Thursday, February 27, 2014

What is moving around ?

Blood is moved around in the body by the circulatory system. What are the four major functions of blood? 


Evan L said...

Blood has many different functions, including: transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues; forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss; carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection; and Coagulation, which is one part of the body's self-repair mechanism.

Samantha L said...

It has four main components: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

Wyatt R said...

The four major functions of blood are:
1. Transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues.
2. Forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss.
3. Carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection.
4. Bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood.

Casey K said...

It has four main components: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Blood has many different functions, including: transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues; forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss; carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection; bringing waste products ...

Tyler J said...

It has four main components: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Blood has many different functions, including: transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues; forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss; carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection; bringing waste products ...
Blood Basics - American Society of Hematology

Rylan N said...

transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues
forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss
carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection
bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood
regulating body temperature

Katie N. said...

To transport oxygen and nutrients from the lungs and intestines respectively to all cells in your body.To fight pathogens and kill bacteria and other microbes.

Anonymous said...

Owen: 1.To transport oxygen and nutrients from the lungs and intestines respectively to

2all cells in your body.To fight pathogens and kill bacteria and other microbes.

3Messenger functions (E.g. Transportation of hormones)To help heal and clot

4Messenger functions (E.g. Transportation of hormones)To help heal and clot

Leslie K said...

The four major parts of the blood are, plasma red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. I know this but I couldn't remember them so I give Sam L partial credit.

Anonymous said...

3 is the same as four crap

Samantha L said...

Blood has many different functions, including: transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues; forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss; carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection; and Coagulation, which is one part of the body's self-repair mechanism.

Katie N. said...

Brendan S said...

The four major functions of blood are:
1. Transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues.
2. Forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss.
3. Carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection.
4. Bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood.

Griffin M. said...


Dissolved gases (e.g. oxygen, carbon dioxide);

Waste products of metabolism (e.g. water, urea);



Nutrients (such as glucose, amino acids, micro-nutrients (vitamins & minerals), fatty acids, glycerol);

Plasma proteins (associated with defence, such as blood-clotting and anti-bodies);

Blood cells (incl. white blood cells 'leucocytes ', and red blood cells 'erythrocytes ').

Maintains Body Temperature

Controls pH
The pH of blood must remain in the range 6.8 to 7.4, otherwise it begins to damage cells.

Removes toxins from the body
The kidneys filter all of the blood in the body (approx. 8 pints), 36 times every 24 hours. Toxins removed from the blood by the kidneys leave the body in the urine.
(Toxins also leave the body in the form of sweat.)

Obama said...

Geese this is getting old.

Mya N said...

The four major functions of blood are plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets

Jack D said...

1. Transport of nutrition:

The blood is the means whereby all nourishment is transported to the cells.

2. Transport of respiratory gases:

The blood transports Oxygen as oxy hemoglobin from the lungs to the blood cells and returns carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs for excretion.

3. Acts as a Vehicle:

The blood transports hormones and enzymes from their place of origin to their target organs and tissues (place of activity).

4. Drainage of Waste Products:

The blood removes all waste products from the tissues and cells. These waste products are transported to the appropriate organs for excretion-lungs, kidney's, intestine, skin etc.

5. Blood Clotting:

By the mechanism of clotting, loss of blood cells and body fluids is prevented.

6. Regulation of body temperature:

Blood helps to maintain the body temperature by distributing the heat produced by the chemical activity of the cells evenly, throughout the body.

7. Defense actions:

The blood aids in the defense of the body against the invasion of micro-organisms and their toxins due to:

(a) The phagocyte action of neutrophils and monocytes.

(b) The presence of antibodies and antitoxins.

8. Regulates blood pressure:

Blood regulates blood pressure.

Jack D said...

Lauren B. said...

They four are white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, and plasma.

Iron Man said...

Sup... Guess Who!?!?!

Obama said...

Everything Is Awesome!!!

Lauren B. said...

02+co2, waste, transports nutrients, heals wounds, and fights.

Anonymous said...

Blood has many different functions, including: transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues; forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss; carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection; and Coagulation, which is one part of the body's self-repair mechanism

Anonymous said...

plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets

Anonymous said...

If you loose blood you can die, if you have blood you might not die, blood is red, and blood carries stuff you need.

Anonymous said...

Removes waste out of the body

Anonymous said...

Blood has many different functions, including: transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues; forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss; carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection; bringing waste products.

Amber R said...

The four major functions of blood are:
1. Transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues.
2. Forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss.
3. Carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection.
4. Bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood.

Jacob G said...

transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues
forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss
carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection
bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood

Julia M said...

1) it transports digested food (eg glucose and amino acids) from small intestine to all parts of the body where they are needed either for immediate use or storage
2) transports food molecules from storage areas to cells that need them.
3)it transports excretory products (eg CO2 and urea) from cells to the organs that excrete them from the body (such as lungs or kidneys)
4) it transports chemical messgaes (hormones) from where they are made to where they cause changes in the body
5)it helps to maintain a steady body temperature by carrying heat arround the system from deep-seated organs (eg gut) or very active tissues (eg leg muscles in someone running)
6) acts as a buffer to pH
7) it forms part of the defense system of the body (eg clotting in case of a cut, or the antibodies made by white blood cells)

Anonymous said...

Some types of blood are plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. And their jobs are too, transport oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues, forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss, and carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection.

Lauren S said...

The four major functions of blood are red blood cells, plasma, white blood cells, and platelets

Ella T. said...

