Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Salem Trip

Now that you have been to Salem please let me what part of the trip stood out most for you ? 

What did you like the best ? 


Aaran H. said...

I liked the coffee, pizza, and the black smith in the village.

Garrett H said...

My favorite part was going to the Salem village.

Zach S. said...

Seeing how and what they lived in back then.

I liked the live play thing.

Mia F. said...

I liked the haunted house, and the village.

Riley O said...

the bus rides and mcdonalds

Riley O said...

the bus rides and mcdonalds

Dominique G. said...

I like the black smith in the village and the Salem haunted house.

Jordan M said...

My favorite part of Salem was the little skit that they did in the town hall and the graveyard.

Maddy C. said...

I thought the trip was kind of boring, and not what I thought it would be like at all. I wish we had more time. Some of the things I liked on the trip was seeing the house of seven gables, and the graveyard.

James D said...

I like the black smith,pizza,and the bus ride

Shane.D said...

i liked the blacksmith the village

cameron s said...

I liked the witch trail and geting lost

Bryn W. said...

I liked going through the haunted house that was in the mall. It was awesome. I also liked getting coffee from Dunkin' Donuts. The cemetery was amazing, its my home. I liked the whole trip in all.

Lauryn Silva said...

I liked the bus ride and I also liked listening to people going through the haunted house!

Aja A. said...

I like the blacksmith in the village and the bus ride.

AlexisP said...

The best part I liked about Salem was the bus ride ! I liked it because I got to hang out with all of my friends and just having a good time.I thought that we would have learned more of witchcraft than Salem.But the bus was really fun !!

Mia F. said...

Also the bus ride

Hunter J said...

the part that stood out is the gray yard. the part that was the best is that i got a pizza and DO, and i got to talk to my friends and learned at the same time.

Austin H said...

The blacksmith is really cool the scottish in him was even cooler I like the haunted house but I really liked the grave stone there was one in the 1689 it was really interesting the way they still stand

Timmy Light said...

What I liked about Salem was the ride there and home also the buses were the bomb digity and I would not mind living in Salem it is pretty cool and my favorite part was I helped with Just about everything in the courtroom and I really liked the grave yard but i think it was sad.

Connor.R said...


Anonymous said...

mcdonalds had a very long wait and it WAS VERY ANNOYING!!!

Anonymous said...

but the food was delicous

Max H said...

nothing.. i hated the whole trip it was boring but the best part was mcdonalds

SMITTY (EVAN) said...


Cassidy m said...

The bus ride or mcdonalds

Carly M. said...

The thing that stood out most was McDonalds.
The thing that I liked that best was the play.

joey kimball said...

The spellbinding shops, museums, attractions, and restaurants of Salem, Massachusetts work together to make each and every guest feel welcome. Whether you come here for a thrilling fright, to delve into the perilous history of the Witchcraft trials of 1692, to talk to real modern-day witches, or go ghost hunting for the spirits that dwell here, Salem promises you an adventure into a realm of mystery. Salem’s future is, in part, buried in its past, and we must never forget what happened here. Open your heart, mind, and soul to Salem, and Salem will open a doorway into a world of history, spirits, and magic!

Jasmine B said...

what stood out most was the fact that the stupid mcdonalds people couldnt get anyone their food for like 20 minutes, and when we reminded them, they took 20 more minutes!!!!!!!! i hate mcdonalds.........

what i liked best was the play that we watched, it was interesting and it got the audience involved as well.

nate.b said...

The spellbinding shops, museums, attractions, and restaurants of Salem, Massachusetts work together to make each and every guest feel welcome. Whether you come here for a thrilling fright, to delve into the perilous history of the Witchcraft trials of 1692, to talk to real modern-day witches, or go ghost hunting for the spirits that dwell here, Salem promises you an adventure into a realm of mystery. Salem’s future is, in part, buried in its past, and we must never forget what happened here. Open your heart, mind, and soul to Salem, and Salem will open a doorway into a world of history, spirits, and magic!


MorganD said...

the thing that stood out was mcdonalds because there was alot of kids

AlexisD said...

