Monday, March 16, 2015

Responses to Stimuli

What are internal and external stimuli that create a response in the human body? Write one specific example of an external stimulus event. 


owenmerola said...

An external stimulas is when a loud noise goes of youll look for it.

dominic l said...

1 stimuli is heat such as fire.or an oven.

Jared S said...

A stimulus can be internal or external. Sense organs, such as the ear, and sensory receptors, such as those in the skin, are sensitive to external stimuli such as sound and touch. Something that has an impact or an effect on an organism so that its behavior is modified in a detectable way.

Maddi T. said...

External stimuli that create a response in teh human body are noise, temperature, light and smell. An external stimulus event would be someone hearing a loud noise and then they end up jumping in their seat.

Allexius t said...

The Nervous System.

Olivia M said...

Light, smell, temperature are the four stimuli and an example is when it is really hot out you sweat.

Chloe O. said...

When its cold out your body reacts by getting goose bumps

Anonymous said...

One external stimulus event is when someone flickers the lights on and off.

camden taylor said...

When something smells bad you try and find whats causing it.

Allexius t said...

If its cold you shiver if its hot you sweat.

Dillon said...

You walk in the kitchen and you hear a steak sizzling and smell the steak.

Anonymous said...

An external stimulis example is smelling cookies in the oven.

camden taylor said...

Or you may cringe

Matthew b said...

An external stimulus event could be when there is a strong smell like KFC chicken your mouth starts to water up.

Anonymous said...

On e stimuli is sensitivity like if you walked out of a dark room into the sunlight.

Nick C said...

If the tempter is hot then you sweat.

hayden wilkins said...

an external stimuli is when you sense something you would know what it is.

Braedon M said...

An external stimulus is when you smell bacon.

Anonymous said...

One external stimulus event is when it is dark you want to find light.

Anonymous said...

Someone might jump or scream.

Anonymous said...

When it gets cold out your body reacts by getting goose bumps

matthew said...

Noise is a external stimuli it is what you can hear. So that means that if someone goes out side they would hear all the noise around them.

Jade S said...

The four internals are temp light noise and smell. I smell something nasty.

Tim D said...

Noise,sound,temp and light.

Hannah Perkins said...

Smell, sight tempature, and sound.

Anonymous said...
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haley marsico said...

I something attacks us (slinky) we might respond with flight or fight. and we also respond to things like the cold with goosebumps.

haley marsico said...


Anonymous said...

A gun fired and you flinched from the noise

Wayne Twombly said...

Noise, Sound, Temp, And Smell those are the 4 things the our bodies externally stimulate.

Brooke Carman said...

Four external Stimuli that create response it the human body are Light, Noise, Smell, and Change in Temperature.

emily b said...

when you turn when you here a loud noise.Another is when you get goose bumps when there is a change in temperature.

darren said...

An external stimulate could be you woke up because of a bright sun light coming through your window.

Jacob Varney said...

If theres a climate change you could get goose bumps.

Josh Y said...

An external stimulus is smell, I smell fear. >:^)

Anonymous said...

The four internal stimulus are temp, light, smell, and noise. We react to temperature in many ways when it snows its cold and you could get goosebumps, if the suns out it's probably warm out and you might sweat.

Anonymous said...
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Chris Payeur said...

Stroke internal num in left side and speech begins to fail.

Hannah M said...

An external stimulus is is temperature.

Anonymous said...

An external stimulus is if you smell something good, you want to find and eat the source.

Jake Esty said...

Smell, sound, light, and temp are the stimulus and if you are cold you get goosebumbs.

Camden. S said...

Temperature is a stimulus.

DYLAN N said...

If you cut your self your external simulates will react in pain.

Ryan S. said...

If it got cold you would get goosebumps.

Isaiah w said...

If you're in a dark room and you turn the lights on then your pupils will shrink.

Nate P said...

your skin can get goosebumps if you are cold

Alex Laflamme said...

Temperature can make you sweat. Temp,Noise,Light,Smell.

Camden. S said...

Smell, sound, light.

When your hot (temp.) you sweat.

Lewin P. said...

The four external are noise, temperature, light, and smell. I walked into the house, but the heat wasn't turned on. I walked farther in and had a temper tantrum in the living room. I then grabbed the warm socks out of the dryer and rubbed them all over my face.

Anthony B said...

There are four external stimuli: Noise, Light, Temperature, Smell. One example of smell would be if you walked into a room and smelt fresh cookies, and then you started craving cookies.

Leah LaFrance said...

When you talk sometimes you get the reaction to move your hands to describe.

Anonymous said...

An example of external stimulus is temperature, and how your skin tightens up. External stimuli is outside of the body and internal stimuli is inside the body.

Ian R. said...

Internal stimuli are changes on the inside of your body that cause a response. External stimuli are changes on the outside of your body that cause responses. The 4 External Stimuli are smell, temperature, sound, and seeing. A scenario is when you are in the locker room and it smells really bad.

Nicole Printy -_- said...

When you see your friend getting beat up you will get mad and go beat up the person that is beating up your friend or yell at them maybe or get a teacher I dont know...

Colby P. said...

External stimuli that create a response in the human body are noise, temperature, light and smell. An external stimulus event would be someone hearing a loud noise and then they end up jumping in their seat.

Will H said...

external stimuli is when you sense something you would know what it is.


Smell, sound, light, and temp are the stimulus and if you are cold you get goosebumbs. and when its bright it hurts your eyes

David Ross said...

The four external are noise, temperature, light, and smell. I walked into the house, but the heat wasn't turned on. I walked farther in and had a temper tantrum in the living room. I then grabbed the warm socks out of the dryer and rubbed them all over my face.

Logan H. said...

One of an external stimuli is sound; your body has a natural response of covering your ears when you hear an extremely loud noise.

Ana said...

External stimuli that create a response in the human body are noise, temperature, light and smell. An external stimulus event would be someone hearing a loud noise and then they end up jumping in their seat.

-Colby P

Cole S said...

Noise,sound,temp and light.

Jack B said...

Temp, Light, Noise, and Smell

I smelt pie at the beach and my mouth started to water.

Anthony M. said...

Noise, Temperature, Light, and Smell, one Example would be the smell of butter.

Brooke B. said...

Internal stimuli are changes and things that happen inside your body that could cause like a reaction or response. External stimuli are things that change on the outside of your body and cause a response or reaction. An example is when you talk you use your hands to show what your saying.

Emily Palmer :) said...

The four external are noise, temperature, light, and smell. I went outside, and it was snowing. I got goosebumbs because my skin was tightning to keep in the heat.

Kassidy Dunnells said...

An example of external is temperature or smell. The smell of popcorn

Gianna M said...

There are four external stimuli: Noise, Light, Temperature, and Smell. One example of smell would be the smell of brownies baking in the oven.