Tuesday, September 25, 2012

No Weathering

How would the Earth's surface be different if weathering did not exist? 


Riley O said...
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Connor.R said...

it would be super size

Hunter J said...

If to earth did not have weathering we would be a big big state........

cameron s said...

it would be be very rockey

Connor.R said...

good one

Christian T said...

the mountains would be taller.

Dominique G. said...

It would be different because we would have a lot of big rocks.

Timmy L said...

if the world had no weathering there would be a lot of dead animals and plants and the world would never be the same.

Garrett H said...

The Earth's surface would have no water and humans wouldn't be alive right now.

Shane.D said...

if we didn't have weathering our plant would be plane

cameron s said...

and we would be dead cause there would be no water

Maddy C. said...

The world would be very different without weathering! Mountains would be taller and there would be more of them. There are many things that would change if there was no weathering.

Allison A said...

The Earth's surface would not have any water and Human beings would not beable to live on earth.

James D said...

the world would be very different

Hunter J said...

good one garrett!

Bryn W. said...

Without weathering, there'd be no mountains, no prairies, no rivers, no oceans, no lake, too many trees, not enough food, less humans, dead trees that aren't replaced, etc. Without weathering Earth would be a dead land. We need water and food and minerals and such, and without weathering we wouldn't have that. There'd be no mountains to hike, no lakes to swim in or anything. We need all this for entertainment and survival.

Austin H said...

well think as your body as the earth no water no wind the world/body would have a major turn on its self think no more air you would change very fast

Aaran H. said...

If the world had no weathering there would be no water. We would have a hard time living because of the water. No natural landforms would stay the same.

Zach S. said...

If there was no weathering all of our oceans and mountains would be bigger than they are now

Lauryn Silva said...

If the world did not have weathering the mountains would be taller and we would have many more craters and mountains. Also, If there was no weathering, mountains and other features would be much more prominent, as erosion would take place much slower.

Aja A. said...

The world would be very different without weathering. Mountains would be taller and there would be more of them, we would have huge rocks instead of sand and gravel, the world would be different if weathering didn't exist.

kidfromlastyearthatyoudon'tknow said...


JOSEPH P said...

If the world had no weathering there would be no water. We would have a hard time living because of the water. No natural landforms would stay the same.

Anonymous said...

if there was no weathering the world would be realy boring and we would probobly die

jesse.g said...

if the world had no weathering there would be a lot of dead animals and plants and the world would never be the same.

Carly M. said...

There would only be one giant island.

zack c said...

everything would me dark with no water so we would probobly die

Max H said...

there would be no mountains or divits or anything like that because weathering makes it.

catie.r. said...

rocks would be big and landforms wouldn't stay the same and there might not be any water.

caleb c said...
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nate.b said...

we would be dead

Katie L. said...

If there was no weathering there would be no water and our population would go extinct

Cassidy m said...

If there was no weathering the world would be a lot different, there would probably be a lot of dead animals and dead plants

AlexisD said...

There would be mountains and nothing would wear them down so there for there wouldn't animals,plants and life on earth just rocks.

Emily B. said...

If there was no weathering The earth would have no mountains no sand no caves almost nothing. Weathering is important so that this doesn't happen.

Aasyhia said...

a lot of rivers and bodies of water will dry out and animals will dye of hydration

Mr Ruby said...

But why would we perish from the Earth Nate B. How would that having any affect upon the way humans live on the Earth?

MorganD said...

there would be no mountains, no prairies, no rivers, no oceans, no lake, too many trees, not enough food, and less humans on earth

Emily b said...

There would be no Mountains or Hills. The ground would be all Flat.

AlexisD said...

i forgot to add we would be dead too

nate.b said...

because I said so

KatelinK said...

The earths surface would be all rocky and most likely dry and there would be no water to drink or animals for food and then we would all die!

Anonymous said...

it wouldn't have change for millions of years so i propaly would be inhospitable

ALice M. said...

So many things would be different if there was no weathering! Mountains would be taller and there be more of them, and the earth just be one giant piece of land.

Jada M. said...

we wouldn't be alive pulse we need food and water to be alive

MorganD said...


Jasmine B said...

everything would look the same, very boring
alot of rocks and dead animals, without weathering........
we're all going to die! /=(

nate.b said...

plus no rain-nothing grows no trees no air and then you coke and die and animals would die and the earth would blow up

nate.b said...

plus no rain-nothing grows no trees no air and then you coke and die and animals would die and the earth would blow up

Owen R !! said...

It would be smoother and shinier

ConnorB said...

Every thing would look brand new, no cracks, no sand, and no caves.

Zachk said...

It would be very rigid because nothing could wear it down.

Nathan C. said...

