Friday, September 21, 2012

Climate and Weathering

How does climate affect the rate of chemical weathering ? 

What factors in the climate of Maine would affect chemical weathering? 


cameron s said...

cold it happens slower and in hot weather its faster

Maddy C. said...

Climate affects the rate of chemical weathering in many ways. Some factors in the climate of Maine that would affect chemical weathering is the amount of rain, icing, cold nights and warm days.

Riley O said...

come on u took mine dangit

Shane.D said...

heat rises so its more cold on the ground

Bryn W. said...

With heat, chemical reactions are faster. With rain,more chemical weathering happens.

Maine is a cold climate most of the time, therefore chemical reactions may happen a little slower.

Hunter J said...

When it is hot out side and it is wet out side it makes steam. When it is cold out side and when it is cold it will not happen.

Roger E said...
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Dawson,G said...

i agree with maddy

Dominique G. said...

It happens in so many ways. When the heat rises the cold go down into the ground.

Garrett H said...

When it's cold weathering is slower and when it's hotter it's faster.

Riley O said...

i agree with maddy

James D said...

chemical weathering needs water.

Aja A. said...

Climate affects the rate of chemical weathering like when its cold and when its hot outside, but there are many ways the climate could affect weathering. Some factors in the climate of Maine that would affect chemical weathering is the amount of rain, ice, cold nights/warm nights and warm days/ cold days.

Zach S. said...

When its coder out it will take longer for different weathering to happen.
When its hot its a little easier for chemical weathering to happen.

Aaran H. said...

Climate effects us in certain ways depending on the season. In winter things melt and freeze water causing ice wedging.

Austin H said...

fog for example hot ground cold air make fog to can turn into one

Jordan M said...

Chemical weathering is faster with more heat. The climate of Maine would effect chemical weathering by ice wedging.

Roger E said...

Climate affects the rate of chemical weathering in many ways. Some factors in the climate of Maine that would affect chemical weathering is the amount of rain, icing, cold nights and warm days.cold it happens slower and in hot weather its faster

jesse.g said...

Climate affects the rate of chemical weathering like when its cold and when its hot outside, but there are many ways the climate could affect weathering. Some factors in the climate of Maine that would affect chemical weathering is the amount of rain, ice, cold nights/warm nights and warm days/ cold days. And that is a fact

JOSEPH P said...

Climate affects the rate of chemical weathering in many ways. Some factors in the climate of Maine that would affect chemical weathering is the amount of rain, icing, cold nights and warm days. and i like science!!!

max h said...

the climate effects it beuase if it wa raining a dog wouldnt go outside so it couldnt scratch a rock.. Also rain could hit the rick and get it wet and then seet could come and hit the rock so it would break it down. The warm climate in maine means lots of good weather to go outside so dogs could go out side amd scratch it

Anonymous said...

if it's cold then there could be ice weging and rain and wind could were down the rock

caleb c said...

Climate affects the rate of chemical weathering like when its cold and when its hot outside, but there are many ways the climate could affect weathering. Some factors in the climate of Maine that would affect chemical weathering is the amount of rain, ice, cold nights/warm nights and warm days/ cold days.

MorganD said...

chemical weathering is the amount of rain, ice, cold nights or warm nights and warm days or cold days.

Anonymous said...

Chemical weathering is faster with more heat. The climate of Maine would effect chemical weathering by ice wedging.

Jasmine B said...

the climate effects weathering slower when its cold and faster when its warm

AlexisD said...

The climate can affect chemical weathering in many ways, the climate in Maine by cold days and night and warm days.

emily b said...

the climate effects chemical weathering becuase if its cold it would freeze stuff.

ALice M. said...

The weather in Maine would effect chemical weathering by the amount of rain, ice, and cold nights and warm days.

Cassidy m said...

When its colder out it will take longer for different weathering to happen.
When its hot its a little easier for chemical weathering to happen.

catie.r. said...

the climate can effect chemical weathering by raining or being coldnights and warm days

Katie L. said...

Climate effects the rate of chemical weathering in lots of different ways. For example lots of sun would not harm a rock but lots of rain could wear it down and eventually it would turn into silt. Maine typically gets lots of snow in the winter, and it is usually cold so when it gets to a certain degree any water would freeze and could cause ice wedging. Also in the winter animals burrow in the ground to keep warm. Those are both causes of chemical weathering.

Joey k said...

chemical weathering needs water.

Emily B. said...

Climate effects the rate of chemical weathering. for instance, a hot dry day has no moisture which is required to cause chemical weathering.
Maine is hot and cold at times so that effects chemical weathering greatly.

orange storm said...

Climate affects the rate of chemical weathering in many ways. Some factors in the climate of Maine that would affect chemical weathering is the amount of rain, icing, cold nights and warm days. and i like science!!!

Jada M. said...

wow you have to explain it to me today or something please

Carly M. said...

Climate affects the rate of chemical weathering because the wetter and hotter the climate, the faster the process. The climate of Maine effects the process
of chemical weathering by it being cold and wet and hot and wet.

Aasyhia said...

the climate effects chemical weathering because it wears the rocks down when the weather is wet and rainy

jada said...

the climate affects the rate of chemical weathering in many ways.

Kevin S said...

if its raining it will have more weathering

Gia L said...

Climate affects the rate of chemical weathering. Just like when its cold and when its hot outside. There are many ways the climate could affect weathering. Some factors in the climate of Maine that would affect chemical weathering is the amount of rain, ice, cold nights/warm nights and warm days/ cold days.

