Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ice Ages

Please watch the video links below and in your response
 Three Facts about an Ice Age
 Two things you found interesting in the videos
 One question that you have about Ice Ages

Ice Age video 1

Ice Age Video 2


Garrett H said...

Three facts about an ice age is we think that it's happened three times in the world, the ocean freezes and fish die, and it;s very hard for humans to live.Two things that I found interesting are the ice cubes with rocks and stones in them. Also they think that glaciers are the cause. One question I have is would it be possible for the human race to survive an ice age?

Aaran H. said...

One fact about an ice age is the oceans will freeze. Another fact is that we will run out of food and the last is that we will have no water or electricity. One thing I found interesting was that the ocean could get frozen over. The next thing that I found interesting is that even at the equator will be frozen. I want to know how we would ever survive this.

Riley O said...

#1.Drop stones,#2.Snowball Earth,#3.No one would survive.
•1.That it is called a Snowball Earth,•2.Cattle holes.
-1.Would the polar bears die?

Riley O said...

I hope they don't die

Zach S. said...

if the earth froze over the oceans would freeze it would be very hard to survive.If there are glaciers are on a mountain they will very slowly move down hill and get faster.When the ice melted after the ice age it raised the water level.

Bryn W. said...

Ice Ages cause weather to drop highly, even below the equator. If the earth had an ice age, glaciers would creep in toward land and cause society to collapse. Where a glacier melts, the gravel and rocks and sediment fall into piles. There were many interesting things in these videos. For example, one is the fact that even though glaciers look like they are staying still, they are actually moving very slowly. Another interesting fact is that scientists have found small pieces of ice with sediment in them, and when they were put in water they started to melt, and all the small rocks sunk to the bottom. If the earth had an ice age, and the water systems froze, and cars didn't start, and we had no access to stores, then how long would it be until society collapsed? And, if society collapsed, would some alien species find earth thousands of years later, or would earth explode in space? Or become debris that sticks to other planets like Pluto or Mars? Maybe would the debris burn from the sun? Which, in fact, is a star, not a planet. Would Earth and society be gone for ever? We may never know.

Riley O said...
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Zach S. said...

If there was an ice age would the countries closer to the equator get the same effects we would have?

James D said...

A snowball earth would be bad because food would be scarce. You would have to make bigger ice fishing holes because it would have more ice. Bid bolder were places were then would not be normal there. There were scapes on rocks from glaciers.

Bryn W. said...

Very interesting. Yes. Very interesting, indeed.

James D said...

nise garrett

Hunter J said...

If ice age happened today the humans will be in one icy planet! Hug shape of v shape is going to be 600 thousand more year until the ice age. it is going to snow alot in the icy age. why can we find a way to not make that happen in 600 thousand years.

Lauryn Silva said...

Three facts about an ice age
It covered one third of the earths surface.
Was 1 inch deep.
Global warming
Two things I found interesting
They found drop rocks and thought that they could be caused by glaciers
It was called snowball earth
One question that i have
One question i have is that could we have another snowball earth ad could we survive it.

Maddy C. said...

Three facts: Glaciers cause changes in Earths landforms, During an ice age temps can reach 0 degrees even at the equator, During an ice age the ice reflects sun back making it colder and making more ice.

Jordan M said...

.That the water in Antartica will freeze over
.That the equator will be freezing

.Will are cars be able to start?

Aja A. said...

Three facts about an ice age is we believe it's happened three times in the world, ice ages cause weather to drop highly, even below the equator and it's very hard for humans to live. Two things I found interesting was that the ocean can freeze over and that ice carries rocks inside of it. One question I have is can the human race survive in a ice age?

Allison A said...

A snowball earth would be really bad because it would take all of our food sources. Snow was covering the ice so if you went ice fishing you would have to make bigger wholes. There was rocks in dirt that they think when glaciers came they had rocks in them when they melted.
Can the human race survive in an ice age?

Allison A said...

That the ocean can freeze over and That glaciers have rocks in them.

Allison A said...

Good job Aja!!

Dominique G. said...

