Friday, May 11, 2012

Pressure and Fluids

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure.

2. How  does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes

3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?

4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?



joshua t said...
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Emily W said...

1.The molecules in a fluid are free to move around.
2.Air pressure drops as you move to higher altitude.
3.Pressure is equalized inside and outside their bodies.
4.The astronauts have to wear the suits because there is no air or gravity in space.

CN said...

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure.

2. How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes

3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?

4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?

1.If you put your hand in a glass of of water it builds pressure
2.Gravity gets weaker and pressure gets stronger
3.because they breath underwater and are used to it
4.the pressure would crush them if they didn't

CN said...

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure.

2. How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes

3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?

4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?

1.If you put your hand in a glass of of water it builds pressure
2.Gravity gets weaker and pressure gets stronger
3.because they breath underwater and are used to it
4.the pressure would crush them if they didn't

Oja, Noah said...

1. Fluids exert pressure by the individual particles combine to make up the pressure exerted by fluid.
2. As you move farther away from Earth, the air pressure drops. This is because the air becomes thinner.
3. Fish aren't crushed because the pressure of water in the fish is equal to the water outside.
4. Astronauts wear space suits because it protects them from the pressure and temperature of the vacuum of space.

Nathan said...

1.The molecules in a fluid are free to move around.
2.Air pressure drops as you move to higher altitude.
3.Pressure is equalized inside and outside their bodies.
4.The astronauts have to wear the suits because there is no air or gravity in space.

Gail. :) said...

1. fluid exerts pressure because its pushing against whatever is underneath the water.
2.Air pressure gets lighter because there is less pressure.
3. Because they don't have lungs and are adapted to the water pressure.
4. Astronauts have to wear suits because of the pressure pushing against them.

Aleha C (: and Gracie N (: said...

1. The molecules in the fluid move around.

2. Air pressure drops.

3. Pressure is equalized inside the outside body.

4. The astronauts have to wear the suits because there isn't any gravity in outer space.

Sammy P and Charlie A said...

1. Molecules are free to move in fluid.
2. The higher you go the air pressure goes down.
3. Pressure is equalized inside out.
4. There is no gravity in space so astronauts have to wear special suits.

Maddie and Sophia!(: said...

1. Fluid exerts pressure by the particles combining to make up the pressure.
2. When you are further from the Earth, the air pressure will drop.
3. The fish are not crushed underwater because the pressure is equal inside and out of them.
4. Astronauts wear spacesuits because it protects them from the low oxygen in space and protects them from the pressure and temperature.

Anonymous said...

1. fluid exerts pressure because its pushing against whatever is underneath the water.
2.Air pressure gets lighter because there is less pressure.
3. Because they don't have lungs and are adapted to the water pressure.
4. Astronauts have to wear suits because of the pressure pushing against them.

Mr Ruby said...

restate your questions

Anonymous said...

Emily Geyer and Cheyenne

Mr Ruby said...

Cn complete sentences and more info pleast

Mr Ruby said...

Noah what would happen it they wore no pressurized suits

Mr Ruby said...

Restate question

Mr Ruby said...

Gail what is fluid ?

Mr Ruby said...

please restate questions , whys whys more whys

Emily W said...

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure.

2. How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes

3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?

4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?

joshua t said...

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure ./ in a fluid,all of the forces exerted by the individaul particles combine to make up the pressure exertedby the fluid.

2. How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes/ it decres

3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?
Team USA and be a part of the energy behind them.

4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?
because there is no air we can breth.

Oja, Noah said...

The person's blood will boil due to vapor pressure. The skin will swell and get welts, Eventually you will lose consciousness due to there being no air.
So you'll die ;)

Collin.S said...

1.Explain how fluids exert pressure. By colliding with surfaces.
2.How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes.The pressure will drop.
3.Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?
The pressure is equal inside and out of the fish.
4.Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?
The suit protects them from pressure and lack of oxygen.

Sarah M said...

