Monday, September 17, 2012

Scientific Method Practice

What kind of question could you answer using the scientific method? Please give a specific example. 
What would your question be?
Your Hypothesis? 
Your Experiment ? 

Please post in complete sentences, use internet resources if needed. 


Maddy C. said...

You could find the answer the answer to many questions with the scientific method. Like a crime detective, you can use the steps in the scientific method to answer everyday problems. For example you pick up a flashlight and turn it on, but the light does not work. You have observed that the light does not work this is step one of the scientific method. You ask the question, Why doesn't it work? This is step two of the scientific method. With what you already know about flashlights, you might guess (hypothesize) that the batteries are dead this is step three of the scientific method. You say to yourself, if I buy new batteries and replace the old ones in the flashlight, the light should work (a prediction). To test this prediction you replace the old batteries with new ones from the store. You flip the switch on (step five). Does the flashlight work?

Bryn W. said...

What makes he Earth rotate?
Hypothesis: The gravitational pull of the moon.
Experiment: Make a diagram. Do research, in books and the Internet. Write a report and go to scientists for help.

cameron s said...
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Timmy L said...

hypothesis is the most important step about the process and you would have to preform the method to test what you were working on to figure out if it will work or not but you wanted to switch something you would preform a hypothesis.

Hunter J said...

A Hypothesis is a guest. A Experiment from a hypothesis!

Timmy L. said...

nice try cam

Mr Ruby said...

TImmy example please

Timmy L said...

you could try a experiment like not watering a plant would it live or not well thats for you to figure out it should'nt be that hard :)

Connor.R said...

how heavy is sand

Dawson,G said...

a hypothesis is a smart guess that only smart people make

Maddy C. said...

very descriptive..

cameron s said...

Will paper efect flowers in a vase? Have one vase with paper and anther with
out paper

Timmy L said...

ok :)

Garrett H said...

You could use the scientific method to answer why humans can't fly. My question is why don't humans have wings. My hypothesis is I think we can't fly because we have no wings to help us fly without getting hurt. My experiment is I would jump off a bridge into water without wings and see how good I can fly and the jump off with a parachute and see how fast I will fall.

Shane.D said...

a Hypothesis is a guess,that you have to test to find out if true our not.

Hunter J said...

for hypothesis a bullet will go faster that a cannon because the bullet is litter. For experiment to the test!

Allison A said...

Problem: The shepeared pie tastes weird.
Hypothesis: I had to add something to is or cook it longer.
analysis:I added salt and it had a better taste.
conclusion:I added salt and it changed the taste to make it taste better And to balance the taste of it.

Aaran H. said...

My example is why we can only see one side of the moon. My hypothesis is that the earth and the moon both rotate at the same speed. Look at the moon every night to see if I can see another side.

Riley O said...

its important really important chickens & wolves the wolves ate the chickens? I really dont know

Connor.R said...

is sand heaver than water

Jordan M said...

Do girls have faster reflexes than boys?

Hypothesis: Boys play video games and have a lot of hand eye coordination which impacts there reflexes. And young girls sometimes play house or something which dose not make there reflexes not that fast.

Experiment: Boys have faster reflexes than girls.

Bryn W. said...

Hypothesis: A guess made to help a question. Get it? Got it? Good. Proceed.
If 2+2=4, What is 4+2?

My hypothesis: 6!

Riley O said...

i like pie

lauryn silva said...

1. What makes leaves fall from trees?

2. I think it is because of how cold it is and the wind in the area that the tree is in.

3. For my experiment you would need you would need two trees and one needs to be left outside and one needs to be put in a warm inclosed space. Then, you would see which one had the leaves fall quicker or see which one had leaves fall at all.

James D said...

how fast will a bullet go in a sand storm??? try it for a test.

Mr Ruby said...

Does Riley like apple pie ? Hypothesis Riley likes apple pie. Experiment feed Riley apple pie .

Aja A. said...

Question- will a rock drop faster then a marble?
Hypothesis- yes
Experiment- drop a bigger rock into water while dropping a marble at the same time
Conclusion- yes a bigger rock will drop faster then a marble.

Dominique G. said...

What is nuclear winter?
I think the is in the winter.
Maybe try it in the the winter.

