Friday, March 20, 2015

Teen Brain

Do you think the teen brain is different than an adult brain? Please either compare or contrast an adolescent brain with a fully developed adult brain.  


Maddi T. said...

The teen brain is different than the adult brain because its still growing and changing.

Olivia M said...

The teen brain is immature and the adult brain is more mature

Anonymous said...

The teen brain is smaller than the adult brain.

camden taylor said...

The teen brain is different than the adult brain because its its changing and mutchoreing

Allexius t said...

No because the teen brain is still developing.

Anonymous said...

They are very different because the teen brain is still devolping but the adult brain is fully devolped.

Braedon M said...

Yes it is different it isn't as developed as the adult brain.

dominic l said...

i think that they are different because the teenage brain is not fully developed.

owen said...

They are both brains and they but the teen brain is still changing and the adult brain it not.

Anonymous said...

The teen brain has not develope.

Anonymous said...

Yes I do. The teenage brain is more vulnerable than the adult brain. The adult brain is stronger than the teen's brain and less vulnerable.

Chloe O. said...

The adult brain is very different then the teen brain. The teen brain is different because it is still maturing and developing, most adult brains are fully developed.

matthew said...

Yes it is different it isn't as developed as the adult brain.

Jade S said...

The teen brain is still developing and the adult brain is fully developed.

Anonymous said...

The teen brain is different then the adult brain because the teen brain is still trying to grow.

Anonymous said...

The adult is done growing and the teenage brain is still growing

Jakob P said...

Yes it is

Tim D said...

Teen brain does not know as much.

Brooke DeCapua said...

Yes the teen brain is different then the adult brain because the teen brain isn't fully developed yet. But the adult brain is fully matured and developed.

Alicia said...

The teens brain is still developing and the adult brain is fully developed.

Brooke Carman said...

The Teen Brain is different then the adult brain because it is less developed then the adult brain, so the teen brain is still rewiring itself. And in the Teen years, you are more likely to be interested in the opposite gender, but an adult brain's "Attracting to" Hormones slow down. (I don't know how to explain that fully). The Adult's brain is fully developed, unlike the teen's brain.

Anonymous said...

Yes I believe that they to very different things the teen brain is not fully developed not as strong and not as remembering, while as the adult brain knows many many more things than the teen brain.

Hannah Perkins said...

The teens brain is different because its not fully deveoped and an adult brain is fully mature.

Jacob Varney said...

The teen brain is different then the Adult brain because the teen brain still needs to fully develop.

Kiara M. said...

The teen brain is different than the adult brain because the teen brain is still maturing and most adult brains are already mature and developed.

emily b said...

The teen brain is different from the adult brain because the adult brain is done growing and the teen brain is still growing and maturing.

darren said...

No, i don't think they are much different, although they are different in some ways im sure. The adult brain thinks about more things than the teen brain like bills.

haley marsico said...

The teen brain is different from the adult brain a teen brain is developing when the adult brain is fully developed.

Anonymous said...

The adult brain is mature and the teen brain is thinking of Playboy, and all that stuff.

Wayne Twombly said...

The teen brain is still growing while the adults brain is matured.

Ryan S. said...

A teen brain can be easily persuaded and formed to do certain things but an adult brain is fully formed and can't be easily persuaded.

Anonymous said...

Yes I believe they are different, because adult brains are more mature, whereas teenagers have, well, different priorities.

Anonymous said...

The teen brain is still figuring out everything, and a fully developed brain doesn't.

Sameena F. said...

The teen brain is still developing while the adult's brain is already matured.

Abby D. said...

The teen brain is different because is still growing while the adults brain is matured.

DYLAN N said...

The teen brain is not fully developed and the adult brain is fully developed.

Isaiah w said...

I think the teen brain and the adult brain are different because the teen brain is still developing and the adult brain is fully matured.

Anthony B said...

I think the teen brain is different than an adult brain because the teen brain is in a molding stage and is very delicate compared to the adult brain.

Anonymous said...

The Teenage Brain does not think things through as much as an adult and adults care aboout different things.

Hannah M said...

I think that a teen brain is definitely different than an adult one because the teen brain isn't fully developed.

Aidan Farris said...

The teenage brain is not done developing and maturing while the adult brain is matured.

Anonymous said...

The teen brain is different because it hasn't fully matured.

Logan H. said...

It is VERY different, the teen brain is not fully developed, and because of hormones, you think differently.

Nicole Printy ^•^ said...

The teen brain isn't fully developed and its going through many changes very fast.

Colby P. said...

They are very different because the teen brain is still devolping but the adult brain is fully devolped.

Ana said...

The teen brain isn't fully developed and its going through many changes very fast.


Cole S said...

Teen brain does not know as much.

Jack B said...

No, because once you hit 13 then your brain stops changing but you can still keep learning thing.

Gianna M said...

The teen brain is very different from the adult brain. This is because the teen brain is not fully developed!

Brooke B. said...

The adult and teen brain is different because the teen brain is still developing and isn't fully matured yet.

Zeke Sturgeon said...

The teen brain is changing and evolving still trying to settle everything with the harmonies.