Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Glaciers Types

Figure 1 

Figure 2 

What type of Glacier do you think is represented in figure 1 ? 
What type of Glacier do you think resulted in the formation in figure 2 ? 
Where in the world can you find continental and valley glaciers? 
How do you think the last ice age affected ocean levels? 
Hint: Look Chapter 3 sec 2 Changing Surface of the Earth 


TIMMY said...
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cameron s said...
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Dawson,G said...
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Garrett H said...

In figure 1 I think there is a picture of ice glacier. In figure 2 I think an ice glacier resulted in the formation in figure 2. The last ice age affected the ocean levels because when the ice melted the sea levels went up.

Aaran H. said...

The first glaciers is a continental glacier and the second is a valley glacier. You can find a continental and valley glaciers in greenland. I think the last ice age affected the ocean level a lot because it got higher.

Dawson,G said...

1 is a frozen glacier 2 is the aftermath of a glacier

Riley O said...
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cameron s said...

It made a motain of rocks

Maddy C. said...

I think the last ice age made ocean higher because all the ice malted and went into the ocean.
The glaciers in the figures above are continental and valley glaciers.
Today continental glaciers cover 10% of the Earth they can be found in Antarctica and greenland.
Valley glaciers can be found many places on Earth.

Shane.D said...

Figure 1 is a ice glacier
figure 2 is a rock glacier
Continental and Valley glaciers are big Vallie's
They friz the water and kill fish and other water animals

cameron s said...

It made a motain of rocks

Bryn W. said...

Figure one is a glacier that moves and "lives" in water. It is called a continental glacier. Figure two is a glacier that is found on land. It is called a valley glacier. Valley glaciers are found in between mountains. Continental glaciers smooth the landscape by scraping and eroding features that existed before the ice appeared.

d said...

1 is a frozen glacier. 2 is the aftermath of a glacier. and its frozen in the first. melted in the second.

cameron s said...

It made a motain of rocks

Timmy Light said...

1continetal glacier and
2 valley glacier and there are a lot more

Timmy Light said...

sand glaciers
and rock glaciers

Bryn W said...

Ice ages have effected sea level because the ice ends up melting, causing sea levels to rise.

Jordan M said...

4.Made the oceans higher

James D said...

its a pic about a glacier. its a mountain with a little bit of snow. north and south pole.made them have allot of water.

Bryn W. said...

A more descriptive answer would be nice.

Aja A. said...

Figure one is a glacier that moves and "lives" in water. It is called a continental glacier. Figure two is a glacier that is found on land. It is called a valley glacier. Valley glaciers are found between mountains. Continental glaciers smooth the landscape by scraping features that existed before the ice appeared. Ice ages have effected sea level because the ice ends up melting, causing sea levels to rise.

Riley O said...

fig. 1 is a continental glacier
fig. 2 is a valley glacier
by making them lower

Hunter J said...

Ice glacier and to make it higher.

Bryn W. said...

A motain? Whats a 'Motain'?

Lauryn Silva said...

Figure one is continental glacier.
Figure two is a valley glacier.
You can find Continental and valley glaciers in Greenland and Antartica
I think the last ice age effected ocean levels by when ice sheets build up sea level drops, exposing continental shelves.

cameron s said...

it made it deeper

Bryn W. said...

That's exactly what I wrote.

Shane.D said...

Figure 1 is a ice glacier
figure 2 is a Valley glacier
Continental and Valley glaciers are big Vallie's
it raised the water levels

Dawson,G said...

Figure one is a glacier that moves and "lives" in water. It is called a continental glacier. Figure two is a glacier that is found on land. It is called a valley glacier. Valley glaciers are found between mountains. Continental glaciers smooth the landscape by scraping features that existed before the ice appeared. Ice ages have effected sea level because the ice ends up melting, causing sea levels to rise.

