Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Young Rivers

Why is white water rafting done in young rivers? 
Have you ever been on a river like this one ? 
Would you like to white water raft someday? 


Maddy C. said...

young rivers aren't calm like mature and old rivers are. I have never been on a river like that but I think it would be fun to try.

Zach S. said...

Because there more powerful than old one's
iv been at a place called crab apple YES IT WAS LIKE THIS
I've already been.

Garrett H said...

its done in young rivers because they move faster and the water is a lot more choppier. yes i have been on a river like this. Ans yes i would like to go white water rafting someday.

Shane.D said...

rivers are calm and some aren't

Riley O said...

it has more power
in Florida
i already have

AlexisP said...

1.Because young rivers are more powerful than older or mature rivers.
2.I've never been in a river like this river before !!
3.I would love to try it some day !!It looks really fun a challenging !

Shane.D said...

yes ya its so much fun

James D said...

because there faster than smooth old rivers,i have bean to a young.

Aaran H. said...

It's done in young rivers because there faster and more aggressive. No I never went wight water rafting. Yes I would like to go wight water rafting.

Jordan M said...

Because there are lots of waves.
Ya someday I would want to go white water rafting.

Hunter J said...

yes no

cameron s said...

cause there is a lot of rocks and it makes a bigger curnet

David H said...

because the young rivers move more then the over old rivers. I have not been on a white river. yes i would wont to go on a whiter river rafting

Timmy Light said...

1Because they are faster and the people that do that are amature and stupid so they go in it.

2 No because i dont like any type of river because there has been so many deaths and I do not like them.

3 No

Anonymous said...

1.Young rivers are more powerful than older or mature rivers.
2.I have never been in a river like this river before in my life.
3.I would like to try it some day!it looks fun a challenging for peoples.

Max H said...

because because they go faster and its better for it.

jesse.g said...

becase it is a nice long ride

no i have not

no i do not want to

zack c said...

beacuse new ones are faster and are funner no yes because it seems like fun

AlexisD said...

Because young rivers are faster. I have been at a river like this before.No i wouldn't want to white water rafting.

MorganD said...

Because it is very rough



Anonymous said...

It's done in young rivers because there faster and more aggressive. No I never went wight water I would not like to go white water rafting.

EmilyB said...

1.They are more powerful

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

because it hasn't had to smooth out no and ya

Cassidy m said...

Because there is a lot of rocks and it makes a bigger curent.


No way would i ever do that!

ALice M. said...

Young rivers are better for white water rafting because young rivers are not as calm as old ones.

I have not been white water rafting.

I would love to white water rafting someday!! It looks like a lot of fun. I also love getting wet c:

Emily B. said...

young rivers are found at higher elevations, in the mountain areas were the land slope is steeper. The channel is also deeper.
I have never been white water rafting. I would not mind going white water rafting.

Jada M. said...

There more powerful

2. no

3. yes

Katie L. said...

The water in young rivers moves faster than the water in old rivers. I have never been in a river like this but i would love to it sounds like a lot of fun!

nate.b said...

1. because its white
2. been fishing on one
3. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jasmine B said...

its done in young rivers because its 'safer' and faster......

no i havent been on a river like that before..

yes i would like to white water raft

Aasyhia said...

bacause the young rivers tend to move faster then old rivers
I have never been on a river like that but it looks fun.

catie.r. said...

i think they go on young rivers because they wold go faster and smoother and OF COURSE i would go white water rafting

Kevin S said...

because old rivers would be erroded and be smoother and not fun
yes i would loooovvvveee to

joe w said...

no because most likely you would not have a lot of control over the raft

Owen R !! said...

Because it is faster and more fun and yes i would go white water rafting.

Journey B. said...

1. The water in young rivers moves faster and is rougher than in older rivers. Older rivers are slower, and smoother.
2. I've been white water rafting before, and it was awesome!
3. I want to go again!!!!

AndrewE said...

Yes i would like to white water raft. They white water raft on young streams because they move swiftly, not smoothly, through valleys. Yes I have been on the Saco river fishing and it has looked like that.

Alissa H said...

1.because young rivers have large rocks which create rapids

3. yes!!!!!!!

ConnorB said...

Because young rivers cause white water. Yes i have been on a river like that, i went white water rafting.

Parker D. said...

White water rafting is done in young rivers because all of the rocks and obstructions haven't been worn down much so they make the water crazy. Yes, I have been in a river like that, and yes I want to go white water rafting.

Shane k said...


Matt C said...

because young rivers have more rocks and are rougher.
yes. with my friend caleb.
yes i have done it before!

Zachk said...

Because young rivers flow rapidly. I went on a river like that in a canoe, hint- I'm not that smart.Yes I want to go whitewater rafting in a raft, not a 5 dollar canoe

Gia L said...

Young rivers tend to flow faster. I have never been on a river like that.Yes I would like to white water raft someday.

Cj W. said...

1because there faster and more exciting
2but i have not gone on one
3 i would do it any day

Nathan C. said...