I liked the play the best because we actually got to interact .

zack c said...

when we watched the play that's what stood out the most. mcdonald's was my favorite thing because when you got a frappe it was really coffie

jesse.g said...

um not McDonalds it was the play and the play

catie.r. said...

the bus ride and the play in the morning really kept me interested.

KatelinK said...

i loved it when skyler, joe warren, garrett, and I went in the haunted house the best part is when it became pitch black and i ran into the wall and i liked being on the bus and playing truth or dare with jordan monty and gia libby the worst part was when I dropped my candy apple.

EmilyB said...

The thing that stood out most to me was McDonald's because there was so much people but it was yummy!

Jada M. said...

I loved dunking donuts because I wasn't aloud to i don't think but i loved it a lot and i got to hold the key and then ......... i dropped it

Aasyhia said...

I really liked the haunted house it was really worth the four dollars!I liked going around to the shops

ALice M. said...

I enjoyed the bus ride Salem but the the ride back. Especially when we went to Mcdonalds. Think we should have done more stuff that related to witchcraft, instead of going to the pianeer thing from 1630, that was wwwaaayyyy before witch trials even happened.

Carly M. said...

coffee is spelled with ee not ie

Jada M. said...

and dunkin donuts stood out for me

Katie L. said...

I liked being able to walk around and see the shops. I did NOT like mcdonalds it was crowded and loud and i had wait 40 minutes for my order but you cant blame the people there because they were under alot of pressure. The onlly thing that was mildly amusing about mcdonalds was watching like 20 people walk in and go back out. Overall though it was a pretty fun trip.

ALice M. said...

I also really like exploring the cementary!

Jasmine B said...

were arent getting graded on spelling.....

Anonymous said...

the part that stood out the most was how many museums there were.

nate.b said...

I ate two big macs 2 med fries and chugged a med milk shake

Kevin S said...

i stayed home and watched southpark :) :)

Cj W. said...

i did not go i rode my dirtbike all day at my house

Maddy P. said...

The part of Salem that stood out to m, was the pioneer village. I wasn't expecting to learn about just the olden days. My favorite part of the Salem trip was the part where we got to see a trial.

Lauren S. said...

What stood out to me the most was Play It was amazing:0

Matt C said...

im with cj.

Parker D. said...

The blacksmith in the village stood out to me, and my favorite part was when we went to McDonalds.

Gia L said...

The best part about salem was the bus ride.

Destiney J. said...

i liked the shops and the haunted houses

Journey B. said...

I like the play, and thought it was really funny and informative. I had the BEST club sandwich at the NY Deli. It was AMAZING, and I ate it all. The cotton candy was really good, and the chocolate milk shake I got at McDonald's was good, even though the wait was long. I like the village, and I got a lot of information about old Salem.

Shane k said...

Everybody thought I was apparently a hobo cause I capt on getting fries!

Matt C said...

my bike would creeeeeeammm see jaysis thoiugh

ConnorB said...

My favorite thing was walking around, drinking coffee and eating pizza. What stood out was the really high prices on knickknacks.

Owen R !! said...

I liked the bus ride allot. dunkin donuts and McDonalds were the best part to.

Zachk said...

I liked the nightmare factory. I went in first and met the spooks face to face. One dude tried to take my heart, but I told him to take Aidan's because mine is full of steak and cupcakes and wouldn't work very well. I said high to one spook and did the clay matthews to another.

Cj W. said...


katalinaD said...

The thing that most popped out was when we were walking i was going to touch what i thought was a statue and it was really a guy and he almost bit my hand and when i went into a haunted house in the mall it took like 8 minutes and things were popping out like crazy. But it was fun

Nathan C. said...

A part of Salem that stood out the most was going to the graveyard and seeing gravestones that where hundreds of years old, one was from the seventeen hundreds!!!!!
But my most, most, most, most favorite part was going to the pretrial of Bridget Bishop.

Alissa H said...