Bryn W. said...

Question: Does Riley like pie?
Hypothesis: Yes.
Experiment: Put pie in front of him.

jesseg said...

.did i make the xbox
.try to make one

JOSEPH P said...
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Unknown said...

Question: are humans going to evolve anymore
Hypothesis: no
Experiment: wait for 500 years

ALice M. said...

Question: Does Jasmine get sick easily?
Hypothesis: Yes
Experiment: Cough all over her because I'm sick.

Max H said...

Is caleb good at math


Ask him to take a math test

MORGAN D said...

Question: why do the leafs change color?
Hypothesis: Why?
Experiment: Study leafs!

Jasmine B said...

My question is : Can Alice M. Resist a pencil and paper?
Hypothesis: I think no because 1.) she told me she couldn't 2.) She can't resist drawing at all, that's a fact i know about her.
Experiment: put a sketch pad and pencil in front of Alice's face

nate.b said...
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jesse.g said...

.do i like to play xbox
. Yes!!!
.give me one

catie.r. said...

question:does and eagle fly faster than a blue bird?
hypothesis: most likely
experiment: race a blue bird and a eagle.

AlexisD said...

Question: does an average person type 32 word a minute?
Hypothieseis: I think yes an average person can type 32 words a minute.
Experiment: Have two people type and see if they can type any where near 32 words in a minute.

JOSEPH P said...

Question: Do green pigs make green bacon?

Hypothesis: maybe.

Experiments: paint a pig green and cook it.

Unknown said...

does lam chop run on batteries

hypothesis: yes

open him up and see

caleb c said...

Question: Do monkeys really have thumbs?

Hypothesis: Yes

Experiment: Shoot a Monkey with a tranquilizer gun and examine their hands

Unknown said...

it won't work

caleb c said...

I take it lam chops is the name of you pig

catie.r. said...

question:can cows fly?
hypothesis:no way
experiment: shove a cow of a building and see

KatelinK said...
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Mr Ruby said...

Question: Does painting a pig change the color of the bacon when pig is slaughtered

Hypothesis : Painting a pig does not change the color of bacon when it is slaughtered

Experiment: Paint a pig green, then slaughter pig, make bacon check color.

MorganD said...


nate.b said...
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caleb c said...

Question: Is slaughtered a no-no word

Hypothesis: Yes

Experiment: Say slaughtered in front of Mr.Roy

JOSEPH P said...

Question: Do brown cows make chocolate milk?

Hypothesis: No

Experiment: Milk a brown cow and see if the milk taste like chocolate.

Unknown said...
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Emily b said...

Question: Do running shoes make you run faster?


Experiment: Put on running shoes and run next to a person with different kinds of shoes on!

Emily B. said...

The question is: can your tongue get stuck to a pole.

Hypothesis: yes it can.

experiment: find a pole, but clean it first. Have some hot water in hand encase it works. Then lick pole and see if your tongue sticks.

Carly M. said...

Question:Can my sister refuse cool rocks when you give them to her.
Experiment:Give my sister a cool rock.

caleb c said...

Question: Does Mr. Ruby like his job

Hypothesis: Yes

Experiment: Offer him a fake job for more $$$$ and see if he accepts

catie.r. said...
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Aasyhia said...
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Kevin S said...

question:can I win my races
hypothisis:yes I can
experiment:yesterday i won

kevin and cameron said...

question:can I win my races
hypothisis:yes I can
experiment:yesterday i won

Maddy P. said...

Question: Does my brother like mushrooms?
Hypothesis: No.
Experiment: Feed mushrooms to my brother.

joe w said...

your good at this

Journey B. said...

You can answer any question that has to do with science with the Scientific Method. For example:
Question: How often does the "_______" volcano erupt?
Hypothesis: Every 200 years
Experiment: Research and find out every year it has erupted. Figure out how much time was between each eruption. If it erupts again, see how long after it was since the last.

Lauren S. said...

Question: Does everyone like Pizza??
Experiment: Have everyone try it.

Matt c said...

question: can i fit on a cr 500
Experiment: buy one and trie to ride it!