Because Young Rivers would not have as much space that has been eroded. Were older rivers have a lot of erosion.???

Maddy P. said...

White water rafting is done in young rivers because young rivers have the ground be all rough making the water have rapids. Mature and old rivers are very smooth because the ground under it is smooth. I have not been on a river like that but my dad has and he says it is really fun. Yes, I would like to go white water rafting someday.

Lauren S. said...

It is done in young rivers the force is and the speed is a lot faster because they are stronger then a older river.

No I have never been on a river like this one before.

Yes I would love to try white water rafting because I think that it would be so much fun

katalinaD said...

1.Because young rivers are faster and more exciting.
2.No I have not been on one.
3.Yes I would like to go on one someday.

Kaylee C. said...

People would want to go rafting in a young river because young river flow smoothly and fast down steep slopes.

I don't know if I have ever been to a river like this I am afraid of water so I don't think so.

I don't want to go rafting because I am afraid of drowning.

Skyler D. said...

I think that they do white water rafting at young rivers because they run down hill faster because they're is a ton of water coming from the top and rushing to get to the bottom.

Emily H said...

I think young rivers because they have more power then old rivers... I don't think I have ever been to a river like this and someday I would love to go rafting someday!!! (:

adam p said...

young rivers aren't calm like mature and old rivers are. I have never been on a river like that but I think it would be fun to try.

Aidan R said...

1. I think white water rafting is done on young rivers because in older river the water has eroded the rocks away and it's a smoother ride. In younger rivers the water will be more rough because of the rocks getting in the way.
2. I have been on a river like this,
3. I would love to go white water rafting.

Jenny C said...

white water rafting is done in young rivers because young rivers flow more smoothly but faster than old rivers.
I have never been on or to a river like this.
I would like to go white water rafting someday because I think it would kinda fun.

Whitney R said...

1. I think because It Is More faster and Smoother.

2. I have never been on a River at all before.

3. Yes, I would like to go white water rafting someday.

Hayley G said...

You want to go on a young river because they might be faster and floww smoother.
Yes i have been in one up in ustus i dont remember the name but i was very fast!
I do want to go someday !

Zoe D said...

Some people would go white water rafting in a young river because a young rivers flow goes smoothly and fast.I have never been white water rafting before.As long as I am safe I would love to try white water rafting.

Mia W said...

People would want to go rafting in a young river because a younger river is more smooth and they start getting faster when you go down slopes and stuff like that.

I have been to a river like this before and I had a lot of fun because my big brother and I fought the rapids in it.

I want to go rafting but probably I would go in the Limington rapids but I would have to have somebody with me so I don't fall of and drown or hit my head off a rock and die.

Morgan S said...

They use young rivers because they have more speed than an old river.

I have never been before because I think it is dangerous.

I would think not because it is dangerous. Like what would happen if I fell out and died. It would just be sad.

david vincent said...

White water rafting is done in young rivers b/c the water is deeper so the raft doesn't hit and rocks.
I have never been on a river like this one before.
I would probably want to do this someday it seems like a fun experience.

Kelsey S. :P said...

I think white water rafting normally happens on young rivers becauase young rivers are normally wild!

No sadly not!

Yes I would love to go on a river like this!

Colby W said...

"Young" Rivers are fast paced and "Old" Rivers or more Slow and borring.
I Have never been White Water Rafting.
I really would like to go but i think it would be dangerous

chanced said...

bacause the young rivers tend to move faster then old rivers
I have never been on a river like that.but i want to

Arlo p said...

White water rafting is done in young rivers because the young rivers aren't as deep so the water hits the rocks and makes the crazy white water. Also because if the rivers were deep then the rocks would just sink to the bottom and there wouldn't be any white water.

I have never gone white water rafting.

I would like to try white water rafting someday.

Lauryn R said...

People go white water rafting in young water instead older ones because young water flows smoothly and fast down steep slops.

I haven't been on water like that.

I might go if i was into it.

jenn w said...

people would go in young river because the river move smooth and fast.

i have never been white water rafting before but my family has i was back at the camp site.

yes i do want to go but i would rather be in a boat hat i know that will fall over and drown me or make me go down a water fall when i have nothing under me to keep me safe.

Sheila A said...

White water rafting is done in young rivers because young rivers flow more smoothly and faster since they are still young and stronger than old rivers.

I have been white water rafting before. It is so much fun. With all the bumps and turns you never know where the raft could end up (which is really exciting for me).

Mara C. said...

White water rafting is on young rivers because young rivers go faster than old and mature.

No I have never gone on a river like that river

No I do not because I would be afraid of drowning and dieing.

DARREN P. said...

They use the young river for rafting because they're stronger than the mature rivers. Yes i have been to a river like that part of the Saco river is like that. NO I'm good white water rafting doesn't interst me all that much.

BruceB said...

I think it is done in young rivers because they are not so strong i have seen waters like this i think it would be cool to go white water rafting.

Jacob G said...

It is done in young rivers because they are stronger and less calm.

no i have not.

no i do not want to go white water rafting.