Ice ages can cause weather to drop a lot and below the equator.If Earth had an ice age, it would be creep in the land. Where a glaciers melt, the gravel and sediment falls in piles. Like the glacier look like they were seating still.

caelin worthington said...


hard to find food

very little life

Anonymous said...

cold earth= snowball rodes cut off by ice cars not starting are food supply food is running out

Anonymous said...

something about rocks

Jada M. said...

its kinda sad when people die because they have no food or its way to cold and and the drop stones are kid cool

Jada M. said...

sorry meant kinda cool

KatelinK said...

huge bolders in places they shouldn't be

MorganD said...

We would die if one happened today
the oceans would freeze over and kill all the fish
drop stone shows if an ice age has happened in that spot.

I thought it was cool when they showed the drop stone and the ocean freezing over.

who was alive when the first ice age happened? or was there no one?

Anonymous said...


jasmineb said...

-Drop stones were found in the dried mud, the stones are foreign to this area.
-Rocks were moved and were where they shouldn't be.
*how could someone survive through an ice age when everything else is being iced over and dying?

jesse.g said...

Maine would call emergency call.

THE whole planet would be cover with snow.

and glaciers move rocks all over the place

MorganD said...

most people die because of no food jasmine

Jasmine B said...

a drop stone marks where an ice age was.

KatelinK said...

lots of reigndeer

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

every thing froze even near the equater

if i happend today many states would call for a state of emergence

they drag and drop rocks

Jada M. said...

why would you want to die Morgan ???????????????????

Cassidy m said...

Two interesting things
Everything would ice over!

You wouldn't be able to go out to get food.

Three facts about a ice age.
1. Ice ages can cause weather to drop a lot and even below the equator
2.Where glaciers melts it drops gravel and sediment in a pile.
3. A ice age may have happend 3 times

One question I have.
Could people survive the ice age?

JOSEPH P said...

All humans would die if it happened.
The water would freeze and marine life would die.
Drop stones show if an ice age happened in that place on Earth.

I found that the "snowball Earth" looked bad.

What was alive when the 1st ice age happened?

Emily B said...

1.We would die if we had a ice age right now.
2.Ice age makes thing cold.
3.people call it 'Snowball Earth'.
1.Scientists are finding clues to a Ice Age in Australia.
2.Ice covered 1/3 of the Earth's surface at one point.
How long can Ice Ages last?

MorganD said...

I Dont Know.

AlexisD said...

Three things that are in fact from the ice age is 1.Ocean freezes over completely,2.Sea level fell,3.drop stones melt from glaciers and they drop to the bottom of the oceans.
Two things interesting the, earth froze over totally, rocks are found where they don't belong.
One Question
How long does an Ice Age last?

Jada M. said...

oh okay then don yell at me

catie.r. said...

that the water in antartica will freeze over
it covered 1/3 of the earth
was 1 inch deep

things interesting:they thought glaicers could cause drop rocks,

would we be able to survive if we were in a ice age???????????

zack c said...

that there have been three ice ages and 2 that people can't live in an ice age and 3 that fish could die in an ice age
how do fishes die in an ice age i thought they could still live under ice

jesse.g said...

and i did not think there was that much snow to cover the world and that is cool how the rock moves

How can you get this to happen again

Maine would call emergency call.

THE whole planet would be cover with snow.

and glaciers move rocks all over the place

KatelinK said...

everything freezes

we wouldn't have any food supply because everything would be frozen

people could get sick and die

nate.b said...

1. we'd die
2. no food
3. cold life
5. maybe new life after ice age?
6. I would live
7. then I'd be famus
8. I would eat snow in order to live
9. I'd probably would ice fish too

Max H said...

3 facts: Tempetures go to -0 even at the equator. Glaciers crush everything in their path. If the Earth was freezing we would all die. Drop stones are ancient. I learned what a drop stone was.
2 interesting video things: Showed an experiment of Drop stones breaking. It showed paintings of valley's and stuff during the Ice Age.
1 question: Could the animals that survived in the ice age couldve survived here if there hadnt been a huge flood during the ice age?

Emily B. said...