Zach S. said...

worn down from rain and sun.this is a rock glacier. rock glacier
it formed into a valley.Valley glaciers. sand glacier
You can find them in antarctica. valley glacier
continental glacier
It raised all the water level's.

Austin H said...

1 Well the glacier is in a northern area as you can see

2 well over thousands of years of moving a half inch every or 100 feet a month those mountains were created by the movement of glaciers carved in the land

3 anywhere if you looked around the world.

4 gave about 300 poland spring all the water from the ice melted and made twice as much water in the ocean

zack c said...

you can find ice valleys in the south pole

jesse.g said...

Figure one is a glacier that moves and "lives" in water. It is called a continental glacier. Figure two is a glacier that is found on land. It is called a valley glacier. Valley glaciers are found in between mountains. Continental glaciers smooth the landscape by scraping and eroding features that existed before the ice appeared

Anonymous said...
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JOSEPH P said...

Figure 1 is a glacier that moves with the water.
Figure 2 is a valley glacier.
3. Antarctica
4. It's b making them lower.

AlexisD said...

The figure 1 is an ice glacier and figure 2 is an valley glacier.
Ice glacier is found Northern area and valley glacier is found a little more south.

catie.r said...

picture 1 is a continental glacier
picture 2 is a valley glacier
you can find them in antartica.

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

the really big kind

the one that forms in gorges

green land

this made ocean levels rise

Max H said...

1 frozen
2 what it looks like after a long time
3 antartica
4 i think it effected thme becasue the ice age weathered down alot of ice bergs nd glaciers

joey k said...

Figure one is a glacier that moves and "lives" in water. It is called a continental glacier. Figure two is a glacier that is found on land. It is called a valley glacier. Valley glaciers are found in between mountains. Continental glaciers smooth the landscape by scraping and eroding features that existed before the ice appeared.

Anonymous said...

Figure one is a ice glacier
figure two is a Valley glacier
Continental and Valley glaciers are big
it raised the water levels

Anonymous said...

glacier one is a contiental glacier and two is a valley glacier that is found between mountains

Katie L. said...

Figure one is a continental glacier, figure two is a valley glacier. Valley glaciers can be found in between mountains. I think that the reason the last ice age caused the water level to rise is because all the ice melted. Glaciers cover about 10% of the earth.

catie.r. said...

sorry ice glacier and valley glacier ice more up to the colder part and valley to the lower part warmer.

Cassidy m said...

1. A glacier that moves with water
2. A valley glacier
3. Antarctica
4. It made the ocean level rise

MorganD said...

Figure one is a ice glacier
figure two is a valley glacier
Antarctica and green land
I think that the last ice age made the ocean drop

EmilyB said...

Figure #1- is a glacier moving in the water.
Figure #2- is a Valley Glacier.
#3-You can find them in Antarctica and Alaska
#4-It may have brought down the water level.

Mr Ruby said...

Please answer all parts of the question and use your own words.

ALice M. said...

Figure 1 is an ice glacier and figure 2 is a valley glacier
They can be found in Antartica and Greenland
I think the ocean level rose when the last ice age ended.

Mr Ruby said...

Please use complete sentences in your answers repost with corrections.
Thank you

Mr Ruby said...

Good start at the questions but please answer all of them in your post.

nate.b said...

1.An ice glacier that's in winter in cold places
2. An ice age glacier that moves over time.(a long time)

Mr Ruby said...

Please us complete sentences try restating the question.
Please answer all question.

Mr Ruby said...

There are two types of glaciers you have not mentioned either in your post. Look back at the reading from yesterday Chapter 3 section 2 Glaciers.

Emily B. said...

figure one is a continental glacier found in Greenland and islands in the polar regions Figure 2 is a valley glacier found at the top of mountain regions. and i think the last ice age raised the ocean levels by a large amount.

Mr Ruby said...

Please use complete sentences in your answer and refer back to the reading to state the two types of glaciers.

AlexisD said...

