Friday, May 4, 2012

Physics, Rockets, and Satellites

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. 

1. Use  action-reaction forces to explain why a rocket can lift off the ground

2. Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to Earth? 

3. Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? Explain

Warning this Blog is a Graded Assignment !!!!!!


jarred s said...
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Dustin Homewood said...
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Nathan said...
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Dale Bourque said...
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Rea,Cheyenne(: said...
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gail(: said...
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Dale Bourque said...
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Nathan Nadeau said...
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Christopher N. said...
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Rea,Cheyenne(: said...
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Dustin Homewood said...
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Dale P said...
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Emily Geyer(: said...
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charlie a said...

from the engein and all the force for the rockets

Rea,Cheyenne(: said...
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Emily W said...

1. Use action-reaction forces to explain why a rocket can lift off the ground.
answer:Gas can make it lift off.
2. Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to Earth?
Answer:Traveling at very high speeds
3. Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? Explain
Answer:No, Because there is no gravity in space.

jarred s said...
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db said...
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Maddie Corbett(: said...

Use action-reaction forces to explain why a rocket can lift off the ground: 1. Thrust pushes up the rocket there is also a force in the other direction, which pushes the rocket forward.

Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to Earth?:
2. An orbiting satellite doesn't fall back to Earth because they are traveling at very high speeds.

Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? Explain:

3.It is the Earth's gravity that pulls the satellite into a curve and to not fall to Earth.

KyleM said...

A rocket can lift off the ground because Newtons 3rd law says with every action there is a reaction so when the engine thrusts push down they make the rocket go up.

Satellites don't fall to Earth because the satellites are traveling at high speeds and gravity makes the satellite fall down to earth but the Earth is curved so it keeps going a round Earth.

No because the satellites are always falling down to earth but the Earth is curved so it goes around.

CN said...

1.The rocket lifts off the ground because of Newton's Third Law Of Motion the rocket doesn't stay in one place because the thrust of the rocket is greater the gravity.
2.A Satellite doesn't fall into the Earth because it is out of Earth's atmosphere
3.Yes because if it wasn't then a Satellite would be falling out of space every 5 seconds

Gail(: said...

1. A rocket lifts off the ground by the thrust from the engine is pushing down so the rocket goes up.
2. An orbiting satellite doesn't fall back to earth because of the surface of the earth is curved.
3. No it is not correct because you need a balance of forces.

sophia and maddieeeee said...

1. Use action-reaction forces to explain why a rocket can lift off the ground.
-The rocket goes up because of newton's third law because it exerts force and the thrust pushes down the rocket goes up into the air and it comes back down.

2. Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to Earth?
-The reason why a satellite can stay in space and not fall to earth is because they need the right combination of speed and distance from the earth the speed has to be fast enough so that gravity cant do its job and bring it down.

3. Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? Explain
-No, its not correct because it follows the earths gravity but the gravity doesn't pull it down because its close enough so it doesn't drift but far enough away so it doesn't fall to the earth. :)

Oja, Noah said...

1. The action the the thrust of the rocket pushing off the ground, causing the rocket to lift off.
2. The reason a satellite doesn't fall out of orbit is because the Earth is rounded, and the gravity of the Earth keeps it in orbit, but the satellite is far enough away that it doesn't pull it in.
3. No, it is not correct to say that the satellite is out of Earth's gravity, because the satellite is in Earth's gravity to keep it orbited but far enough away that is doesn't get pulled in.

Lauryn F said...

1. Use action-reaction forces to explain why a rocket can lift off the ground:
rocket lifts off the ground because newtons 3rd law.

2. Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to Earth?:

why dosent the satellite fall back because if its Far away so it dosent get sucked in close so it dosent get pulled to earth.

3. Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? Explain

its correct to say that it is no because they are not beyond the earth for gravity

Sarah M said...

1. A rocket can lift off of the ground by when pressure builds up in the gas which pushes down on the ground and causes the rocket to go up, because of the unbalanced forces. Which is newtons 3rd law.

2. An orbiting satellite doesn't falls back to earth because the surface of the earth is round and it's not close enough to be pulled back to earth, but no far enough away so it can't escape. Also you have to have a balance of forces.

3. It is not safe to say that a satellite stay in orbit rather then falling because its beyond the pull of earths gravity. This is because if the satellite was beyond earths gravity it would go out into space.

Dominique F. said...

