Monday, October 29, 2012

Rivers and Erosion 2012

Watch the two videos and when you have finished watching the videos please post.
3 facts from the videos 
2 things you found interesting 
1 question about the content 

River Video 1

River Video Grand Canyon


cameron s said...

that is cool

cameron s said...

and fast.

Timmy Light said...

The water is flowing fast nature streambanks
amount of water passing.

Riley O said...

laminar flow, wide river smooth flow, skinny river bumpy flow
lava, waterfalls
why is the river a master criminal?

Timmy Light said...

I think that is very wide 18 miles WOW
I never thought that you could move rocks water I did not think that was possible

Shane.D said...

com and running rivers and deep brov interesting going down the river and the rock flow was cool
was i good? :D

Timmy Light said...

No disrespect but a little more than that watch the video 0:

Garrett H said...

!. if the river is wide the river is smoother

2. nature of the stream banks

3. two plates coming together created Rockey Mountains

1. the grand canyon was created by water

2. debris flow was really neat

1. how fast does water carve and or erode rock

Aaran H. said...

There's a thing called laminer flow. Another fact is that the grand canyons rims are 18 miles long. The last fact is that the walls of the canyon are over 2,000,000 years old.
One thing I found interesting was the way the rocky mountains were formed when two tectonics kept colliding over time. The next thing I found interesting were the mud flows.
How many side canyons does the grand canyon have.

Maddy C. said...

3 facts from the 1st video are, there are many things that affect a rivers volocity, if the river is wide the water flows smoothly, if it is small it's not as smooth.
3 facts from the 2nd movie are, rivers can carry rocks and debris, rivers go through the grand canyon, 80 million years ago 2 plates came together.
1 question I have is, how did it get so wide?

Timmy Light said...

Did the water break apart that?

Dawson,G said...

jet is a high flow of water,grand canyon caanyosn are 18 miles apart , the colorado riber made the grand canyon,that th ecolorado river made the grnd canyon that was cool,the river is fast thats pretty cool bla bla

Hunter J said...

Wide ride smoth water.30 per second or 20 mph very fast.2 billion years to form. The rock slide in the river.That the river formed the canon.How did the canon form 18 miles wide.

cameron s said...

the grand canyon was formed by water and it is cool that it took 4mill years the side streams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cameron s said...
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Anonymous said...

no it ran away

Christian T said...

laminar flo is smoother river.
tarblint flo is rouf river.
dibei flo is mud and water going fast in a river.
how they say the grand canyon was formed.

James D said...

1.wide rivers come water
2.two plates Calided together and made the rocky mountion
3.80000000000 the mounted formed

1.about debris flow as big as a truck does the water do that the water would have t be strong.

Lauryn Silva said...

*nature of streambanks
*amount of water passing over a given point
*gradient or slope of streambed.

*It took only about 4 million year for the colorado river to carve into the grand canyon.
*The rims of the Grand Canyon can be up to 18 miles apart.

*How fast can the water from the Grand Canyon carve out the rock and take it away.

jesse.g said...
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joey k said...

laminar flow, wide river smooth flow, skinny river bumpy flow
lava, waterfalls
why is the river a master criminal?

zack c said...

water passes thought a pipe slowly. the grand canyon use to have a lot of water in it. how was the grand canyon made of water.

Cassidy m said...

1. There are many things that affect a rivers volocity
2. If the river is wide the water flows smoothly, if it is small it's not as smooth.
3. Rivers go through the grand canyon, 80 million years ago 2 plates came together.
Two things I found interesting
1. It took only about 4 million year for the colorado river to carve into the grand canyon.
2. The rims of the Grand Canyon can be up to 18 miles apart.

My question: How did the canyon form so wide.

Max H said...

3 facts-lava erupts and flows down mountains-Turbulent flow in in the saco river- if water reaches high speeds it will be called jet or speedong flow. commonly found in waterfalls.
2 interesting-Caleb has been to Yellow Stone-they measure stuff in velocity
1 question- where else is turbulent flow in Maine?

EmilyB said...

1.Laminar flow
2.Turmanent flow
3.Jet or shooting flow
1.Jet flow occurs at waterfalls
2.velocity is measured in terms of how long the water travles.
1. How fast can water carve a rock?

MorganD said...

1.How fast can water carve out rock and take it away.
2.laminar flow is cool I guess.
Jet flow is cool because it involves water falls.
1. Jet flow involves waterfalls
2. 1 mile per hour moving water is slow.
3. 20 mile per hr is fast moving water.

AlexisD said...

