Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Describe the ways a skydiver would accelerate when jumping out of an airplane. 


Isabella S. said...

The sky divers start from being on the plane, then as they fall they get faster.

Elliot Bouchard said...

He would fall faster

Olivia Tarbox said...

They were on a plane then they fall.

Anonymous said...

they would get faster the more they fall then they will slow down like crazy because they pulled their shoots.

Makenzie G said...

As the skydivers fall they get faster.

Anonymous said...

they get faster as they come out of the plane and then they slow down when they pulled they're chutes

Nicole said...

after thay fall out of the plane they fall faster and faster.

rhyse said...

As they fall they pick up speed.

kaleb said...

they get faster as they come out of the plane and then they slow down when they pulled they're chutes

Baylie A said...

when they jump out of the airplane they get faster

Alivia said...

They get faster as they fall

madyson said...

The skydiver will get faster as they come out of the plane and then they slow down when they are pulled from the chutes.

Bridget T said...

They get faster as they fall.

Anonymous said...

they get faster as they come out of the plane and then they slow down when they pulled they're chutes.

Hayden said...

He would fall faster

Kaitlyn Reed said...

The skydiver would fall faster when he jumps out of the airplane.

Anonymous said...

They would get faster when they jump out of the plane and slow down when they pull the chute

Ben Pooler said...

The skydivers start from being on the plane, then as they fall they get faster.

brandy connolly said...

the skydiver will fall faster after it jumps out of a plan

Fiona M. said...

The skydivers gain speed when they jump out of the plane and start falling.

Ava-Mae Hymer said...

The skydiver would accelerate to terminal velocity and then would change velocity as they changed positions and direction.

Stella Wyman said...

If they fall in a diving like form they will probably go or get faster

Anonymous said...

as the skydivers ;eave the plane they excelerate there speed

eTAn cRAnE said...

The skydiver would jump out of a plane and fall and yeah

Allie Nichols said...

The terminal velocity. When the diver jumps he hits the full speed.

Anonymous said...

Because of gravity the skydivers fall faster and faster as they fall longer.

Matthew said...

They get faster as they fall

elias said...

day git fastter wen day fall out da airplayne

Ashley Stanton said...

Because of gravity the skydivers fall faster and faster as they fall longer.

(I accidentally put myself as anonymous the first time)

Amelia M said...

As the skydiver jumps out of the plane, the person will gain speed and therefore, accelerate.

Kailey .C. said...

as they fall they accelerate.

ADAM said...

they get faster as they come out of the plane and then they slow down when they pulled they're chutes

zander glidden said...

they jomp out of the plane then they speed up and wen they pull out there pareushut they will go up and slow dawn

Kaylah S said...

The skydivers speed up when they left the plane. They slowed down as they fell further, and they changed direction when they turn around and made the formations.

Madisyn Metayer said...

speed up, slow down, change direction

Paul Bellonzi said...

Carson said,"speeding up slowing down, and changing direction."

Anonymous said...

They can speed up, slow down and change direction

Dom G. said...

speed up, slow down, change direction

Allie said...

They speed up when going down, changing direction when the move into the formation, and slowing down when they open the parachute.

Emily Morrill said...


Anonymous said...

He would fall faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster faster.

Anonymous said...

speeding up, slowing down, changing direction

Carson R. said...

When they jump out of the plane and they dive straight down they gain speed and then when they make it so their flat they slow down and then when their parachutes go out they go up so they change direction.

Anonymous said...

When they are diving, the are speeding up, when they pull the parachute and they slow down, and the last way they would accelerate would be if they change direction.

JAYDEN said...

They speed up when going down, changing direction when the move into the formation, and slowing down when they open the parachute.

Anonymous said...
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