Tuesday, November 13, 2012

High Tides

Hopewell Rocks 

The rocks in this picture are found on the coast of Canada.  How do you think these structures were formed? Research how high the tides are at Hopewell compared to those in Portland Maine. 


Christian T said...

It was cosed by the tides going in and out.

Dawson,G said...

in portland the rocks are piled and no shaped that happened when the water kept carrying rocks and hitting against it .

Shane.D said...

water scraps the rock down to that shape

Riley O said...


Dominique G. and Bryn W. said...

These rocks were formed by high tides. They got their shape by the way the water moved and scraped against them. Other things are able to scape against them, too. Things with rough surfaces such as rocks and shells scrape against the rocks and form the shapes. The tides in Hopewell can get up to 48 feet. In Portland, tides can get to a height of at least 11 feet.

cameron s said...

50 feet

Maddy C. said...

These structures were probably formed when the high tide wore away at the rock. The high tides in Hopewell can get to 52 feet. High tides in Portland don't reach that height.

Jordan M said...

By wind erosion. It rises up to 55ft.

Garrett H said...

I think these were formed from the high tide coming in over and over until it turns into that.

James D said...

These rocks were formed by high tides. They got their shape by the way the water moved and scraped against them. Other things are able to scape against them, too. Things with rough surfaces such as rocks and shells scrape against the rocks and form the shapes. The tides in Hopewell can get up to 48 feet. In Portland, tides can get to a height of at least 11 feet.

Christian T said...

The tides in Hopewell can get up to 48 feet. In Portland, tides can get to a height of at least 11 feet.

Jordan M said...

Hopewell 50ft and Portland 55ft

Garrett H said...

The waves there can get up to 48 feet tall.

Jordan M said...

Portland 10ft.

Aaran H. said...

Hopewell's tides get up to 52 feet and Portland is up to 10 feet.

AlexisP said...

The tides can get up to : 50 FT. (Or 10-14 meters).

Maddy C. said...

The predictions for tides in Portland today say, high tide will reach about 10 feet.

Zach S. said...

The way the rocks got this way was from waves crashing into the rock's and wind.The tide in portland is 11 and Hopewell is 50 ft something

Connor.R said...

The tides can get up to : 50 FT. (Or 10-14 meters).

Timmy Light said...

they are 48 to 50 feet tall and the rocks are formed by high tides

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Cassidy m said...

The rocks got this way from waves crashing into the rock's and from wind.The tide in portland is 11 and Hopewell is 50 ft.

Max H said...

i think those were formed because of high tide and wind erosian... during high tide the water would loosen the sediments in the rock which eather the rock down which would cause it to break so thats why the rock is thin on the bottom.

Anonymous said...

high tides

MorganD said...

They can be formed By water. The waves that crashed up on the rocks caused erosion. The tides in Hopewell can get up to 48 feet. In Portland, tides can get to a height of at least 11 feet.

Unknown said...

i think they were formed by either water erosion, like the waves or something, and a little wind erosion.

AlexisD said...

It's either a flood or repeating high tides.Because they look eroded.

Katie L. said...

I think they were formed by waves crashing against the rocks causing them to erode.

Unknown said...

also because of high tide

ALice M. said...

The rocks were formed by water erosion, the tides in Hopewell get as high as 52 feet, the tides in Portland aren't nearly as high.

EmilyB said...

The rocks can be formed by water eroding the rocks.The Tides can get up to 50 feet high.

caleb c said...

I tink they formed from water erosion.

Jada M. said...

i think that they were just curved like that

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

portland dosen't have that kind of erosion

catie riley said...

i think that the rocks were formed because of water and wind erosion and i found that the tides in hopewell are as high as 52 feet high and 10.6 feet high in portland maine.

Jada M. said...

by water eroding

KatelinK said...

it was formed from high tides and hopewell is 50ft. and in portland is 11

zack c said...

i think that they were all made by the tide to make the formations.

Emily B. said...

I think that the structures are formed by wind and water erosion. The height of the tides at Hopewell are 52 feet were as Portland tides are roughly 10ft.

Carly M. said...

I think the rocks were formed by the high tides. It goes up to a height of 50ft.

Maddy P. said...

I think the structures above were formed by high tides and weathering over time. A bunch of wind could cause them too.

Zachk said...

First the difference in the tides is a lot. In Hopwell, they are 52ft as opposed to Portland where they are only 10ft. I think the rocks were formed simply by the tide going in and out.

Owen R !! said...

The big rocks were formed by tide and erosion.

Journey B. said...

