Monday, March 30, 2015

ode to science

We have talked about rocks, population, cells, and systems so far this year. April is poetry month please write or find a poem that has to do with science? 


Anonymous said...

Cradled in our cranium,
Is where you'll find our brain-ium,
Enables us to think and do,
Remembers what! Remembers who!
When we're feeling fine, or pained,
We're utilizing our large brain,
Like we do,
When we think...
Let’s us see, makes us blink…
Some functions are involuntary,
Breathing air is one of many,
Digesting food!
Our beating heart!
Controlled by brain!
Our crucial part!
Connects straight-up with spinal cord,
Synapse, nerve,
It's never bored,
Gives us feelings,
Does great things!
Let's thank our brains for all they bring!


Chloe Owen ❤️👌 said...

3 types of rock,
Are really a must,
These types of rocks,
Create Earth's crust,
Igneous rocks,
When lava halts,
Are volcanic rocks,
Like mafic basalts,
basalt rock
Sedimentary rocks,
Should it be known,
Compressed like coal,
Or like limestone,
Temp and pressure,
At extremes?
Metamorphic rock,
Is formed it seems,
sedeimentary rock
4 billion years,
Rock's been here!
So I don’t think,
They’ll disappear!
Used for tools,
From times of old,
Or are they ores,
With lead or gold?
4 billion years,
Of rocks, I said,
Like those used,
By a dude named Fred Flintstone

owenmerola said...

I woke up on this beautiful
Earth Day morning and heard
the Earth laughing
Her lilacs were shaking
Her tulips were full of dew from her tears
Dropped of a nervous laugh
Not a joyful one
A laugh that comes from a place
of disbelief
As her soaring eagles observed
The holes drilled into her oceans
The caverns dug into her mountains
The efforts to squeeze the last drop
Of resources out of her
Gave her reason to laugh
The kind of what-are-you-thinking laugh
And she laughed with a shudder of
mourning dove wings at this peculiar species
This two legged creature so smart in some ways
So naïve in others..
"To have conquered flight
To have reached my moon
To tap into my resources and turn them into
Schools and libraries, to hospitals and universities
Speaks to your cleverness"
she said through a whisper of a cloud
"But to behave as if I can keep up with your inventions
To act as if I have enough fuel to fund your
Never ending wars
To ignore the signs of your damage which
Are melting my icecaps drowning my islands and
Killing my polar bears as you
populate my landscapes far beyond their capacity.
My water cycles' ability to quench your thirst
Is at best naïve and at worst self-destructive
I am exhausted!
Please know I cannot offer what you demand of me
I cannot offer infinite resources that took me
Billions of years to create
I cannot offer you
What you ask of me, by the 9,000 more of you added per hour
For my resources cannot supply
An endless stream of you and your modern ways
And the more of you that get that in your hearts
As well as your heads
The sooner I will heal and be able to sustain
A saner number of you and my other creatures
which aren't as clever
Or naive.

Xx_Aaron_Peter_Mills_xX said...

Function of nervous system
The nervous system has a lot of functions
Which commences to keep you from dysfunction
One of them is to gather information
That we get from sensations
Then send it to the brain through neurons as a vibration
An impulse to the central nervous system power station
Motor neurons then call on the effectors
To the brain they are the directors
Either the somatic or autonomic system
There are a lot of reactions in your body; I’m not gonna list them

Jakob P said...

Bobby tried to booty shake,
But couldn’t bust a move!
Had no muscles, in his body,
Skeletal or smooth…
Yes, he had no mighty muscles,
To blink or lift a penny,
Tried to walk, run, and smile,
Of those, he can’t do any…
Yes, you need some mighty muscles,
To move your skeleton,
Don’t have any muscles?
Be motionless like him…

alicia said...

An organism is alive
Like animals and you
But also plants and trees
Are organisms too

The place where they live
Is their habitat
With all that they need
And that is that

Plants need sunlight
To produce some more
But then they’re eaten
By a herbivore

Carnivores eat only meat
But some eat more than that
An omnivore gets meat and plants
Within their habitat

Predators have eagle eyes
To find their prey to eat
The prey can see all around
So they don’t become the meat

Organisms, (except us)
All eat and they are eaten
The food chain is efficient….
Because nature can’t be beaten.

camden taylor said...

Let your fingers explore the wonderfulgarbage by Clarita
crevices of the globe, sitting aside pen holders,
paper cups, things made of the earth. Your fingertips
smile at the notion that they can “see”

such wonders as the Grand Canyon, Sahara Desert,
Atlantic Trench, all while lifting a mug of cocoa
to your lips, adjusting the volume on
your shuffled playlist.

