Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Check in Collision Project

Please answer the following four sentences to check in on your progress for the Newton's Law Investigation. 

1. What is your hypothesis for your Newton's Laws project? 
2. Do you predict that your collision will be elastic or inelastic?
3. What do you estimate the mass of each of your objects to be? 
4. Which units will you use to show the speed of your object? 


anthony johnson said...

the bowling ball is gonna roll over the baseball its gonna be inelestic bowling ball would prob 100 mass baseball 57 mass I would measure it with a speed stick.

jack han son said...

That the ball will hit it and explode the mellon
mellon heavy ball light
meters per second maybe.......idk

ryley libby said...


Summer K. said...

1.) My hypothesis is that the rock is going to crush the banana.
2.) Inelastic
3.) Banana less than a pound and rock maybe 2 pounds
4.) Meters per second.

Unknown said...

Edit: changing my collision to a log of wood to a ballon
My hypothesis is the wood will crush the ballon and it will pop
I predict it will be inelastic
the ballon will be light and the wood will be heavy
Meters per seconds

Rachel P. said...

1. That the ball is going to bounce around after being hit
2. Elastic
3. I Dont know I dont have them with me.
4. mph

Nico J. said...

My hypotheses for my Newton's Laws project is that the watermelon will get smashed. The collision will be inelastic. The mass of the objects are about 7.5 kg and 7kg. The units will be m/s.

Anonymous said...

1. that the foam ball won't move the basket ball
3. .6 kg

OLIVIA BROWN said... ball is going to bounce of the brick.
3. soccer ball probably 80 mass and brick probably be 3.2.
4.i will use mph.

Tessa L. said...

1. the basketball will bounce off the brick
2. elastic
3. something
4. meters per second

Anonymous said...

1. my hypothesis is the rock will crush the orange.
2. Inelastic
3. The orange less than a pound and the rock maybe 2 or a little less
4. meters per second

Mitchell H. said...

1.I think the green stuff will either form to my fist or break
2.The collision will probobly be inelastic
3.maybe like 1 kiligram

Gage k said...

the bowling ball is going to crush the watermelon, it will be inelastic, the bowling ball has about 5kg of mass, and the watermelon has about 3kg of mass, the measurement is in m/s

mckenzi said...

1. the brick will crush the tomato and make it blow up
2. inelastic
3. 3.2 to 4.0 kg
4. mettier persecon

Anonymous said...

my hypothesis is that the brick will flatten the phone\
i predict the collision will be elastic
brick:5 pounds
phone:88 grams
metters per second

Allie H. said...

1. My hypothesis is that the momentum from the field hockey ball will carry in to the softball and move it.
2. Elastic
3. 75 grams

JACK A said...

1.That the bowling ball would stay still and the coka ball would stay still.


3.croquet ball is 0.280kg and a bowling ball is 7.26

4.meters per second

laysse R said...

1. That my egg drop is not gonna work and my eggs gonna brake

2. elastic

3. IDK

4. Meters per second

KENNYB said...

explode bottle
1 pound and 16oz

Jesse said...

1. That if I hit the ball it will move :3
2. Elastic because balls (besides bowling balls) bounce back up when they are hit
3. The ball is hollow so it would be lightweight, while the bat isnt hollow so it will be a bit heavier.
4. I dont know...


Austin K said...

That the baseball with fire it across the yard


0.145 kg

mps/meters per second

vincent said... hypothesis is that when the ping pong ball hits the floor it will bounce
3.0.01 kg
4.miles per sec

Hailey R said...

the small ball will hit the bigger ball and cause it to move
small ball i think would be 100 grams and the big ball will be 200grams
meters per second

TIMMY Z. said...

My hypothesis is that the soccer ball will create a rolling force. I predict it will be inelastic. I think the mass will be about 6kg. The units will be MPS (Meters Per Second.)

TIMMY Z. said...


Anonymous said...

1. I think the can is going to break when the hammer hits it.
2. Inelastic
3. I have no clue
4. meters per second

Carter F. said...

My hypotheses is that I think the marshmallow will bounce back up after being hit with the bat because it is soft. I predict that it will be an elastic collision not sure what the mass will be because of the size and shape of the bat it may very.

Macey C. said...

1.The pillow will bounce off of the book.
2. Elastic.
3. depends on which book and pillow
4. meters per second

Brianna G said...

1.The eraser will fall and hit the binder.
2.I think the collision will be elastic
3. eraser=1kg binder=10kg
4. Meters per second

Anonymous said...

1.i think the car will bounce off aedin
2.i think it will be elastic
3.umm i don know
4.meters per second

Grace D said...

The ball bill bounce back
i don't know
meters per second

Emma B said...

1.The ball would bounce off of my hand when I hit it
2. I predict it will be elastic the ball 2
4meters per second

Anonymous said...

1.i belive it would bounce of each other
4.meters per seconde

Alexia S said...

1. The ball will bounce off the bat
2. Elastic
3. idk
4. An app on my phone

Erica C. said...

1.) That the small cup of applesauce will bounce off of the big jar
2.) Elastic
3.) Honestly I'm not sure
4.) Meters per second

Emma Madore said...

1. I think that the soccer ball will bounce off grace
4. meters per secound

Emma B said...


Ethan R said...

the tennis ball will bounce off the bowling ball
tennis ball 1 bowling ball 6

Alissah H. said...

1. That the ball is going to bounce around after being hit
2. Elastic
3. I Dont know I dont have them with me.
4. mph

Jace S. said...

The Eggs will break open when the dictionary land on them

I predict it will be inelastic

The dictionary will be about 2 kg and the eggs will be 320 g

I will use m/s

Cameron G said...

My hypothesis is that the lacrosse ball will bounce off the cement block.
0.141748 kg Lacrosse ball
18.5973 kg Cement block
Meters per second

Mason R. said...

1. That as i hit it it will be crushed over the fence but eventually come down.
2. Elastic
3. Idk
4. distance in feet

gabby s said...

1. the balloon will pop
2. elastic
3. 20 oz and one oz
4. m/s

Anonymous said...

1.The balloon will pop 2.inelastic
4. meters per second

David R. said...

my egg will die

in elastic


Ethan F. said...

My bowling ball will roll towards the cabinet, then bounce back slightly. The cabinet is 70 kg, and the bowling ball is 6.6 kg. I will use kph to show speed.