Tuesday, December 16, 2014

human population

What are some facts about human population and the effect on the systems of the Earth? 
Click on link below for lesson 62 ! 


Maddi T. said...

World population grew to 7.06 billion in mid-2012.


Xx_Aaron_Peter_Mills_xX said...

With more people on Earth, the more resources we use.

Anonymous said...

If we continue to use resources, we will need the equivalent of 5 Earths to produce resources for us.

Anonymous said...

Some nice facts about human population are that death rate plummeted after the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution was a time when many inventions were made, making it so that much less lives were at stake. Also the green revolution was a helpful part of our population. The green revolution was a time when crops flourished, this was because of inventions that killed pests and weeds without harming plants.

dominic l said...

The more resources the are used up the less population we have.

Mr Ruby said...

Great Post Shaun.

Mr Ruby said...

Interesting thought Dominic

Anonymous said...

Some facts about human population are that death rate.

owenmerola said...

cars are bad

Anonymous said...

The world population is estimated to be more than 7.08 billion according the report of USCB (United States Census Bureau).

yvette C said...

It's big

camden taylor said...

That the more humans on earth means the more recourses used.

Olivia M said...

the more resources that we use the more we less we will have in the future.

Mr Ruby said...

Yvette please use complete sentence

Mr Ruby said...

Owen please write a complete sentence

Anonymous said...

Interesting! I wonder how the population got so large at this specific time because I thought the population stayed at a constant rate of around 6 billion.

Tim D said...

More people means more pollution.

Anonymous said...

Destroying the ozone layer can kill a lot of humans

darren said...

As the human population grows more resources will be needed, of course the faster we use up these resources the harder it will be to grow them and from there that may lead to world wide hunger for a period of time because we ran out of resources.

Kiara M. said...

If current growth rates continue, the world’s population would hit 11 billion by 2050.

Mr Ruby said...

Great work Darren

Mr Ruby said...

Interesting fact.

Brooke Carman (Is going to Florida on Wednesday) :D said...

I know that The Green Revolution happened in the 1900s because of Better Sanitation etc.....

Brooke Carman said...

Thats When The Population escalated ALOT!

Alicia said...

i agree with brook The Green Revolution happened in the 1900s because of Better Sanitation

Hannah M said...

There are about 7 billion people on this earth rn.

DYLAN N said...

Yes because we are making a lot of waste.

Anonymous said...

Human overpopulation occurs if the number of people in a group exceeds the carrying capacity of a region occupied by that group. Overpopulation can further be viewed, in a long term perspective, as existing when a population can't be maintained without the rapid depletion of non-renewable resources or without the degradation of the capacity of the environment to give support to the population.


Lewin P said...

I know that human industries cause lots of pollution.

Ian R. said...

Humans kill animals for food and bring down their population.

Jake Esty said...

It damages the Earth in many ways such as polluting the air, water,and soil. And we have been polluting the Earth a ton since the industrial revolution.

Anthony B said...

Every year about 135 million people are born and 55 million people die.


Anthony B said...


Jack B said...

Lots of people are born and it makes the population get too big so we need more resources if a accident happens.

Anonymous said...

Humans can use up resources.

HaYdEn WiLkInS$$$ said...

the more resources that we use the more we less we will have in the future.