The leaves will brush up against
the windowpane, then kissing their glossy skin
to the lightsource like insects. Do plants ever feel

cold? You’ll shudder a glacierwide dread, counting
your blessings that you aren’t spending the night
beneath a bridge. But that would never have been

you anyway. Your fingers will find the Pacific Ocean
and think nothing of the plastic island as big as Texas.

Braedon M said...

√ Cradled in our cranium,
Is where you'll find our brain-ium,
Enables us to think and do,
Remembers what! Remembers who!
When we're feeling fine, or pained,
We're utilizing our large brain,
Like we do,
When we think...
Let’s us see, makes us blink…
Some functions are involuntary,
Breathing air is one of many,
Digesting food!
Our beating heart!
Controlled by brain!
Our crucial part!
Connects straight-up with spinal cord,
Synapse, nerve,
It's never bored,
Gives us feelings,
Does great things!
Let's thank our brains for all they bring!

Logan H. said...

Science! true daughter of Old Time thou art!
Who alterest all things with thy peering eyes.
Why preyest thou thus upon the poet’s heart,
Vulture, whose wings are dull realities?
How should he love thee? or how deem thee wise,
Who wouldst not leave him in his wandering
To seek for treasure in the jewelled skies,
Albeit he soared with an undaunted wing?
Hast thou not dragged Diana from her car,
And driven the Hamadryad from the wood
To seek a shelter in some happier star?
Hast thou not torn the Naiad from her flood,
The Elfin from the green grass, and from me
The summer dream beneath the tamarind tree?

tanya .m said...

Anonymous said...

Plants doin' that,
Plants doin' this,
Plants doing photosynthesis!
Plants are making,
Sweet fresh food,
Use sunlight, water,
Plants don't eat,
Can't share a meal,
But photosynthesize with zeal!
A pigment green,
Used to make,
Sweet plant cuisine!
Lets those plants,
Feed us all,
Lets green plants,
Feed the world!
Plants return,
O2 to breathe,
Better hope,
Those plants,
Don't leave!

Anonymous said...

Banana Slug

Banana slug!
banana slug
I’m not a bug,
I’m not a bug!
I’m a gooey gastropod!
Got no shell,
On my bod…
A type of snail,
Thin and yellow,
Kinda’ SLOW,
Kinda’ mellow,
Banana hued,
May have spots,
spotten slug
You like goo?
I got lots!
Keeps me moist,
Keeps me alive,
Are my eyes!
One lung only,
How I breathe,
Eat some plants,
Climb on trees,
I’m a slug,
Every day,
Not a bug,
In any way!

David Ross said...

Let your fingers explore the wonderfulgarbage by Clarita
crevices of the globe, sitting aside pen holders,
paper cups, things made of the earth. Your fingertips
smile at the notion that they can “see”

such wonders as the Grand Canyon, Sahara Desert,
Atlantic Trench, all while lifting a mug of cocoa
to your lips, adjusting the volume on
your shuffled playlist.

The leaves will brush up against
the windowpane, then kissing their glossy skin
to the lightsource like insects. Do plants ever feel

cold? You’ll shudder a glacierwide dread, counting
your blessings that you aren’t spending the night
beneath a bridge. But that would never have been

you anyway. Your fingers will find the Pacific Ocean
and think nothing of the plastic island as big as Texas.

Antwan M/ Bad Poem said...

Id like to see what animals cells can be,
The shape of a bee or pea,
and with all the people going "Wee".

Tim D said...

Igneous rocks,
When lava halts,
Are volcanic rocks,
Like mafic basalts...

Anonymous said...

He creeps and he crawls,
8 legs can be seen,
His name is just spider,
And sometimes he’s mean...
I hope none are hiding,
Inside my room,
I hope there’s no spiders,
From noon to next noon!
He isn’t an insect,
A common mistake,
He’s an arachnid,
And webs he can make...
Like mites, and like ticks,
Has 2 body parts,
Hunts for his food,
Predator smarts!
I don’t want him in there,
Under my bed,
He should be outside,
In nature instead...
No antennae or wings!
Like moths, flies, and fleas,
Hatches from egg sacs,
Not larvae like bees…
He’s sporting some fangs,
For biting and eating,
I hope that mean spider,
I’ll never be meeting!
Please move that spider,
Use a long broom,
I can’t sleep when spiders,
Are sharing my room…

Lewin P. said...