1. A rocket can lift off of the ground because off the thrust from the engine is pushing a lot of pressure push down on the rocket but it is really pushing the rocket up in to space. Just like Newton's third law.

2. A satellitle doesn't fall back to earth because the surface of the earth is round and is close enough to the earth so it doesn't escape and not to far away so it doesn't fall in.

3. No because if they are beyond the pull of earth's gravity they would just go into space. But because Earths gravity isn't strong enough it just keeps on pulling the satellite around the earth.

Gracie N. (: said...

1. Rockets can lift off the ground because of thrust.
2. An orbiting satellite doesn't fall back to earth because the surface of the Earth is round.
3. It is not correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because they are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity, and it would go out to space if it had no gravity.

Aleha C (: said...

1. A rocket can lift off the ground because of newtons third law. (thrust)

2. An orbiting satellite doesn't fall back to Earth because the earth is rounded.

3. No because the satelite is still in earths gravity to keep it orbited and its far away so its still in the gravity but out far enough so it doesn't pull towards earth.

Dale+Nate said...

How does the rocket lift off of the ground?
The rocket lifts off the ground with the thrust which is in newtons third law.
why doesnt the satallite fall back on earth?
It doesnt fall back because of the gravity holding it up it orbit.
Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity?
Yes. If it wasnt because of gravity then the satilite would go all around the universe

Jewel (: said...

1. How Does Rocket lift off the ground? : The Rocket lifts of the ground because of newtons 3rd law and Unbalanced and also because of the fuel.
2.Why Doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to earth? : A Orbiting satellite doesn't fall back to earth because the gravity isn't strong enough to pull it back down to the earth so it just stays in orbit.
3.Is It correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to earth because they are beyond the pull of earths gravity?: No Its Not Correct to say that only because there is just enough gravity to keep it in place other wise if there was no gravity you would just keep going and going forever and never stay in the same place.

LizzyGaddy said...

1.A rocket can lift off the ground because of newtons third law which means thrust.
2.An orbiting satellite doesn't fall back to Earth because the gravity isn't strong enough and sometimes the orbit will decay.
3.It is not correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity because the satellite would go out all around in space.

Julia M. said...

1.Use action-reaction forces to explain why a rocket can lift off the ground.
Rocket emits particles backward with great force. This means that there is also a force in the other direction, which pushes the rocket forward. Also apparent from conservation of momentum.

2.Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to Earth?

Satellites in orbit around Earth are travelling at very high speeds. Gravity makes them continually fall toward Earth, but because Earth is curved they travel around it.

3.Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity?

Yes It is correct!

Rhiannon J :) said...

1. A rocket can lift off because of thrust and Newton's First Law.
2. An orbiting satellite doesn't fall back to Earth because there isn't enough gravity.
3. It is not correct to say an orbiting satellite doesn't fall because there isn't any gravity, but it is correct to say that there isn't enough gravity.

SERENA M(: said...

1. The action the the thrust of the rocket pushing off the ground, causing the rocket to lift off.
2. The reason a satellite doesn't fall out of orbit is because the Earth is rounded, and the gravity of the Earth keeps it in orbit.
3. No, it is not correct to say that the satellite is out of Earth's gravity, because the satellite is in Earth's gravity to keep it orbited but far enough away that is doesn't get pulled in.

kylel said...

A rocket can lift off the ground because Newtons 3rd law says with every action there is a reaction so when the engine thrusts push down they make the rocket go up.

Satellites don't fall to Earth because the satellites are traveling at high speeds and gravity makes the satellite fall down to earth but the Earth is curved so it keeps going a round Earth.

Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? ExplainNo because the satellites are always falling down to earth but the Earth is curved so it goes around.

Nick M. said...

How does a rocket lift off the ground?
1. It uses thrust to get off the ground. Newton's third law of motion.
Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to Earth?
2. Because the satellite is put far enough from Earth so that their is still some gravitational pull, but not enough to pull it down into the ground. The Earth is curved so it'll just go around anyway.
Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? Explain
3. No, because if there was no gravitational pull on the satellite it wouldn't orbit with the Earth, therefore, it would need to be put precisely so that there is a teeny bit of gravity to keep it rotating and orbiting. Also the Earth is curved, so the light gravitational pull keeps it going around.

Jasmine Mason said...

