Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ground Water

What is groundwater ?
What sort of Pollution could affect ground water? 

Please Check out the link for more information 


Jordan M said...

Water held underground in the soil or in pores and crevices in rock.

Groundwater pollutants can be either organic or inorganic.

Riley O said...
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cameron s said...

the more ground water is the less the populaion the more there will be.

Maddy C. said...

Ground water is water located underneath Earths surface in soil pore spaces. Many people use groundwater and don't ever know it. Groundwater pollution occurs when hazardous substances come into contact and dissolve in the water.

Mr Ruby said...

good comment Jordan , what would some of the organic or inorganic pollutants be?

Garrett H said...

Ground water is water that soaks down int the ground and half the population in the United States uses it.

cameron s said...

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater). Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.

Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water. In almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological communities.

James D said...

Water held underground in the soil or in pores and crevices in rock.

Groundwater pollutants can be either organic or inorganic.

Mr Ruby said...

Maddy could you come up with some specific types of hazardous substances ?

Mr Ruby said...

Garrett good facts however what about ground water and pollution?

Timmy Light said...

it makes the ground mushy

Dawson,G said...

oil from biats

Connor.R said...


Mr Ruby said...

James can you find a name of a pollutant and where it comes from.

cameron s said...

such as plastice

Timmy Light said...

Groundwater is water that soaks into the ground and collects into the pores and empty spaces between rock. Pollution that can affect ground water is oil and chemicals getting into the water.

Maddy C. said...

metals, metallic minerals, arsenic

Anonymous said...
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Mr Ruby said...

Timmy affects of pollution is an interesting way to go with this question. So, what affect does some pollution have on ground water? What affect does it have on the organisms that use the polluted water?

Shane.D said...

Water held underground in the soil or in pores and crevices in rock.

Groundwater pollutants can be either organic or inorganic.

James D.

Timmy Timmy said...

like oil and a bunch of waste and I re posted already.

Dawson,G said...

polution from boates can effect wildlife and the ocean witch is oil

Connor.R said...

it makes them sick

James D said...

people use ground water to drink every day :)

Anonymous said...

Groundwater is water held underground in the soil or in tiny spaces between rocks.
Groundwater pollution is when any pollution comes in contact and dissolves in the water that has soaked into the soil.

Timmy Timmy said...

the bird or animal would die slow

Lauryn Silva said...

Groundwater is water held underground in the soil or in pores and crevices in rock.
The pollution that could effect groundwater is oils and gases because it flows and falls into the groundwater and hurts and life in the water

nate said...

1. water in the ground,Duh?
2. Bones,oil,gas,dung,etc.

david vincent said...

Groundwater is water underground,chemicals and pesticides in lawns could pollute groundwater also non necessary things poured down the drain also pollute groundwater.

nate said...

Doung is poop if you didn't know;)

jesse.g said...

Groundwater is water located beneath the earth's surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of rock formations. A unit of rock or an unconsolidated deposit is called an aquifer when it can yield a usable quantity of water.

Max H said...

gruond water is the water that is under ground. and what ever u put int he lake or the ground could pollute it.

catie.r. said...

i think that groundwater comes fro the ground and i think rain an snow cause groundwater .

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

people dumping gas litter acid rain could pollute groundwater

Anonymous said...

1. water that soaked in the ground

2. oil,bones,gas ect

zack c said...

ground water is the best water the animals that can go under ground

Max H said...

its dung not doung

KatelinK said...

i think groundwater comes from rain

Carly M. said...

Groundwater is water that comes from the ground.
Chemicals and decomposed litter can pollute the groundwater.

Katie L. said...

Groundwater is water that is beneath the earth's surface. A type of pollution that effects groundwater is soil pollution.

MorganD said...

Water under the ground.
Oil, Gases ummm I dont know

ALice M. said...

Groundwater is water that is underground, pollution such as gas, oil, metal, arsenic, waste, and metallic minerals all can affect the water.

Emily B. said...

Ground water is water from the ground.

The water can become polluted from underground tanks that leek.

EmilyB said...

Groundwater comes from rain, snow, sleet, and hail. A pollution that effects groundwater is oil pollution.

casey g said...

Groundwater is water that comes from the ground. Sounds easy, doesn't it? Amazingly, many people use groundwater but don't even know it. In fact, half of everyone in the United States drinks groundwater everyday! Groundwater is even used to irrigate crops which grow food for tonight's dinner.

Where does groundwater come from? Groundwater comes from rain, snow, sleet, and hail that soaks into the ground. The water moves down into the ground because of gravity, passing between particles of soil, sand, gravel, or rock until it reaches a depth where the ground is filled, or saturated, with water. The area that is filled with water is called the saturated zone and the top of this zone is called the water table. Makes sense, doesn't it? The top of the water is a table! The water table may be very near the ground's surface or it may be hundreds of feet below.