Science is fun
But it makes me want to run
When there is too much work
I want to stab someone with a fork
The class is crazy
I try not to be lazy
But when I am Mr Ruby puts me in my place
He takes me by my shirt and punches me in the face
Jk he doesn't do that
He just verbally abuses us by calling us fat
He is actually an awesome teacher
Well now he talks more and sounds like a preacher
We learned about rocks and the human body system
When he is absent we all really miss him
Snow day science is a big deal
It's not as serious, well you get the feel
Chemical or mechanical, both are weathering
They Break down rocks, it really is quite a cool thing
Science IS REAL I can prove it
Now get back to work, c'mon, move it!

Robie Hooke (Axl Rose Was Here) said...

Out on the streets straight from robi hook straight out of Oxford Crazy scientist named robin.Created cell theory unlike newton about blow your nucleus.

Isaiah w said...

What connects my bones together?
Asked the student in the sweater,
Teacher said, and laughed, and laughed,
It’s crazy glue and argon gas!
crazy glue
The student frowned,
And groaned some groans,
There’s no glue that holds my bones!
Teacher said,
Yes, you’re right,
Glue could come undone at night,
Your body wouldn’t have a form,
Just like ice cubes, when it’s warm!
Does any student know the truth?
What makes bones unlike a tooth?

Anonymous said...

The cell membrane is like the guard to a door
Things taken in while others it will ignore
The nucleus is the center of them all
It controls the whole cell and is always on the ball
The mitochondria produces ATP
So you have enough energy to run and be free
The vacuoles are like the storage centers
Only specified things are allowed to enter
Rough ER and Smooth ER are in here too
And the lysosomes are the cleanup crew

Nicole Printy said...

Minerals are cool. They are in your pool. Goats crave them everyday. Goats climb 90º mountains sides for minerals. AYE!

Cameron M. said...

Trees, trees
Home of the bees,
Home of the seeds,
The buds,
And the leaves...
Home of a bird,
A chipmunk,
A bat...
Trees make their own food,
But never get fat!!!
fat tree
They live quite a while,
Like a very long time,
Get older than Grandpa & Grandma combined!
For tens,
And hundreds,
And thousands of years,
They give shade to our picnics,
And food to our deers...
And all trees make flowers,
And all trees make fruits,
And all trees have trunks,
elephant trunk
And all trees have roots...
From bananas
To chestnuts,
To apples,
To plums,
Trees give us good food,
They're really our chums!
We use sap to make syrup,
And rubber, and fuel,
We use wood to make chairs,
To sit down at school...
But without all your help,
And without your concern,
We won't have enough trees,
And for trees we will yearn,
Because trees give us things,
That we need to survive,
Like trees(or oxygen) to breathe,
To live and to thrive...
And trees don't take much,
for all that they give,
They only need sunlight,
And water to live...
sunlight + water
Well maybe some soil,
To hold themselves up,
And maybe some love,
So they don't get cut up...
cut up trees
Cut down or cut up,
However you view it,
We all need green trees,
So save one,
Just do it!!!

Anonymous said...

A poem by ME (Mr. Ruby, I challenge you to rap this in class.)

Science is real
Science is now.
Most of us
don't know how.
Science is here,
Science is there,
Science is everywhere.

Science is real,
Science is now.
Everyone uses it
Then 'till now.
From gravity to force,
Without remorse.
Science is here,
Science is there,
Science is everywhere.

Science is real,
Science is now.
To make something,
Create something,
Learn from the past.
Science is here,
Science is there,
Science is everywhere.

yvette C said...

Sun Poem

I’m front and center of it all,
Big ol’ burning, bright gas ball...
Planets spin around my girth,
Saturn, Neptune,
Venus, Earth...
You couldn't live,
You couldn't see...
Without strong solar energy,
I’m the mother of it all,
Summer, winter, spring through fall,
My light provides,
For plants to grow,
I’m the cause of rain and snow,
My light's sunlight,
Shows the way,
Because of me,
There’s night and day,
I’m the Sun,
A burning star,
Without my heat,
You won’t go far,
There’s no life,
Without my shine...
That’s why I burn,
All the time...

Jade S said...

Carnivores eat only meat
But some eat more than that
An omnivore gets meat and plants
Within their area of habitat.

Camden. S said...

I like science
Science is cool
And ''yay science''
and rhyming rock words
and rhyming human body parts
and then the poem ends

Jack B said...

Bobby tried to booty shake,
But couldn’t bust a move!
Had no muscles, in his body,
Skeletal or smooth…
Yes, he had no mighty muscles,
To blink or lift a penny,
Tried to walk, run, and smile,
All of those, he can’t do any…
Yes, you need some mighty muscles,
To move your skeleton,
Don’t have any muscles?
Be motionless like him…

Alex Laflamme said...

Science is the finest,
Most wisest way to fix a disease.
Yes, science is real,
and it makes mice squeal,
About is awesomeness today, hooray!

By: Alex Laflamme