Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Human Body Systems

There are many organs and organ systems that make up the human body. Which system do you find most interesting and would like to learn more about? 

New Checklist is up on Mr Ruby Science


Jennifer C said...

I find the skeletal system interesting, because it has to do with bones, and their functions. I also did a project on the skeletel system in fifth grade, so I already have some knowledge.
(Style points for first comment on a snow day?!?!?!?!

Sophia S:) said...

I agree with Jen, I think the skeletal system is quite fascinating because the older you get the less bones you have. Either way all of the systems interest me, I would like to learn more about the systems that I haven't studied much about yet. For example the nervous system or circulatory system!

Abbie N said...

I would like to learn more about the nervous system. I would like to learn about how all the different nerves are affected. I also think that it would be cool because most nerves are connected and it would be cool if they had chain reactions.

Mr Ruby said...

Skeletal system is interesting. The cells that both create and break down bone. The relationship to the circulatory system is also interesting. Great comment on a snow day well done

Mr Ruby said...

We will be going more in depth with a study of the nervous system and the circulatory system. Kudos for snow day science.

Mr Ruby said...

We will be learning more about the nervous system how the nerve cells work and how some reactions are automatic. Thanks for joining snow day science.

Cassie M said...

I would like to learn more about the Nervous System, also!

Mr Ruby said...

Thanks for commenting and joining science snow day. Hurray

Taylor J. said...

I would like to learn more on Nervous system because it sounds really interesting and the things I know about it already are really interesting.

Mr Ruby said...

Nice comment thanks for join the rest on snow day science. We will be looking at the nervous system especially the brain.

Ashleigh L said...

I find the digestive system really interesting.

Mr Ruby said...

How food becomes energy will be something we will learn about. Thanks for join snow day science.

Devon Sargent said...

Nervous System is what I want to learn about I learned the digestive in 5th grade

Mr Ruby said...

Great we will cover the nervous system. Thanks for making to class on a snow day. You are one a a few who participated in snow day science.

Alysse S said...

I like to know more about the nervous systom

Mr Ruby said...

Good to know what you want to know. Thanks for commenting on the snow day

Leslie K said...

I would like to know more about the nervous system. I have a questions too, what makes the nerves go to sleep?

Anonymous said...


Alysse S said...

your welcome :)

Anonymous said...

i want to do the digestive system

Sadie F. said...

I want to learn about the digestive system.

Griffin M. said...

I want to learn about the circular system.