The action-reaction forces that explain why a rocket can lift off the ground is because of newtons first law. newtons first law has to do with thrusting, unbalanced forces and you need these things for a rocket to take-off. The type of fuel that a rocket uses also helps. they use hydraulic fluid.
An orbiting satellite does not fall back to earth because the gravity is no longer strong enough to bring it back to earth. Even if some do fall back they usually land in the water. The reason that they fall back onto the earth is because they are starting to have a proses called decay.
No it is not correct that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling back to earth. This is because the earths gravitational pull is not strong enough to pull them back. the only reason that they fall back into earth because of decay. Another reason that they don't fall back to earth is because the earth is spherical.

kaylee m. :) said...

1. A rocket can lift of the ground because of newtons third law.

2. A orbiting satellite dosent fall back into the earth because it's so far out that there is no gravitational pull.

3. It is correct to say that a orbiting satellite stays in orbit rather than falling in the earth because if it wasnt true it would go all around space

caelin w said...

1. the rocket blast of because of newtons third law and because of action-motion and the thrust

2.the satelite stay's in space because the earth is round and it goes around with the gravity

3. no because it would go out in to deep space because its not in the gravity range

Lexi:) said...

1. A rocket can lift off the ground because of trust and newtons third law.
2. An orbiting satellite doesn't fall because of zero gravity so that why it doesn't fall back to earth.
3. Yes, because of zero gravity the satellite is able to stay and not fall to earth.

Brian B. said...

A rocket lifts off the ground because of force and newtons third law.It is an unbalanced force the force can come from fuel and pressure.A satellite doesn't fall back to earth because their is gravity but not a lot of it.It has to do with the atmosphere as well.The satellite keeps going around the earth because the earth is a sphere.If it was a square most likely the satellite would just go off and low up.

3.No because it is still in the earths pull, it has to be because if it wasn't it would just keep going and blow up.So it would be not correct to say that!

Nicole C. said...

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Use action-reaction forces to explain why a rocket can lift off the ground.

A rocket can lift off the ground because of Newtons third law. When the rocket lifts off the ground the the force is a gigantic amount of combustion that forces the rocket upward. Combustion is is chemical reactions of fuel and heat....

2.Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to Earth?

An orbiting satellite doesn't fall back to Earth because the gravity is holding it up, and the Earth is rounded.

3.Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? Explain:

The gravity isn't strong enough, and since the gravity isn't strong enough,the satellite keeps going around, and around the Earth.

Sarah(: said...

1. The rocket lifts off the ground because of newtons third law of force. 2. A satellite can fall from the sky the satellite stays in the sky because of gravity and the force pushing it back and it can fall from the sky if the satellite gets too close to earth gravity with pull the satellite down and it will crash to earth. 3. Yeah it is true but sometimes the satellite can fall and crash into earth but other times it will stay in space because of force.

Stevey A said...

1.A rocket can lift off the ground because of thrust aka newtons third law and gravity.
2. An orbiting satelite doesn't fall back to earth because of gravity and force pushing and pulling to keep it balanced.
3. Yes it is true that a satelite stays in orbit rather than falling to earth because of gravity because gravity keeps it balanced and in a steady motion.

Hannah :* said...

1. How the rocket is lift up off the ground its used by Newton 3 Law, the rocket would push up and down to get it started, It is forced up and its force is unbalanced. 2. The satellite can fall from the sky but it stays in the sky of gravity pulling with the force pushing it back, it also stays there to get signal for phones, internet , telivision, and such. 3. Yes it is correct to say that satellites stay ing orbit rather than falling into earth they are beyond the pull og Earth gravity, but sometimes it could or it may stay in space by the strong force.

ElI G said...

1 The rocket goes off the ground because there is more force in the rocket to bring it up than there is on the ground pulling down on the rocket. 2 A orbiting satellite doesn't fall back to earth because it is so far out the gravity pull isn't close enough or strong enough. 3 Yes because you are no longer in the earths atmosphere so the gravity pull from earth.

Anonymous said...

Emily M
1.The rocket can lift off the ground because of the third law ( for every action has a equal and opposite reaction )
2.the rocket can orbit the earth because there is a equal amount of gravity and pull from the moon so it orbets the earth.
3.yes, because if they were in the earths gravity they would just fell so when they are right outside of the earth and the moon so the earth and the moon keep it in place circling the earth.

Tyla Greenlaw said...

