Tuesday, October 9, 2012

More about Glaciers

We have been learning about glaciers.
Please click the link below watch the video and take the quiz.
In your post review the video and tell me what you already knew and what you learned about glaciers. 
glacier video and quiz link


Dawson,G said...

i learned about the ways u can tell if a glacier in that area

Anonymous said...


cameron s said...

they move 1in a year and there ice

Riley O said...

I knew that 20,000 years ago, much of North America was covered with ice.
I did not know that Few agents of erosion are more powerful than a moving glacier and that Continental glaciers on Antarctica are so huge that entire mountain ranges are covered.

Maddy C. said...

During the video I learned about the different types of erosion a glacier can cause. I reviewed the two different types of glaciers and where you can find them. The video was pretty good, and had some good information.

Timmy Light said...

that they leave like guoge in the side of the mountain when it goes down the hill slowly and crushes every thing in it's path that I did not know

Bryn W. said...

In the video I watched, I learned that some glaciers are caused by layers of snow forming into ice, and once the ice is slippery, it starts to move slowly down the mountain. I already knew that glaciers could carry along rocks and such when they move. I also knew that glaciers are originally formed by snow that turns into ice. What I didn't know is that there are multiple kinds of glaciers. Sad, I know. But its true. I had absolutely no idea! But, it turns out, there are continental glaciers, valley glaciers, etc.

Anonymous said...
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Garrett H said...

In the video they talked about what a cirque is and what it's shaped like. Also arches and horns. I already knew that glaciers moved really slow and left grooves in the ground. I didn't know what a cirque, arch, or a horn was.

Shane.D said...

most of the united states was covered in ice and snow

Aaran H. said...

What I already new about the glaciers is that there are two types valley and continental glaciers. I also knew some continental glaciers are in Antarctica and some valley glaciers are in Colorado.
What I Learned is that glaciers can weather a mountain into a cirque. Another thing I learned is that glaciers can get bigger and bigger in the snow if it stays cold.

Zach S. said...

I already knew that glaciers start to slide down hill very slowly and I knew that the bottom layer of snow is compressed into ice.What i didn't know was what an arch or a horn and a cirque.

Dominique G. said...

Glaciers can move a inch in one year. A cirque is a bowl shape.

James D said...

in the video glaciers can take soil and rocks with them.

adam black said...

whoes annoymos

Aja A. said...

I already knew that glaciers start to slide down hill very slowly. I didn't know what an arch, horn or cirque was.

Hunter J said...

I did a bad job on the quiz! That show did not help at all!!!!!

Christian T said...

nice comment bryn

Max H said...

glaciers with points are called arches

AlexisD said...

I knew that glaciers were made of snow and ice but i didn't know that 20,000 years ago most of North America was covered in snow and ice.

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

i knew that glaciers move and move rocks

and i learned that the bowl shape is called a Curquth

Katie L. said...

I already knew that valley glaciers can be anywhere and continental glaciers can only be in cold weather. I also knew that glaciers move slowly. I learned that a glaciers base needs to be slippery for it to move. I also learned that glaciers move less than an inch every year.

MorganD said...

I knew that glaciers were made of snow
I learned that they move one inch at a time

jesse.g said...

I got every one rite i had no trouble so ya

Cassidy m said...

Glaciers with points are called arches

casey g said...

The glaciers is that there are two types valley and continental glaciers. I also knew some continental glaciers are in Antarctica and some valley glaciers are in Colorado.
I Learned is that glaciers can weather a mountain into a cirque. Another thing i learned is that glaciers can get bigger and bigger in the snow if it stays cold.

KatelinK said...

i didnt know that glaciers formed on mountains

Carly M. said...

I did know that there are valley glaciers and continental glaciers.
I didn't know that the snow on top compressed the snow under it to make ice.

EmilyB said...

I already knew that the Valley glaciers can be anywhere and continental glaciers can only be in cold places like Antarctica.I also knew that they move very slow.I learned that they move less than an inch each year.

JOSEPH P said...

i learned nothing

I knew almost everything in the video.

Emily B. said...

I already knew that glaciers move down slope, and that glaciers pick up rocks and sediment and deposit them in different places. But i found out that the bowl shaped area of erosion is called a cirque.

zack c said...

i learned that the top of mountains are called horns

ALice M. said...

I knew that glaciers moved, but I learned that when the bottom layer was compressed into puddy-like stuff that made the glacier move.

Aasyhia said...

I already knew that glaciers are slow moving montaines of ice
I did't know is another sign of a valley glacier is a bowl shaped area of erosion called a cirque

Shane k said...

I already new glaciers moved down hill, but what dident know i how they formed

Owen R !! said...

I learned that the layer on the bottom was compresed. I knew that they moved slow

Cj W. said...

i learned that the ice gets compressed and robots can snowboard with there boots!

Owen R !! said...

Oh ya i learned that to

matt c said...

there are three parts to a glacier. dough tipe part a ice part that keeps it from falling over. and then the snow on the top

Maddy P. said...

