Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Why is there more carbon?

Why would there be more carbon in the air in the winter than in the summer? 


Anonymous said...

More people are heating homes and running cars in Winter than Summer. We have to stay warm in Winter, and by doing so, we are using up more energy and putting more carbon in the air and atmosphere.

Maddi T. said...

I think that there's more carbon in the air in the winter instead of the summer because the air is more dry and it isn't moist.

camden taylor\ said...

There would be more people using wood stoves and fires in the winter.

Allexius t said...

the co2 takes over for theaves that fall off the trees.

Olivia M said...

In the winter there is more carbon because we use more fossil fuels and carbon takes the leaves off of the trees.

Matthew b said...

I think there is more carbon in the air in the winter then in the summer because the moister in the air is frozen.

yvette C said...

in the winter becuae people burn more fossil fules and the trees carbon take the leaves off of them

Anonymous said...

Becuse it is cold out side in the winter and people heat the homes.

Braedon M said...

There would be more people using heaters an stuff

Anonymous said...

The trees lose the leaves fall and we get less oxygen and we burn wood.

dominic l said...

I say its because it's colder in the air and the air is more visible and since we use wood to keep us warm we burn more fluid.

Maddi T. said...

Also, in the winter the trees are almost dead so they don't absorb as much carbon so the carbon goes into the atmosphere. Another thing that causes more carbon in the atmosphere in winter is burning thigs like wood or using oil.

Dillonleighton said...

Heating cars and homes because the chemicals.

Anonymous said...

More people are haeting there homes.

Anonymous said...

There might be more carbon in the winter because it's cold and people burn things that contain carbon. Also, since there already is carbon in the air most of the time, and there are less plants to absorb the carbon, that means there will be more carbon in the air.

Anonymous said...

in the summer

Nick C said...

In the Winter the trees dont take alot of oxygen and in the summer we have oxygen because it is giving us oxygen because we breath out carbon dioxide

Braedon M said...

There is more carbon in the air in winter because people are burning more fuel.

Jakob P said...

People use more heat for their house and cars.

darren a said...

big grils do cry lyer

emily b said...

There is more carbon in the winter than the summer because in the winter there is less plantation that would turn the carbon into oxegon and in the summer there is lots of plants that could turn the carbon into oxegon.


During the winter people will work harder shoving snow and walking through it playing in it ext. as they do this they may breath heaver creating more carbon.

Hannah Perkins said...

More people are burning fossil fuels to heat their house.

Brooke Carman said...

There is more carbon in the air in the winter because The plants are not producing as much oxygen since they are dying. But there is just enough oxygen for people to breathe, and when we breathe out we breathe out carbon, which is why there is more carbon in the air in the Winter then the Summer. In The Summer the plants will regrow and produce more oxygen.

Anonymous said...

More carbon in winter because of wood stoves.

Jacob Varney said...

There is more carbon in air in winter because people use more fuel to heat there homes and cars.

alonzo humiston flufyf unicorns said...

more fuel

Kiara M. said...

There is more carbon in the air in Winter than Summer because people are going to want to heat there house, using more fuels. Since we are using more fuels to heat our house, there aren't as much plants to absorb the carbon so there will be more in the air.

Cameron M. said...

Theres more carbon in winter because everybody uses their heat and burning fuel more than we do in summer. Summer has leafs though which release air.

Brooke Carman said...

And When people are heating there homes they are releasing carbon by burning wood, oil, etc.

Kevin D. said...

There is more carbon in the winter because people burn more people burn more fuel.

emily b said...

Another reason why there is more carbon in the winter is because we burn lots of fossil fuels and wood for heat which releases carbon into the air.

Brooke DeCapua said...

There is more carbon in the air in Winter than summer because everyone around the world that have the season winter use more oil or use their wood stove,so you'll be burning wood which is still release carbon dioxide.

Josh Y said...

People can burn stuff and then they can burn down their house and then the carbon escapes and then... well, thats it.

Alicia F said...