You can find both glaciers in Antarctica.The ocean level go up after a glacier has melted.

Jasmine B said...

1+2- figure one is a continental glacier and figure 2 is a Valley glacier
3-You find continental glaciers in the polar region and valley glaciers in the mountain region.
4-it makes the water rise

Mr Ruby said...

Please create your own response in your own words. The information you have posted is correct but, you need to be state it in your own words.

Carly M. said...

1:Figure 1 is a ice glacier.
2:A valley glacier created that formation.
3:you would find continental and valley glaciers in cold and icy climates.
4:I think it made the ocean levels by ice melting and creating more water.

Mr Ruby said...

Try restating the question to make your post flow better. Also looking for a location of types of glaciers in part three of the question.

jesse.g said...

fig 1 is a river i ice or a ice glacier fig 2 is a vally glacier evaporation of 50-60 million cubic kilometers from the oceans. The resulting decrease in sea level was approximately 121 m. This reduction in sea level would expose extensive continental shelves.

Jada M. said...

one is a: ice glaciers from the northern side
two is a: glacier that is or maybe can be found on land
and i think that ice can effect the sea level by rising to above sea level ????

Max H said...

Figure 1 is a continental glacier.
Figure 2 is a valley glacier.
You can find continental and valley glaciers in Antartica.
The ice age made alot of glaciers disapeer because of rising water level.

Mr Ruby said...

The last part of the question ask what do you think would happen to sea water level when the ice age was still in progress.

Mr Ruby said...

Please use complete sentences and restate the question. Your information is good however full sentence use is the expectation for the blog.

Cassidy m said...

1. The type of glacier that represents figure 1 is a glacier that moves with water
2. The type of Glacier that i think resulted in the formation in figure 2 is a valley glacier
3. you can find continental and valley glaciers in Antarctica
4. The last ice age affected ocean levels by it rising the ocean level.

Mr Ruby said...

You have great information please be aware of how you are presenting that information. Use full sentences and restate questions.

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

ice caps

valley glacier

Mr Ruby said...

Please use full sentences in your answers. You can find "them" instead of them write what your talking about which is glaciers.
Please explain why you hypothesize that it may have brought down the sea levels

Aasyhia said...

1. I think figure one is an ice glacier
2. I think a continental glacier resulted in the formation of figure 2
3. You can find a continental glaciers mostly in Antarctica and Greenland and valley glaciers in Africa
4.I think it affected it by the ice melting and the ocean level slowly started rising

Katie L. said...

Figure 1 is a continental glacier figure 2 is a valley glacier. Continental glaciers can be found in Greenland and islands near polar regions and Valley glaciers can be found near the top of mountain regions. The sea level rose during the last ice age because of all the ice that melted.

Mr Ruby said...

You have covered all the information , I would like to see more attention give to writing style in your response , consider your post as a formal type of written response.

Anonymous said...

Alaska,Greenland,North pole,ext.

Mr Ruby said...


Your information needs to be checked, look at some of the example of what others have written.
I am looking for you to understand the differences between valley and continental glaciers.
Why do you think the sea level would change with an ice age?

Anonymous said...

The type of glacier in Figure one is a ice glacier.
The type of glacier in figure two is a Valley glacier.
Some location's are Alaska,Greenland,North pole,ext.
the last glacier made the water levels go up.

JOSEPH P said...

Figure 1 Is a glacier that moves on water,it is called a continental glacier.
Figure2 is a glacier that moves on land, this glacier is called a valley glacier.

3. Antarctica

4. It's by making them lower.

ALice M. said...

In figure one is an ice glacier whereas figure two is a valley glacier
Glaciers can be found in Antarctica and Greenland as of today.
When the Ice Age ended and the glaciers started to melt into the ocean, the water level rose.

Zachk said...

A water glacier and a mountain glacier.

Kevin S said...