1. Fluid exerts pressure when molecules collide, they exert force.
2.Air pressure changes the further you go away from earth. The pressure will drop because the force of gravity isn't as strong.
3. fish aren't crushed by the tremendous pressure above them by fish have water in them so the pressure down on the fish equals out the amount of water within them.
4.Astronauts wear pressurized suits because there is no air in space and little air pressure. Our bodies need a balance of that so the suit balances out the pressure.

Dominique F. said...

1. Fluid exerts pressure when molecules collide, they exert force.
2.Air pressure changes the further you go away from earth. The pressure will drop because the force of gravity isn't as strong.
3. fish aren't crushed by the tremendous pressure above them by fish have water in them so the pressure down on the fish equals out the amount of water within them.
4.Astronauts wear pressurized suits because there is no air in space and little air pressure. Our bodies need a balance of that so the suit balances out the pressure.

Mr Ruby said...

3. because they have pressure in side them.

Gracie&&Aleha(: said...

1. Fluids exert pressure by, particles combining to make up the pressure.

2. The air pressure changes as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth because, the higher you go the lower the pressure.

3. Deep sea fish are not crushed because the pressure is equalized.

4. I think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space because there is no air in space.

David and Skye said...

1. fluid exerts pressure because its pushing against whatever is underneath the water.
2.Air pressure gets lighter because there is less pressure.
3. Because they don't have lungs and are adapted to the water pressure.
4. Astronauts have to wear suits because of the pressure pushing against them.

caelin w said...

1. fluid exerts pressure because the air is pushing against the object

2. air gets lighter because of low atmosphere

3. fish can't breathe on land because they have no lung's and they need o be in water

4. people have to wear helmets because there's no oxegyn in space and they would blow up if they didn't

Nate B. said...

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure.

2. How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes

3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?

4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?

1. All of the forces exerted by the individaul particles combine to make up the pressure exerted by the fluid.
2. Gravity gets weaker and pressure gets stronger
3. Because the Pressure is equalized in and outside of the fishes body
4. Because if they dont then theyd be killed because of the pressure in space, so ud eshplode!!!

Jewel (: said...

1. Fluid exerts Pressure because of gas liquid and plasma particles combining.
2.The Air pressure changes as you move farther away from the surface of earth because as you go away your going closer to the sun.
3.Deep sea fish are not crushed because the pressure get equalized.
4.I Think an astronaut has to wear pressurized suits because there's no pressure in space.

david and skye said...

1.Explain how fluids exert pressure. By colliding with surfaces.
2.How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes.The pressure will drop.
3.Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?
The pressure is equal inside and out of the fish.
4.Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?
The suit protects them from pressure and lack of oxygen.

Brian B. said...

1.Fluids exert pressure by the individual particles combining to make up the pressure exerted by the fluid!
2.Air pressure changes as you get farther away from the earths surface because the closer you get to the earths surface the more pressure the farther you get away less pressure, more weight of the atmosphere equals to more pressure.
3.They adapt to the pressure, and the pressure is equalized!
4.I think a astronaut has to were a suit because if not their is no air to breath and pressure would make them explode because of the pressure in space!

Rhiannon J :) said...

1.The molecules inside exert pressure when they collide.
2. Pressure decreases as you move away from earth.
3. Deep water fish can stand the pressure at the bottom of the ocean because their internal organs have the same amount of pressure.
4. Astronauts need pressurized suits so they don't blow up.

kaylee m. :) said...

1. fluid exerts pressure when molecules collide.

2. Pressure decreases as you make away from the earth.

3. deep water fish are not crushed by pressure because their internal organs match the pressure.

4. astronunts have to wear pressurized suits because there is less pressure in space then on earth and there is no oxygen.

Lizzy G said...

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure.
Molecules exert pressure as they collide.
Cold is denser and heaver.
Warm/hot is less dense and lighter.
2. How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes.
Air pressure decreases as you make away from Earth. It changes because more weight of atmosphere the more air pressure. It is more condoned at sea level.
3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them?
Deep water fish are not crushed by pressure because internal organs match the pressure.
4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?
I think so because the pressure in space is different because it is less pressure and if you didn't have a space suit you wouldn't be able to breathe because their is no oxygen either.

Jasmine Mason said...