Everything would look like It was the first day the Earth was made

Kevin S said...

the mountains would be HUGE

Kaylee C. said...

If weathering did not exist everything would look different because there would be no one would be here no animals or living people because we would need water and food and without weathering there would nothing!!!!!!!!! :(:(:(:(:(:( WE WOULD ALL DIE.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA DIE.

joe w said...

there would be no worn down mountains and no cracks

Kevin S said...

i think

Alissa H said...

there would be no islands or caves and the mountains would be huge

Owen R !! said...

Also the heat would kill us all

Gia L said...

Without weathering Earth would be a dead land. The water wouldn't be able to reach places that needed water, therefore the land would be dead.

Journey B. said...

The whole world would be full of mountains. The surface would be rocky and have mountains and craters all over it. There would most likely be no animals and humans. Animals would have no land to burrow in, and there would be no plants for anyone to eat. Humans would die because of lack of resources. Everything would be completely different because of the lack of weathering.

katalinaD said...

it would be weird shapes and especially the mountains would be huge and probably not that shaped.

Maddy P. said...

If Earth had no Weathering, everything would look brand new and things would be overgrown. Things would also look new, and be very big, Ex. Mountains would be humongous, and it would be to hard to climb all the way to the top.

Destiney J. said...

if weathering did not exist the earth would be alot different because nothing would happen when you interfere with the chemical balance in a certain place therefor there would be irregular balances and everything would be destroyed

Lauren S. said...

If Weathering didn't exist then I don't think that people would be around.Everything would be very very boring. If we didn't have weathering then animals and trees would not exist then we would not have any food ,Water,Wood. We would not have seasons like fall winter spring and summer, then we would not exist because we would not have the materials to live. animals would be gone so would we.

Kevin S said...


Cameron T. (fluffy) said...

We would always be at a risk of being killed

matt c said...

it wouldnt

Shadow said...

Bad Fluffy!!!

logan c said...

IT would BE very weird

ParkerD said...

If weathering didn't exist then the world would have a lot of mountains because there wouldn't be any wind or rain to wear down the mountains. Also because of the tectonic plates the land would not be habitable.

logan c said...


Damian P said...

We would not have rain,wind,mountains would be taller,rocks would be big and the ocean would not have waves either.

Emily H said...

If weathering didn't exist then the world would have a lot of mountains because there wouldn't be any wind or rain to wear down the mountains. Also because of the tectonic plates the land would not be habitable.

jennw said...

yes because we would have no rain or any snow so yes it would change the earth

chanced said...

The Earth's surface would have no water and humans wouldn't be alive right now.

BruceB said...

we would have no plants or trees so we could not live

Kelsey S. :P said...

The earth would be flat, no trees, no mountains, and no rain.

morgan s said...

the world would be like complete different like the grand canyon would not have a river in the middle. and there would not be as many mountains as we have now.

jenny c said...

If weathering didn't exist we would have bigger rocks and the mountains would be taller than they are now.

Mia W said...

We would not have oceans because there would be no rain. There would be no winter because it wouldn't be able to get cold enough because there would be no wind or ice. Rocks would all be like boulders. And all of the mountains would be big because there would be nothing to break them down.

Zoe D said...

If the Earth did not have weathering everything would be overgrown, mountains would be huge, and everything would look new too.

Arlo p said...

The Earth would be pretty much flat because there wouldn't be any trees any rain or mountains.

Aidan R said...

Everything would be flat. We wouldn't have any rain or wind.

Sheila A said...

Without weathering, there wouldn't be any rain or wind to wear down the mountains or rocks. So the Earth would have mountains almost everywhere.

Whitney R said...

If weathering did not exist the Earths surface would be different because we would have no mountains or landforms etc.. etc.. That is how it would be different.

david vincent said...

I think it would look really dull and boring beacause the earth wouldn't look "natural",and detailed like the weathering has weathered it.

Mara C. said...

The earth without weathering would be dangerous with all the mountains the wind and the rain couldn't wear it down.

DARREN P. said...

There would be huge landforms and there would be huge rocks and the mountains would be so huge.

Skyler D. said...

If we did not have weathering, i don't think the human race would last very long or in fact any race. We wouldn't be able to survive because everything happens because of a chain reaction. So if water drys up we have nothing to drink and there are no plants, no plants animals cant eat and if animals can't eat they die and then humans have nothing to eat and there would be nothing on this earth but dry land.

Lauryn R said...

If there was no weathering there wouldn't be any rain or wind to break down the the mountains into smaller mountains or rocks into sand. So the Earth would have big rocks everywhere and mountains everywhere too.

BRANDON G said...
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Colby W said...

The world would be different without weathering. The Mountains would be taller and there would be a lot more of them. The world would be a lot different if there was no such thing as weathering