Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mixing Blood

Why would it be bad if you received the wrong type of blood?  

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Braedon M said...

Because its not the type of blood your body uses so it wold kill u if u got the wrong type of blood

Anonymous said...

If you receive the wrong type of blood, that type will fight your current type and you will have a war inside your body.

Anonymous said...

you would die

owenmerola said...

It would be bad to receive the wrong type of blood because you could get sick.

camden taylor said...

If you get the wrong type of blood that type will fight your current type and you will have a war inside your body and it will kill you really quickly.

Olivia M said...

Yes it would be bad because you could have pain, a fever, hives and shortness of breath.

Anonymous said...

You could die.

yvette C said...

You would get really sick.

Anonymous said...

It would be bad to receive the wrong because you would be really sick you could die.

Maddi T. said...

It would be bad if we got the wrong type of blood because the different types of blood have different things in each of them so, if you mix two different types, the different blood would mess up your circulatory system.

Maddi T. said...

Also, it would mess up the rest of your body causing death.

dominic l said...

when you get the wrong blood type something could go wrong inside your body that isn't good.

Alexis B said...

Blood type must be determined before blood is transfused into a patient to prevent a transfusion reaction.Then the cells are destroyed by the body

Nick C said...

If you have the wrong blood you could get ill and die from the blood they gave you

Anonymous said...

because the blood would get you sick because the vains will get clogged and the red blood sells will break open and release a substance called hemogloblin

Anonymous said...

It would be bad because you can git sick.

Jared S said...

u could die

matthew said...

It would be bad to received the wrong type of blood because you could get sick and maybe you could die

aaron p. mills said...

if you get a major wound, you lose lots of blood. a blood transfusion may be necessary. the doctor must be careful. if they use the wrong type of blood, you die.

Jade S said...

If you mix your blood with another blood you will have a blood battle in your body.

camden taylor said...

you will get sick and your blood would mix and you would need blood transfusions

Dillon said...

An ABO incompatibility reaction can occur if you are given the wrong type of blood during a blood transfusion. It is a rare, but serious and potentially fatal, response by your immune system to incompatible blood.

Jakob P said...

Yes it would infect the other blood cells and hurt your body.

Tim D said...

If you receive the wrong type of blood, that type will fight your current type and you will have a war inside your body.

Cameron M. said...

If the wrong type of blood is given blood clots may form causing death.

Kiara M. said...

If the wrong type of blood is given, blood clots may form, causing death.

Chris Payeur said...

It would clot to much and blood would not circulate through the body.

Wayne Twombly said...

Your heart would not know what to do and stop for a fatal death.

Liz Leeman said...

If the wrong type of blood is given blood clots may from causing death.

Brooke Carman said...

If you receive the wrong blood, you will get blood clots, and that may cause Death.

darren said...

IT would be bad to receive the wrong type of blood because it could cause blood clots, causing you to die.

Chris Payeur said...

Causing Death

Alicia said...

If the wrong tip of blood is given blood clots may form causing death.

Hannah Perkins said...

Your blood would clot and then you could die.

Emily B said...

If you get the wrong type of blood it could clot resulting in death.

haley marsico said...

If the wrong type of blood is given it could kill us from blood clots.

Josh Y said...

It's bad because if you have a certain type of blood and you get a kind of blood that isn't your type you could get diseases, blood clots, mentally unstable and you could even die.

Jacob Varney said...

If the wrong type of blood is given, blood clots can form and cause death.

Chris Payeur said...

By lack of oxygen.

Kevin D. said...

If you get the wrong blood it would cause your blood to clot and it would kill you.

Paige M. said...

Blood tranfusions without knwoing your blood type can be very scary and deadly. Using any blood type besides your own is basically a death sentence.

DYLAN N said...

You would get a blood clot and die.

Anonymous said...

You would get a blood clot and die.

Anonymous said...

Blood clots can form and make you die.

Hannah M said...

You would not want to use different blood because your body is used to the other one! Blood clots will form! You would die!!!!!!!

Alex L said...

You could get blood clots and die.

Nate P said...

you would get a blood clot and die "I've heard its kinda quick" Mr.Ruby

Sameena F. said...

If you are given the wrong type of blood, blood clots may form resulting in death.

Ian R. said...

If you got the wrong type of blood then you would get a blood clot. The blood clot would starve your organs of oxygen and you would die.

Jake Esty said...

You would die from blood clots and ti wouldn't be very fun

Anthony B said...

If you received the wrong type of blood, the blood would clot and you would die.

Isaiah w said...

You would not want to get different blood because you can get a blood clot and die!!!.

Lewin P. said...

If a patient receives a blood type that is incompatible, antibodies that the patient already has in his or her blood will attack the donor red blood cells and destroy them. This could cause fever, chills, chest or back pain, bleeding, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, rapid drop in blood pressure, and/or kidney damage.

Dakota Sanborn said...

Yes because if you receive the wrong blood type, you may get a blood clot and you can die.

Ryan S. said...

It would be bad because it would cause a blood clot and you would die.

Megan A said...

If the wrong type of blood is given blood clots may from casing death

KOBE DIXON!! said...

If a patient receives a blood type that is worng , antibodies that the patient already has in his blood will attack the donor red blood cells.

tanya .m said...

The wrong blood would be attacked and you would get sick.

Anonymous said...

It would be bad because it would form a blood clot and you would die.

Logan H. said...

If the wrong type of blood is given and mixed to a different blood type, blood clots may form that cause death.

Cole S said...

If the wrong blood is received the blood clots may form causing death

Timmy said...

If the wrong tip of blood is given blood clots may form causing death.

Zeke Sturgeon said...

It would cause a blood clot witch would stop blood flow.

Brooke B. said...

If the wrong type of blood is given, blood clots may form causing death.

Jack B said...

If the wrong type of blood is given blood clots may form causing death.

Will H said...

blood clots might form and could cause death

Ana said...

If the wrong type of blood is given blood clots form causing death.

Anthony M said...

The Clot would be formed with 2 types of blood causing the blood type to clot too much, making the vein to clog up

Anonymous said...

Your blood would clot up where it is not needed and it would interrupt blood flow, then you have a great chance of dying.

Anonymous said...

Your blood would clot up where it is not needed and it would interrupt blood flow, then you have a great chance of dying.

Aidan Farris said...

The blockage would be formed with 2 types of blood causing the blood type to block too much making the vein to block up.