Monday, February 23, 2015

Cardiovascular System

What are the parts of the cardiovascular system? Please cite your source? 

Image result for cardiovascular


Maddi T. said...

The parts of the cardiovascular system are the Heart, Veins, Arteries and Capillaries.

Olivia M said...

The Heart is a part of the cardiovascular system.

Braedon M said...

The pulmonary vein sends the oxygen-rich blood back to the heart. The systemic circulation is the portion of the circulatory system is the network of veins, arteries and blood vessels that transports blood from heart, services the body's cells and then re-enters the heart.Aug 17, 2012
Circulatory System: Facts, Function & Diseases - LiveScience

Anonymous said...

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport. Responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and cellular waste products throughout the body, the cardiovascular system is powered by the body’s hardest-working organ — the heart, which is only about the size of a closed fist. Even at rest, the average heart easily pumps over 5 liters of blood throughout the body every minute....

camden taylor said...

the heart is a part of that system.

Anonymous said...
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Nick C said...

The pulmonary vein sends the oxygen-rich blood back to the heart. The systemic circulation is the portion of the circulatory system is the network of veins, arteries and blood vessels that transports blood from heart, services the body's cells and then re-enters the heart.

owen said...

The pulmonary vein sends the oxygen-rich blood back to the heart. The systemic circulation is the portion of the circulatory system is the network of veins, arteries and blood vessels that transports blood from heart, services the body's cells and then re-enters the heart.

Circulatory System: Facts, Function & Diseases - LiveScience

Anonymous said...

The four main parts of the cardiovascular system are, the heart, veins, arteries, and capillaries.

dominic l said...

The pulmonary vein sends the oxygen-rich blood back to the heart. The systemic circulation is the portion of the circulatory system is the network of veins, arteries and blood vessels that transports blood from heart, services the body's cells and then re-enters the heart

Dillon said...

Heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport.

Matthew b said...

The pulmonary vein sends the oxygen-rich blood back to the heart. The systemic circulation is the portion of the circulatory system is the network of veins, arteries and blood vessels that transports blood from heart, services the body's cells and then re-enters the heart.

Alexis/Jade said...

The pulmonary vein sends the oxygen-rich blood back to the heart. The systemic circulation is the portion of the circulatory system is the network of veins, arteries and blood vessels that transports blood from heart, services the body's cells and then re-enters the heart.Aug 17, 2012

Hannah Perkins said...

The Heart, blood, Blood Vessels are part of the cardiovascular.

Anonymous said...

Transportation: The cardiovascular system transports blood to almost all of the body’s tissues. The blood delivers essential nutrients and oxygen and removes wastes and carbon dioxide to be processed or removed from the body. Hormones are transported throughout the body via the blood’s liquid plasma.

Protection: The cardiovascular system protects the body through its white blood cells. White blood cells clean up cellular debris and fight pathogens that have entered the body. Platelets and red blood cells form scabs to seal wounds and prevent pathogens from entering the body and liquids from leaking out. Blood also carries antibodies that provide specific immunity to pathogens that the body has previously been exposed to or has been vaccinated against.

Regulation: The cardiovascular system is instrumental in the body’s ability to maintain homeostatic control of several internal conditions. Blood vessels help maintain a stable body temperature by controlling the blood flow to the surface of the skin. Blood vessels near the skin’s surface open during times of overheating to allow hot blood to dump its heat into the body’s surroundings. In the case of hypothermia, these blood vessels constrict to keep blood flowing only to vital organs in the body’s core. Blood also helps balance the body’s pH due to the presence of bicarbonate ions, which act as a buffer solution. Finally, the albumins in blood plasma help to balance the osmotic concentration of the body’s cells by maintaining an isotonic environment.

Brooke Carman said...

Some parts of the cardio vascular system are, the heart, lungs, veins to pump blood through, etc.

Tim D said...

the heart is a part of that system.

Brooke Carman said...

Minus the lungs.

Jakob P said...

Protection: The cardiovascular system protects the body through its white blood cells. White blood cells clean up cellular debris and fight pathogens that have entered the body. Platelets and red blood cells form scabs to seal wounds and prevent pathogens from entering the body and liquids from leaking out. Blood also carries antibodies that provide specific immunity to pathogens that the body has previously been exposed to or has been vaccinated against.