1.)lava flows without any obstructions2.)Lambier flow is fast.3)jet or shooting flow is very fast water.
1.) water can move 1 mile per hour.That's very slow.2.)water can also move very fast at 20 miles per hour. did the water get there in the first place?

zack c said...

and that the grand canyon got big from some type of laquad.

ALice M. said...

-laminar flow

-shooting flow

-Lava flows

- The grand canyon was made by water

- The debris video footage was cool

-My question is: What will the grand canyon look ike in the matter of a couple hundred years?

Anonymous said...

1 Lava flows straight.
2 Killawaya is in hawii.
3 Water moves slow in pipes.
1,2 The grand canyon was made by water.
2,2 The rims of the grand canyon are 18 miles wide.
1,3 Why is the grand canyon so deep?

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

lamner flow is a smooth flow turbulent flow is an non smooth flow

jet flow is a fast flow 2 THINGS I FOUND INTERESTING the grand canyon is young and their is something called lamner flow

and my question is are their other kind of flows

catie said...

water flows are straight if the river is wide enough a river flows slowly shooting flow occurs at water flows at water falls twenty miles per hour is fast moving water
1.the colorado river is created by some of the grand caanyon
2.the rim of the grand canyon is 18 miles apart

Jada M. said...

1.How fast can water carve out rock and take it away.
2.laminar flow is cool I guess.
Jet flow is cool because it involves water falls.
1. Jet flow involves waterfalls
2. 1 mile per hour moving water is slow.
3. 20 mile per hr is fast moving water.

jesse.g said...

that it was made bye really fast water and jet flow s make water falls and 1 mile water is slow how big the it is and how it was made what is in the water like what kind of animals

caleb c said...

3 facts from the 1st video are, there are many things that affect a rivers volocity, if the river is wide the water flows smoothly, if it is small it's not as smooth.
3 facts from the 2nd movie are, rivers can move rocks and san, and dirt, rivers go through the grand canyon, 80 million years ago 2 plates came together.
How is 4 million years considered to be young. If you lived to be 4 millin years old you would be really old not young.

Anonymous said...

1.there were lava flows,debris flows, and part of the grand canyon was partly made from the Colorado river.

2.i found lava and debris flows interesting because, they were coolz did the grand canyon form?????

Aasyhia said...

3 facts:water flows straight if the river is wide enough s river flows slowly
shooting flow occurs at water falls.
twenty miles per hour is fast moving water
2 interesting facts:the colorado river created some of the grand canyon and it took four million years to have the colorado river make some of the grand canyon
how did the colorado get there in the first place?

Jasmine B said...

3 Facts from the videos:

-Lava has flow
-laminar flow and turbulent flow are almost like opposites because laminar flow is slower and smother and turbulent flow is fast and rough.
-canyons are really deep and they could take millions of years to carve themselves out.

2 things I found interesting:

-the river at the bottom of the canyon cant go anywhere
-only part the canyon was carved out by the water

my 1 question:

-how many canyons in the world do we have? (other than the grand canyon)

Katie L. said...

-The wider the river is the smoother the surface is
-Laminar flow is when the flow is smooth Turbulent flow is when the water is not smooth and jet flow or shooting flow is a water fall
-Velocity is how fast the water flows in a certain amount of time
-If a stream is going fast it will carry more sediment

-The grand canyon was created by water that was like a buzz saw
-Two plates coming together created the rocky mountains

-Why did it take so long for the grand canyon to form
-How many side canyons does the grand canyon have

Anonymous said...

1. There are alot of things that affect a rivers volocity
2 rivers go through the "Grand canyon"
if the river is wide the water flows smoothly if it is small it is not as smooth as the wide one

things i found interesting
nothing really

nate.b said...

1. what was the point of the hing
3.grand canyon
3.there's water in there
3.2o mph is not fast

nate.b said...

1. thing-srry

Anonymous said...

it blew up!

Anonymous said...

it doesn't make sense

Alissa H said...

3 Facts from the videos:

-Lava has flow
-laminar flow and turbulent flow are almost like opposites because laminar flow is slower and smother and turbulent flow is fast and rough.
-canyons are really deep and they could take millions of years to carve themselves out.

2 things I found interesting:

-the river at the bottom of the canyon cant go anywhere
-only part the canyon was carved out by the water

my 1 question:

-how many canyons in the world do we have? (other than the grand canyon)

Zachk said...

Facts-If the water moves smoothly its called lamina flow. This can be seen in rivers of lava. If the channel is rough or irregular, the flow is called turbulent flow.
Interesting things-Laminar flow occurs in lava rivers, movement of water is called velocity.
Whats is the fastest water has ever moved.

Destiney J. said...

3 facts
shooting flow is at waterfalls
waterfalls can be found at yellowstone park
velocity determines how fast the water is flowing

2 interesting
water carved the grand canyon
80 million years ago 2 plates collided and created the rocky mountains

1 question
where did the water come from?