Think about this: have you ever dug a hole in sand next to an ocean or lake? What happens? As you're digging, you eventually reach water, right? That water is groundwater. The water in lakes, rivers, or oceans is called surface water...it's on the surface. Groundwater and surface water sometimes trade places. Groundwater can move through the ground and into a lake or stream. Water in a lake can soak down into the ground and become groundwater.

groundwater well illustration

Groundwater is stored in the ground in materials like gravel or sand. It's kind of like the earth is a big sponge holding all that water. Water can also move through rock formations like sandstone or through cracks in rocks.

An area that holds a lot of water, which can be pumped up with a well, is called an aquifer. Wells pump groundwater from the aquifer and then pipes deliver the water to cities, houses in the country, or to crops.

Most groundwater is clean, but groundwater can become polluted, or contaminated. It can become polluted from leaky underground tanks that store gasoline, leaky landfills, or when people apply too much fertilizer or pesticides on their fields or lawns. When pollutants leak, spill, or are carelessly dumped on the ground they can move through the soil.

Because it is deep in the ground, groundwater pollution is generally difficult and expensive to clean up. Sometimes people have to find new places to dig a well because their own became contaminated.


Mr Ruby said...

Excellent, comment with specific examples!

Cassidy m said...

groundwater is water that is like underground water and i think it goes into pipes and it goes into peoples houses. Polution could affect groundwater probably because if dirty stuff gets into it, it wouldnt be safe to drink.

AlexisD said...

Ground water is water that comes from the ground.And litter can pollute the water.

Jada M. said...

Groundwater comes from rain, snow, sleet, and hail. A pollution that effects groundwater is oil pollution.

MorganD said...

Metal, arsenic, and waste is not safe. :O

Jasmine B said...

Groundwater is water that is underground.......that's why its called groundwater.......
pollution that could effect groundwater are things like waste, metal, gas oil etc. and many other things as well.

casey g said...

Even with all of the contamination threats to groundwater, it CAN be protected by kids just like you who care about the water they drink. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Investigate your home for products (paints, cleaners, etc.) that could contaminate the groundwater if they were poured down the drain or dumped on the ground outside. Mark all these containers as dangerous so family members will be aware to use these products wisely, or set them aside for donation at the next "household hazardous waste collection day" in your community (see idea number four).
Tell others about how hazardous products can contaminate the groundwater when thrown into the trash. Instead of pouring chemicals down the drain, use them up so there is only a container remaining. Recycle the container if possible.
Begin using environmentally friendly products instead of hazardous ones. Visit your local library or bookstore to find recipes for homemade cleaners using harmless ingredients like vinegar and baking soda.
Encourage your local health department to sponsor a hazardous waste collection day in your neighborhood. These types of events allow community members to bring in their old paint, motor oil and harmful chemicals to have them disposed of properly. Assist in promoting the event by volunteering to stuff mailers or post signs.
Design a series of posters to hang in your community that display educational messages about groundwater protection. Ask a local grocery store, library, school, or department store to display them.
Team up with your teacher and classmates and complete a community service project or host a school-wide groundwater education day.
Remember, every little thing you do DOES make a difference!


Aasyhia said...

groundwater is water that is found underground. polluton can effect groundwater when poisonous liquids soak down through the soil .rock and comes and can come into contact with things.

Matt C said...

pee, waste, toxic waste, super toxic waste, and acid rains and others

joe w said...

acidic rain

Nathan C. said...

Ground water is water that comes from the ground.
Water pollution can affect what we drink of water.

Owen R !! said...

What matt said.

Lauren S. said...

Waste and acid form the rain. and other acid things plus peoples trash.

Owen R !! said...

Also ground waste water and water pollution.

Zachk said...

If there is a spot where the bury nuclear rods nearby the radiation could seep into the water, rendering it radioactive.

katalinaD said...

Groundwater is water held underground in the soil or in pores and crevices in rock.
The pollution that could effect groundwater is oils and gases because it flows and falls into the groundwater and hurts and life in the water

Maddy P. said...

Groundwater is water that is water that has seeped through the ground and has come from snow, rain, sleet, and flooding. Pollution can effect groundwater when things like waste, metal, gas, oil, and poisonous liquids seep into the ground and come in contact with the groundwater.

AndrewE said...

Acid rains, Paint and house cleaners will also pollute ground water.

ConnorB said...

Ground water is water underground, and paint and house cleaners can infect groundwater.

Alissa H said...

ground water is water that comes from the ground

Kevin S said...

water thats trapped in the ground oil could polute the water

Journey B. said...