Fluid exerts pressure with molecules. The amount of pressure that is exerted depends on the heat of the water. colder water has more pressure because the molecules are moving slower making it so that the air has less space making it heavier and warmer water makes the molecules move faster so the air inside can expand making it lighter.

Air pressure changes by moving farther away because the higher you go the less air there is and the atmosphere gets heavier when you go down lower. that's why divers have to have special suits and helium in their oxygen tanks because there is so much pressure it would crush you if you go down far enough, and it turns regular oxygen to poison where as you sometimes start to feel lightheaded when you get too high up a mountain.

Deep sea fish, such as the angler fish, are able to withstand the amount of pressure not because of there outside scales, but their inside structures. their internal organs exert enough pressure to match the water, although they don't move very much because they can't have too much pressure on them because their organs so most of those fish have ways to light up and have their food com to them an they won't be crushed or anything.

Astronauts cannot go without a spacesuit outside of earth's atmosphere because there is so little pressure there that his all their organs, including their skin, would expand so much that they would explode!

Sarah :D said...

1. Fluid reales pressure with molecules. The colder the water is the more pressure since water the molecules are moving slower in cold temperature.

2.Air pressure changes when you move further away fro earth because the pressure expands when you get further away. Like if you climbed a mountain thats why you need an air tank to climb a mountain and go into space since there is no air.

3.The reason fish can stand being under water is there scales.

4. Space people need air tanks since when you get into space you will expand till you explode by pressure!

cam.l said...

1.fluids exert presure from different temperatures of water and what fluid is being mentioned.
2.air presure gets heavier when you go farther under water or sea level it gets lighter the higher you go.
4. space has so little presure that there is no air and you would need an air tank.

Bayli L. (: said...

1.Fluid increases in temperature because, when the water is cold it causes more density, and weight.

2. Air pressure changes because when you move further away from earth the pressure expands, Like if you were in plain the further you go up the more pressure is being obtained and causes your ears to pop.

3. The reason fish can be underwater is because they have gills, and scales and if they were to be brought up to the surface they wouldn't be able to live because their gills have to get oxygen through water.

4.People in space need a spacesuit because the pressure is so large it would cause you to explode& automatically die.

Lacey A said...

1. You need force, fluid and all forces to combine up the pressure. also Cold contracts more. and hot expands it.

2. Air level drops as you move up higher, and pressure becomes less as you move away from the earth, and it is less because there is less gravity and less weight to move down.

3.the water inside them is the same pressure.

4. They wear the suit so they can breathe and so that no air can get in that they don't need. or they will start to float or they will have too much oxygen and will die, from having too much oxygen.

rickey- DaZkeleton said...

1. fluids exert presure from different temperatures of water and what fluid is being mentioned.
2. the air presure gets heavier when you go deep under water or sea level it gets lighter the higher you go.
4. outer space has very little presure that there is no air and you'd need a space suit

dr kacee said...

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure.

2. How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes

3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?

4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?

1.The fluids exert presure from the differnt temps of water

2.The air pressure gets havey when you go farther under the water

3 the fish internal organs create pressure at deep waters

4 the space has so little pressure there no air

Stevey A said...

1.Fluids exert pressure through contact with an object. The colder it gets the more density it gets. The hotter it gets the less density there is.

2.Air pressure changes as you move away from earth because the air gets thinner and when it gets thinner the molecules compact witch makes it less pressure.

3.Deep sea fish aren't crushed deep in the ocean because they are like use they are use to the pressure down there were if you bring them to the surface of the water it would expload.

Stevey A said...

I forgot 4.....
4.Astronauts have to were space suits because there is really low pressure and no oxygen so thats how they get oxygen and so you dont expload just like the fish.

Tyla Greenlaw said...

Question 1. Fluids exert pressure through contact on the object. Fluid pressure is affected by depth,temperature gravity, and volume.
Question 2. Air pressure changes as you move away from the Earth because when when you move farther away pressure becomes less.
Question 3. Deep sea fish have organs that create pressure that equals the pressure that is going against the fish.
Question 4. Space people need to wear the suit because there is less pressure in space so they wont go POP!

nick said...

