Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Changing Earth

Please give examples of how the surface of the Earth changes slowly and abruptly ( fast). 
Your response should included specific examples of erosional forces that you have been learning about.  Also compare and contrast chemical and mechanical weathering to erosional forces. 


Riley O said...
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Garrett H said...

an example of the earth changing slowly is creep caused by gravity. One that happens fast is a volcano.

Hunter J said...

because the earth is slowly getting to a big big state. Earthquakes are one of and creeps.

Connor.R said...
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Dawson,G said...

an example of the earth changing slowly is creep caused by gravity. One that happens fast is a volcano. by garret hawxwell

cameron s said...

more rain is faster and no rain is slower

Jordan M said...

Global warming maybe is the way that the Earth changes slowly and abruptly.

Shane.D said...
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James D said...
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Timmy Light said...

if it is cold and it is barley raining it most likely freeze so that would be a glacier then erosion would be when a bunch of things would go in or get stuck under something and it would would break and then it turns in to creep because it would go down hill and that is what would happen

Bryn W. said...

There are many examples of changes to the surface of Earth that can be given. Here are a few:

Earth changes slowly in many ways. Gravity can cause creep to happen to Earth's surface. Another thing is the way glaciers move. Glaciers never seem like they are moving, but in reality, they are. They move VERY slowly.

Earth changes fast in many ways, too. For example, wind blowing and causing deposition can actually happen pretty fast. Another example could be dunes. On a windy day at the beach, dunes might form faster than usual. Sand is actually a loose material, therefore wind can blow it around making dunes.

Now, about chemical and mechanical weathering versus erosional forces.
Weathering occurs when the rock being acted upon remains stationary. When the rock (or part of the rock) moves, the process is called erosion.

Maddy C. said...

The Earth changes slowly when creep occurs. Mechanical and chemical weathering can also be slow. It changes quickly when a slump occurs. Mechanical and chemical weathering can also change the Earth quickly. Chemical and Mechanical weathering are similar to erosional forces because they both change the Earths surface. They are different because chemical and mechanical weathering sometimes happens on purpose and erosional forces don't. Like when an animal burrows it's chemical weathering that happens on purpose.

Bryn W. said...

Penguins and Polar Bears?

Christian T said...
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Aaran H. said...

The earth can change slowly because it takes a long time to form a canyon. The earth can change very fast because of a volcano can explode and destroy every thing in its path in a couple minutes.
Chemical weathering is different from Mechanical weathering because it has three different types of it, one is plant acid, another is oxygen, and the last is carbonic acid and mechanical has three different ones plant roots, animals, ice wedging.

Zach S. said...

A example of the earth changing slowly is slump and creep. A fast changing one is rockfall's.

Bryn W. said...

Good Job.

Dominique G. said...
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Lauryn Silva said...

A slow movement is a glacier a glacier is a slow movement because as it is moving it is slowly falling and breaking. An abrupt movement is Earthquakes. Earthquakes are an abrupt movement because as it moves it shakes the earth and it is not a little shake normally it is a big shake. It normally doesn't happen when you would think it would happen. Most times it is random but caused by earths platelets pushing on eachother causing the earth to rumble beneath your feet. Just like creep.

Riley O said...

The weather, meteor and asteroid impacts, and plate tectonics cause changes in the surface features of the Earth.

Zach S. said...

creep is caused by gravity. .Slump is fast not slow.Chemical weathering is carbonic acid plant root's.Erosion is gravity rain and wind . Erosion is about gravity rain and wind wearing the earth down.Weathering is about wearing away the earth two but in different way's.

Dawson,G said...

a glacier is a slow moving disaster that destroys everything in its way and makes indents in the mountain alled cirque arch and a horn

James D said...

if it was cold it would be harder than if it was warm out because you have to stay warm with fire wood and have to eat.

Dominique G. said...

Gravity causing creep is slow.

Wind making dunes is fast.

Weathering is solid and stationary. Erosion is moving.