Kevin S said...

theres tubrlence flow jet flow and water carved the canyon

2 plates collided creating the rocky moutainswater carryng mud and rock is called debris flow

how could water carry rock

Maddy P. said...

3 Facts from the videos are...
1. water passing through a pipe runs very smoothly.
2. River can show terminent flow or laminent flow.
3. You can find a waterfall at the Grand Canyon.
2 Things I found interesting from the videos are...
1. How fast or slow water can go. (1 mph or even 20 mph)
2. I liked how the Rocky Mountains were formed.
1 Question I have from the videos are...
1. How fast has water flowed per hour like as a world record?

joe w said...

waters speed depends on the vilosity
there are three things that depened on the vilosity
the grand canyon was a river

lava flows the same way as a river
it took probably about 4 billion years to create the grand canyon

rocks change over time

Lauren S. said...

Facts from the video :
1) Rocks Make the water move un - smoothly
2)the amount of water given a over a point
3) They do not know when the grand canyon was formed
4) they think it only took 4 million years for the river to form
5) The rims of the mountains are 18 miles apart
6) in 1990 their was a flow at 20 mph of rocks
7) all rocks changes no matter what,
8) how do the rocks move all the time?

katalinaD said...

3.Water passing through a pipe moves smoothly.IN W
3.There is a water movement called shooting water you find it water falls
3. The grand canyons width can be up to 18 miles long.
2. In china there was this kinda liquid concrete.
2. That there are young canyons.
1. What where all the rivers called again.

Journey B. said...

1. Are there any other theories on how the Grand Canyon formed?

Things I found interesting:
1. The smaller canyons like the Grand Canyon.
2. The different types of flow.

Facts from the videos:
1. Water passing through a pipe moves smoothly, unless there are obstacles, then this is called turbulent flow. That's when the water has to avoid areas while it's traveling.
2. Jet/shooting flow can be found at waterfalls. It's the water being shot off the cliff like a jet.
3. Scientist believe it only took four million years for the river to form the canyon,
4. The river wasn't the only force that created the canyon. The Pacific tectonic plate slide under the North American plate and helped form the Rocky Mountains and Grand Canyon.

Cj W. said...

3 facts-lava erupts and flows down mountains-Turbulent flow in in the saco river- if water reaches high speeds it will be called jet or speedong flow. commonly found in waterfalls.
2 interesting-Caleb has been to Yellow Stone-they measure stuff in velocity
1 question- where else is turbulent flow in Maine?

ConnorB said...

There are two types of flow, laminar flow and turbulent flow,
Jet flow usually occurs at water falls, and it took the Colorado river 4 million years to carve the canyon. Two things I found interesting are how long it took the canyon to form, and how strong some water current is. One question i have is how long ago was the collision of the plates?

Gia L said...

Rough water movement is called turbulent flow. Smooth water movement is called lamina flow. Movement of water is called velocity.
Lava in Hawaii flows in a channel. The rocky mountains were created 80 million years ago.
How many canyons are there in the United States?

Nathan C. said...

W/ interference in water makes turbulance. -river1
Extremely high speeds = "Jet speed" -river1
4 million years for Colorado River to carve Grand Canyon. -R&GC
4 million years for Colorado River to carve Grand Canyon. -R&GC
The Earthquake scene- R&GC
Why does America have all the awesome national parks???!!!!!

Owen R !! said...

1. No one knows how the grand canyon was formed
2.Allot of things affect rivers.
3. a river flows through the grand canyon.

1. The size of the grand canyon.
2. The speed of rivers.

1. Why is there a hing?

Kaylee C. said...

lamener flow is when the stuff in the channel moves smooth and nicely along

terbulent flow is when stuff is in the channel and they are cause the water to dodge in different directions so that they can get around the object in the way

jet or shooting flow occurs at waterfalls.

1) Nature of the stream beds.
2)Amount of water passing over a given point.
3)Gradient or slope of the stream bed

I found it interesting that they talked about how the plates formed the rocky mountains I already knew that but I thought that it was cool that they had that I don't know why.

Another thing that I found interesting that it was water that formed the grand canyons.

What color s the grand canyon?

Matt C said...

nature of streambanks
amount of water passing over a given point
gradient or slope of stream bed

Shane k said...

Velocity is how fast waters going.... Water has to flow.... The speed parsley depends on the river banks.

The speed parsley depends on the river banks. How the river is able to carry rock.

Why is Nathan crazy???

Hayley G said...

The Saco river has turbulant flow
No one knows how the grandcanyon was formed.

How were all these things named??

Emily H said...