1.fluids when its cold they contract when its hot it expains
2.gravity cant hold all of it down so it has less pressure the pressure of the fish pushes back against the pressure of the water
4.less pressure expanse the body

kyle mckay said...

1.Fluids exert pressure with contact and molecules. the temperature of the fluid makes all the difference. If the fluid in warm or hot the molecules move faster or expand, and in the cold fluid the molecules move slower and contract.

2. Pressure becomes less as you move away from earth, molecules of air are not as compact, so there is less pressure.

3. the fish's internal organs create pressure equal to that at deep sea depth

4. there is less pressure in space and if the astronaut didn't wear a suit he would explode.

Sabrina :) said...

Fluid releases pressure when molecules touch together. Fluid pressure is effected by depth and temperature. The more colder the the water the more pressure because the molecules move slower.

The pressure gets less as you move from the earth. Molecules in the air are less compacted then the ones closer to the ground.

The fishys inside organs make pressure so there body's are used to it. If you brought them up fast they would EXPLODE!!

Less pressure would result in expandtion and eventually they would POP.

Anonymous said...

1. Fluid exerts or give pressure through contact. Fluid pressure is effect by the coldness, cause cold contracts more denisty and hot exspands,
2. Pressure becomes less as you move away from earth. Air molecules not as compact but f on the ground it's more compact.
3. Why the fish isn't getting crush is because the fish are pushing back from the deep sea froce with its own force to equal the deep sea force.
4. The same thing will happend as the fish. You will eventdually expand until you explode by the strong force and pressure(:

Traciee:) T said...

1: Explain why fluids exert pressure. The molecules in a fluid are free to move around wherever they want. The colder the water makes the molecules slow down. In warm water it expands and moves faster cause its in warmer water.
2: How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes. The air pressure changes when you move farther away from the surface of the Earth because the air pressure drops.
3: Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them? Deep sea fish aren't crushed by the tremendous because the force is pushing out with as much pressure as coming on to it.
4: Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space? I think an astronaut has to wear a pressurized suit because less pressure and it would expand in the astronaut body.

Anonymous said...

Emily m
1. fluid reales pressure with molecules. the colder the water the more pressure there is with hot water because the water molecules are moving slower.

2.the air changes by the pressure of it expands.

3.the fish insides create pressure equal to the pressure of the deep sea depth.

4.the same thing would happen to the astronaut that would happen to the fish. the less pressure would results in expansion of the astronauts body.

alex pinkham said...

1. fluids exert or give pressure through contact or one thing pushing on another like a gas liquid or plasma. Fluid pressure is affected by depth. When it gets cold the fluid will contract and when it gets hot the fluid expands.

2. Pressure becomes less as you move higher up. The higher up you are the less air molecules there is so the less pressure you have on you.

3.The fish are pushing back at the deep sea force with there own force to equal the deep sea force.

4.The same thing would happen to the astronaut the fish if it came back to fast. it would explode thats why they use the suit to push back as his body is pushing out.

professor jacqueline said...

1.fluid exert,(give) pressure through contact,fluid pressure is also affected by depth,If it is cold it contracts more density/more pressure, hot will expand because there's less pressure.

2.the air pressure expands as you get farther away from the ground.

3.the pressure is equalized and the fish have internal organs which helps them breathe and without internal organs they would die in an instant,like if you catch a fish on a hook and pull it out of the water the fish cannot breathe because they don't have human lungs like we do, fish cant breathe on land and human cant breathe in water because we don't have internal organs.

4.if astronauts don't have spacesuits on they'll explode because there isn't any air in space so you need air tanks,the suit is pressurized so the astronaut won't die.

andrew b said...

fluid pressure is effected in depth . the cold contracts creating more dencity and more pressure . and hot expands making less pressure and weight .

pressure gets less as you go away from earth . molecules are not as compact up higher than on earth so theres less pressure .

when fish are under water they are able to create pressure with there organs to defend there body from deep sea pressure .

an astronauts suit is pressurised so when the astronaut go"s into space he does not blow up and send astronaut gut everywhere .

camille.D:) said...

1. fluids exert pressure through contact. fluid Pressure is affected by depth, temperature,gravity and volume.