Shane.D said...

glaciers creep down hills and rocks scrape the hill gravity move the glaciers around but the erosion mealt it so it goings faster

Timmy Light said...

creep is a very slow process and what causes it is gravity and a glacier can cause a in dent in the side of a mountain.

Jordan M said...

Gravity makes the glaciers move slowly by only moving 1 in. a year. Also when the ice age hit it changed the Earth's climate.

Timmy Light said...

a glacier i mean

Zach S. said...

When a glacier goes over a mountain it will leave either a cirque ,arc or horn .

jesse.g said...
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Anonymous said...
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SMITTY (EVAN) said...


Anonymous said...
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nate.b said...
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Cassidy m said...

Creep is slow and slump is fast.

Max H said...
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catie.r. said...

the examples of how the earth can change snow rain mud slides earthquakes tornados can knock down trees and can change the look of the ground .

EmilyB said...

A creep is caused by gravity is slow. a Slump is fast. :)

KatelinK said...

mechanical and chemical weathering changes eArth

AlexisD said...

The earth's surface changes slowly by wind that can also be fast though.like hurricanes tornadoes. now if it were to be slow it would just be a breeze. but even that breeze could create dune. which are sand or soil that creates different shapes. you often find them on beaches , desserts.

Emily B. said...

The surface of the earth changes slowly by creep, creep occurs when gravity slowly pulls objects down. The earth surface changes abruptly by slump which is very fast. A land slide is slump.
Chemical weather and mechanical weathering both consist of wearing down, and eroding the earth but in different ways.

ALice M. said...

Mechanical, chemical, and creeps are slow, slumps can change the earth fast and so can mechanical and chemical weathering. Chemical weathering and Mechanical weathering are similar to erosional forces because erosion and weathering both change the surface of the earth.

Carly M. said...

An example of a slow erosion is a glacier moving down a mountain. An example of a abrupt erosion is a slump or a rock slide.the thing that is the same about chemical and mechanical weathering is they are both forms of weathering. the thing that is different about chemical and mechanical weathering is they are different kinds of weathering.

Katie L. said...

One example of fast and slow erosion is slump and creep. An example of slump is rockfalls that fall very quickly, the cause of most rockfalls is earthquakes. An example of creep is a tree that is on a slope and slowly starts to bend and then go up. The difference between slump and creep is that slump moves quickly and creep moves slowly.

Jasmine B said...

The earth can change from slump, creep, chemical weathering and mechanical weathering are other things that can change earths surface by wearing down and eroding the earth, both in different ways. wind can also effect the earths surface, for example, wind creates dunes.

MorganD said...

The earth changes fast because of slump and rockfalls and slow because of creep and glaciers.

Some differences between mechanical and chemical weathering are mechanical is the process of breaking down elements of nature and chemical is like moss on rocks and trees. The same things are that both types of weathering change the earth.

caleb c said...
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Max H said...

creep is slow and slump is fast

joey kimball said...
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jesse.g said...

creep is caused by gravity. .Slump is fast not slow.Chemical weathering is carbonic acid plant root's.Erosion is gravity rain and wind . Erosion is about gravity rain and wind wearing the earth down.Weathering is about wearing away the earth two but in different way's.

Anonymous said...

Creeps are slow Slump is fast

nate.b said...

why mr.ruby why....

Jada M. said...

Wind quickly moves the Earth in deserts when the sand is blown to form dunes. Gravity moves the Earth surface like with creep, mudflows, slump, and rockfalls. These erosion forces move the Earth's surface from one place to another usually down slope. Glaciers form ice when the ice packs down the bottom gets plastic like and moves along. While the glacier is moving it.

Anonymous said...

The Earth changes slowly when creep occurs. Mechanical and chemical weathering can also be slow. It changes quickly when a slump occurs. Mechanical and chemical weathering can also change the Earth quickly. Chemical and Mechanical weathering are similar to erosional forces because they both change the Earths surface. They are different because chemical and mechanical weathering sometimes happens on purpose and erosional forces don't. Like when an animal burrows it's chemical weathering that happens on purpose.