The Saco river has turbulant flow
No one knows how the grandcanyon was formed.

How were all these things named

jenn w said...

fast moving water is called turbulent flow, down the river is wide and smooth,a water fall is jet flow,

if the water is moving 30 mph it is moving fast,gradient or slope of the stream bed

how did canyon form

Colby W said...

-Lava flows
-laminar flow and turbulent flow are like opposites because laminar flow is slower and smother and the turbulent flow is fast and rough! :P
-canyons are deep...Really deep, and they could take millions of years to carve themselves out.

here are 2 things that I found interesting:

- Lava Flows
-only part the canyon was carved out by the water

My question

-How deos lava flow??

Jacob G said...

Velocity is how fast something is moving. Water has to flow. The speed depends on the banks.

The speed depends on the river banks. That the river is able to carry rock.

I have no questions.

Morgan S said...

video one:
facts: the water can run smooth
the water can run rapid
one way of rapid water movement is called a waterfall

when the water was running fast
then when the water is shown in water fall

how is the water different when all it is is water?

Jenny C said...

Nature of the stream banks.
the speed of the water depends on the river banks.
the canyon was widdend out by rivilants.
I found it interesting that jet flow is in a waterfall.
why does the speed of the water depend on the riverbank.

Whitney R said...

- Water flows straight if the river is wide enough.

- River flows slowly shooting flow occurs at water falls.

-Twenty miles per hour is fast moving water.


- The Colorado river is created by some of the grand canyon!

- Velocity is measured in terms of how long the water travels.


- If I were to dig a hole to make a river that is 10 miles long, How long would it take me to do that?

- Another question, What year was The Grand Canyon Discovered/Built?

Aidan R said...

There are two types of flow, laminar flow and turbulent flow,
Jet flow usually occurs at water falls, and it took the Colorado river 4 million years to carve the canyon. Two things I found interesting are how long it took the canyon to form, and how strong some water current is. One question i have is how long ago was the collision of the plates?

Mara C. said...

1.if the flow becomes rough it is called turbulent flow. water is normally in water falls which is called jet flow. took 4 million years to make the Colorado river.

1.mud and water flow can have concrete.
2.water had formed in the grand canyon.

1.why is the grand canyon shaped liked it is?

Sheila A said...

*If the river is wider, the water is more smooth.
*Jet or shooting flows are more known as waterfalls.
*It is unknown on how the Grand Canyon was formed.

*It took over 4 million years for the Colorado river to form the Grand Canyon.
*Two tectonic plates that crashed into each other created the Rocky mountains.

*How long has the Grand Canyon been around since the beginning of its formation?

Morgan S said...

video two:
the water is like liquid concrete
the water is subjected to change
water is different tempatures in different places

how the grand canyons river looks
the water color

how is the water color different than regular water colors?

DARREN P. said...

jetflow is strong and the taller the fall the faster, nature of the stream thing, the grand canyon was formed by river erosion with help from river alivulets, the name of the river in the grand canyon,the mud flows that have concrete, why are the rivers rough.

Skyler D. said...

The first video
1. Naturre of the streambanks
2.Amount of water passing

The second video
1.Mud water flow has a consistency of concreat.
2. idk

My question is how much water origonaly filled the grand canyon and where did it come from.

Zoe D said...

3 Facts from the Videos
-When the waterflow is everywhere and not following a pattern it is called turbulent flow.
-Laminent flow is when the waterflow goes smoothly.
-The river isn't the only thing that creates canyons.
2 Things I found Interesting
-The size of the Grand Canyon
-They think it took over 4 million years for the river to form.
1 Question
-How fast is the fastest turbulent waterflow?

adam p said...

3 facts from the 1st video are, there are many things that affect a rivers volocity, if the river is wide the water flows smoothly, if it is small it's not as smooth.
3 facts from the 2nd movie are, rivers can carry rocks and debris, rivers go through the grand canyon, 80 million years ago 2 plates came together.
1 question I have is, how did it get so wide?

Anonymous said...

happy birthday david vincent
october 29
4:39 he is 13

Mia W said...

!.) Velocity is another word for how fast water is going
2.) Water has to flow to be able to move. It cannot move without flow or it wouldn't be a river. It would be like a lake or something like that.

3.)The speed parsley depends on the river banks at like all times.

How the river is able to carry rocks interests me. Another thing that interests me is that rivers and stuff like that can make canyons and stuff like that.

Why is Skyler so awesome!?!?!? Same with me.

Damian P said...

1)velocity also means how fast water is traveling
2)water has to flow to move or it would not be a river or stream it would be a pond or lake
3)the speed parsley depends on the river bank

how do the rivers carry rocks and make canyons