2.Pressure become less as you go away from the earth because the air molecules are less compact.

3.deep sea fish are not crushed deep in the ocean because the internal organs create pressure that is equal to the water pressure.

4.An astronaut has to wear a pressure suit because their isn't a lot of pressure in space so he would explode.

Archer t said...

1. Fluids exert pressure because of the weight of the particles on top of other particles.
2. Air pressure lessens as you leave the earth because there is less air up there to weigh it down.
3. Deep sea fish aren't crushed because the pressure inside their organs are the same as the water around them.
4. An astronaut must wear a pressured suit because if he didn't, the pressure would suck him out into the oxygen-less space.

Ian C. said...

1. fluids can extract pressure through contact with the object, the deeper you go the more water is pushing down on you and in on you.
2. As you go higher up away from the surface of the earth the pressure lessens because there aren't as many air particles pushing down in you.
3.The reason that fish can survive at that deep of depth is because after many years of evolution there scales and insides have become very strong.
4.The astronaut must wear a pressurized suit because space is a vacuum and if you take it off yourself you would explode.

emile w said...

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure.
then deeper you go the mooore presure u get
2. How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes
the air presure get less
3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?
they have special bones and organs
4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space? isnt any pressure so u go boom boom

Katie B. said...

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure.
They exert through contact, depth, temperature, and gravity.

2. How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes
Pressure becomes less as you get farther away from the earth.

3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?
The pressure becomes equal and and the organs are protected.

4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?
There is a lot of pressure in space.

Jar3d C :P said...

1. fluids exert pressure through contact.

2.Pressure becomes less and less as you get farther from earth because the air molecules aren't as compact

3. deep see fish are not crushed because their internal organs create pressure that is the same as water pressure

4. An astronaut needs to wear a suit because there isn't enough pressure in space for a human, so he would explode.

Ronahn said...

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure.

In a fluid, all of the forces exerted by the individual particles combine to make up the pressure exerted by the fluid.

2. How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes.

Gravity causes the air to be as close as possible to the ground. The heat content of the air, causes the molecules to bounce off each other and expand.

3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?

Fish have a sea bladder, which, when filled with gas, can equal the outside pressure and prevent the fish from being crushed.

4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?

An astronaut's body fluids would fizz and bubble if he or she was wearing street clothes and was placed in a vacuum. Thus, one of the main purposes of the spacesuit is to provide a leak-proof bladder which stores air pressure to protect the astronaut's body. This function is so important that sometimes spacesuits are referred to as pressure suits.

Lucas T said...

1.In a fluid,all of the forces exerted by the individual particles combine to make up the pressure exerted by the fluid.

2.Air pressure drops as you move to higher altitude.

3.Pressure is equalized inside and outside their bodies

4.Cause on earth we have 1 atm (atmosphere) pressure on us. this is about 14.7 pounds of pressure per square inch on our body. In space since there is no pressure if we do not where a pressurized suit our bodies will die since they are built for the atmospheric pressure on earth. Without this pressure our bodies will expand leading to death.

Liz Napolitano❤ said...

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure.
2. How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes
3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?
4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?

1:A: In a fluid, all of the forces exerted by the individaul particles combine to make up the pressure exerted by the fluid.
2:A: It decreases
3:A: Deep sea fish are not crushed deep in the ocean because the internal organs create pressure that is equal to the water pressure.
4:A:Because in space there is approximately zero absolute pressure, therefore the suit must maintain pressure to allow the astronauts to breath while conducting Extra-Vehicular Activities (EVAs).

JordanF said...

1.Explain how fluids exert pressure. Fluid pressure is affected by depth, gravity, volume, and temperature. and it is exerted through contact.
2.How does air pressure change as you move farther away from Earth? There aren't as much air molecules as you move farther from Earth.
3.Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous amount of pressure? Their organs create pressure that is equal to the water pressure.
4.Why do you think an astronaut has to wear a pressurized suit in space? There isn't much pressure in space, so the astronaut would explode without the suit.

Grace Berks said...

