Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What do they have in common?

What do you, an octopus and an oak tree have in common? 

'Image result for oak tree
Image result for octopus


Braedon M said...

They are all made of cells.

Anonymous said...

We are all living and have cells.

Anonymous said...

They are living things.

Anonymous said...

We all have cells.

Maddi T. said...

We're all made out of trillions of cells and mitosis happens to all of us.

Matthew b said...

We both have cells.

camden taylor said...

They both have and use cells.

Alexis B said...

They are all made out of cells.

Jade S said...

They are both big and sticky.

Dillon said...

We are all alive.

Jade S said...

and made mostly of cells

matthew said...

They are both living things.

hayden wilkins said...

we all grow and all have cells!

dominic l said...

they are made of trillions of cells

yvette C said...

we all have cells

Xx_Aaron_Peter_Mills_xX said...

They are both made of cells, and they both grow.

Nick C said...

They are made of trillions of cells

owenmerola said...

They are both made of cells and they both grow.

Chris Payeur said...

Both abiotic beings.

darren said...

They both grow and are both made of cells.

Brooke DeCapua said...

The tree, octopus, and a human being all have cells.

Jakob P said...

They both do asexual reproduction and they are made up of cells.

Brooke Carman said...

All three are Alive, are made of cells, and are organisms!

Alicia said...

they all have cells

Tim D said...

A tree has arms like an octopuses.

Anonymous said...

We are living and made of trillions of tiny cells.

Hannah Perkins said...

They can all be eaten.

emily b said...

What a tree an octopus and I have all in common is that we are all alive.

Anonymous said...

They all grow, they all can be eaten and also are made of cells because they are all living.

Anonymous said...

They can both get diseases.

haley marsico said...

all have cells, all alive, all have energy/produce energy and all have color and none of them are the same.

Liz Leeman said...

They are all made of cells.

Kevin D. said...

Both the octopus and the tree have cells.

Kiara M. said...

An oak tree, octopus, and myslef all can grow, be eaten, and are made of cells.

Anonymous said...

And they both can kill people.

Jacob Varney said...

They're all made of millions of cells, and their all living things.

Wayne Twombly said...

They all have cells in them.

bat man said...

nananananananananaanan batman nananananananan batman batman

Ryan S. said...

Their all living.

Anonymous said...

They both regenerate limbs, and have cells in them.

Sameena F. said...

They are all living things and they all have cells.

DYLAN N said...

They are both living and have cells.

Lewin P. said...

We are all living organisms and we all grow.

Anonymous said...

All of them are made from cells, also they all have limbs and are parts of ecosystems.

Anonymous said...

we all can die

Anonymous said...

We all grow and reproduce.

Anthony B said...

An octopus, and oak tree, and I are all living things.

Ian R. said...

They are both living things that need oxygen.

Hannah M said...

We are all living things.

Dakota Sanborn said...

All three have cells

Jake Esty said...

We both have cells, we are living, and we all make our own energy.

Isaiah w said...

One of the things they have in common are that they can both reproduce.

Leah LaFrance said...

They are both made up of trillions of cells that feed to their environment.

Aidan Farris said...

They're all alive.

Nadia McElroy said...

They are both alive!

Anonymous said...

They are both made of cells and alive.

Zeke Sturgeon said...

They both are living,they both have cells.

tanya .m said...

They are both alive, have cells, and use water.

Will H said...

they are all living organisms and all grow.

Nicole Printy said...

They are both living and made of cells.

Jack B said...

Both have limbs, both have cells.

Cole S said...

A tree has arms like an octopuses.

KOBE DIXON!! said...

The oak tree and octopus are both living things

Ana said...

They are both living and made of cells.


Logan H. said...

Octopuses and trees are both living organisms, and have cells. Both also don't have a spine, and trees don't even have a nervous system.

Antwan Beanison said...

They Both have Branches, or tentacles.

Kassidy Dunnells said...

They both have cells. They both are also living.

Timmy said...

They both have cells.

Lauren M said...

They both have cells and they both need water to survive


they both have cells

Emily Palmer :) said...

They are both living and both have cells

David Ross said...

We are all living things.