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

the slump is a mass of stuff moving fast down hill

and a creep is a mass of stuff moving slow down hill

nate.b said...
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Max H said...

the earth could change slowley by creep mud slides. and the earth could change fast by slump. a type of slump is an avelanche.
chemical and mechanical weathering are the same because they are both type of weathering. they are different because mechanical weathering has more like ice wedging and animal weathering and chemical weathering is with oxygen and carbonic acid.

ALice M. said...

They are different because of how weathering occurs and how erosion occurs. Mechanical weathering occurs because of animals, plants, and ice, chemical weathering occurs when chemicals mess up the rock. And there are many different reasons as to why erosion occurs.

Carly M. said...

The types of mechanical weathering are plant roots, animals burrowing in the ground, and ice wedging. The types of chemical weathering are plant acids, oxidation, and carbonic acid.

zack c said...

the earth changes by creep and slump and mechanical and chemical weathering are the same because they both change the earth.

Anonymous said...

An example of slowness is creep. And a example of fast is slump.

Katie L. said...

Gravity causes erosion. Glaciers are another kind of creep. Wind erosion causes dunes.

joey kimball said...

An example of slowness by creep and slump and mechanical and chemical weathering slump is an avelanche.ice wedging and animal weathering

Carly M. said...

A glacier starts moving down a mountain by gravity pulling on it. A slump and rock slides starts by gravity as well.

nate.b said...

slump is fast creep is slow

Jasmine B said...

also glaciers act as a grinder when they are moving and smooth the surface, but glaciers dont move in one direction, they expand and contract causing a grating effect on the surface of the earth.

nate.b said...
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joew said...

slump is faster than creep

Kevin S said...

slump is fast creep is slow

Owen R !! said...

Slow would be a creep. a clump moves fast.

Alissa H said...

slump is fast and creep is slow

Lauren S. said...

A example of slowness is creep. An example of fast is Slump.

Cj W. said...

the earth changes by creep and slump and mechanical and chemical weathering are the same because they both change the earth.

Matt C said...

mass movments and are caused by gravity

Cameron T. P.S. Mr.Ruby is mean to me said...
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Maddy P. said...

An example of the earth moving fast is slump. An example of slump is an avalanche. An example of earth moving slowly is creep. An example of creep is mudslides.

Nathan C. said...

Mechanical weathering is when weathering occurs when the weathering stuff is caused by an animal or other thing.
Chemical weathering occurs when a chemical reaction happens on rocks or other surfaces.

AndrewE said...

It changes slowly when the continents move, it changes fast when lightning strikes a tree and knocks the tree down. Wind erosion can change the surface of the earth when it blows small particles from one place to another.

Zachk said...

An example of fast erosion would be slump. An example of slow erosion would be glacial plucking.

Journey B. said...

Slow erosion:
Creep is an example of slow weathering and erosion. It slowly moves down a slope, and makes trees bend with gravity. Gravity pushes the objects slowly down a hill. Over time, wind is an example of slow erosion. It wears down the rock and smooths it out. Also, overtime, it's the same with rain. Glaciers also move slowly and change the surface of the ground. They move rocks and debris along the ground then deposit them in other places at a slow pace.

Fast erosion:
Slump is an example of fast erosion. It's a type of mass movement where gravity objects move down a slope speedily. It's the opposite of creep. Land slides are also an example of fast erosion. The rocks and mud slide down the hill. An avalanche is very quick, too. Once one rock falls, the rest of them follow all of the way sown the mountain.

Gia L said...

Creep is when the Earth changes slowly. Slump is fast changes. Chemical and Mechanical weathering both change the Earth, like erosional forces. Erosional forces and mechanical and chemical weathering are different because chemical and mechanical weathering are sometimes on purpose. Erosional forces are not on purpose.

ConnorB said...

