Monday, November 26, 2012

Cells or Not Cells

A. Name five things that are made up of cells and three things that are not. 
B. Explain your thinking. Describe the rule or reason you used to decide whether something is or is not made up of cells. 


Riley O said...

1) At the start of mitosis chromosomes are in the nucleus.
2) The chromosomes in the nucleus will then make a copy of themselves
3) Next the cell divides.
4) Last one set of chromosomes goes to the new cell and one set remains in the parent cell.
5) they are small.

1 blood
2 burgers
3 fries

Maddy C. said...

Plants and animals are made up of cells. Living things like, people, pets, trees, fruits and vegetables have cells. Inanimate objects, such as computers, desks, walls, and things like that, don't have cells.

Nikki And Bryn! said...

Human bodies are made up of cells, mostly our skin. Animals' skin is made up of cells. Plants are made up of cells, too.
Things like computers aren't made up of living cells, neither are keypad covers.
Things that are living are most likely made up of cells because in order to live you need skin and blood and an immune system. I know things that aren't living don't have cells because we have no use for cells.

David H said...

There are a hole bush of cells one type of cell is while blood cells and white blood cell helps you fights colds.

Riley O said...

1) At the start of mitosis chromosomes are in the nucleus.
2) The chromosomes in the nucleus will then make a copy of themselves
3) Next the cell divides.
4) Last one set of chromosomes goes to the new cell and one set remains in the parent cell.
5) they are small.

1 laptop
2 wall
3 desk

Timmy Light said...

A vacuole, chloroplast, ribosomes, cell wall, cell membrane

B you would preform a hypothesis and blood is a cell and a lot of things have cells.

James D said...

The cell wall,cell membrane,vacuole,rough ER,and smooth ER.I just looked at it and guessed.

Jordan M said...

5 things that are made up of cells are plants, animals, humans, and vegetables. 3 things that are not made out of cells are rocks, plastic, and fossil fuels.

Jordan M said...

trees are also made of cells

Zach S. said...

cell's plants,animals,humans,trees, and foods no cells are rocks fossil fuel and certain plastic

Huntsta J said...

people,animals,tree,grass,shells and fish

Aja A. said...

The cell membrane, cell wall, vacuole, rough ER and Smooth ER.

Aaran H. said...

Humans, Animals, Plants, Fruits, and Vegetables have cells. Rocks, plastics, and fossil fuels do not have cells.

James D said...

plants,people,animals,water,and fish

Connor.R said...



AlexisD said...

All living things have cells here are 3 examples, Humans, Plants,Animals,fruits, vegetables .Then there are stuff that don't have cells, here are a few examples, Bricks, Metals,Plastic.

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

people plants animals dog cat

chair desk words

Max H said...

5 things that are.... humans animals plants grass and the cell wall.
3 things that aren't.... a football, a soccer ball, and a basketball.
i decided to say if those things were or werent made up of cells because i put living things for the group that have cells.

Max H said...

dogs and cats****

AlexisD said...


katelin k said...

people animals and food . Things that dont have cells are plastic brick and metal

Anonymous said...

plants, animals, humans, and vegetables.not made out of cells are rocks, plastic, and fossil fuels.

Cassidy m said...

5 living things are Animals,tree,people, shells and fish. None living examples are plastic, bricks, and metal!

EmilyB said...

Every living thing is made up of cells. Some examples are;Humans, Plants, Animals, Fruits, and Vegetables. Some examples that don't have cells are metals, plastic, and bricks.

Carly M. said...

Five things that are made up of cells are people, grass, flowers, bears, and fish.
Three things that are not made up of cells are rocks, trash, and water.

Jada M. said...

three things rocks air and dirt
five things are Tree
Venus Fly Trap
Pitcher Plant

MorganD said...

#1: Living things - Trees, Plants, Animals, humans and fish. Things that Don't have cells are metal, plastic and bricks.

#2: I thought about Living and non Living things.

Katie L. said...

anything living has cells humans, cats, dogs, birds, turtles and some things that dont have cells are doors laptops and pencils they dont have cells because they dont have any living organisms.