ConnorB said...

Because a muggy day would not produce moisture witch is needed to cause chemical weathering.

Nathan C. said...


OWEN R said...

IF it is raining it will be more faded. in maine if it snows it will get warn down

Zachk said...

Honestly... I'm stumped.

joe w said...

if it rains a lot then the rain will were away at the ground and rocks

Matt C said...

im with you zach

Nathan C. said...

ME TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maddy P. said...

Climate affects the rate of chemical weathering because the colder and warmer the climate is, the more things could crack of coldness, or melt of heat. The climate of Maine affects the process of chemical weathering by having it be to cold. It could freeze rocks or anything else.

ConnorB said...

Maine climate like snow and rain would effect weathering.

Lauren S. said...

Because if it is raining then it is possibly cold. In Maine it snows so that will effect the weathering in many ways.

Kaylee C. said...

There would be different types of Chemical weathering in cold climates and hot climates. If it is warm the STUFF can melt. If it is cold the STUFF can freeze. (I think)

Matt C said...

yeah if it rains or snows or if its raining cats and dogs it will wear down the rocks or mountains or that kinda syuff

Alissa H said...
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Journey B. said...

If you live in a cold climate, there are different types of chemical weathering and mechanical weathering. In cold climates, there is more snow and ice. That means there is more rain. When the rain freezes, it can break up the rocks if it gets in the creases of it, which is mechanical weathering, or ice wedging. In Florida, it rains a lot, so the rain breaks down more rocks. One type of weathering Maine has a lot of is ice wedging and rain. Also, the night times in Maine are cold, so that effects it, too. Chemical weathering happens faster when it's hot, so more often in the day time in Maine.

SHANE K said...

Rain would make it like hydrated, and If its to hot it will turn brittle

Destiney J. said...

Climate affects the rate of chemical weathering when its cold and when its really hot outside, but there are alot of ways the climate could affect weathering. Some factors in the climate of Maine that would affect chemical weathering is the amount of rain, ice, cold nights/warm nights and warm days/ cold days.

katalinaD said...

the climate effects weathering because it wears the rocks down

Destiney J. said...

comment # 59

Lauren S. said...

Nice Maddy!

Destiney J. said...
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Lauren S. said...

Nice Katie!

Emily H said...

The climate effects weathering because it wears the rocks down

chance D said...

the climate effects chemical weathering because it wears the rocks down when the weather is wet and rainy

bruceskee said...
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jennw said...

climate effects weathering because it wear down plants

Whitney R said...

With heat, chemical reactions are faster. With rain,more chemical weathering happens.Maine is a cold climate most of the time, therefore chemical reactions may happen a little slower.

jenny c said...

climate affects weathering because it wears down rocks

Hayley G! said...

Climate affects the rate of chemical weathering when its cold and when its really hot outside, but there are a lot of ways the climate could affect weathering. Some factors in the climate of Maine that would affect chemical weathering is the amount of rain, ice, cold nights/warm nights and warm days/ cold days.

morgan s said...

weather effects climates because they change the tempertures.

Arlo P said...

Maine climate like snow and rain would effect weathering.

Zoe D said...

Climate affects the rate of chemical weathering when its hot or cold.
In the climate of Maine that would affect chemical weathering would be how cold it is or rain and ice too.

Aidan R said...

IN cold climates it will snow. If it snows the snow will melt and it will turn into water and the water will erode rocks.

Arlo P said...

The climate can effect the rate of chemical weathering by having it rain and the rain can erode a mountain side and create a land slide.

adamp said...

Because if it is raining then it is possibly cold. In Maine it snows so that will effect the weathering in many ways.

Mia W said...

Climate affects the rate of chemical weathering in many diiferent ways. The climate of Maine that would affect chemical weathering is the amount of rain, icing, cold and warm days and nights.

david vincent said...

it makes the process of chemical weathering go faster,and hot temps and cold temps in maine would affect chemical weathering.

Mara C. said...

Climate can effect weathering because it can wear down plants. Sometimes the Climate can effect the chemical changes. When the weather gets colder that will effect the weather.

DARREN P. said...

Different climates have different weather effects like in Arizona and Maine.

Damian P said...

climate effects a lot of things some of them in Maine are the cold weather,snow,ice,warmth,cold,rain and wind.

Skyler D. said...

The climate can effect the chemical weathering, for example if its so cold it freezes the climate can slow down the process of whatever the outside nature is doing to it self. Also if it is really hot put the climate can dry out and have the outside nature will break down and there will be no more moister in the air and will also take the moister out of the ground.

Lauryn R said...

Climate can effect weathering because it can wear down plants sometimes the climate can effect he chemical weathering when the weather is getting colder it will effect the weather

Jacob G said...

If it is very cold out we get frost which can freeze and crack the rocks.

The factors of the climate in Maine would affect chemical weathering because it gets hot and it gets cold.

Sheila A said...

If you live somewhere with cold climate, chemical weathering varies with people living in warmer climates. In cold climates there is more ice and snow. Meaning that there is more rain. When rain freezes it breaks up the rocks if the water gets in the cracks. Places that rain a lot break apart more rocks. Chemical weathering in Maine happens mostly during the day when the weather is warmer.

Colby W said...

The outside climate affects the rate of the chemical weathering. When it is cold out and when it's hot outside. There are many ways the climate affects weathering. Some of the factors in Maine's climate that affects the chemical weathering is how much rain, ice, and the cold and warm nights and the warm and cold days.

Ana D said...

I don't know if Climate effects weathering