The drop stone is a piece of foreign rock imbedded in sediment.
northern Europe had ice sheets.
during the ice age sea levels fell and then rose again flooding most of the world.
2/3 of the worlds was covered in ice at one point.
The continents move and change.
Why did this happen, Will it happen again?

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

can another ice age happen

caleb c said...

We would die if one happened today
the oceans would freeze over and kill all the fish
drop stone shows if an ice age has happened in that spot.

I thought it was cool when they showed the drop stone and the ocean freezing over.

who was alive when the first ice age happened? or was there no one?

Katie L. said...

During an ice age it is really cold even at the equator. Snowball earth is when the earth is covered in ice. During an ice age food supplies would be scarce because we can't grow anything in the extreme weather. All marine life would die because the ocean would freeze over. Scientists suggest that there were not one but three ice ages. Two things I found interesting in the videos were that ice ages kill off most living things for example, plants and animals. During the ice age the continents were formed. During the ice age the sea level dropped drastically and rose a lot when all of the ice melted. One question i have about ice ages is why don't we try to prepare ourselves for the next possible ice ages?

Aasyhia said...

-During the ice ages the sea level was low, but as the ice melted the sea level rose.
-Drop stones were found,they are ancient rocks, they were also evidence that some point in time, there was an ice age.
-During the ice age the tempeture was around 0 degrees
will we ever have another ice age

ALice M. said...

-Glaciers can change landforms.
-when a snowball earth happens temperature can drop below 0 even around the equator.
-The Antartic ocean would freeze over.

-What I found interesting is that Auststrallia would actually freeze.

-If we had another ice age, what types of new life would appear?

Unknown said...
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Jada M. said...

!. we could die if one happened right now well never mind we would die if one happened right now 2. ice makes things hard to do 3. people call it a lot of different things

How long do they last for

Carly M. said...

Three facts about an Ice Age are 1: very cold 2: no food 3:almost everyone would die.
Two things I found interesting about these videos are there were three ice ages and most of the animals would not survive.
One question I have about the Ice Ages is: Was the Earth once totally covered in ice?

David H said...

three facts about the ice that no human can survive the coldness of the ice age.

2. the ice age would flood the hole would with water. human can service the coldness in the ice age.

one question about ice ages is... can animals service the coldness of the ice age?

Kevin S said... human can survive the coldness of the ice age
2.there would be no food would be really really cold
what animal could survive the ice age

Kevin S said...

i also find i t intresting how glaicers can make it so far while being only giant masses of ice and and how the weather can change so much in the world

Owen R !! said...

1.Humans can't survive in ice age
2.Cars would not start is to cold for water to work

katalinaD said...

1. No would be able to survive the coldness of the ice age.
2.You would not be able to survive since there would not be enough food.
3.You would not be able to eat fish and other animals because they would all die :(!
4.Would everyone in Maine have to move because of the cold climate?

katalinaD said...

5.What is interesting is that the sun probably would not help the ice and snow

Shane k said...

1.Theirs been 3 ice ages over the world.
2.Their wouldn't be anyway to live in the ice age.
3.Their wouldn't be any animals either.

1.That they showed a dead body.
2.That they made cool ice cubes with sand and gravel in the.

1.How could we defend ourselves against a ice age if one just happens.

Gia L said...

There were three ice ages. The temperature was below zero, even on the equator! All ocean animals, that couldn't take the coldness, died.
In the videos I found the pictures and some of the facts, such as how glaciers can move, interesting.
What animals could survive the ice age?

Owen R !! said...

What ended the ice age?

Logan C said...

There at least was 3 ice ages on earth.
Mareen life dies
life strugles to go on

Some animals can survive
a very small amount of humans can survive.

Why would an ice age start?

Cj W. said... would be so cold we would become a frozen figure. you would know if there was a ice age is find drop stone.
3.could it happen again?
4.scientist's think that rocks and valley's in v shape is because of floods.
5.what animal could survive a ice age again?
6.during the end of the ice age sea levels went down. can be dated by lines like on a tree.
8. places move during ice ages.
9.will a ice age happen again?
10.they found a really old piece of ice.

