Monday, March 23, 2015

What you learned...

We start our study of the nervous system asking what you know and what you wanted to learn.  I would now like to know what you have learned. Please in your own words using complete sentences share what you have learned about the nervous system.  


yvette C said...

The nevrous system helps you live.

dominic l said...

what i learned is that the nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.

Alexis B said...

The nevrous system connects to your brain and your eyes.

camden taylor said...

How when you break your back in certain places you cant use below that part.

Anonymous said...

I have learned that nerve cells are called neurons. They have dendrites, axons, and synapsis. I also learned that the teen brain isn't fully developed up until one is an adult. Sometimes your brain stops developing when you are 25.

Jared S said...

that memories are kept in the cerebrum.

Maddi T. said...

What I learned about the nervous system was the peripheral nervous contains the nerves all over the body not including ones in the brain and spinal cord and the central nervous system is made of the brain and spinal cord. There are also more nervous system sections.

Anonymous said...

I learned about the nervous system

Olivia M said...

One thing that I learned is that cerebrum in the brain controls our activity.

Jade S said...

I learned that the nervous system help o react to things that are like sharp or hot.

Matthew b said...

I have learned that axons take in signals and dendrites send signals.

Anonymous said...

There are axons and dendrite in a neuron. The spinal cord is in the nervous system and bone marrow makes blood cells.

Anonymous said...

I learned about nervous and what is in nervous and how the nervous work.

Chloe O. said...

I have learned that your body cannot function without nerves

Anonymous said...

I learned about how the nervous system works and the different parts.

Anonymous said...


Braedon M said...

I learned about neurons.

Dillon said...

Your neveres are one of the senses:smell

Brooke DeCapua said...

I learned a lot about neurons and about how important your nerves are and the different parts.

Anonymous said...

I have learned that nerve cells are called neurons. They have dendrites, axons, and synapsis.

darren said...

I learned that they tell you when you feel pain or somthing.

Anonymous said...

I have learned that the nervous system has a lot to do with nerves.

Jakob P said...

I learned about the spinal cord and what it does for you.

Tim D said...

I learned that the cerebrum controls your brain.

Kiara M. said...

I learned that neurons have dendrites, synapsis, and axons.

haley marsico said...

I learned that if neurons touch it would be very bad!

Brooke Carman said...

I learned that the Nervous System is what controls pain and reflexes. I learned how the brain sends signals, through Neurons. The Neurons are made of a Dendrite and an Axon. A Dendrite receives and sends them to the Axon, and the axon sends signals to another Dendrite. I also learned the two parts of the Nervous System. The Central Nervous System, (Made of the Spinal cord and the brain) And The Peripheral Nervous System (Made of all the other nerves ouside of the Central Nervous System).

Chris Payeur said...

I have learned that my nerves do not react.

Hannah Perkins said...

I have learned that the nerve cells are called neurons and that they have dendrites, axons and synapsis.

emily b said...

I have learned a lot like axons take in signals and dendrites send them out.

Ryan S. said...

I learned that the nervous system sends signals throughout your body.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have learned a out the parts of the brain and how it develops and works.

Anonymous said...
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Abby D. said...

I learned that the nervous system sends signals throughout your body and neurons have dendrites, synapsis, and axons.

Ian R. said...

I have learned about all the parts of the nervous system. I have also learned about parts of the brain and what they are used for.

Anonymous said...

I know what the c.n.s. and p.n.s., what axons and dendrites are, the parts of the nervous system, what stimuli are, and nearly everything else!

Jake Esty said...

I learned how the nervous system works along with the parts of the neuron and its responsibilities.

Camden. S said...

Your brain is part of the nervous system.

DYLAN N said...

I learned that the nerve system controls your reactions to pain and senses. you can live with half a brain.

Lewin P. said...

I learned that the CNS is the brain and the spinal cord and the PNS is the rest of the nerve cells and parts. I also learned info from a dendrite goes through an axon to another dendrite to another axon..........

Anonymous said...

I have learned that an impulse is sent from the brain and is sent across axons, to dendrites, to axons and to dendrites. I learned much more but that is just one thing I learned from our lessons.

Anthony B said...

I learned that a neuron is a nerve cell and the teen brain is very different from the adult brain.

Isaiah w said...

I learned that the axons send messages to dendrites. I also learned that two main parts about the nervous system are the CNS and the PNS, the CNS is your brain and your spine. The PNS is the part of the nervous system that consists of nerves outside the brain and spinal cord.

DYLAN N said...

cns and pns

Sameena F. said...

I learn about the Central Nervous System and PNS. I also learned what both of them do and what makes up to two nervous systems.

Anonymous said...

I learned about: neurons,axons cerebrum and C.N.S and P.N.S!

Leah LaFrance said...

I have learned about the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System. I have learned that The Central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. The brain is made of billion neurons. The spinal cord is made up of bundles of neurons. Sensory neurons send impulses to the brain. All of the nerves outside the nervous system that connect the brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body is the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system includes 12 pairs of nerves from your brain called cranial nerves and 31 pair of nerves from your spinal cord called spinal nerves.

Colby P. said...

I have learned that axons take in signals and dendrites send signals.

Logan H. said...

I learned about the CNS and PNS, and what are in them. I learned about different parts of the brain, and what they do.

Cole S said...

I learned that the cerebrum controls your brain.

David Ross said...

I learned that a neuron is a nerve cell and the teen brain is very different from the adult brain.

§Nicole Printy§ said...

I learned how the nervous system works and what the parts of it is.

KOBE DIXON!! said...

I have leanred that the nervous system has axons

Kassidy Dunnells said...

The nevrous system helps you live and react to the things that happen to you.

Antwan M. said...

I Have Learned how nerves work, and how they send messages to each other. I have learned about the PNS, and CNS and how they also work.

Anonymous said...

I've learned about the CNS and PNS.

Ana said...

I have learned neurons,axons,cerebrum,Cerebellum, C.N.S and Peripheral nervous system.

tanya .m said...

I learned that it is more than just the brain and spinal cord.

Emily Palmer :) said...

I learned how the brain functions and how it works. I also learned that the teen brain is very different from the child brain or grown persons brain.

Timmy said...

There are a lot of nevers inn the nervous system.

Jack B said...

That the teen brain is way different then the adult brain.

Will H said...

i learned that the teen brain is very different then the adult brain


What i laerned is that the neverous systems helps everything in your body

Gianna M said...

I have learned that there is a stimulas and response

Zeke Sturgeon said...

I learned that the nerves system has different sections that the brain is made of a lot of neurons.
I learned that a lot of the reactions are connected to knowledge.