Question 1-The rocket can lift off the ground because of NEWTONS THIRD LAW OF FORCE. The forces are un balanced when the rocket pushes off the ground harder than gravity.
Question 2- The satellite stays in orbit because Earth's gravity isn't strong enough to bring you back down but it does keep the satellite from going away.
Question 3- Earth's gravity isn't strong enough to bring the rocket down but is strong enough to keep the rocket in orbit.

cam.l said...

1. The rocket can lift itself off the ground because of thrust the pounds of thrust must e greater than the weight of the rocket to launch the rocket witch is also newtons third law of motion, every action has an equal and opisite reaction.
2. The satellite dose not fall back to earth because gravity does not have enough weight to pull the satilite back down to earth and you would be out of earths atmosphere.
3. yes it is correct to say that because you would be in earths gravitational pull but it is not strong enough to pull it down to earth but it is strong enough to keep you from floating and or drifting away.

kyle mckay said...

1. The force from the chemicals and jet fuel in a rocket ignites and shoots pressured air down which pushes the rocket up into the air.(thrust) The amount of thrust must be heavier than the rocket. This uses Newtons third law of motion, Every action has an opposite reaction. It uses unbalanced forces.

2. An orbiting satelite does not fall back to earth because there is no gravity in space. and it will not crash unless it reenters the atmosphere

3. Yes it is because they are so far away that the earth cannot pull them at all

kyle mckay said...

for 3 i meant no, The force of gravity can reach them and they fall and keep falling slowly and they never hit

alex pinkham said...

1. The rockets lifts off the ground because of the thrust pushing on the ground of simpler newton's third law of motion also when the rocket is lifting it gets unbalanced t when it is sitting it is balanced so thats how it lifts off the ground and why.

2.A satellite wont fall back into the earth because the earths gravity isn't strong enough to makes us fall but the moon and the earths gravity are equal out in space so it stays in place.

3.No because the force of gravity makes the satellites keep falling but never hitting us because of the shape of the earth.

Camille D :) said...

1. when the engine is ignited it creates thrust.The thrust builds up pressure towards the ground, which pushes the rocket up (newtons third law ), when this is happening the forces are unbalanced.
2.You are at a far enough distance that the gravity from earth keeps you form floating off but not strong enough to come back to earth,and because it's a sphere shape.
3.yes, but sometimes they get too close or the nasa instructs it to come down.

andrew b said...

satelites dont fall because they r set by the government to be far enough away from a gravitational pull but not too far for them to float away .

maddi h said...

1.A rocket can lift off the ground because of the force of the engine pushing it up off the ground.

2.An orbiting satellite does not fall back to Earth because the gravitational pull isn't strong enough in space. is correct.

Archer t said...

1. A rocket can lift off the ground because by pushing the ground with the immense energy created by the rocket and it uses that to propel itself up.
2. A satellite doesn't fall back to earth because of the centrifugal force acting upon it.
3. It isn't usually correct to say that satellites stay where they are because of the lessening of Earth's gravitational pull, because the moon is effected by the Earth's gravity and satellites are usually closer to the Earth than the moon.

Liz Napolitano❤ said...

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1Q. Use action-reaction forces to explain why a rocket can lift off the ground
2Q. Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to Earth?
3Q. Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? Explain

1A. Rocket emits particles backward with great force. This means that there is also a force in the other direction, which pushes the rocket forward. Also apparent from conservation of momentum.

2A. Satellites in orbit around Earth are travelling at very high speeds. Gravity makes them continually fall toward Earth, but because Earth is curved they travel around it. The force the satellite experiences is a force that could be described as centripetal, or towards the center of the satellite's orbit. Assuming the satellite is a geostationary satellite, or that it maintains its orbit at relatively the same spot to the earth, this becomes a very simple idea of balancing forces.

3A. Yes, it is true that they don't fall because there is less gravity so it doesn't pull them down to earth.

Ian C. said...

1.The reason that a rocket is able to lift off the ground is that when the rocket thrusters push against the ground the force has to go somewhere so it pushes the rocket up, then as it goes through the atmosphere the gravity loosens up and you can easily go through
2. The reason that the satellite stays going around Earth is because the gravity of Earth is making the satellite hurl through space and as it reaches a certain point the gravity realeses some of it's force and regains it further on and as it's loosened it's swung faster.
3.It is not right to say that the reason earth does not fall back to earth is because it is beyond the force of gravity because really the earth is still pulling it towards the earth it's just not strong enough to actually pull it down.