Emily B. said...

Five things that are made of cells. people, animals, plants, water, trees.
Three things that are not made of cells. rocks, sediment, metal.
My reason for picking these is that I believe that anything that is alive is made of cells.

ALice M. said...

Animals such as cats, dogs, PEOPLE, snakes, and lizards all have cells, every animal is made up of cells, As well as all plants. No living thing doesn't have cells. It's not possible. Metals, rocks, and plastic do not have cells because they aren't living.

Jasmine B said...

Some things that are made up of cells are things such as animals, plants,people, flowers, tigers etc. Things that arent made of cells would be non-living things like metals, minerals, glass, rocks etc. How you decide if something is made ip of cells or not, is to know if it is or isnt living. All living things have cells as to non-living dont.

zack c said...

animals,humans,tree's,fish,and spiders. bricks,metal,rocks,dirt,and computers

Anonymous said...

5 things that are humans animals plants grass and the cell wall.
3 things that aren't a football, a soccer ball, and a basketball.
i decided to say if those things were or weren't made up of cells because i put living things for the group that have cells.

catie riley said...

things that have cells are humans plants vegitables plant roots grass
things that don't have cells are softball clothes ceilings
i made these choices because things that have cells are basically living things and the things that have no cells are things that aren't living are things that were man made.

Aasyhia said...

five things that make up cells are:plants, animals, atoms, cell membrane, nucleus.Five things that do not make up cells are:non living things like a rock, medal, ruber.

nate.b said...



Cj W. said...

5 things that are humans animals plants grass and the cell wall
3 things they are not a football, a soccer ball, and a basketball
i decided to say if those things were or not made up of cells because i put living things for the group that have cells

Alissa H said...

Things made up of cells: People, animals, plants, fish, wood

Things NOT made up of cells: Metal, glass, plastic

Journey B. said...

1. Humans
2. Animals
3. Plants
4. Fungus
5. Atoms

1. Rocks
2. Plastic
3. Computers

All living things have cells.
If it is not living, it does not have cells.

Matt C <> said...

rough er. smooth er. cell wall. cell membrain. ribsomes.

AndrewE said...

Five things that have cells with in them are, animals, humans, plants, trees, and the ocean. They have cells because all living things have cells in them. The have to have cells to live. Three things that don't have cells are Lamborghinis, Porshes, and Ferraris.

Owen R !! said...


no cells:

kevin s <> said...

imagation figuritve speeches and metaphore
skin plants eyes intetstines food GRAVY HONDA

Lauren S. said...

Five things that are made out of Cells-

3 things that are not made up of cells -

ConnorB said...

me,ace,zach,joey,and parker. cars, planes and tvs.

Zachk said...

Five things that are made of cells are Ace, Eyeballs, whales, turnips, and peanuts. Things that are not are basements, Madden 13, and flagpoles. The things that are made of cells are living and cells are living. The things that are not are not living are not made of cells.

Kaylee C. said...

1. Humans
2. Mice
3. Pigs
4. Dogs

1. Laptops
2. Numbers
3. Chairs some chairs

I picked these because Journey helped me but I found most of them.

Matt C <> said...

ooo made up of cells. honda. yamaha. kawasaki. ktm. sucksuki.

joe w said...

A humans plants dirt leaves and sand
B hearing sight light

Matt C <> said...

living stuff

Cameron.T said...



Parker D. said...

Five things that are made of cells are plants, animals, fish, dinosaurs, and me. Five things that are not made of cells are flint, gravel, dirt, stone, and computers. Things that have cells are living, and things that had no cells are not living.

Gia L said...

Five things that are made up of cells are humans, penguins, plants, fish, cats. Three things that don't have cells are rocks, computers, and plastic. Living things have cells.

Jacob G said...



My thinking for my five things are that they all live. For my three is that they do not live.

Morgan S said...

1) plants
3) me
4) babies
5)sea animals.
These are what cells are made of.
Because most living thing have cells.

adam p said...