Groundwater is water that is found underground. It goes through permeable ground and get's stored under the surface. If you have a chemical or substance and it somehow gets to the water, it would pollute it. Also, the pollution that you find lingering in the air in cities could somehow get in the rain and pollute the water.

Kaylee C. said...

Groundwater is the water from the rain the is held under the ground in the soil or in the pores and crevices in the rocks.

Stuff that spill like oils and bad stuff can go underground and the the water can get polluted.

AndrewE said...

Ground water is water that is underground. It is pumped into wells to make drinking water.

Nathan C. said...

That is a very long blog answer.

Shane k said...

Population, population can cause bad water from bad food.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


DARREN P. said...

any house hold item and oil.

Emily H said...

Groundwater is water that comes from the ground. Sounds easy, doesn't it? Amazingly, many people use groundwater but don't even know it. In fact, half of everyone in the United States drinks groundwater everyday! Groundwater is even used to irrigate crops which grow food for tonight's dinner.

Where does groundwater come from? Groundwater comes from rain, snow, sleet, and hail that soaks into the ground. The water moves down into the ground because of gravity, passing between particles of soil, sand, gravel, or rock until it reaches a depth where the ground is filled, or saturated, with water. The area that is filled with water is called the saturated zone and the top of this zone is called the water table. Makes sense, doesn't it? The top of the water is a table! The water table may be very near the ground's surface or it may be hundreds of feet below.

Think about this: have you ever dug a hole in sand next to an ocean or lake? What happens? As you're digging, you eventually reach water, right? That water is groundwater. The water in lakes, rivers, or oceans is called surface water...it's on the surface. Groundwater and surface water sometimes trade places. Groundwater can move through the ground and into a lake or stream. Water in a lake can soak down into the ground and become groundwater.

groundwater well illustration

Groundwater is stored in the ground in materials like gravel or sand. It's kind of like the earth is a big sponge holding all that water. Water can also move through rock formations like sandstone or through cracks in rocks.

An area that holds a lot of water, which can be pumped up with a well, is called an aquifer. Wells pump groundwater from the aquifer and then pipes deliver the water to cities, houses in the country, or to crops.

Most groundwater is clean, but groundwater can become polluted, or contaminated. It can become polluted from leaky underground tanks that store gasoline, leaky landfills, or when people apply too much fertilizer or pesticides on their fields or lawns. When pollutants leak, spill, or are carelessly dumped on the ground they can move through the soil.

Because it is deep in the ground, groundwater pollution is generally difficult and expensive to clean up. Sometimes people have to find new places to dig a well because their own became contaminated.


chanced said...

Groundwater is water held underground in the soil or in tiny spaces between rocks.
Groundwater pollution is when any pollution comes in contact and dissolves in the water that has soaked into the soil.

Jacob G said...

It is water from under ground. It's pumped into wells to make drinking water. Pollution from people could pollute the water.

Aidan R said...

Ground water could be effected by gas, acid, polluted water, and people.

adamp said...

Ground water is water located underneath Earths surface in soil pore spaces. Many people use groundwater and don't ever know it. Groundwater pollution occurs when hazardous substances come into contact and dissolve in the water.

Zoe D said...

Groundwater is located under Earth's surface in soil pore places. It comes from the rain which is kept in the soil pore places. And if chemical gets to it then it would pollute it. And the pollution in the air could get in the rain and come in to the groundwater too.

Arlo P said...

Groundwater is water that is underground. Some pollution that can be in it is metal there can be gases in it. That can happen from pipes leaking or breaking that could also be underground.

Whitney R said...

Ground water is water that comes from the ground.

The type of pollution that would effect it would be polluted from leaky underground tanks that store gasoline, leaky landfills, or when people apply too much fertilizer or pesticides on their fields or lawns.

my sources: http://www.groundwater.org/kc/whatis.html

I got my info there but I did not copy and paste.

Sheila A said...

Ground water is water found underground. Ground water pollution can happen when dangerous chemicals or other things get into the water.

Morgan Sanborn said...

water that is under the soil.

oil pulotion.

i got it from my head

Skyler D. said...

Ground water is the water that we use for drinking and all other uses. Different items could pollut the ground water, and it probably has plenty of times that is why some of us own fillters for our fosits and different sorts.

Jenny C said...

Groundwater is water that comes from the ground.ground water pollution would happen when chemicals get into the water.

Mara C. said...

Ground water is: water that soaks into the ground collects in pores & empty spaces. Groundwater pollutants, Which can either be organic and or inorganic.

Mia W said...

Ground water:
Water that soaks in the ground and collects into the pores and empty spaces. Ground water pollutants, which can either be organic and/or inorganic.

Gia L said...

Groundwater is found in the ground. Pollution happens when chemicals get into the water.