Archer t said...

1. A rocket can leave the Earth because it pushes against the Earth and the rocket goes up.
2. A satellite stays in orbit doesn't drop because it uses centrifugal force to keep in orbit.
3. It is not true to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity because satellites are usually inside Earth's gravitational field.

Jar3d C :P said...

1 When the engine ignites, it creates thrust. As the thrust builds up, it creates pressure towards the ground, and then sends the rocket up.

2 Because Earth is the only planet with gravity, so when you go outside Earth, (like a satellite does) there is no gravity, and gravity is what makes things fall.

3 Yes, as explained up above ^

Aaron R said...

1. Use action-reaction forces to explain why a rocket can lift off the ground
A rocket can lift off from the ground because of the thrust from the engine so then then the rocket can lift off and go through the atmosphere.

2. Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to Earth?
It doesn't fall back to earth because of its momentum and it orbits the earth because of its gravitational pull back to earth.

3. Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? Explain
No they are still in earth's gravitational pull but they have enough momentum to stay in earths orbit.

emile w said...

1. Use action-reaction forces to explain why a rocket can lift off the ground
the rocket engines push the rocket off the ground and acts against gravity which is pulling down the space ship. the rocket pushes against gravity and pushes the rocket off the ground.
2. Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to Earth?
the satellite is outside of earth's gravity reach.

3. Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? Explain
Yes, it is correct because it is outside of the earth's gravity but it is not to far way so it can't float away.

Cameron T. said...

1. Use action-reaction forces to explain why a rocket can lift off the ground

The air or fire is pushed out of the nozzle with high pressure. Then it hits the ground and keeps pushing. As the pressure pushes it lifts the rocket off the ground.

2. Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to Earth?

An orbiting satallite wont fall to earth because they are traveling at very high speeds. As it falls gravity pulls it toward earth. As it gets close to earth it goes around earth due to earths curvature.

3. Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? Explain

Yes because the satellites are close enough that they dont fly into space. Also it is close enough that it steadies the satallite. it is far enough away that gravity cant pull it to Earth.

Will P said...

1. Use action-reaction forces to explain why a rocket can lift off the ground. A rocket lifts off the ground by pushing a massive amount off gasses at the ground, pushing the rocket upward. I believe this is caused by Newtons first law. THRUST.

2. Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to Earth? A satellite doesn't fall back to Earth because they are positioned just right so that they don't float away, but gravity keeps it near us..

3. Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? Explain. No I do not believe that is true. My thought process behind that is that if they were far away enough that gravity doesn't affect it then it would just float off into space.

JordanF said...

1.Use action reaction forces to explain why rockets can lift off the ground. Basically a gigantic combustion that pushes it off the ground.
2.Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to earth? The satellites are beyond the Earth's atmosphere.
3.Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because they are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity pull? Well, the satellites are far away enough from Earth that they aren't pulled toward earth, but they are also close enough so that the earth's pull does not let the satellites do not just float into space.

Ronahn said...

1. A rocket can lift off the ground because it emits many particles backward rapidly, so the rocket is pushed forward and off of the ground. Thrust is the action and the lift is the reaction.

2.An orbiting satellite does not fall back to the Earth because of inertia and Cintrifical Force. The gravity and inertia balance each other so the satellite doesn't go off into space and isn't sucked into the earth. Similarly, the Earth is not pulled into the sun for the same reason.

3. I do not think so. If the satellite was too far away to be effected by the Earth's gravity (or to a measurable extent), it would float off into space, possibly being pulled into the sun.

Question: Would a satellite with huge mass be pulled into Earth as a result of higher gravity, or would more momentum mean increased inertia too?

SammyG said...

1. A rocket can lift off of the ground because of Newton's third law of thrust. The pressure pushes towards the ground which propels the rocket upward.
2. The satellite doesn't hit earth or float into space for one main reason. The satellite is so far away that the force of gravity doesn't make the satellite crash, but it isn't so far away that it floats away.
3. I think that gravity is a factor along with the curvature of the earth. Both forces have effect, causing the satellite to stay in place.

i peters said...

1. The engine ignites and creates thrust. thrust builds pressure towards the ground and pushes the rocket up which is Newton's 3rd law. these forces are balanced.
2. the satellite is at afar enough distance that it won't get pulled in or float away because of its sphere shape.
3. yes. every once in a while NASA makes it come down.

Katie B. said...

