Thursday, April 16, 2015


What do you know about genetics? 
What would you like to learn about genetics? 
Please share what you know or your questions.


Xx_Aaron_Peter_Mills_xX said...

Genes affect your appearance. I don't know much about them, so I would like to learn about them again.

Maddi T. said...

I'm not exactly sure but I don't think that I know anything about Genectics. What I'd like to know about Genectics is everything.

yvette C said...

I know that they have something to do with the human body and i dont want to learn about it.

dominic l said...

I would like to learn about genetic with what are genetics and what do they do?

Anonymous said...

genes affect the way you look

Olivia M said...

I know that your genetics control your hair color, skin tone, personality traits and much more. I want to know what genes you can mix to get like blue eyes brown hair and freckles.

Anonymous said...

I want to know what genetics are. I know nothing.

Alexis B said...

What are genetics made out of?

Anonymous said...

I know that a baby has traits from both parents because of genes. I would like to know what parts of genes parents give to their babies, and also how genes can be passed down and skip generations.

camden taylor said...

genetics are what you get from both of your parents?i would like to know about breeding between animals

matthew said...

i would like to know a lot of this

Anonymous said...

I do not no a lot about Genetics.

Dillon said...

I would like to know anything about it i know almost nothing.

❤️ Chloe Owen ❤️ Kristina Wood ❤️ said...

I know that genetics are what pass down from your mother and father that make you who you are like hair color or noses and height

BRAEDON M said...

Its about your body i want to learn as much as i can about it.

Anonymous said...

I dont know what that is

Nick C said...

Genes affect the way you look and I want to learn about it.

Matthew b said...

I don't know anything about genetics but I would like to know alot more.

Hannah Perkins said...

I dont really know much about genetics but that it goes through your family. I want to know what we started out like.

Anonymous said...

I don't know anything about genetics. I would like to know EVERYTHING about genetics. :P

Jakob P said...

I do not know anything about genectis

Tim D said...

I know that genetics can be your hair or eye color i want to know why someone might have blonde hair if their parents have brown hair.

Chris Payeur said...

Genetics can be affected by lsd,cocaine and mary j

Brooke DeCapua said...

Genetics is about your body and how it looks from your parents and I would like to learn how you actually look like your parents and have the same characteristics.

haley marsico said...

I know that genetics makes you look the way look, I want to learn more about how genetics work.

Kiara M. said...

I know that genetics effect the way you look and act and I want to know more about the different ones and how many there are.

Brooke Carman said...

I don't know anything about genetics, and I would like to know what they are.

Anonymous said...

Genes affect the way you look and I want to learn about it.

Anonymous said...

I know that genetics are the study of genes and I would like to know more about genetics in other living things other than humans.

darren said...

I know:Genes affect what you look like.

I want to know:more about them than what i know now.

Kevin D. said...

I know that genetics makes you look the way you look.
I would like to know more

Jacob Varney said...

I dont know anything about genetics. I would like to know more though.

emily b said...

I don't know a lot about genetics but I do know that your traits come from your family ike if your mom and dad have blue eyes and than you'll have blue eyes. I want to know how they genetically modify babies like by preventing bad disease to be like turned off and not be able to affect you like cancer.

Wayne Twombly said...

I know that genetics form the way to work or look it can also bring down diseases so it is good and bad so I want to know a lot more about it.

Liz L. said...

I don't know anything about genetics.

Anonymous said...

Are they the longer spelt version of genes?

DYLAN N said...

Genetics are genes that are passed down in your family.

Lewin P. said...

I know that they make you what you are. I would like to know how you can change them?

Abby D. said...

I know that genetics are the way you look and act and I what to more about it.

Dakota Sanborn said...

What are genetics?

Isaiah w said...

i know that genetics can decide what you look like.

Anonymous said...

i don't know to much about genetics so i would like to know the basics of genetics

Anthony B said...

I know that DNA has to do with genetics. I want to know how much Adenine is in each strand of DNA.

Ian R. said...

I know that DNA and RNA have to do with genetics. I want to learn about genetically transfered diseases.

Aidan Farris said...

I don't know about genetics.

David Ross said...

I know that they make you what you are. I would like to know how you can change them?

Timmy said...

Genetics is about your body and how it looks from your parents and I would like to learn how you actually look like your parents and have the same characteristics.

Will H said...

i don't know to much about genetics so I would like to know the basics of genetics

Emily Palmer said...

I know that DNA has to do with genetics. I want to know DNA works and what make everyones different.

Will H said...

i don't know to much about genetics so I would like to know the basics of genetics

Anonymous said...

DNA have to do with genetics.

Nicole Printy ^•^ said...

Genetics are hereditary genes passed down from generation to generation. I would like to learn EVERYTHING!

tanya .m said...

Genes are passed down. And does it change