The play we saw was really cool and the pizza slice I got at the NY Deli was good but the ladies at the counter were kind of rude. I went into one of the hunted houses and it was really scary and fun. I wish we could have gone to the witch museum though. The pioneer village was fun too. The thing that stood out the most to me was the stop at Mcdonalds adn all of the chaos, and I felt kind of bad for the people working there.

Kaylee C. said...

The part of the trip that really stood out for me was the play that we saw at the very beginning because it really showed how people in Salem when they were being accused were very serious and positive about them being innocent even though the people that were sharing the evidence were pretty sure that the person at the stand was guilty.

What I liked best about the trip was the bus rides because it was just our time that we could talk with our friends about the trip or not about the trip.

Kelsey S. :P said...

The play because of Susannah Sheldon!

Jacob G said...

The bus rides.

Emily H said...

I liked the play it was funny!!

david vincent said...

The Pioneer Village was the part that stood out the most,and the best part was the play.

Whitney R said...

The thing that stood out for me the most was that the Pillary was most used for embaresment

Hayley G said...

I think the best part was the bus ride But Educational i liked the polay beacause i think they were very interesting!(:

Aidan R said...

I liked the bus ride down to Salem. I also liked the black smith.

chance D said...

buying horny my pet unicorn

Mara C. said...

My favorite part was everything. The part that i liked the most was the trial of Bridget Bishop. The voting of if she was guilty or innocent.

adam p said...

I thought the trip was kind of boring, and not what I thought it would be like at all. I wish we had more time. Some of the things I liked on the trip was seeing the house of seven gables, and the graveyard.

Morgan S said...

What stood out to me was the pioneer village. It was when we did the stations and it was great to know how the colony was different from now.

I liked when we got to see the play.

Zoe D said...

A part of the trip that stood out for me was the shops and walking around. There was so much stuff to look at and see, i just wish we had more time to do it all.

Skyler D. said...

the best part was when me garrett and kaitlyn went into the haunted house the best part was when it was pitch black and kaitlyn ran into the wall and you could hear a loud thump and after like 30 seconds she said oww.

jenn w said...

the part of the trip i really like was the pre-trial beacuse i like how we got to say stuff and choose that she was gulty or not but the part of the trip i did not like was when we stop talking about the witch trial it was like we walk out of the buliding and started talking about salem how it began but i like the trip very much and the bus ride that was fun

Damian P said...

the thing that stood out to me the most was 10 people lived in those little dugouts

Jenny C said...

The part of the Salem trip that stood out for me was the play that we saw in the beginning of the trip. Because it showed us how the witches were accused of practicing witchcraft and how they figured out if there was enough evidence for a trail.

What I liked about the trip the best was the play because we got to see an actual piece of our history.

Sheila A said...

My favorite part of the trip has to be the play Cry Innocent. That was my favorite part because I actually got to see a pre-trial right in front of me and not just on a tiny screen. I could understand it better now that it was happening right in front of me. It was also very humorous when Bridget said that it was the man's wife and not one of her familiars. Also I thought it was funny when, at the end of the trial when we decided that she was innocent and Bridget spit on the floor.

DARREN P. said...

I loved the bus rides the seats where so soft and it was hard to go potty on turns and sudden stops.

p.s. whats U.R.L.

Arlo p said...

I liked the play because it was really funny.I also liked it because it was the exact same words that was used in real life. I also liked it because the charaters

jenn w said...


jenn w said...

this was not me this was some one who walk a round brandon

Mia W said...

The part of the Salem trip that stood out to me a lot was the people that were a part of the plays around there or were people that worked in the areas and they had to dress up for their jobs. I liked ow they didn't seem embarrassed at all to be walking around in those wacky witch or skeleton or Pilgrim costumes. Also there was somebody dressed as a skeleton type of person and it had the most amazing colors and the make-up was done really well that I was scared of her. She reminded me of two things that scare me. Clowns and dead people.

What I liked best about the trip was the "Cry Innocent" and how good those actors and actresses are and how serious they were. Also I liked how they involved the people into the play and gave everybody opportunities to question the actors and actresses about why they did this or that. That is some stuff about my experience in Salem Mass. said...