Monday, April 23, 2018

unseen forces

You roll a model car down the hallway. The car comes to a stop without hitting anything. Allie says the car came to a stop because there was no force pushing on it. Dylan says it stopped because of unseen forces. Who do you agree with and explain why? 


Olivia Tarbox said...

I agree with Allie because no one was touching it.

rhyse said...

Dylan is right.

Isabella S. said...

Unseen forces were stopping the car.

Anonymous said...

Allie is right saying that the car came to a stop because there was no force pushing on it.

Lindsey said...

Dylan i think

Taylor said...

It was stopped by an unseen force.

Baylie A said...

the unseen forces are stopping the car.

Anonymous said...

Dylan is right because friction is stopping the car

kaleb said...

It was stopped by an unseen force.

Alivia said...

Allie is right because there was no forces pushing the car.

Elliot said...


Nicole said...

Allie is right

Emily Martin said...

It stopped by unseen forces.

Anonymous said...

Friction will stop the car

Ben Pooler said...

I don't agree with Allie or Dillan. The car stopped because of friction

MatthewC said...

The unseen forces stopped the car

Anonymous said...

i thick it was the air particles that made it stop

p.s fricasseeing was needed

Amelia M said...

I agree with Dylan because friction, gravity and air resistance stopped the car.

Fiona M. said...

I agree with Dylan because friction and gravity were working against the car.

Kaitlyn said...

It's stopped from unseen forces.

Stella Wyman said...

Dylan is right because Allie is mean to me.

Anonymous said...

i agree with dylan

Kailey said...

Dylan is right because friction, air resistance and gravity made the car stop.


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Allie Nichols said...

I don't agree with myself.

Dylan .l said...

im right

Ava-Mae Hymer said...

I agree with Dylan because nothing else besides these "unseen forces" could have stopped the car. The unseen forces were things like gravity, friction, and air currents!

etan kAn======+90 said...

Its all gravity with the motions of force

anna said...


Jessica M said...

friction, gravity and drag (air resistance)

Anonymous said...

Dylan is correct because gravity, friction, and air.

Paul Bellonzi said...

I agree with Dylan because of FRICTION!!!!!!!!!!

Dom G. said...

Dillion because gravity friction and air resistance .

Carson R. said...

The unseen forces that stop the car is friction, gravity, and air resistance.

Carson R. said...

I agree with Dylan because the unseen forces that stop the car is friction, gravity, and air resistance.

jordan said...

i agree with dylan