Thursday, May 3, 2012

What are the action and reaction forces when a hammer hits a nail? 


Gail(: said...

The nail goes into the wood.

Nathan said...

the momentum of the hammer over comes the nail

jarred s said...

the nail goes into the wood

Lauryn F said...

The hammer forces the nail into the wood.

charlie auger said...

the hammer over comes the nail?

Aleha c (: said...

the hamme's force is going to the nail which makes the nail go down in the wood.

Gracie N. (: said...

The nail goes into the wood.

emily w said...

The hammer forces the nail into the wood and the nail is pushing back on the hammer.

Oja, Noah said...

The action is the hammer pounding the nail, and the reaction is the nail going into the wood.

Maddie and Sophia!(: said...

The hammer forces the nail into the piece of wood.

Sarah M said...

The nail goes into the wood and when you hit the nail a force goes into the hammer.

Dominique F. said...

The action is that the nail goes in the wood and the reaction was the nail was forcing back in the hammer.

Christopher N. said...

The nail is pushing the hammer and the hammer is putting the nail through the board or what ever it is going through

Jasmine Mason said...

the nail goes into the wood...?

Sarah(: said...

the hammer is pushing the nail through the wood which is force

Brian B. said...

The hammer is acting and the nail is reacting to the hammer hitting it.

Rhiannon J :) said...

The momentum of the hammer forces the nail into the wood.

jason p said...

it pushes it through the wood when it hits the nail :D

kaylee m. :) said...

The hammer hits the nail causing force.

thatdaviddude said...

The hammer hits the nail and the nail goes onto the wood.

Brian B. said...

Just letting you guys know that the picture for today is false if you know why tell Mr.Ruby!

caelin w said...

the hammer is hitting the nail

Nicole C. said...

What are the action and reaction forces when a hammer hits a nail?
The action is the nail when it goes through the wood, and the reaction is the nail forcing back in the hammer.

Tyla Greenlaw said...

The action is the nail gets hit and goes though the wood. The reaction is the hammer getting pushed back because of the nail.

Camille D :) said...

the hammer hits the nail and it causes force and that stuff.

Maddi H said...

The momentum and force of the hammer is transferred into the nail, which forces the nail to go down into the wood or to bend.

Anonymous said...

Emily M
the action is the nail gets hit and gets sent into the wood, the reaction is the nail forcing back the hammer.

professor jacqueline said...

it goes through the wood

Archer t said...

the action is the mail going in the wood and the reaction in the hammer bouncing back up

Lucas T said...

The action is the nail, hitting the wood while the reaction is the nail pushing back the hammer.

Aaron R said...

the action is the nail being hit and then the reaction is it going into the wood

emile w said...

the hammer transfers it's force into the nail

Ian C. said...

The action is the hammer slamming the nail, the reaction is the nail going into the wood.

matt c said...

the hammer coming down on the nail would make the nail go into the wood.

Holly J said...

The hammer transfers force into the nail causing it to go into the wood. The momentum of the hammer also helps.

Kasey G. said...

Huzzah! I know the answer! The action is the hammer hitting the nail, the reaction is the nail going into the wood.

Grace B said...

The hammer falls onto the nail and the nail goes into the wood.

Liz Napolitano❤ said...

What are the action and reaction forces when a hammer hits a nail?

The action is the nail gets hit and goes though the wood. The reaction is the hammer getting pushed back because of the nail.


mary .w said...

there is a transfer of energy bye the hamer hitting the nail

ps miss u mr rubby and zetland