These structures were formed by water erosion and high tides. The high tides in Hopewell can be up to 52 feet high, and in Portland they only get up to a forth of that.

joe w said...

they are both on the same coast.

ConnorB said...

The rocks were formed by the current and tide of the water, the water hits the rocks repeatedly wearing the rock away. In Hopewell, the tide is much bigger than Portlands tide.

katalinaD said...

the 1 question one would be water erosion and the 2 question would be up to 52 feet.

Matt C said...

the "structchers" are formed by waves

Shane k said...

it was a mountain but the water washed part of it away.

Kevin S said...

these structures are formed by water that was really high on the rocks and the waves probably crashed on the rocks causing water erosion

Green monshah said...

These structures were formed by water erosion and high tides. The high tides in Hopewell can be up to 52 feet high, and in Portland they only get up to a forth of that.

Lauren S. said...

I think that the structures were formed by the way that the water flows in and out and I think that it went over the rocks a smoothed and shaped the rocks.... The tide in Portland Maine can be up to 52 feet.

Cj W. said...

i think those were formed because of high tide and wind erosian during high tide the water would loosen the sediments in the rock which eather the rock down which would cause it to break so thats why the rock is thin on the bottom

Kaylee C. said...

I think that the rocks were formed by the water that runs underneath them so it causes that.

The tides are like 52 feet high at like high tide and stuff.

shane k said...
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Kevin S said...

what he said

Cameron T. said...

By water erosion.

Gia L said...

They were formed by water erosion. The tides in Hopewell can get up to 50 feet high, whereas in Portland it's about a forth of that. Since high tide can get so high, it could erode rocks that tall.

Kevin S said...

yeah me too

Kevin S said...


Kevin S said...

Im a barbie girl

Kevin S said...

that was shane

Kevin S said...

in a barbie world

Parker D. (XDMee) said...

I think those rocks were formed by the tide going in and out.

Nathan C. said...

Hopewell, Canada= 52 ft tide;
Portland, ME= 11.4 ft tide.

They were formed through erosion.

Jacob G said...

They were formed by erosion.

Morgan S said...

hopewll, canada= 53ft tide;
portland, maine 12.5 ft tide.

thee where formed by erosion.

chanced said...

These rocks were formed by high tides. They got their shape by the way the water moved and scraped against them. Other things are able to scape against them, too. Things with rough surfaces such as rocks and shells scrape against the rocks and form the shapes. The tides in Hopewell can get up to 48 feet. In Portland, tides can get to a height of at least 11 feet.Hopewell, Canada= 52 ft tide;
Portland, ME= 11.4 ft tide.

They were formed through erosion.

adamp said...

this probobly happend when the tide went up it proboly eroded the rocks

Lauryn R said...

They were formed by erosion.

Emily H said...

They formed by all sand and erosion.

jenn w said...

its 50ft high by the Hopewell tides and 9ft tides in Portland Maine

they were formed by erosion like volcano

hayley g said...

I think the rocks were formed by erosion. Also by the sand being washed up and the water washing some of it away.

Sheila A said...

I think these structures were formed by water erosion. The tides in Hopewell can reach up to 50 feet, whereas in Portland, the tide is only at about 10 feet.

Jacob G said...

53ft in Hopewell,Canada

12.5 in Portland,Maine

david vincent said...

I think the tides got really high and eroded the rocks and then the water went down so people could see the erosion.

Jenny C said...

I think the rocks were formed by erosion.
Hopewell Rocks,Canada =52ft tide.
Portland Maine = 11.8ft tide.

Damian P said...

the rocks in the picture are formed by erosion from the salt water maybe

Skyler D. said...

These rocks were formed through water erosion, the constant day in, day out of water moving to low tide to high tide. And over a long period time there is a lot of wearing down of the rock, which is water erosion.

Whitney R said...

I think these were formed by weather and nature. I am sure that some people or animals have hit them or "injured" them. By weather rain and wind have blown by it and the rain could have discinigrated it and the wind could have blown and chipped some pieces of it away. It could have also been from tides and erosion.

DARREN P. said...

I think they were formed by the tides and the tides in Portland are 12.5 ft tides. Hopewell are 53 ft tides

Aidan R said...

The rocks were formed by water erosion, the tides in Hopewell get as high as 52 feet, the tides in Portland aren't nearly as high.

BruceB said...

by water and wind

Zoe D said...

I think the structures were formed by water erosion and high tides.

Mara C. said...

The rocks were formed by tidal erosion. The waves are at hope well are 53ft tide and Maine 11.3ft tide.