Question 1: "Use action-reaction forces to explain why a rocket can lift off the ground."
It is very hard to launch off the ground, because it has to work against gravity. So to launch, You must use Newtons third law, which states that everything has an equal and opposite reaction. So, the Garvity is going against the power of the rocket.
Question 2: "Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to Earth?"
A satellite doesnt fall back to earth because when the satellite tries to fall, it gets caught by inertia. Gravity and Inertia balance each other out, keeping it in orbit.
Question 3: "Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? Explain."
I think that it stays in orbit because Gravity and Inertia are balanced forces that are holding it right there in its orbit.

Kasey G. said...

1. Rockets lift off the ground because of the following: It states in Newton's Third Law of Motion, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." When the engine ignites the fuel, it creates flames, and a whole lot of thrust. This thrust creates unbalanced forces. Since this pressure is an action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction, right? This reaction is the lifting up of the rocket.
2. The satellite does not fall back to earth because of centripetal force and centrifugal force. Centripetal force is the force of gravity which causes objects to have an attraction to the center of the Earth. Centrifugal force is the force of the velocity. When these two forces are balanced, the satellite remains in orbit. If one these forces became unbalanced, the satellite would either fall to the ground or fly off into outer space.
3. It is not correct that are beyond the pull of gravity because if they were, they would float out into outer space.

Erik C said...

The rocket can lift off the ground because of Newton's third law. The rocket pushes the gas molecules downward, and the gas molecules push the rocket upward. The action thrust is the action and the reaction is the rocket going up.

An orbiting satellite doesn't fall back to Earth because it is far enough away from Earth to not be pulled down quickly, but it close enough to Earth that Earth's gravity doesn't let it escape and fly off through space.

Satellites are not beyond Earth's gravity. If one was beyond Earth's gravity it would fly out through space.

Spencer Shields said...

1. Use action-reaction forces to explain why a rocket can lift off the ground?
The engine starts the rocket fuel is built into a thrust that acts upon the ground. The reaction is that the rocket picks up off the ground. This is true because of Newton's third law: every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
2. Why doesn't an orbiting satellite fall back to earth? It has enough gravity to hold it in place, but not enough to pull it towards. The earth is a spherical object so there is centrifugal force acting on it. The forces between the centrifugal force and the centripetal force is balanced.
3. Is it correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity? Explain. No, Satellites fall and move along the orbit at the same time. If it was outside the satellite would be floating out into space.

Holly J said...

A rocket can fly because it generates large amounts high pressure combustion gas in their engines, and this gas is ejected at high speeds providing the force that brings the rocket upward and away form the earth. (Newtons Third Law)

An orbiting satellite doesn't fall back to earth because its so far away from earth that the pull of the gravity doesn't pull it all the way down but it isn't to far away that it doesn't float away. It depends on how far away the satellite is away from the earth.

It is not correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to earth because they are always falling and with the speed and curvature of the earth have the satellite falling towards earth but never crashing.

Tanner McClure said...

1. When the rocket engine is ignited, it creates thrust. This thrust builds up pressure towards the ground. This force of pressure pushes the rocket up making the rocket go from a balanced force to an unbalanced force.

2. Satellites in orbit around Earth are travelling at very high speeds. Gravity makes them continually fall toward Earth, but because Earth is curved they travel around it.
The force the satellite experiences is a force that could be described as centripetal, or towards the center of the satellite's orbit. Assuming the satellite is a geostationary satellite, or that it maintains its orbit at relatively the same spot to the earth, this becomes a very simple idea of balancing forces.

3.No, because the force of gravity makes the satellites keep falling but never hitting us because of the shape of the earth.

Mason B said...

1. A rocket can lift off the ground because of Newton's 3rd law which states: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Out of the back of a rocket is thrust and this action causes an equal and opposite reaction pushing it into space.

2. A satellite stays in orbit because as the satellite falls the surface of the earth curves away and spins away from it so as it's turning the satellite continues to follow.

3. No, it is not correct to say that satellites stay in orbit rather than falling to Earth because the are beyond the pull of Earth's gravity. Then we'd all be floating in space.

Lucas T said...

1. A rocket can lift off the ground because of newtons third law by the rockets shooting the pressure hitting the ground making an equal and opposite reaction.

2.A satellite doesn't fall back to earth because of gravity and two forces pushing it to keep it orbiting.

3.Yes that is true because it stays in a balance in orbit.