1.ice glaicer
3.antartica and greenland
4.ice melting and ocean level slowly rising

Kevin S said...

ya smitty

matt c said...

ice. melts. are. cool

Cj W. said...

it's a HUGGGE! Mountain rock

Owen R !! said...

They are water glaciers. they are also mountain glaciers and ice glaciers.

Zachk said...

1. A water glacier
2. A valley glacier

Destiney J. said...

1. The type of glacier that represents figure 1 is a glacier that moves with water
2. The type of Glacier that i think resulted in the formation in figure 2 is a valley glacier
3. you can find continental and valley glaciers in Antarctica
4. The last ice age affected ocean levels by it rising the ocean level.

logan c said...


AndrewE said...

1. A Snow glacier
2. Mountain glacier
3. Antartica and iceland
4. Yes the oceans went up.

Journey B. said...

#1 is a glacier moving in the water on its island, or a continental glacier.
#2 is a valley glacier that forms a ravine.
Valley glaciers can be found in very cold places like Alaska, Antarctica, Iceland, Greenland, Russia, ect.
I believe that the sea level rose drastically after the ice age. The ice and snow must have melted, causing the ocean to rise.

joe w said...

1. a glasher
2. a continentel glashicer
3. greenland and alaska
4. I think the last ice age raised ocean levels

Maddy P. said...

Figure one is a continental glacier.
Figure two is a valley glacier.
Continental glaciers can be found in Greenland and islands near polar regions.
Valley glaciers can be found near the top of mountain regions.
The sea level got higher after the last ice age because all of the ice from the ice age melted making the sea deeper.

Mr Ruby said...

Please answer in complete sentences
look back at the reading chapter 3 sec 2

Kevin S said...

figure 1 is a continetal glaicer
figure 2 is a valley glaicer
antartica and green land
when it got warmer a barrier broke and let a bunch of water through and carved canyons trhough the ice

Alissa H said...

Figure 1 is a continental glacier figure 2 is a valley glacier. Continental glaciers can be found in Greenland and islands near the polar regions and Valley glaciers can be found near the top of mountains. The sea level rose after the last ice age when of most the ice that melted

logan c said...

hi bryn

katalinaD said...

1. Is a ice glacier
2. is a valley glacier
3.You can find them in Antarctica and Alaska
4.Made the oceans higher

Lauren S. said...

1) Is continental Glacier in figure one
2) The second one is a valley glacier
3) you can find them in Greenland and Antartica
4) Yes I think that the ocean levels did go up.

SHANE K said...

In the Arctic and Antarctic oceans. The Ice age must have frozen a lot of water. Causing more glaciers to form from water. All the glaciers split up so the ocean level must have gone up from extra weight.

Logan C said...

You forgot Your period

Kaylee C. said...

1. I think that the glacier in figure one is a continental Glacier.
2. I think that the Glacier in figure two is a valley glacier because the middle of it dips down into a U-shaped valley.
3. You can find continental glaciers and valley glaciers in a very very cold place.
4. I think that the last ice age effected the ocean levels a lot the ice that fell into the ocean which caused the water level to rise I think :)

ConnorB said...

continental glacier is the first one, and a valley glacier is the second one. You can find these glaciers in cold climates like antarctica and when all the ice melted, the water level rose.

Gia L said...

In figure one it is a continental glacier. In figure two it shows a valley glacier. Continental glaciers can be found near the north pole, for example Greenland. Valley glaciers can be found in cold places, such as Alaska. In the last ice age, when the ice melted, it turned to water therefore making the oceans bigger.

Mr Ruby said...

Please use full sentences look back at the reading
Post again please

Cj W. said...

1. ice mountain rocks

2. ice valley

Mr Ruby said...

fix please do some research look at the reading

Mr Ruby said...

Joe please use full sentences and figure out spell check

Logan C said...

..... .

AndrewE said...

A continental glacier.A valley glacier.Continental glaciers can be found in Greenland. Yes I think the oceans got higher meaning they have more water in them.

