Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How do we get the resources?

How are fossil fuels extracted from the Earth? Also what negative results can happen from these processes? 


yvette C said...

machines get them and puts pollution into the air.

Anonymous said...

Oil has to be drilled. Coal has to be mined. When drilling for oil, an oil spill might happen. When mining for coal, fires can start, which will obviously be bad.

Olivia M said...

When extracting oil from the earth you put big machines in the ocean and poles run down into the ocean floor sucking up the oil. Some negative outcomes that this process can release chemicals and bad fuses into the air and sea.

Braedon M said...

oil and coal are mined in the earth.

Anonymous said...

Big machines they take lots of gas and fossil fuels.

Xx_Aaron_Peter_Mills_xX said...

coal is mined, oil is collected by using big machines, and minerals are also mined.

Maddi T. said...

How some fossil fuels are extracted from the earth is by drilling. If your drilling for oil, it could backfire and blow up.

Matthew b said...

oil is drilled and a negative thing is that the oil could leek out or start a fire.

Anonymous said...

Coal can mined in deep caverns or in plain sight, also oil can be drilled into then sucked out. Some of the disadvantages are that, the drill can dig through the ground and cause the ground around it to start collapsing, which could be very dangerous. Also, mining the coal can catch fire, for example, if you are using a flint pickaxe to mine a small vein of coal, it could be flammable, and could of course, cause a fire.

camden taylor said...

Coal is mined and oil is drilled

Kristina AND Alexis said...

When the boat runs it puts all its pollution into the air and rouins our air

matthew said...

Coal is dug up and oil is drilled out of the ground.

Brooke Carman said...

Fossil Fuels are drilled out of the ground. Negative things that can happen are, spending a lot of money on drills, and the drills breaking.

Jakob P said...

Gas gets sucked up my a tube in a towner in the water.

emily b said...

They put drills in the ground and extract all the fossil fuels but the down side of this is that it can cause sink holes.

Chris Payeur said...

We drill out oil,we mine coal,and pump gas.

Cameron M. said...

There are two types of methods to extract fossil fuels, they are above ground or underground miming. Some negative effects of these are making holes in the ground, and the money used for the tools to do this are expensive.

Brooke DeCapua said...

Fossil Fuels are extracted from the earth by a drilling a drill 1000 meters down into the ground. Negative results that can happen to these processes if you go deep enough you can fall in water, like in Maine where we have so much water.

Kiara M. said...

When you extract oil from the earth you use a big machine on the sea that has large poles that suck the oil from the ocean floor. By doing this it can release chemicals that can be harmful to the air and ocean.

haley marsico said...

We drill oil from the ground with pipes, a disadvantage is that oil floats on water and can harm water birds (ducts,loons,) or fish

darren said...

This supstance, fosil fules are extracted out of the ground by mineing or drilling and both of these can cause disasters.

Hannah Perkins said...

2 of the ways we extract fossil fuels is drilling and mining. We mine in the ground to get coal using pickaxes. We drill the ground for one is to get oil from the ground. You want to be careful with oil because it can catch on fire.

Tim D said...

With drills to extract oil and it makes holes in the ground.

Ryan S. said...

Drill and Mine.

DYLAN N said...

They are drilled out of the ground and in can leak out or get spilled.

Ian R. said...

They use drills to extract fossil fuels and that drilling could damage the Earth.

Anonymous said...

Mining, drilling, and something else.

Hannah M said...

Oil drilling, mining and fracking are all ways to extract fossil fuels.

Sameena F. said...

Two ways you can get fossil fuels is by mining and drilling. The tools to do this can be expensive, which is a disadvantage.

Ryan S. said...

Landslide or wildfire

Isaiah w said...

Drilling oil is one way to extract resources and one Negative is that there can be oil spills.

Ryan S. said...


Jake Esty said...

You mine fossil fuels out of the ground and it can be expensive dangerous and it can hurt the Earth.

Ryan S. said...

The ways to get oil are drilling and mining and some of the things that could happen are landslide and wildfire.

Anthony B said...

Fossil fuels are extracted from the earth by drilling, mining, and fracking. Negative results that could happen are, an oil spill, natural gas explosion, or you could contaminate a whole body of water.

Aidan Farris said...

Coal is mined and extracted with mine carts. Some problems are the mine could calapse from an earthquake. Which could trap people inside.

Lewin P said...

We drill the oil out of the ground and move it with a boat or an oil pipeline, the pipeline and boat could cause massive destruction if they malfunctioned.

Abby D. said...

When you extract oil from the earth you use a machine on the sea that has large poles that get the oil from the ocean floor. By doing this it can release chemicals that are harmful to the air and ocean.

Ryan S. said...

Mine collapse not landslide.

austin t said...

by excavator digging up and they get cleaned up an there made

tanya .m said...

By extracting in from the earth and space.

Will H said...

By digging and extracting it from the earth.

Gianna M said...

They are mined form the earht, or atleast coals are and oil and natural gas is drilled from the earth.

kobe d said...

humans dig them out of the ground to extracted form the earth

Jack B said...

They use big drills and they can cause oil leaks.

Lauren M said...

You can drill them out of the ground.

Anonymous said...

Coal can be mined but lots of mining incidents have occurred.