There is more carbon in the air in the winter than in the summer because of two reasons in the summer there laves and the elves tack in the carbon in the air and put out oxagin and in the winter people use moire foussle fuels to heat their houses

Ryan S. said...

There are less leaves.

Alex L said...

Because there is less leaves.

Nate P said...

in the winter there is less green leave so photosynthesis cant happen

Camden. S said...

Because of the lack of leaves and trees.

Anonymous said...

Because of heaters making more carbin and less leaves.

Lewin P said...

There is more because leaves suck up lots more carbon dioxide and in the winter there is not as many leaves so there isn't as much carbon being sucked up. Not to mention the fact that we burn more minerals that makes even more carbon.

DYLAN N said...

The leaves are not taking in carbon and turning it in to oxygen.

Anonymous said...

because in winter people use stuff to make them self warm as like a fire it gives out carbon in the air what is smooke

Isaiah w said...

In the summer Green leaves take in the carbon dioxide and make oxogen in the winter there are no leaves to take in the carbon dioxide. And in the winter people have more fires to keep warm and the fires create carbon dioxide.

Hannah M said...

There is more carbon in the air because in winter there are fewer green leaves, which give off oxygen, when we breath out we give out carbon, which the green leaves collect. Without the leaves, there is generally more carbon in the air.

Jake Esty said...

There is more carbon in the winter because we burn things to make more of it more often and there are no tree leaves to turn it into oxygen.

Anthony B said...

There would be more carbon in the air in the winter because the leaves aren't living so they don't take in carbon dioxide, therefore leaving more carbon in the air. Also in the winter we burn would which also puts carbon in the air.

Sameena F. said...

In the winter, we burn coal and oil to keep us warm, which gives off carbon. In the summer however, photosynthesis is in the air, which gives off carbon.

Leah LaFrance said...

Because the rays from the sun melt the snow and ice and when the snow or ice melts of the leafs on the trees they give off fresh carbon in the winter.

Hannah M said...

Also, in winter, we heat our houses more. Things like oil, coal and wood for fires all give off carbon, which we don't use in summer.

Ian R. said...

In the summer people do not use as much fossil fuels as much as in the winter. The trees cannot use photosynthesis in the winter because their leaves fall off.

Ryan S. said...

In summer the leaves suck in the carbon and produce oxygen but in winter there are no leaves to make oxygen so the carbon stays in the air and you need to keep yourself warm
and to do that you need to burn something and something burning releases carbon.

Ashley M said...

There is more carbon in Winter because you burn wood, coal and more so when you burn the wood or coal it has smoke and that has carbon in it and you use more than you do in summer because trees take in carbon and lets out oxygen we do the opposite.

Aidan Farris said...

In he winter theirs more carbon dioxide because the grass and the leaves are gone so they cant take in carbon dioxide.

Nicole Printy said...

There is more carbon in the air in winter because the trees have no leaves which means they cant make carbon oxygen as fast.

Anonymous said...

There is more carbon in the air in the winter because there is no plants to absorb the carbon.

tanya .m said...

There is more carbon dioxide in winter because humans use heaters and most of the plants are dead.

Zeke Sturgeon said...

There is more carbon in the winter cause most plant life is dead.

Jack B said...

Because if there is sun it melts some snow then the stream rises and makes it.

Logan H. said...

People need to fuel their homes for heat, and usually they want to go on vacations, which causes carbon.

Colby P. said...

I think there is more carbon in the air in the winter then in the summer because the moister in the air is frozen.

KOBE DIXON said...

you have to heat cars.

Ana said...

There would be more carbon dioxide in the winter because people don't burn things in the winter and there fewer greens to absorb the carbon

Gianna M said...

There is more carbon in the summer time becaus ethere is more leaves on plants, plants suck up carbon dioxied and in the winter plats loose there leaves.

Nicole Printy said...

We also use trees for heat causing there to be less trees and the fire releases carbon

Tony M said...

People Burn things in the Winter, That makes Carbon, In The Summer The Trees are Constantly using the Carbon.

Will H said...

there is less carbon in the summer because there is more leaves on trees and plants

Timmy said...

We use our cars more because its cold.