Destiney J. said...

the kind of question you could answer with the scientific method is for example....... why didnt the experement work? you answer with your theroy on why it didnt work....... why didnt the chicken cross the road .... answer/perdiction: because it was to lazy

Alissa H said...

Question: Can Alissa resist a slice of apple pie
Hypothesis: No
Experiment: Place a slice of pie in front of Alissa

watter said...

Question: does my 1 year old brother hurt himself

Hypothesis: yes

Experiment: take things away from him

Shane k said...

Question: Can I do a back flip
Hypothesis: Yes
Experiment: I did a back flip

katalinaD said...

Question: Can my laying chickens have chicks with out a rooster.

Hypothesis: No

Experiment: Find a rooster.

Gia L said...

Question: Could pigs fly if we gave them wings?

Hypothesis: No

Experiment: Make some fancy wings that move when they move their feet and put them on a pig.

Journey B. said...

What? That kinda doesn't make sense...

Nathan C. said...

QUESTION: Are there hornets in the hornets nest?
EXPERIMENT: Hit the nest with a stick;
a) If you hear a loud buzzing, run for your life.
b) If you don't hit it again, Then go back to "a"

Owen R !! said...

Question:DO pigs fly?


Experiment: launch a pig on a catapolt

Zachk said...


Destiney J. said...

niceee maddie!!!! torture

Owen R !! said...

That could work 2

Kevin S said...
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joe w said...

will mr. ruby give us candy


ask him

Maddy P. said...

Thanks Destiney?

ParkerD said...

Question: Does sugar cure the hiccups?

Hypothesis: Yes

Experiment: Get the hiccups and eat sugar.

Conclusion/Result: No

Damian P said...

can there be life on mars?

hypothesis: maybe

experiment:send mars rovers to look for life

conclusion: they have found traces of water!

morgan s said...

Question: will my brother be less annoying
Hypothsis: no
experiment:tell him to read

jenn w said...

question - will cat like dog toys

hypothesis - no

experiment- give a cat a dog toy and see if he plays with it

Mia W said...

Question: Is there really a comet that will destroy planet earth.

Hypothesis: YES!!!!

Experiment: stay alive until it happens.

Conclusion: your probably dead by then.

Colby W said...


adamp said...

does everybodey like icecream?

Mia W said...

Real experiment: drive comet into earth

jenny c said...

question: Will a puppy play with cat toys?

hypothesis: yes

experiment: Give a puppy a cat toy.

conclusion: yes

Hayley G said...

Question:Do pigs fly?
Hypothesis: Yes
Experiment: Throw pig in the air and see if they fly.

Mara C. said...

A question that I would use for the scientific method would be is: Can plants survive in different places? Yes.I would stick a plant in a closet and give it tons of water and another plant in light and give it less water.

Lauryn R said...

Question; Do cat's play with bouncy ball?

Hypothesis; Yes

Experiment; Throw a bouncy ball

DARREN P. said...

Question: will we get candy this year.

Hypothesis: no :(

Results: no it's an on and off thing :(

Zoe D said...

Question:Will your brain explode from too much homework?
Experiment:Get a bunch of homework.

Emily H said...

Question:Do you like dirt?
Hypothesis: YES

adamp said...

does everybodey like icecream?
has everyone tryed it

Anonymous said...

is zoe nice?
become her friend!:)
she is awsome!

Whitney R said...

Question: What is the population of earth?

Hypothesis: 20 billion?

Experiment: have one person from each town in the world and have them get the population of their town and get a calculator and add all of them out!

Aidan R said...

Question: Does sugar cure hiccups??
hypothesis: yes
Experiment: Get hiccups and eat sugar.
Result: No

Colby W said...

Question, does everyone like ice cream?
Hypothesis, yes,
Test, find everyone and ask them if they like ice cream.
Conclusion, Not everyone likes ice cream... (BUT NOT FOR LONG HAHHAH> >:)

chanced said...

question ;dose cobly talk a lot

hypothesis; yes

experiment ; sit behind him

Arlo p said...

Question: Does holding your breath for 10 seconds cure the hiccups?

Hypothesis: No.

Experiment: Get the hiccups and hold your breath for 10 seconds.

Conclusion/Result: No.

Colby W said...


DARREN P. said...

yes to much

Jacob G said...

I think about the weather outside.