Plants and animals are made up of cells. Living things like, people, pets, trees, fruits and vegetables have cells. Inanimate objects, such as computers, desks, walls, and things like that, don't have cells.

Aidan R said...

Five things that are made up of cells are humans, cats, dogs, fish, and sloths. Three things that are not made of cells are computers, plastic, and phones.

Emily H said...

things that have cells are humans plants vegitables plant roots grass
things that don't have cells are softball clothes ceilings
i made these choices because things that have cells are basically living things and the things that have no cells are things that aren't living are things that were man made.

Zoe D said...

Five things that are made up of cells are plants, animals, humans, atoms, and vegetation.
Three things that are not made up out of cells are plastic, rocks, and ipads.
There are cells in things that are natural and not man-made.

JENN W said...

5 thing that are made up of human cells are dogs,cats,fish,plants, and human of course three thing that are not is glass, chalk and white boards any thing that is living must has cells.

Sheila A said...

Five things that are made up of cells are humans, plants, trees, and dogs and cats.
Three thins that aren't made up of cells are rocks, cars, and plastic.
I used the things that are made up of cells because those are the ones that I already knew were made up of cells. Those three things don't have cells because they are not living organisms.

chanced said...


Chairs some chairs

I picked these because Journey helped me but I found most of them

Mara C. said...

1.A plants

Things that are alive have cells,things that aren't living have no cells.

DARREN P. said...

Five are people, dogs, cats, fish, deer.Three that aren't are plastic, computers, rocks. all living things have cells but if they just died there are some still there.

Hayley G said...

With cells
1. Humans
2. Animals
3. Plants
4. Fruit
5. Trees
Without cells
1. Rocks
2. Baggies
3. Electronics

Anything living is made of cells
ifs its not living it doesn't have any cells.

Damian P said...



I picked these ones because I know what has cells and what does not.

Jacob G said...

I change my pencils with plastic.

Jenny C said...

Five things that are made up of cells are plants,animals,humans,trees,fish.
Three things that don't have cells are rocks,plastic,and Shells.Living things have cells like plants and animals,But things that aren't living like rocks don't have cells.

Arlo p said...

One thing that is made up of cells is a tree. Another thing that is made up of cells is a person. The third thing that is made up of cells is a leaf. The fourth thing that is made up of cells is a whale. The last thing that is made up of cells is bones. One thing that isn't made up of cells is a rock. Another thing that isn't made up of cells is pencil lead. The last thing that is made up of cells is a plastic bag. Something that has cells is a living thing and something that doesn't have cells isn't living.

Kelsey S. :P said...

Humans, dogs, turtles, birds, and plants.

I think this because they are all living.

Skyler D. said...

Humans, stoats, and monkeys have cells
Rocks, metal and water do not have cells.

david vincent said...

People and plants are made of cells.

Doors paper and clocks are not made of cells.

BruceB said...

humans trees animals
laptops glass tv

Mia W said...

Some things that are made of cells....

1.) Tree's
2.) Puppies
3.) Me!!!!
4.) Kitties
5.) Some foods.

Some things that aren't made of cells....
1.) Bags
2.)Plastic Plants
3.)Stuffed animals

Things that are alive have cells, and things that dont have cells are dead or aren't living.

Logan C said...



YAY!!! i did it!!!!

Logan C said...

good job!!!!!

Lauryn Silva said...

Five things that are made of cells are plants, humans, trees, animals, and vegetables.
Three things that do not have cells are rocks, sponges and pens.

caleb c said...

a leaf, a tree, a person, an animal, an insect,and three things that are not are a laptop a chair and a window

Matt C said...

the diffrence between these cells are the prokaryotic cells do not have nucules and the cells do

Nathan C. said...

Prokaryotic cells are only found in one-celled organisms and eukaryotic make Protists, fungi, plants and animals.
A: 1. Cell Membranes.
2. Nucleolus.
3. Organelles.
4. Ribosomes.
5. Nucleolus heredity material.

1. Paper.
2. Harry Potter Book.
3. Red Blood Cell.