Cj W. said...

1.ice mountains that are like big rocks.

2. ice valleys that are rocks and ice.

3. You can find them in the artic

4.gave them more water so the water level went up.

Zachk said...

Figure 1 is a continental glacier. Figure 2 is a valley glacier. Continental glaciers are in places like the north pole. Valley glaciers are cold climates like Alaska. during the last ice age, the ice melted and made the oceans larger.

Owen R !! said...

They are water glaciers. They are also water glaciers and vally glaciers. The water glaciers are ice.

Matt C said...

the figure in figure 1 is a continental glacier. the figure in figre 2 is a valley glacier. they are both formed by ice melts. they can be found in green land and other countries.

Aidan R said...

The glacier in figure 1 is a continental glacier. The glacier in figure 2 is a valley glacier and the are both formed by ice melts. They can be found in Greenland and other countries.

Emily H said...

1. The type of glacier that represents figure 1 is a glacier that moves with water
2. The type of Glacier that i think resulted in the formation in figure 2 is a valley glacier
3. you can find continental and valley glaciers in Antarctica
4. The last ice age affected ocean levels by it rising the ocean level.

chanced said...

1 is a frozen glacier. 2 is the aftermath of a glacier. and its frozen in the first. melted in the second.

jenn w said...

1. Is a ice glacier
2. is a valley glacier
3.You can find them in Antarctica and Alaska
4.Made the oceans higher
5 the made the titanic crash
6 they are very strong

BruceB said...

one that slopes and one that was dug out

Kelsey S. :P said...

figure 1: continental glacier.
figure 2: valley glacier.

Mr Ruby said...

Good information please put into full sentences

Whitney R said...

The first one contenental glacier. The second one is a valley glacier. Both of them are made by icemelts. They can be found in greenland and other countries like antarctica

adam p said...

1) Is continental Glacier in figure one
2) The second one is a valley glacier
3) you can find them in Greenland and Antartica
4) Yes I think that the ocean levels did go up.

Zoe D said...

Figure one is called a continental glacier. Figure two is a valley glacier.
Continental glaciers can be found in polar regions. Valley glaciers can be found at the top of mountain regions.

Sheila A said...

The glacier in figure one is a continental glacier. The glacier in figure two is a valley glacier. Continental glaciers are found in places near the North Pole like Greenland. Valley glaciers are found in mountain areas. The last ice age affected sea levels because after the ice melted, it caused the sea levels to rise.

DARREN P. said...

The figure 1 is a continental glacier and figure 2 is a valley glacier and they both are made of ice and a valley is some place cold plus more water more ice

Skyler D. said...

The first glacier is called a water glacier and is made out of what it lives on. The second glacier is called a vally glacier.

morgan s said...

in figure one it is a continental glacier. but in figure 2 it is a valey glacier. a valley is a place with way more water and ice. and plus it is more cold. They both are also made of ice.

jenny c said...

The first one is a frozen glacier.

Jacob G said...

The first one is a continental. The second one is a valley glacier. Continental glaciers are found in the Antarctica. Valley glaciers are found in mountain areas.

david vincent said...

I think its a glacier that fell off a huge chunk of ice.
I think its a deposit off dirt and rock from a glacier.
In north america.
it probably increased the amount of water when the ice melted.

Mia W said...

The glacier in figure one is a continental glacier. Figure two shows a picture of a Valley glacier. Continental glaciers can be found in the polar regions like in Antarctica . Valley glaciers can be found at the top of mountain regions.

Mr Ruby said...

please answer all the questions and use full sentences

Mr Ruby said...

Good through post.

Mr Ruby said...

Please answer all the questions

Mr Ruby said...

Please answer all the questions

Mr Ruby said...

Please answer all the questions in the post.

Mr Ruby said...

You need to include all the question and complete sentences.

Damian P said...