Wind can change the surface slowly by loosening soil and blowing on minerals. Rain can also change the surface of the earth. Mechanical weathering is caused by life forms like animals and people, chemical weathering is caused by acids like plant acids and carbonic acid.

Cameron T. said...

jk about mr.ruby

Logan C said...

slump is fast.
creep is slow.

Kaylee C. said...

A fast way that the earth surface could change is by a slump, like an avalanche. Another way that the earth surface can slowly is by a creep and chemical and mechanical weathering are the same because they are both weathering and that they are different because they are different

Cameron T. said...

an example of the earth changing slowly is creep caused by gravity. One that happens fast is a volcano.

Alissa H said...

Gravity causes avalanches and avalanches change the earths surface.

Maddy P. said...

An example of earth moving fast is slump. Slump is when on a hill, the earth kills vegetation and it may hurt people or things in the process. An example of earth moving slow is creep. Creep takes a long time to make things move, it may take up to a year to move only 2 inches!

OWEN R is smart said...

An example of the earth making fast changes would be a slump and a slow change would be a creep.

AndrewE said...

Creep is when the Earth changes slowly. Slump is when then Earth changes fast. Mechanical and chemical weathering are different because mechanical and chemical weathering can be on purpose. An example is a fire started by humans, that is an example of chemical weathering. Erosional forces are not on purpose.

OWEN R is smart said...

A slump is fast because it happens by erosion.

Shane k said...

Slump is when stuff that is bunched together goes fast down a hill, Creep is when stuff bunched together goes slow down a hill.

Example: Roll a ball down a hill, then roll a cube down a hill.

ConnorB said...

Gravity effects the earths surface by pulling the dirt, and soil down ward, and glaciers leave behind outwash and rocks that the glaciers have dragged along creating scratches and carving up the ground.

Alissa H said...


Alissa H said...

its a link to a video

Alissa H said...

he earth changes fast because of slump and rockfalls and slow because of creep and glaciers.

Some differences between mechanical and chemical weathering are mechanical is the process of breaking down elements of nature and chemical is like moss on rocks and trees. The same things are that both types of weathering change the earth.

Alissa H said...


Kevin S said...

Gravity effects the earths surface by pulling the dirt, and soil down ward, and glaciers leave behind out wash and rocks that the glaciers have dragged along creating scratches and carving up the ground. and its more than 6 words :)

Shane k said...

Slump is when stuff that is bunched together goes fast down a hill and slump is also a type of chemical weathering, Creep is when stuff bunched together goes slow down a hill such as glaciers and it is also a type of mechanical weathering, but they both they both use gravity.

Example: Roll a ball down a hill, then roll a cube down a hill.

Lauren S. said...

Wind erosion causes dunes .Gravity Causes erosion. Glaciers is another type of creep, Creep is a slow type of erosion. Slump is fast type of erosion. Mass Movement is caused by gravity. Gravity Causes all types of erosion it causes Mud Flow,slump and creep.Wind Erosion.Glaciers move slow and it scraps the surface of the Earth.

Matt C said...

The earth can change slowly because it takes a long time to form a canyon. The earth can change very fast because of a volcano can explode and destroy every thing in its path in a couple minutes.Chemical weathering is different from Mechanical weathering because it has three different types of it, one is plant acid, another is oxygen, and the last is carbonic acid and mechanical has three different ones plant roots, animals, ice wedging.

Arlo P said...

The earth can change slowly because it takes a long time to form a canyon. The earth can change very fast because of a volcano can explode and destroy every thing in its path in a couple minutes.Chemical weathering is different from Mechanical weathering because it has three different types of it, one is plant acid, another is oxygen, and the last is carbonic acid and mechanical has three different ones plant roots, animals, ice wedging.

Emily H said...
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BruceB said...

Creep is when the Earth changes slowly. Slump is when then Earth changes fast. Mechanical and chemical weathering are different because mechanical and chemical weathering can be on purpose. An example is a fire started by humans, that is an example of chemical weathering. Erosional forces are not on purpose.

Hayley G said...