Maddy P. said...

Three facts about Ice Ages:
-Humans cannot survive during the most cold part of the Ice Ages.
-You would not be able to find and eat any food during the ice ages.
-During the ice age, temperatures were under zero, even near the equator.
Two things I found interesting about the videos:
-How cold that it was near the equator amazed me.
-How much ice there was.
One question I have about the videos:
-Does anybody know if any animal survived the ice ages?

joe w said...

no one can survive an ice age
ecosystems would be destroid
fish would die

how do glacier move
how fast they move

Who could live an ice age

Zachk said...

Fact 1 The sea level goes down
Fact 2 Temperatures drop
Fact 3 The oceans ecosystem would drop severly
Many humans would die along with many animals. And the weather conditions may last 16,000 years
Will I survive an Ice Age

ConnorB said...

Some facts are there have been three ice ages, Glaciers caried drop stones from place to place, and glaciers modified land scapes caused by the glaciers moving.

What interests me is how slowly glaciers move and that ice ages caused so much damage, freezing water supplies and freezing people, causing death.

My question is when was the last ice age?

Matt C said...

ice age hassed been said to happend 3 times. drop stones. glaciers from canada to everywhere.

Three facts about ice ages: Fact one no one would live. Fact two it forms strange pools and hills, and carries rocks. Fact three Very Verrry cold!

the hills and pools were cool to me. and that there were three ice ages.

Was the entire earth covered in ice!?!?!

AndrewE said...

The ice age has happened 3 times in earth’s history, glaciers move slowly, and drop stones are evidence that there used to be glaciers there at one point in time. I thought drop stones being carried by glaciers, and that Antarctica wasn’t always at the South Pole is interesting. My question is How thick was the ice in the glaciers?

Journey B. said...

1.If the Ice Age were to come back, humans would not survive the coldness. The food supply would be gone, and we could not breathe without an oxygen system that stands in the cold.
2.The marine ecosystems would collapse if ice took them over, if the ocean froze completely.
3.The valleys in Europe were formed by the glaciers in the Ice Age, not a river or flood. All of the landforms that we see today, like mountains, were formed by glaciers in the Ice Age.
4. Scientist believe the Ice Age was recent in their views.
5.Antarctica wasn't always at the south pole, it was northern.

1.It was interesting that the Ice Age might be caused by a bump in the Earth's orbit.
2. The Arctic Ocean froze over.

1. What animals survived the ice age?

Lauren S. said...

They think that there have been 3 Ice age's
Animals would die
Humans would not survive
one thing that I found interesting is that they don't know when they happened
One Question I have is will it happen Again?

Nathan C. said...

Tempatures drop below 0 even at the Equator.
Drop stones are forms of ancient glacier.
Glacier are made out of snow and ice.

I found that the world was covered in ice
was immensely interesting.
That we can enjoy another 16000 years before another ice age (No, I don't have eternal life)!!!!!

How long did that Ice age last?

Destiney J. said...

1.we'd be dead
2.frozen pizzas would be really frozen:)
3.really cold

Kaylee C. said...

~They believe that three ice ages happened in our worlds past.
~massive Glaciers creep and destroy everything in there path.
~Antarctica moved from its original spot it was not always were it is today.

I found that the pictures that they showed in the video were cool, and the facts that they had with the pictures.

How would people survive?:-0

Destiney J. said...

why is the ice age gonna happen soon? it was interesting because there was a guy who fell out of a car because it was really cold and it was also interesting because i think there was no ice age

Alissa H said...

Facts: there have been three ice ages, Glaciers carried drop stones from place to place, and moving glaciers modified the land.

The things that interest me about the ice age are: glaciers move very slowly and the fact that animals were able to survive during the first ice age

My question is: when was the last ice age?

Mia W said...

Here are some facts: There have been THREE ice ages; Massive Glaciers ruined everything in there path and people that survived this ice age were living in a bad world; Antarctica also moved from its original place and it typically was not where it is now these days. I found that the pictures and the types of environments in these videos were pretty cool looking. Like the rocks all split and the people that are in it looked a little bit old and more sophisticated looking than people now. My question about the ice ages is: Why did all the cool animals in the ice age die?