I already know that glaciers moved very slowly. I learned that when ice builds up, the bottom layer becomes ice and if the snow keeps coming down, then the bottom layer turns into slippery water type putty, making the glacier move, I also learned that glaciers could move so slow, that they could move only one inch in a year!

Journey B. said...

I learned that the bottom layer of a glacier is compressed into ice, then compressed more into a soft putty that helps the glacier move downhill. Also, valley glaciers form a bowl shaped dent in a mountain called a cirque. I mostly knew the rest of the stuff the movie said.

Logan C said...

glacier video and quiz link is awesome

ConnorB said...

The video was good, it was informational and factitious. I learned how glaciers are formed.

Alissa H said...

I learned that the bottom layer is compressed then turns to putty

joe w said...

I learned the terms for different parts of glaciers

Lauren S. said...

I learned that when they compress they from a putty like thing. I already knew all of the other Facts.

AndrewE said...

The video was good it had a lot of facts and it was kind of interesting. I learned that robots aren't supposed to go down mountains and that glaciers move slowly downhill.

Kaylee C. said...

I thought that the video was weird and that the facts in the video were very helpful even though they didn't really give me any new information.

I really didn't learn anything new except for the little facts that they had in the quiz thingy at the end.:P:p:P:P:P:P

Destiney J. said...
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Logan C said...

glacers make the ground smooth

Lauren S. said...

Nice comment Maddy!

Gia L said...

The movie was very informational. It told a lot about glaciers.
One thing I already knew was glaciers are always moving, very slowly.
One thing I learned was on a valley glacier there is a bowl shaped area called a cirque.

Zachk said...

The video was weird and cartoony. But it was full of facts. The bottom layer turns turns to a putty like substance which makes it slide downhill.

Cj W. said...

thats not always true

ParkerD said...

I learned that the bottom layer of a glacier can melt and become like putty. I knew that they were slow

charles w. said...

also that to

katalinaD said...

I already new that ice-glaciers were very big and that the move slowly and what I learned is that at the bottom it is all putty like that makes the glacier move slowly and that since it moves so slowly that it could only move 1 inch a year.Also that there is one mountain there is a bowl like shape called cirque.

Kevin S said...

theres stuff like silly puty on the bottom that maes the big thingyyy good

BruceB said...

During the video I learned about the different types of erosion and what a glacier can cause.

adam p said...

I learned that when they compress they from a putty like thing. I already knew all of the other Facts.

Emily H said...

I already new that ice-glaciers were very big and that the move slowly and what I learned is that at the bottom it is all putty like that makes the glacier move slowly and that since it moves so slowly that it could only move 1 inch a year.Also that there is one mountain there is a bowl like shape called cirque.

BruceB said...

i already knew that glaciers are made out of ice

chanced said...

I knew that 20,000 years ago, much of North America was covered with ice.
I did not know that Few agents of erosion are more powerful than a moving glacier and that Continental glaciers on Antarctica are so huge that entire mountain ranges are covered.

Sheila A said...

I already knew that glaciers are very large and move very slowly. I learned that there is stuff similar to silly putty on the bottom of the glaciers making the glaciers move very slowly.

Jacob G said...

I already knew that glaciers are very big. I didn't know that when snow falls on the ground it is downhill.

Aidan R said...

I learned that the bottom layer of a glacier is compressed into ice, then compressed more into a soft putty that helps the glacier move downhill. Also, valley glaciers form a bowl shaped dent in a mountain called a cirque. I mostly knew the rest of the stuff the movie said.

jenn said...

i new glacier are very big . but did not know how they form.

Zoe D said...

I had already learned that glaciers move slowly, but what I learned is that when snow piles up the bottom layer turns into a type of slippery water and it starts sliding downhill. That is a glacier.

DARREN P. said...

That little agents of eirions match a glacers and that they move when the ice under neithe becomes potty like.

morgan s said...

I already knew that glaciers where made up of water and ice. But what I didn't know was that Glaciers started at the top of the mountain and move down the side.

Hayley G said...

I knew glacier's were made of ice but i learned that the bottom of the snow compressed together and made glaciers

Damian P said...

I learned that the bottom of glaciers form a putty that helps it move. when snow falls it falls downhill. I new the rest of it

jenny c said...

I already knew that Antarctica has glaciers.I also knew that the bottom layer of snow compresses into ice. I learned that valley glaciers form a bowl shaped dent in a mountain called a cirque.

Lauryn R said...

Glaciers are slow moving mountains

Mara C. said...

I learned that glaciers can form on mountain tops, and that snow piles up and the bottom layer becomes ice.I knew that glaciers form i Antarctica, and that valley glaciers create grooves in the mountains.

Mia W said...

I already knew that Glaciers came from Antarctica and that glaciers have layers of ice and snow built on top of each other. I learned that Glaciers can not just form in oceans but they can grow on high mountain tops and everything like that