Monday, January 12, 2015

Is it Alive?

How do we know if something is alive? 


ALEXIS B said...

When its breathing.

Maddi T. said...

It grows or if its an animal, you can feel its heartbeat. Another thign would be if its moving around frequently.

Anonymous said...

If something is alive, it should be breathing. It should also have a pulse. Sometimes, if an animal is moving, it could still be dead. Like twitching. Sometimes, it is the dead animal's reaction to twitch.

Anonymous said...

You can tell if an animal is alive by its pulse. If you don't feel any thumping then you will know that the animal does not have a heart beat, and that means it is not alive.

camden taylor said...

If it is not dead.

Anonymous said...

Actually, if the animal was moving, it might just be having spasms after death, it happens quite often.

yvette C said...

If its breathing or not.

Anonymous said...

because it will tell us if it is alive

Matthew b said...

We know if they are alive if it is breathing or moving.

Olivia M said...

You can tell by the way it acts and looks. Also it cant talk or make noise.

dominic l said...

if it is alive it will have a heart beat and it will be moving.

owenmerola said...

it is alive if it can breath.

Anonymous said...

We know it is alive if it has cells.

Braedon M said...

it moves if its alive

camden taylor said...

If it doest have a head .

tanya .m said...

If it is alive if it growes

Anonymous said...

When the thing is breathing.

Kiara M. said...

You can tell if something is alive if it grows.

Tim D said...

when it not breathing its is DEAD!!!!!!!

Brooke Carman said...

Steps to tell whether something is alive:

~It is colorful (A person: Not Pale
A plant: Not grey or brown)
~It's moving (For a plant this step doesn't count.)

~It's heart is beating (For a plant this step doesn't count)

~ For a plant: It is not dried, or wilted.

~Its breathing (For a plant this step doesn't count)

haley marsico said...

you can tell if something is alive if it has a brain or other main mussels, or if it can reproduce.

Kevin D. said...

If its heart is beating it is dead.

Josh Y said...

You know when it's living when you stab it and it screams and then you knock its slinky out of its hands and it cries like Mr. Ruby, then you know it's alive.

Brooke Carman said...

If your pet or friend or any other thing close to you shows doesn't show any of these then I suggest you put on a funeral for them.
"I'm sorry for your loss."

Cordelia R said...

We know something is alive because it grows, moves and breathes.

Wayne Twombly said...

When it is breathing, has color, and a pulse.

Paige M. said...

It's a picture, so I don't know.

Hannah Perkins said...

We know if something is alive if it grows.


Some things are different colors when they are a live but when they die the skin color will faid.

Kevin D. said...

If its heart is not beating it is dead.

emily b said...

We know something is alive because it can reproduce and breathe.And if it has a pulse and a heart beat

Cameron M. said...

You know if something is alive if it is breathing and if your a plant you will grow.

Ian R. said...

We know if something is alive if it's heart is beating.

Ryan S. said...

The pulse.

Anonymous said...

When it grows and consumes food.

Anonymous said...

shoot it and see if it dies

Camden. S said...

If it it has a pulse.

Jake Esty said...

You can tell if something is alive if it has a pulse or if its breathing.

Lewin P said...

You know if something is alive if it is growing and changing.

Anonymous said...

Because it needs some source of energy.

Dakota Sanborn said...

You will be able to see the belly moving if it's breathing witch means it's alive.

Nate P said...

it will be breathing and have a pulse

Isaiah w said...

You know if something is living if it is growing or has a heart beat.

Leah LaFrance said...

You can tell if something is alive by looking at it in different climates or weather. Plants do most of their growth in the spring, summer, and fall. The weather conditions such as rain and sunsets and rises are also connected through plants and animals.

Anthony B said...

You know if something is alive if it smacks you when you take it's doughnut.

Hannah M said...

If it is growing, changing or requires resources like food, sun and water.

DYLAN N said...

kill it and if it dies it was alive

REX said...

you smash it until you see blood or water

Megan.A said...

To poke it with a stick to see if it moves or You can do it the boring way to see if it breathing and growing

Anonymous said...

Put it in your mouth and see if it tastes good.

Kassidy D said...

If it has a pulse.

Will H said...

see if it is breathing

Cole S said...

because its heart is beating

Nicole Printy said...

You poke it and see if it's breathing or if it has life cycles.

Ethan Scott said...

If it breaths than its alive.

David Ross said...

You could listen to hear if it makes noises and or you could hit it with a stick and see if it moves

Ethan Scott said...

Or it has cells

Colby P. said...

living cells and breathing.

Anonymous said...

Your so smart :)

Ana said...

See if it's breathing.

hayden wilkins said...

see if it is moving, breathing,blinking,squirming and if the heart is beating.

Kayla H said...

If its breathing or heart beating.

tanya .m said...

If it is alive it grows.

Lauren M said...

Breathing, Beating heart, cells, growing.

Gianna Micucci said...

If it has living cells and chnages then it is most likely changing.

Maddy S said...

If what has a pulse?

TONY M said...

Moving, Breathing, Heart Beat, and Growth, indicates if its alive.

Anonymous said...

good job :)

Kassidy D said...

idk why dont you figure it out?

Logan H. said...

You know something is alive when it has living cells in it.

Jack B said...

If its moving, breathing or you can hear its heart beat.

Anonymous said...


Hannah M said...

Also it is living if it has cells!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