Slump is when stuff that is bunched together goes fast down a hill and slump is also a type of chemical weathering, Creep is when stuff bunched together goes slow down a hill such as glaciers and it is also a type of mechanical weathering, but they both they both use gravity.
For example try to roll a ball down a hill does it work? Yes Try rolling a Block down a hill ? I doesnt work very well!


Aidan R said...

The earth could change slowley by creep mud slides. and the earth could change fast by slump. a type of slump is an avelanche.
chemical and mechanical weathering are the same because they are both type of weathering. they are different because mechanical weathering has more like ice wedging and animal weathering and chemical weathering is with oxygen and carbonic acid.

adam p said...

Wind erosion causes dunes .Gravity Causes erosion and creep. Glaciers is another type of creep, Creep is a slow type of erosion. Slump is fast type of erosion. Mass Movement is caused by gravity. Gravity Causes all types of erosion it causes Mud Flow,slump and creep.Wind Erosion.Glaciers move slow and it scraps the surface of the Earth. :-[]

Sheila A said...

The earth changes slowly because it can take take over a million years to form a new mountain or a new mountain. The earth can change abruptly because an earthquake or a volcano eruption can happen out of no where and destroy everything in its path. Chemical weathering is different from mechanical weathering because chemical weathering is more dealt with acid, where as mechanical weathering deals more with the earth such as plant roots animals,etc.

jenn w said...

The Earth changes slowly when creep occurs. Mechanical and chemical weathering can also be slow. It changes quickly when a slump occurs. Mechanical and chemical weathering can also change the Earth quickly. Chemical and Mechanical weathering are similar to erosional forces because they both change the Earths surface. They are different because chemical and mechanical weathering sometimes happens on purpose and erosional forces don't. Like when an animal burrows it's chemical weathering that happens on purpose.

DARREN P. said...

The earth changes at a slow rate because wind erosion is a slow process and gravity is slow too and the other things are slow too.

chanced said...

A slow movement is a glacier a glacier is a slow movement because as it is moving it is slowly falling and breaking. An abrupt movement is Earthquakes. Earthquakes are an abrupt movement because as it moves it shakes the earth and it is not a little shake normally it is a big shake. It normally doesn't happen when you would think it would happen. Most times it is random but caused by earths platelets pushing on eachother causing the earth to rumble beneath your feet. Just like creep.

Whitney R said...

Despite our tendency to consider Earth as static, it is actually a dynamic and ever-changing planet. Wind, water, and ice erode and shape the land. Volcanic activity and earthquakes alter the landscape in a dramatic and often violent manner. And on a much longer timescale, the movement of earth’s plates slowly reconfigures oceans and continents.

My sources- http://beyondpenguins.ehe.osu.edu/issue/earths-changing-surface/the-forces-that-change-the-face-of-earth

Mara C. said...

The earth can change slow and fast by the plant roots. In the ground the roots make the sediments soft enough for wind erosion to carry it away.If there was a windbreak the sediments would drop where they are. Chemical weathering is the same with mechanical weathering because they both deal with the earth.

morgan s said...

the earth can change slowly by taking a lot of time to form a canyon. On canyon is called grand canyon. But the earth can change very fast because of a water volcano. the volcano can explode and pretty much destroy a lot of things in it's path. It would only take a couple of minutes. There are two types of weathering. One is chemical weathering. And the other is Mechanical weathering. This is because it has three different types of it. One is plant acid. And the other is oxygen. But the last one is carbonic acid. Then mechanical has three different one types. They are plant roots, animals, and the last one is ice wedging.

Skyler D. said...

There are many examples of changes to the surface of Earth that can be given. Here are a few:

Earth changes slowly in many ways. Gravity can cause creep to happen to Earth's surface. Another thing is the way glaciers move. Glaciers never seem like they are moving, but in reality, they are. They move VERY slowly.

Earth changes fast in many ways, too. For example, wind blowing and causing deposition can actually happen pretty fast. Another example could be dunes. On a windy day at the beach, dunes might form faster than usual. Sand is actually a loose material, therefore wind can blow it around making dunes.