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure.
Fluids get more pressure with contact. The deeper in fluids you go the heavier the pressure is.

2. How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes.
You get more pressure as you move farther away from the Earth.

3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?
The deep sea fish survive the pressure because their bones and organs are conditioned and used to the pressure.

4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?
I think it's because the pressure gets to high and you don't want to collapse into yourself.

Will P said...

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure. Individual particles combine to make the pressure.

2. How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes. It changes as you get higher because there is more air pressure near the surface of the Earth because of gravity.

3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ? Their bodies equalize the pressure so is is equal. So their body pushes against the force of the water.

4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space? I think an astronaut has to wear a suit in space either because A; (personal opinion) he wants to look sharp when the aliens find him and a suit does just that, or B; (Scientific opinion) the pressure is negative so they'd be sucked apart by the endless, black, vacuum of space.

Aaron R said...

1. Explain how fluids exert pressure.
Fluids exert pressure by by gravity, temperature, and depth.

2. How does air pressure change as you move farther away from the surface of the Earth? Explain why it changes
There is less pressure as you get farther and farther away from the earth. This happens because there is less compact air particles.

3. Why aren't deep sea fish crushed by the tremendous pressure of the water above them ?
They aren't crushed because their organs create their own pressure

4. Why do you think an astronaut must wear a pressurized suit in space?
Because there is no air so there is no pressure and we cannot survove without pressure.

matt c said...

1.Fluids exert pressure when something is in the water and the fluid is constantly pushing on what ever is in the water.
2.Air pressure goes down when you go away from the world because the air molecules air not as close together.
3.The deep sea fish are not crushed because their internal organs create the same pressure as the water.
4.An astronaut must wear a suit is because there is no air in space because of the extreme low pressure.

isaiahp said...

1. fluids exert pressure for contact. Fluid is affected by the depth of it. And the temp, gravity and volume of it as well.
2. there is less pressure as an object goes away from the Earth because the air molecules are much less compact in space.
3. Deep sea fish can't get crushed deep in the ocean because of their internal organs creating equal pressure to the water.
4. An astronaut needs to wear a pressure suit because their isn't that much pressure in space. And if he didn't have the suit on, he would explode to bits.

Erik C said...

1. In a fluid, all of the forces exerted by the individual particles combine to make up the pressure exerted by the fluid.

2. Air pressure drops as you move to higher altitude. (Higher altitude is farther from the surface of the earth.) because less air is pushing down on it than on the air at sea level.

3. Deep sea fish have what is called a "Swim Bladder". By filling and emptying it with a form of gas, they equalize the pressure inside their bodies with the pressure of the ocean crushing down on them.

4. Astronauts need to wear a pressurized space suit because there is no air in space. This means that unless you wear a pressurized suit you die. Also because there are no air molecules so there is little air pressure. They need a balance in pressure to survive because like on Earth our bodies and the air outside them balance one another. So they wear these in order to live have the balance in pressure.

Holly J said...

Fluids exert pressure through contact on the object.

When you go higher up there is less pressure. The pressure lessens because there is less air and less gravity.

Deep sea fish aren't crushed by the weight of the water above them because the deep sea fish have organs that create pressure that equals the pressure that is going against the fish.

An astronaut must wear a pressurized suit because there is less pressure in space and if there don't wear it they will die.

Spencer Shields said...

1. How do fluids exert pressure? Fluids exert pressure when they heat up or cool down. Fluids exert the most pressure when they are cold because they are heavier.
2. air pressure is smaller when you leave because there are less molecules that push down on each other.
3. Fish aren't crushed because they have equal pressure inside then outside.
4. Astronauts wear pressured suits so they can equally push back so they do not get crushed.

Kasey G. said...

1. Fluids exert pressure through contact, depth, temperature, and gravity.

2. Air pressure drops the higher you go. It is because there is less air and water particles pushing down on you.

3. They match their internal pressure with the outer pressure, and, like all balanced forces, they then cancel each other at.

4. Astronauts must wear a pressurized suit because the pressure is so drastically different that they wouldn't be able to survive, and they don't have a way of matching that pressure naturally. Also, they must wear them because there is no oxygen in space.