Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Skeletal System many bones

Read Page 6 of chapter 1 of Human Body Systems Book. 
Answer the question asked in " What do you think? " section.
The book is available in hard copy and on the website. 


Jordan M said...

I think it looks like the classmate hip bone.

Maddy C. said...

I think the picture looks like a hip or leg bone.

Bryn W. said...

It looks like a hipbone.

Dominique G. said...

I think it looks like a hip bone.

Aaran H. said...

I think it kinda looks like the Trex's arm.

Garrett H said...

I think the bone in the picture is a hip bone

cameron s said...

i think it looks like a pelvis

Zach S. said...

I think it's either a hip a leg or maybe even an arm.

Mia Ferrante said...

I think it's a hip bone.

Alexis P said...

It looks like a foot or hip bone.

Timmy Light said...

I would sit in bed and put my ankle elevated over my head that way it would heal quicker.

Aja A. said...

I think its a hip bone.

Lauryn Silva said...

I think it looks like a foot, knee or hip bone to me.

Anonymous said...

oops um a hip bone or a hand or foot

Allison A said...

I think it is a hip bone.

James D said...

looks like a hipbone

Hunter J said...

A Hip Bone!

Dawson,G said...

a leg moving quick idk

Connor.R said...


Shane.D said...

Its a hip bone

SMITTY said...


Max H said...

a bone maybe a hip bone but too small for that i think

Emily B. said...

A hip bone.

katelin k said...

It looks like either a hipbone or a leg

Aasyhia said...

It looks like a foot.

MorganD said...

Its a hip Bone?

EmilyB said...

A Hip bone Maybe!

catie riley said...

it kind of look like a foot and leg but i'm not really sure how it could protect you though.

Anonymous said...

it has to be a hip bone o ya i am smart jesse greenlaw

AlexisD said...

I think it looks like a hipbone.

Carly M. said...

It looks like a hipbone.

Katie L. said...

It looks like a hipbone

Unknown said...

It looks like a hip bone.

ALice M. said...

I think the picture shows either a leg bone or a hip bone.

nate.b said...

it looks like its a hip bone

Anonymous said...

It is a hip or leg bone that might move fast so that you can run fast to get away from an enemy.

zack c said...

i think it's a leg bone or a hip bone

Cassidy m said...

It kinda looks like a hip bone

Max H said...

actually, it might be an ear

Jada M. said...

it is a ear bone i think or hip bone i don't know

Owen R said...

i think its an ear.

ConnorB said...

I think its the ear

Lauren S. said...

I think that it is a Hip Bone

Gia L said...

I think it's a hip bone.

Zachk said...

I think it may be a hip bone

Andrew E said...

I think it is the ear.

Alissa H said...

I think it's an ear

Parker D. said...

It looks like a hip bone.

joe w said...

i think its an ear

Kaylee C. said...

I don't know some kind of hip thing

kevin s <> said...

i think its a alien defense mechanisim thingy that they gave to them

Matt C <> said...


Maddy P. said...

I think its an ear.

Journey B. said...

A hip bone? A knee? A ear?

katalinaD said...

its an ear

Anonymous said...

i really dont know my best guess would be like a knee bone so he can run or some thing like that idk ???????????????????????????????????????

Emily H said...

It looks like a hipbone.

BruceB said...

mabie a hipbone or leg

jenn w said...

it an ear i think or a hip bone or a knee on of those

Hayley G said...

I would think its an ear or a hip bone but im not positive it might even be a knee bone

Zoe D said...

I think it is a hip bone or a knee. Maybe an ear.

BruceB said...

or a ear hole

chanced said...

leg bone

Sheila A said...

I think that is a knee bone because I can see where it bends and has a shape of a foot at the top.

Lauryn R said...


Aidan R said...

A hip bone.

adam p said...

I think the picture looks like a hip or leg bone or sholder or arm.

DARREN P. said...

I think it's a leg or a knee.

Jenny C and Morgan S said...

I think that it's part of the leg like the knee or hip.

Kelsey S. said...

I think it looks like hipbone. Because it can help you run.

david vincent said...

I think it looks like its knee joint.

Mara C. said...

I think that this section is going to be a fun one.This section locks good, but they could a little more information on the front page.

Whitney R said...

I think it looks like a hip bone

BruceB said...

or arm

Damian palmer said...

ear or knee

Mia W said...

I think that the bone it was is a dinosaur bone and it was from the ear.