Now, about chemical and mechanical weathering versus erosional forces.
Weathering occurs when the rock being acted upon remains stationary. When the rock (or part of the rock) moves, the process is called erosion.
I got this off of a website that I found off of google.

Jacob G said...

Wind erosion can cause dunes. Gravity can cause erosion and creep. Glaciers are one of many types of creep. Creep is slow at eroding something. Slump is fast at eroding. Gravity causes mass movement. Gravity causes mud flow, slump, creep, and wind erosion. When glaciers move they move slow and scraps the surface of the earth.

Zoe D said...

A slump is an example of the Earth moving fast.A slump is when materials on a hill just come tumbling down the hill from gravity and loose sediment.Like trees and vegetation along with rocks come down a hill.
An example of Earth moving slow is a creep.A creep is vegetaion or a tree that bends to the landscape it's on over time. Like a tree on the side of a hill slowly bending over time so that it takes on a different shape.

david vincent said...

the surface of the earth changes slowly by creep,and fast by slump.Mechanical weathering is like ice wedging and growing plants,and chemical weathering is like oxidation and carbonic acid.

Whitney R said...

Mechanical weathering is the physical breaking of rocks (presumably you are asking about rock weathering) This happens by ice wedging and abrasive wind blown sand to name two.

Chemical weathering is the dissolving of rocks or minerals by water or other chemical or acid.

They are both methods of weathering rocks. Often they work together on the same locations independent of each other.

My sources- http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070319203713AAMX9Sd

Colby W said...

The types of mechanical weathering are plant roots, animals burrowing in the ground, and ice wedging. The types of chemical weathering are plant acids, oxidation, and carbonic acid.

BRANDON G said...

A slow movement is a glacier a glacier is a slow movement because as it is moving it is slowly falling and breaking. An abrupt movement is Earthquakes. Earthquakes are an abrupt movement because as it moves it shakes the earth and it is not a little shake normally it is a big shake. It normally doesn't happen when you would think it would happen. Most times it is random but caused by earths platelets pushing on eachother causing the earth to rumble beneath your feet. Just like creep.

Mia W said...

The Earth could change slowly by creep mud slides, and the Earth could change fairly fast by slump, which is a type of slump is an avalanche. Chemical and Mechanical weathering are the same because they are both types of weathering even though they are two different types. They are different because Mechanical weathering has more like ice wedging and animal burrowing and chemical weathering is with oxygen and carbonic acid. Those are my reasons for how all of that stuff works.

Whitney R said...

The changes of the earth change slowly by nature. It also changes by the mechanical and chemical agents. It changes with wind erosion slumps and more. How it changes is wind erosion slowly breaks down and destroys nature and such. Like sand moving with the wind and more.

jenny c said...

the Earth can change slowly by creep is like with a glacier creeping down a hill.The earth can change fast by slump.Slump is when things bunch together and slides down a hill.Mechanical and chemical weathering are different because mechanical weathering has three different types plant roots,animals and ice wedging.Chemical weathering is different because it has three more different types of it by plant acid,oxygen and carbonic acid.

Whitney R said...

I would say that how mechanical and chemical weathering are the same is that they both have agents that change the earth. If I had to contrast mechanical and Chemical weathering I would say that there differences are That they both have a "way" that it changes the earth. like mechanical has plant roots and animals. Chemical weathering is like ice wedging, oxidation. That is how I would compare and contrast mechanical and chemical weathering.

AlexisD said...

I was lying in my bed listening to my iPod.When my bed started to shake and i thought it my dad trying to get my attention. So i rolled over and then i looked around my room and no one is in there. So i got up to see my parents run downstairs to check my brother. we still didn't know it was an earthquake and thought the furnace had blown up. When it wasn't that we all went upstairs. then we realized it was an earthquake. Then my brother said something about the Russians coming back.He was just joking.And the rating of the earthquake was 4.5.