Wednesday, May 30, 2012

transportation in the civil war era

What was transportation technology like during the year of the Civil War?


Nick M. said...

Transportation in the civil war was basically horses and wagons. Nothing more then that.

Anonymous said...

People in the Civil War era transported with horses and wagons

CN said...

They Had Horses And Hot-Air Balloons Now We Have C-17's And Tanks And Jeeps

Oja, Noah said...

Transportation technology was nothing but horses and carts. They also used hot-air balloons to bring messages.

Oja, Noah said...

Another thing they used were battleships, obviously. Trains were also used.

Sarah M said...

Transportation technology during the civil war was ships, trains, hot air balloons, and horses.

Anonymous said...

What was transportation technology like during the year of the Civil War?

sub, hot air ballon and houres.

Dominique F. said...

The transportation technology was horses and carts. Also hot air balloons, ships and trains.

sophia and santa (maddie) HO HO HO !!!! said...

What was transportation technology like during the year of the Civil War?

During the civil war there were horses, boats, and trains :D

Anonymous said...

Transportation had Submarines, Hot Air Ballons also

CN said...

They Also Had Trains And Ships

Gracie N. (: said...

The transportation technology during the Civil War had horses, hot air balloons, trains and also ships.(:

Aleha C (: said...

A Train was the most used to transport things and people to their destinations.

Aleha C (: said...

also horses, hot air balloons and ships are more ways to transport things/people.

Gracie N. (: said...

and trains (:

Aleha C (: said...

and hot air balloons(;

Dominique F. said...

and ships (:

Nick M. said...

They would sometimes use hot air balloons, but not often.

thatdaviddude said...

Transportation technology during the civil war was ships, trains, hot air balloons, and horses.

jason and jake said...

trains horses and ships and hot air ballons

Molly M said...

They would us horses,sometimes hot air ballons,and boat and trains.

Anonymous said...

I like TRAINS!

caelin w said...

they had horses trains hot air balloons and boats

Rhiannon J :) said...

Transportation in the civil war era was slow. The fastest way to get somewhere was by train. Other ways consisted of horses, wagons, walking, ships, submarines, and hot air balloons.

kylel said...

They Had Horses And Hot-Air Balloons

jason and jake said...

trains horses and ships and hot air ballons

Julia M said...

Horses, Trains, Hot air balloons, Ships and Other......

Jasmine Mason said...

to get from on place to another you would go by horse, buggy, trains, hot air balloons, subs, and if all else fails you can still walk.

Brian B. said...

They used trains boats horses buggy!

SERENA M(: said...

They used trains boats horses buggy.

Nate B. said...

Horses, Hot air balloons, subs, and ships

Jewel (: said...

ships trains horses hotair balloons

liamf364 said...

in the civil war era they had trains and horse & buggy

Tyla greenlaw said...

They had trains, hot air balloons, and horses.

Camille D :) said...

They had train, horses,hot air balloons and submarines.

maddi h said...

horses and wagons

kyle mckay said...

horses and trains and hot air balloons and submarines

alex pinkham said...

To get around during the civil war they used trains, hot air iron clad ships, wooden ships, and horse and wagon. :)

Traciee:) T said...

Trains, horses, wagons, marching, hot air balloons!!! :)

Lacey A(: said...

Horse, wagons, boat. idk

andrew b said...

getting around during the civil war was hard and people had to invent ways to get around esier . trains ironclads, and many more ways were found to make travel in that time period esier.

Ian C. said...

IN the civil war you didn't have very many forms other than wagons and horses on land, on sea you had boats.

Kasey G. said...

Horse drawn carriages, hot air balloons, and boats! Huzzah! ~:D

Aaron R said...

Horses, feet, trains, and boats.

emile w said...

trains, boats, on foot, horses

Lucas T said...

They used boats, horses, and walking

Jar3d C :P said...

Trains, Hot Air Balloons, Boats, and Submarines.

mattc said...

They would travel by train, on their feet, boats,hot air balloons, and horses.

Mason B said...

Transportation during the civil war mostly consisted of horses, boats, ships, walking, hot air balloons, submarines, etc.

Grace B said...

There were trains, boats, submarines, Hot air balloons, horses, and their own feet of course.

Liz Napolitano❤ said...

What was transportation technology like during the year of the Civil War?

They Walked, used horses, and used boats.

Liz Napolitano

Cameron Trafford said...

Ships, Trains, Hot Airballoons, and Horses

Sara H said...

It was mostly horses, wagons, ships, boats, by foot and beginnings of the Submarine, and the Hot Air balloon.

Holly J said...

On foot, horses, wagons, boats and ships.

Nicole C said...

What was transportation technology like during the year of the Civil War?

Transportation in the civil war was horses, wagons, and boats.