Thursday, February 13, 2014

today's super idea

If you could make one of your human body systems a superpower which would it be? 


Anonymous said...

My bones to be unbreakable.

Anonymous said...

It would be my circulatory system.

Samantha L said...

Ability to go invisible! I dont know what body system that would be..

Brandyn P. said...

Wolverine STYLE Immune system

Ella T. said...

The ability to have whatever superpower I think of.

Mr Ruby said...


Cassie M said...

Skeletal System because I could make my bones unbreakable.

Leslie K said...

I would like to make my skeletal system so my bones are flexible and unbreakable. I have always wanted to be flexible and I am really clumsy so I wouldn't have to worry about breaking any bones.

lauren simmons said...

My heart Im not sure why

Kaylee H. said...

Skeletal System because I could make my bones unbreakable .

Anonymous said...

I would make my skeletal system a super power. I would make my bones hollow, so I could fly.

Unknown said...

The Digestive system so I will never get fat. Obviously.

Gavin M said...

Digestive system so I could stay fit

Adrian K said...

The ability to glide/fly which would affect your integumentary system.

Jacob G said...

I would make everything invisible.

Jacob T said...

It would be my circulatory system.

Unknown said...

Skeletal System because I could make my bones unbreakable.

McKayla. M said...

The Skeletal System so I don't have to be on crutches for like the whole summer again.

Molly B said...

Skeletal System because I could make my bones unbreakable .
so i can jump off buildings and really high things -_- ! :)

Jennifer C said...

The ability to have any superpower. The conducter asked the same question at york county, and I thought that it was pretty clever, but if I had to pick one, I'd pick invisibility. :)

LILY R said...

my arms so i could fly.

DavidM said...

If any i would choose the skeletal system because then it would hurt less if you punched a brick wall or get hit by a car

Matthew G said...

My ability would be to turn my body into any material at any given time. That would affect the integumentary system.

Anonymous said...

my finger and the power of not coming to school ;)....

Katie N. said...

I would make my whole body invisable

Amber R said...

it would be my repository system so i can breath underwater.

lindseyb said...

Katie, I agree!! INVISIBILITY!!!!

Griffin M. said...

I would change my muscular system so I would have super strength and super speed.

Ben S. said...

It's a tie between the nervous (telekinesis) and the skeletal systems (Wolverine). What do you think?

AutumnP said...

Invisibility I mean who wouldn't want that power.


Jack D said...

I would be able to Shape Shift in what ever I want and be able to use there super power.

Anonymous said...

I would pick super speed because you could run and never get cought< how ever u spell that)

Marie R said...

I would have the super power to be able to fly :D And thats what I would want.

Jack D said...

I think my body needs to be flexible to do what i said in the first message.

Kanani L. said...

i would make my skeleton or muscle system. I would make my muscle bigger so I can have big muscles.

Brendan S said...

I would want telekinesis if I could make one of my human body systems have a super power!

Anonymous said...

Owen Bridges: I would chose strength to be a super power

Alysse S said...

I would do brain power so you know everything

taylor graffam said...

my muscular system so i can lift anything i would want to, or if i needed to!

Anonymous said...

Because I want to be a rainbow.

Julia M said...

I'd choose my digestive system so that I'll never get fat.

Abbie N said...

I would choose my nervous system because I could use my brain to help me move stuff and figure out all the mathematical formulas to stuff.

Lauren B. said...

I would choose my skeletal system so i could shape shift.

Taylor J said...

It would be my bones so they would be unbreakable.

Sophia S:) said...

I would make my nervous system a super power because it controls movement and thought. This way I could have to powers in one, those being a mega mind brainiac and having a lightning fast super strong body.