Thursday, October 25, 2012

Water as an erosional force

Next week we will begin to learn about how water acts as an erosional force. 

Here are some vocabulary words from the next section.

What do you think they mean ? 







cameron s said...

they all in title water

Aaran H. said...

I think they mean away to erode the earth by water.

Shane.D said...

something with water

Garrett H said...

I think they mean that they all have to do with water and gravity

Dominique G. said...

that they are all erosional force.

Riley O said...

i dont know

Maddy C. said...

They all have to do with rivers, water, lakes and stuff like that. I think runoff has to do with smaller rivers coming of bigger ones, and maybe channel is a man made river. I'm not really sure about the other stuff though.

Timmy Light said...

Runoff means draining
Geyser means something that is steaming into the air.
channel means water splits in two lanes and in to a big body of water.
permeable means to let gases and other things through.

James D said...

They all have to do with rivers, water, lakes and stuff like that. I think runoff has to do with smaller rivers coming of bigger ones, and maybe channel is a man made river. I'm not really sure about the other stuff though.

Connor.R said...


AlexisP said...

I think that they all have something to do with water.Aquifer for example has the word "Aqua" Means water !

Zach S. said...

Gyser is maybe a bunch off water being shot up from all the presure from under ground. A chanel is a large body of water in between two different pieces of land.

Lauryn Silva said...

I think that they are all naturally made landforms that contribute to the erosion process that deals with water.

Jordan M said...

I think it means something with water

Hunter J said...
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jesse.g said...
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zack c said...

a gyser is a bunch of hot water being shot up

Cassidy m said...

They all are erosional forces

Max H said...

runoff-when water goes off course into another lake or stream or something
channel- a channel of water. like a river leading onto a bigger thing like a lake
permeable- i dont know
aquifer- maybe something that makes water purified? haha
geyser- a big shot of water coming out from the ground

EmilyB said...

I thin, that they all have something to do with water because I know that a geyser spits out water and I think Aquifer has something to do with water because it has Aqua which means "water"

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

runoff water that runs of of stuff

and a geyser shots up water

EmilyB said...


catie.r. said...

i think they all have to do with water and rivers lakes that kind of thing.

Anonymous said...

I think they are all about erosional force and stuff..

Jasmine B said...

i think they all have something to do with water....
Channel can deal with water sometimes
Aquifer sounds like aqua wich means water
and geyser is basically a thing that shoots up hot boiling water
thats what comes to the top of my head when i see some of the words

MorganD said...

Runoff= when water runs off a surface.

channel= I dont really know.

permeable= I dont know at all

Aquifer= I dont know

Geyser= shoots stuff out of the ground.

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

i don't know the rest

AlexisD said...

Channel is a trench that is man-made to allow water go from one place to another a geyser is very hot water shooting out of the ground.i don't know the rest.

jesse.g said...

i dont know last one is a thing that spits water out of the ground

Jada M. said...

Channel is a trench that is man-made to allow water go from one place to another a geyser is very hot water shooting out of the ground.i don't know the rest. thank you Alexis and it throws water on the ground

Katie L. said...

They all have to do with water. A geyser shoots out hot water, a runoff is like draining water, a channel is a legnth of water that connects two other bodies of water, permeable is a material that lets water pass through it, and aquifer is a body of permeable rock that can contain or transmit groundwater.

ALice M. said...

They all have something to do with water, obviously. I know a geyser is like a vent for water. I honestly don't know the rest, but I will soon!

Emily B. said...

Runoff is when the ground cannot hold or absorb any more water so the rain water just flows down hill.

channel A channel is a indent in the ground that holds water.

Permeable lots of water?????

Aquifer Is the ocean???

geyser Is a Hole in the ground the spurts up hot water.

Carly M. said...

runoff: water coming off mountains
channel: a little stream of water
permeable: I don't know
aquifer: I don't know
geyser: something that shoots water out of the ground due to heat

jesse.g said...

geysers is a hole in the ground the that spits water out of the ground and i don't know any thing else about the other things .

Anonymous said...

runoff-when water goes off course into another lake or stream or something
channel- a channel of water. like a river leading onto a bigger thing like a lake
permeable- i dont know
aquifer- maybe something that makes water purified? haha
geyser- a big shot of water coming out from the ground

Shane k said...

runoff-when water goes off course into another lake or stream or something
channel- a channel of water. like a river leading onto a bigger thing like a lake
permeable- i dont know
aquifer- maybe something that makes water purified? haha
geyser- a big shot of water coming out from the ground

Owen R !! said...

I think they all have to do with water. Runoff is rain water in a ditch. A channel is an area in a river. The rest......???????????????????????

Zachk said...

runoff- dirt that runs away from water
channel- a tv station about water
permeable- a strange haircut
aquifer- aqua man's dog
geyser- hot water shooting from the ground.

katalinaD said...

They all have to do with rivers, water, lakes and stuff like that. I think runoff has to do with smaller rivers coming of bigger ones, and maybe channel is a man made river. I'm not really sure about the other stuff though.

Cj W. said...

Runoff= when water runs off a surface.
channel- a channel of water. like a river leading onto a bigger thing like a lake
geyser- a big shot of water coming out from the ground
aquifer- something that makes water purified

Journey B. said...

Runoff- Water that goes off of its course on a way to a lake or ocean, but creates little streams around it. For example, if your in the woods by a river, you might see little streams in your path.

Channel- A miniature river, or stream, that leads into a larger body of water or river.

Permeable- Little opening that let liquids and gases through?

