The four types of blood of A, B, AB, and O, and the two types of rh factors in blood are rh positive and rh negative! :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Camden. S said...

A, B, AB, O

Anonymous said...

The four types are a, b, ab, and o, and the two factors are positive and negative.

Anonymous said...

The four types of blood are A, B, AB and O, and also the two types of rh factors are rh positive and rh negative

Anonymous said...

The four types of blood are A, B, AB, and O, but the the two types of RH factors in blood are RH negative and RH positive.

Alex Laflamme said...

The blood types are A, B, AB, and O. The Rh factors are positive and negative.

Ryan S said...

The 4 types of blood are a, b, ab and o the 2 RH factors are RH positive and RH negative.

Dakota Sanborn said...

The four blood types are A, B, AB, and O and the two Rh factors in the blood are Rh positive and Rh negitive

Leah LaFrance said...

Human blood is grouped into four types: A, B, AB, and O. Each letter refers to a kind of antigen, or protein, on the surface of red blood cells.

Isaiah w said...

The four blood types of blood are A, B, AB, O and the two types of Rh blood are Positive and Negative.

Lewin P. said...

The four blood types are A, B, AB,and O. The two types of Rh factors are negative and posotive.

Nate P said...

they are a b ab o and positive and negative factors

REX said...

The four blood types are A, B, AB,and O. The two types of Rh factors are negative and posotive.

Hannah M said...

The four blood types are A, B, AB,and O. The two types of Rh factors are negative and posotive.

DYLAN N said...

The four types of blood are A B AB and O and the two Rh positive and Rh negative.

Anthony B said...

The four types of blood are A, B, AB, and O. The two types of Rh factors in blood are positive and negative.

Megan A said...

The four types of blood are A,B,AB and O. The two factor are rh positive and Negative

Ashley M said...

The 4 types of blood are A, B, AB, O and the 2 types of Rh factors are negative and positive.

KOBE DIXON said...

The four types of blood are A,B,AB, and O

Anonymous said...

The four types are A,B,AB, and O. The two types of Rh factors in blood are positive and negative.

Timmy said...

The for types of bold is A,B,AB,O and the RH group is positive and negative.

Will H said...

A, B, AB, O +-

Colby P. said...

the four types of blood are A.B, AB,O.

Cole S said...

a b ab o

<(•=^=•)> its a duck... Nicole Printy said...

a, b, ab, and o

Lauren M said...

The four blood types are, A AB O

Gianna M said...

The four major blook types are A, B, AB, and O. The two types of Rh factors in blood are positive and negative.

Logan H. said...

The four blood types are A, B, AB, and O. The RH groups are positive and negative.

Zeke Sturgeon said...

AB,A,B,O - +

Antwan M said...

A, AB, B, and O, also -/+

Lauren M said...

The two types of Rh factors are negative and positive.