Wayne Twombly said...

The pulmonary vein sends the oxygen-rich blood back to the heart. The systemic circulation is the portion of the circulatory system is the network of veins, arteries and blood vessels that transports blood from heart, services the body's cells and then re-enters the heart.

Jacob Varney said...

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport. Responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and cellular waste products throughout the body, the cardiovascular system is powered by the body’s hardest-working organ — the heart, which is only about the size of a closed fist. Even at rest, the average heart easily pumps over 5 liters of blood throughout the body every minute.

Cameron M. said...

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport.

Alicia said...

a part of the cardio vascular system is the heart,blood blood vessels

Kiara M. said...

The cardiovascular system is composed of 3 major components: the heart, the arteries and the veins.

emily byrne said...

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport. Responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and cellular waste products throughout the body, the cardiovascular system is powered by the body’s hardest-working organ — the heart, which is only about the size of a closed fist. Even at rest, the average heart easily pumps over 5 liters of blood throughout the body every minute.

Paige M. said...

Anterior Vena Cava
Atrioventricular valve
Left Atrium
Left Ventricle
Pulmonary Vein
Pulmonary Artery
Semilunar Valve
Right Atrium
Right Ventricle
Posterior Vena cava

haley marsico said...

The cardiovascular system consists of the human heart, and veins.

Anonymous said...

Anterior Vena Cava
Atrioventricular valve
Left Atrium
Left Ventricle
Pulmonary Vein
Pulmonary Artery
Semilunar Valve
Right Atrium
Right Ventricle
Posterior Vena cava

Hannah M said...

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport. Responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and cellular waste products throughout the body, the cardiovascular system is powered by the body’s hardest-working organ — the heart, which is only about the size of a closed fist. Even at rest, the average heart easily pumps over 5 liters of blood throughout the body every minute....

DYLAN N said...

The pulmonary vein sends the oxygen-rich blood back to the heart. The systemic circulation is the portion of the circulatory system is the network of veins, arteries and blood vessels that transports blood from heart, services the body's cells and then re-enters the heart.

Isaiah w said...

With its complex pathways of veins, arteries, and capillaries, the cardiovascular system keeps life pumping through you. The heart, blood vessels, and blood help to transport vital nutrients throughout the body as well as remove metabolic waste.

Ian R. said...

The pulmonary vein sends the oxygen-rich blood back to the heart. The systemic circulation is the portion of the circulatory system is the network of veins, arteries and blood vessels that transports blood from heart, services the body's cells and then re-enters the heart.

Sameena F. said...

The heart, blood, and blood vessels.

Lewin P. said...

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport.


Dakota Sanborn said...

The heart, circulatory loops, and blood vessels.

Abby D. said...

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport. Responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and cellular waste products throughout the body, the cardiovascular system is powered by the body’s hardest-working organ — the heart, which is only about the size of a closed fist.

Alex Laflamme said...

heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport

Anonymous said...
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Aidan Farris said...

The Heart, Circulatory Loops, and Blood Vessels.

Anthony B said...

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport.
Stolen from Shaun B.

Jake Esty said...

The cardiovascular system is made up of the heart and all of the blood vessels and blood in your body.

3rd grade gym teacher.

Anonymous said...

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport.

Anonymous said...
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KOBE DIXON said...

Learn Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention on Any Health Issue.

Free Health Information

Anonymous said...

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport.

tanya .m said...

They are heart, blood vessels and blood.

Cole S said...

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport.

Logan H. said...

The pulmonary vein sends the oxygen-rich blood back to the heart. The systemic circulation is the portion of the circulatory system is the network of veins, arteries and blood vessels that transports blood from heart, services the body's cells and then re-enters the

Antwan Beanison said...

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport. Responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and cellular waste products throughout the body.

Ana said...

They are heart, blood vessels and blood.


Zeke Sturgeon said...

The vains and heat.

Lauren M said...

The names of the chambers are, Left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle, right ventricle.