Aquifer- Isn't it like back in Rome where they made the huge pipes around the city from a water source, that it transport water from place to place. Where it would go down a mountain from the source, then supply water for each building?

Geyser- A hole in the ground where hot water get's shot straight into the air.

Destiney J. said...

runoff: water that comes off a lake or somethin like that
Channel: a channel is an small area in a river
Permeable: i have no clue!
Aquifer : a system that purifies water
Gesyser : an old person

Maddy P. said...

I think runoff is when water goes off course into another lake or stream. I think channel is a river leading into a lake or other water source. A permeable is something that allows liquids or gases to pass through it. An aquifer is a type of rock that can contain or transmit groundwater. Finally a geyser is a hot spring in which water intermittently boils, sending a column of water and steam into the air.

kayle said...

Runoff I think I water that is on top of something and when it rains then the water Runs off of the top because it can't stay there.

A channel is a path way for water to travel that has already been made by water I think.

I have NO idea what that word permeable means.

I do not no how to say that word so therefore I have no idea what it means.

A geyser is a sprout of water that comes from the ground.

Cj W. said...

to smart you took my spotlight

joe w said...

runoff when water runs from streets and into streams,lakes,ocean,or rivers.
channel a stream or river that splits into different parts.
geyser a flow of water shooting into the air

Kaylee C. said...

Kaylee C. is my name

ConnorB said...

runoff:Water goes of track into another body of water
Channel:Like a river of water
Permeable: an opening that lets water through.
aquifer:A group of water surrounding something
Geyser: hot water that comes out of the ground

Kevin S said...

run off when water runs off
channel a area in a river
geyser a shot off water comin out of the ground

Lauren S. said...

Runoff- runoff is the flow of water from rain snow melt or other sources over the land that is called Runoff.

Channel- A channel is the bed or the banks from the River a ocean or a lake.

Permeable- It can be penetrated by liquids or gasses

Aquifer- Aquifer is a system that helps clean the water

Geyser- A geyser is a big blast of water that comes out of a hole from under the ground

Alissa H said...

runoff- when water runs of a surface
channel- a stream or small river
permeable- I don't know
aquifer- I don't know
geyser- hot water shooting from the ground

Kevin S said...

premeable an opening that lets water throgh
aquafir a group of water surronding somthing

Aidan R said...

runoff- dirt that runs away from water
channel- a tv station about water
permeable- a strange haircut
aquifer- aqua man's dog
geyser- hot water shooting from the ground.

Hayley G said...

runoff- dirt that runs away from water
channel- A stream
permeable- I have no idea
aquifer- no idea
geyser- hot water shooting from the ground.

jenn w said...

i think they are the circle of persipition

chanced said...

I thin, that they all have something to do with water because I know that a geyser spits out water and I think Aquifer has something to do with water because it has Aqua which means "water"

Emily H said...

think runoff is when water goes off course into another lake or stream. I think channel is a river leading into a lake or other water source. A permeable is something that allows liquids or gases to pass through it. An aquifer is a type of rock that can contain or transmit groundwater. Finally a geyser is a hot spring in which water intermittently boils, sending a column of water and steam into the air.

Whitney R said...

runoff is dirt that "races"

Channel is a water channel

Permeable is allowing liquids our gases to pass through

aquifer is something that has to do with aqua

Geyser is a gush of water that comes up through Earth's surface.

Jenny C said...

I think a runoff is when water runs of any surface.
A channel is a stream of water or a small river.
A permeable means it can be penetrated by water.
An aquifer is a system that cleans the water.
A geyser is hot water that shoots up from the ground.

Morgan S said...

Runoff- It is dirt that runs away from water.

Channel- A long strip of water

Permeable- A Kind of body of water

Aquifer- It is a thing that can make water safe to drink

Geyser- A hole in the ground that can shoot hot water.

Arlo P said...

runoff:Water goes of track into another body of water
Channel:Like a river of water
Permeable: an opening that lets water through.
aquifer:A group of water surrounding something
Geyser: hot water that comes out of the ground

adamp said...

They all have to do with rivers, water, lakes and stuff like that. I think runoff has to do with smaller rivers coming of bigger ones, and maybe channel is a man made river. I'm not really sure about the other stuff though.

Zoe D said...

Runoff-Water that goes off its normal course.
Channel-A small stream that leads into a larger body of water.
Permeable-Allows liquids and gases to come through it.
Aquifer-A rock that can contain water.
Geyser-Hot water shooting from the ground.

Mara C. said...


Channel= a stream or flow of water.



Geyser= hot water that shoots out of the ground.

Skyler D. said...

I think runoff is when water comes and makes a mud flow out of dirt.
I'm pretty sure that channel has nothing to do with an erosional force.
Permeable i think is when a lot of something happens.
I think that aquifer is when a little water shot is made in the sea.
And a geyser is a shot that is made for hot water to shot out of.

DARREN P. said...

runoff- a runoff is the edge of where water and land meet.
channel- is a stream or river.
permeable- is a hole that lets water through it.
aquifer- a water-bearing stratum of permeable rock, sand, or gravel.
geyser- hot water shot from the ground.

Mia W said...

Runoff is dirt that runs off with water

Channel is a type of stream that carries water

Permeable is something that I don't know the definition to

Aquifer some thing that purifies water

geyser is hot water shooting from the ground and it is all steamy and stuff

Damian P said...

runoff: water that leaves its path and travels to another path of water
channel: a river of water
permeable: a gap that lets water through by opening
aquifer: A group of water surrounding something
Geyser: water that comes out of the ground.