. Removes waste.
. Carries Co2 and oxygen throughout the body.
. Carries materials that fights wounds and infections.
. Transports nutrients to cells.
. It keeps you alive.

shawnl said...


Anonymous said...

transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues
forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss
carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection
bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood

Anonymous said...

transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues
forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss
carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection
bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood

Alysse S said...

1) it transports digested food (eg glucose and amino acids) from small intestine to all parts of the body where they are needed either for immediate use or storage
2) transports food molecules from storage areas to cells that need them.
3)it transports excretory products (eg CO2 and urea) from cells to the organs that excrete them from the body (such as lungs or kidneys)
4) it transports chemical messgaes (hormones) from where they are made to where they cause changes in the body
5)it helps to maintain a steady body temperature by carrying heat arround the system from deep-seated organs (eg gut) or very active tissues (eg leg muscles in someone running)
6) acts as a buffer to pH
7) it forms part of the defense system of the body (eg clotting in case of a cut, or the antibodies made by white blood cells)

Jacob T said...

1) it transports digested food (eg glucose and amino acids) from small intestine to all parts of the body where they are needed either for immediate use or storage
2) transports food molecules from storage areas to cells that need them.
3)it transports excretory products (eg CO2 and urea) from cells to the organs that excrete them from the body (such as lungs or kidneys)
4) it transports chemical messgaes (hormones) from where they are made to where they cause changes in the body
5)it helps to maintain a steady body temperature by carrying heat arround the system from deep-seated organs (eg gut) or very active tissues (eg leg muscles in someone running)
6) acts as a buffer to pH
7) it forms part of the defense system of the body (eg clotting in case of a cut, or the antibodies made by white blood cells)

TAYLORg said...

transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues
forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss
carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection
bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood

Patrick H said...

transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues
forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss
carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection
bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood

Adrian K said...

-Transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues
-Forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss
-Carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection
-Bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood
-Regulating body temperature

Jennifer C said...

The four different types of blood are plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.


Sophia S:) said...

The four major functions of blood are to transport oxygen, Co2 and nutrients throughout the body, removes waste and fights wounds and infections.

Cassie M said...

transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues
forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss
carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection
bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood

Anonymous said...

1) it transports digested food (eg glucose and amino acids) from small intestine to all parts of the body where they are needed either for immediate use or storage
2) transports food molecules from storage areas to cells that need them.
3)it transports excretory products (eg CO2 and urea) from cells to the organs that excrete them from the body (such as lungs or kidneys)
4) it transports chemical messgaes (hormones) from where they are made to where they cause changes in the body
5)it helps to maintain a steady body temperature by carrying heat arround the system from deep-seated organs (eg gut) or very active tissues (eg leg muscles in someone running)
6) acts as a buffer to pH
7) it forms part of the defense system of the body (eg clotting in case of a cut, or the antibodies made by white blood cells)

Anonymous said...

1. Transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues.
2. Forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss.
3. Carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection.
4. Bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood.

john p said...

white blood cels red blood cells lungs and keeps u alive

Cody M. said...

1. Transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues.
2. Forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss.
3. Carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection.
4. Bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood.

Ashleigh L said...

Transports oxygen and nutrients in the form of blood glucose to all the of the body, and on the return trip , takes away the waste products of cells metabolic processes. Also regulates temperature, fluid volume, and pH balance. Finally, blood defends us in two important ways; the white blood cells protect us against infections and diseases and the platelets initiate a clotting mechanism to prevent excessive blood loss.

Abbie N said...

1. Transporting oxygen, nutrients to lungs and tissues.
2. Forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss.
3. Carrying cells that fight infection.
4. Bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, that filter and clean the blood.

Matthew G said...

1.To transport oxygen and nutrients from the lungs and intestines respectively to

2all cells in your body.To fight pathogens and kill bacteria and other microbes.

3Messenger functions (E.g. Transportation of hormones)To help heal and clot

4Messenger functions (E.g. Transportation of hormones)To help heal and clot

McKayla. M said...

transport oxygen. It removes waste. Regulates temperature. Fights against sicknesses.

lindseyb said...

The four major functions of blood are:
1. Transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues.
2. Forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss.
3. Carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection.
4. Bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood.

Marie R said...

1. Transporting oxygen, nutrients to lungs and tissues.
2. Forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss.
3. Carrying cells that fight infection.
4. Bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, that filter and clean the blood.

I copied from Abbie N

AutumnP said...

1. Transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues.
2. Forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss.
3. Carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection.
4. Bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood.

LILY R said...

1. Transporting oxygen, nutrients to lungs and tissues.
2. Forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss.
3. Carrying cells that fight infection.
4. Bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, that filter and clean the blood.

Molly B said...

the four are white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
02+co2, waste, transports nutrients, heals wounds, and fights.

Unknown said...

The four major functions of blood are:
1. Transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues.
2. Forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss.
3. Carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection.
4. Bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, which filter and clean the blood.

Unknown said...

White Blood, Red Blood, platlets, plasma.

Anonymous said...

so i meat this girl that was realy hot then she said she was a man so i ran away

bailey w said...

Transports oxygen and nutrients in the form of blood glucose to all the of the body, and on the return trip , takes away the waste products of cells metabolic processes. Also regulates temperature, fluid volume, and pH balance. Finally, blood defends us in two important ways; the white blood cells protect us against infections and diseases and the platelets initiate a clotting mechanism to prevent excessive blood loss.