Humans are 90% of the cause of wild fires and forest fires, because we can accidentally light something on fire, and also landslides can be caused by us building on cliffs or hills.
Sink holes could be mostly caused by humans because when they dig for wells or mine it takes water from the ground and eventually this ground will weaken and collapse causing a SINK HOLE.
A local hazard that is mostly caused by humans are wild fires. Humans cause 90% of wild fires, for example, cigarets can get thrown on the ground and light something on fire and then it could light the forest on fire.
I think forest fires are most caused by humans.
A natural hazards that could be caused by humans are wildfires.
forst fires
Wildfires is a natura harzard mostly caused by humans
wild fires
A natural hazard that is caused by humans is wildfires
wildfires could be caused by humans .
Forest Fires are caused mostly by humans. We can cause landslides by building on cliffs. We can also cause droughts by using too much water.
Wild/Forest firesare most caused by humans
I think the natural hazard mostly caused by humans is forest fires.
Mostly forest fires are caused by humans.
natural disasters that are caused by humans are forest fires
forest fires are mostly coused by humans.
A natural hazards that is caused by humans are tondos and wildfires.
I think it is forest fires made by people.
wild fires
Well what I think would be wild fires
global warming
A natural hazards are caused by humans are wildfires
Forest Fires Are caused mostly by humans and mud slides
Humans are 90% of the cause of wild fires and forest fires, because we can accidentally light something on fire, and also landslides can be caused by us building on cliffs or hills.
wild fires are more caused by humans.
Wild fires are mostly caused by humans.
Wild fires are mostly caused by humans.
The wild fires
Sink holes could be mostly caused by humans because when they dig for wells or mine it takes water from the ground and eventually this ground will weaken and collapse causing a SINK HOLE.
Wild fires are caused by humans.
Wild fires is the natural hazard that is mostly caused by humans.
A natural hazards that could be caused by humans are wildfires.
wildfire 90% of the time caused by humans.the other 10% is lighting.
A wildfire.
Some wild fires are caused by humans, some sink holes are caused when humans mine or dig.,
Forest fires are a big hazard to maine, That also is set by humans.
Wild fires are caused by humans.
A local hazard that is mostly caused by humans are wild fires. Humans cause 90% of wild fires, for example, cigarets can get thrown on the ground and light something on fire and then it could light the forest on fire.
One locale hazard that humans can cause is wiled fire.
95% of humans are the reason of wild fires.
Wildfies can be caused by man and also Smokey.
Four out of five wiled fires are caused by humans
Wild fires can be casued by humans.
Wildfires and forest fires are caused by humans.
Wildfires may be caused by humans.
wildfires can be caused by humans and so can sink holes by subways and caves
A local natural hazard that could be caused by humans is wildfires.
Wildfires and sink holes could be caused by humans
Wildfires can be caused by either un-responsible people or just accidents.
wild fires and landslides
A natural hazard that could be caused by humans would be a wildfire.
Wild fires can start by humans in a lot of ways like having a camp fire.
Diseases, wildfire, sinkhole, and floods.
and cigarettes
and other stuff
Forest Fires can be caused by humans.
Forrest fires are caused by humanns
Diseases can caused by humans,
Wild fires are from humans most of the time.
Forest fires, Sink holes, and some forms of erosion can be caused by humans.
Wildfires and avalanches can be caused by humans.
Wild fires
Wild fires are cause by bon fires and crazy people.
And when smoky the bear isn't there.
a local natural hazard that is caused by humans are wild fires
wild fires. when smokey the bear isn't there, the whole forest burns down
Wild Fires.
Wild fires.
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