Damian P said...

facts:there have been 3 ice ages,moving glaciers changed the land a lot and some ice sheets were moving across the country

The things that I found cool were that during a snowball earth electric lines can fall and that during the ice age the ocean dropped in sea level.

My question is: when will the next snowball earth happen?

Jacob G said...

My three facts about ice ages are: There have been 3 ice ages. Glaciers move slowly. And the moving glaciers modify land.

Two things that interested me were glaciers move slowly, and that animals survived the ice ages.

My question is when will the next ice age happen and where.

DARREN P. said...

~the earth frooze three times.
~glaciers carry and drop stone in different places.
~glaciers form landforms like lakes
the most interesting thing is animals lived at that time and that water levels went down. What happened to the animals

david vincent said...

1.During an ice age Glaciers will form,power lines will fall,and peoples food will be scarce.
2.Glaciers can carry rocks for miles,and ice might have built most of the earth b/c of glaciers.
3.One question I have is,How are ice ages caused?

BruceB said...

Three things that are in fact from the ice age is 1.Ocean freezes over completely,2.Sea level fell,3.drop stones melt from glaciers and they drop to the bottom of the oceans.
Two things interesting the, earth froze over totally, rocks are found where they don't belong.
One Question
How long can a ice age last

Aidan R said...

Three facts: Glaciers cause changes in Earths landforms, During an ice age temps can reach 0 degrees even at the equator, During an ice age the ice reflects sun back making it colder and making more ice.

morgan s said...

1. Ice ages are full power
2.Ice ages carry rocks
3. They change the earths tempatures.
i found it intreasting when the glacier was covering the earth and all the houses where tombed in.
why do they effect our earth?

Whitney R said...

.that the water in anarctica will freeze over it covered 1/3 of the earth
is one inch deep
Things interesting : they thought glaciers could cause drop rocks,
Would we be able to survive if we were in a ice age?

Sheila A said...

My three facts about ice ages are: There has been three ice ages so far, the temperature drops below zero even at the equator, and drop stones are formed from glaciers. I was interested by how long ice ages can last and that animals can live in such harsh weather. My question is, why do ice ages happen?

jenny c said...

the ice age ended about 10000 years ago.
the Earth has frozen many times.
glaciers carry stones to different places and created drop stone a long time ago.
ancient rocks are called drop stones
Indonesia and Britain were isolated
When did the ice age start?

Mara C. said...

1). Many people and animals died.
2). Drop stones where carried by glaciers.
3). There has been other ice ages.

1). The last ice age was 41,000,000,000.
2). Ice ages make the temperature drop to very low temperatures.

1). Is it possible to stand on glaciers?

Zoe D said...

3 Facts About Ice Ages
-Humans can't survive during the coldest part of an Ice age.
-You couldn't find or get any food.
-Glaciers would ruin everything.
2 Interesting Things
-Glaciers can carry rocks for miles.
-There were 3 Ice ages.
-What happened to the animals during the Ice Ages

Colby W said...

1.A There's been 3 Ice Ages known to man.
1.B If an other Ice Age occurred the tippy top of America and Canada would all die.
1.C And All of the fish would freeze.
2.A I think the 1st video was pretty cool.
2.B And There was a couple of times that it was cool in the second video but it got a little bored.
C.A How are the Ice Ages formed??

Lauryn R said...

The Ice age ended 100000 years ago
The surviving people will be trapped in an Icy H*ll if a snowball or whatever happens again.
People will die if a snowball happens.

When will another one happen?

Ancient rocks are called drop stones

Kelsey S. :P said...

3: Three ice ages have happened, lots of people died, and everyone that survived ended not being in a good place, and the ice ages ruined everything in their paths.
2: Three ice ages have happened, and i liked the pictures too!!
1: What are the years that all three ice ages happened?

catie.r. said...

i didnt know that underneath some of the snow some of it melts and flows down hill and makes a glacier