Tuesday, April 3, 2018


What are the three ways something accelerate?  Give examples. 


Hunter Murphy said...

A car it starts off going fast and then it slowes down at the end of the road

Anonymous said...

things that accelerate could slow down, speed up, or turn around.

William Travis said...

Getting faster, slowing down, and changing direction are all examples of acceleration.

Meghan said...

things that accelerate could slow down, speed up, or turn around.

Joseph said...

Going Slow, Going Faster, turning around.

madyson said...

Three ways to accelerate could slow down, speed up, or turn around.

Brandon.G. said...

A object speeds up then slows down. Then a object changes direction.

Allie Nichols said...

speed up, slow down and turn.

Ava-Mae Hymer said...

Like a roller coaster that speeds up when it goes down, slows down when it goes up, and changes direction when it turns.



Fiona M. said...

Three ways that something can accelerate include speeding up, slowing down, and turning around.

Anonymous said...

speed up slow down and turn.

annas said...

1. You push it

2. You throw it

3. it rolls on its own

Anonymous said...

it could go fast and slow down or go slow and speed up or it could go slow fast then slow again

Stella Wyman said...

Things can speed up or slow down they can also change direction

Ashley Stanton said...

Because it is pushing against something first, and when it gets a boast it will go faster, and this cycle will repeat.

Kaitlyn said...

An object can speed up or slow down.

Amelia M said...

1. speeding up (when a car takes off from a red light)
2. slowing down (when a car stops)
3. changing direction (when a car turns)

Anonymous said...


Jayden said...

Things that accelerate could slow down, speed up, or turn around.

Anonymous said...

A car it starts off going fast and then it slowes down at the end of the road

Anonymous said...

It can change direction or speed up and slow down

Jess M said...

slow down, speed up, and turning

Allie said...

Three ways to accelerate is to slow down, speed up, and change direction.

Carson R. said...

1. speeding up ( when a car takes off when the stoplight turns green)
2. slowing down ( when a car slows down to stop at a red light)
3. change in direction (when a car takes a turn)

Anonymous said...

Three ways that acceleration works is changing direction, speeding up, and slowing down.

Paul Bellonzi said...

Wheels going down a hill, a car spinning , and a car putting on brakes after almost falling of a hill.

Kaylah S said...

Three ways of acceleration are
1. Speed up
2. Slow down
3. Turn around

Elliot Bouchard said...

things that accelerate could slow down, speed up, or turn around

Olivia Tarbox said...

It gets faster.

Anonymous said...

speed up, slow down and turn.

Anonymous said...

increasing speed, decreasing speed, or a change in direction

Makenzie G said...

Get faster,Slow down And change direction.

Nicole said...

speed up, slow down

kaleb said...

things that accelerate could slow down, speed up, or turn around

Isabella S. said...

It can speed up, slow down, and change direction.

Abbie B. said...

When something accelerates it can slow down, speed up, or change direction.

Anonymous said...

1. speeding up ( when a car takes off when the stoplight turns green.
2. slowing down ( when a car slows down to stop at a red light.
3. change in direction (when a car takes a turn.

hayden said...

increasing speed, decreasing speed, or a change in direction

Ben Pooler said...

A car it starts off going fast and then it slowes down at the end of the road

zander glidden said...

1 speeding up 2 slowing down 3 change in direction

eTAn cRAnE said...

fast, slow, change in direction.