Thursday, December 18, 2014

7 billion and more...

What technologies have helped to increase human population in the last two hundred years? 


Xx_Aaron_Peter_Mills_xX said...

Cars have helped transport people in the past 200 years.

yvette C said...

medicine to help people live and better homes

Braedon M said...

medical machinery and medicine have kept more humans alive before they came out the max life span was about 50 and thats if your really happy

camden taylor said...

Planes to get people around the world.

Anonymous said...

Some technology that has helped us grow, is vehicles. Trains were first invented, and led to travel. We could travel from coast to coast in a matter of days! Before, it took months. This allowed people to settle down with a family quicker.

Nick C said...

The rapid growth of the world's population over the past one hundred years results from a difference between the rate of birth and the rate of death. The human popula-tion will increase by 1 billion people in the next decade. This is like adding the whole population of China to the world's population. The growth in human population around the world affects all people through its impact on the economy and environment.

Olivia M said...

Safer homes with storm shutters and storm doors.

Anonymous said...

The technologies that have helped to increase human population in the last two hundred years are, Heat,Water,Cars,Food,Hospitals,Homes,Transportation,Stores,Gas,Money,(Ext).

Maddi T. said...

A technology that helped humans get a better understanding are computers and the internet.

Matthew b said...

Technology has helped are population by making houses and transportation like cars and bouts.

dillon said...

Our way of reinforcing buildings for natural disasters has increased the poulation.

Alexisb said...

The extent to which human beings affect the environment depends, in large measure, on the number of people in the world. Despite the paramount significance of this statistic, many students, environmental analysts and even policymakers have a distorted understanding of the history of population growth. The confusion stems from a single misleading graph that often appears in the environmental literature.

Anonymous said...

Some inventions that helped the human population in the last 200 years were all types of steam power, this helped in ways unimaginable! People did not have to take days to be transported by a carriage with a horse. This helped starvation while traveling.

Anonymous said...

The technologies that have helped to increase human population in the last two hundred years is medicine, water, food, and houses

allexius t said...

Weapons like guns.

Anonymous said...
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matthew said...

The technologies that have helped to increase human population in the last two hundred years are car,computers and phones

Anonymous said...

Hospitals and heart sensors helped increase human population.

jade S said...

The world population is the total number of living humans on Earth. In June 2013, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division estimated that as of 2010, the world population was 6.916 billion.[1] The United States Census Bureau estimates that the world population exceeded 7 billion on March 12, 2012.[2] According to a separate estimate by the United Nations Population Fund, it reached this milestone on October 31, 2011.[3][4][5] The median age of the world's population was estimated to be 29.7 years in 2014.[6]

Anonymous said...

Medicine has help us populate over the years because back when there were colonies there was no medicine and everyone who got badly sick would most likely die which in the end would make the population smaller so medicine is something that help with the increase in population

Maddi T. said...

Instead I mean more farms for planting food.

camden taylor said...

Witch helps the doctors go to school to be doctors witch can help humans give berth

Anonymous said...

It helps because people need surgeries and need to have baby deliveries.

Xx_Aaron_Peter_Mills_xX said...

Medicinal machines help keep people alive, and help woman to have babies. Medicine also helps too.

Olivia M said...

It will help because if there is a storm then we will have a better chance of survival.

Jakob P said...

Medican is helping people to keep them alive we make better medican then we did in the 1900's so people can to alive longer.

Anonymous said...

Medicine helps with pain and also can kill viruses

Hannah Perkins said...

The new machines that have been invented help keep people alive so less people have died over the years.

emily b said...

New medicines and farming machines so you can make food faster and less people starve and get sick.This will increase the population because less people are starving and dieting from disease.

Wayne Twombly said...

They would put nano bots in the veins to help get rid of blood clots.

DARREN A said...

It has made good medicine thats more efective.

Cameron M. said...

Medicine like chemotherapy helps people that have cancer which helps them last longer.

Jacob Varney said...

Medicines can help people if they are in pain or have some kind of virus.

Kiara M. said...

Technology like medicine has helped our population grow because we will be more healthy.

Dr.Ned said...

Vaccination is a medicine which would make sure people don't get sertene desase.

Ryan S. said...

Factories can make food faster than humans.

DYLAN N said...

We have made stuff so people dont get sick.

Jake Esty said...

We have made factories for more food and drink and we have more medicine for sick poeple.

Anonymous said...

medicine has increased human population because it stop diseases from outbreaking and killing millions of people


Anonymous said...

Vital detecters for doctors and surgeons use.

Anonymous said...

Vaccines have helped the population.

Anthony B said...

We have made vaccines and other medical things to help people when they are sick so they don't die.

Abby D. said...

Medicine has helped our population grow because we will be more healthy.

Aidan Farris said...

What technologies were used to help the human population increase. One of the things is the industrial revolution.

Isaiah w said...

Machines for farming such as Tractors,Rototillers etc help increase food production to feed more people.

Ian R. said...

We found out how to plant crops. More crops means more food. More food means more people.

Dr.Rex said...
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Dr.Rex said...

We got clean water.

Nate P said...

medication and vaccinations where better evolved to let us live longer

tanya .m said...

Meds. and better living areas are what help us live longer.

Colby P. said...

A technology that helped humans get a better understanding are computers and the internet.

Will H said...

clean water medication shots more babies

Ana said...

More babies,more people which means the population will grow.

Anonymous said...

Improved medicine and more medicine.

Jack B said...

People take meds and which help people MAKE BABIES!!!

Gianna Micucci said...

They have a lot of technology these days to keep people alive.

Logan H. said...

We HAVE invented technology, and we have modern medical miracles. They decrease death, and increase birth.

Antwan M said...

More People, more Babies, more Babies, MORE PEOPLE. Farms for food, More Food, more People, more people, more farmers, more farmers, more food, more food... MORE PEOPLE. More Knowledge, more knowledge more knowing, more knowing, more education, more education, more food, more tools, even MORE food, even MORE food... MORE PEOPLE!

Nicole Printy said...

People made medicine and shots.

Lauren M said...

The human population growth of the last century has been truly phenomenal. It required only 40 years after 1950 for the population to double from 2.5 billion to 5 billion. This doubling time is less than the average human lifetime. The world population passed 6 billion just before the end of the 20th century.

Antwan M said...

more Knowledge, more tools, more tools, more food, more food, more resources, more PEOPLE.

Zeke Sturgeon said...

Machines like tools and trains better vehicles.