Thursday, June 7, 2012

Zetland Blog Pod Post

June 8 2012
The school year is coming toward and end. What have you thought about the daily blog questions? 

Did you like ? 

Should it continue next year? 

As laptops are being collected today please attempt to post using another piece of technology 

want to know more about the dog above check out the Random Blog 


molly m said...

Yes I do like the idea of having a science blog next year for the incoming 7th graders.the blog is fun.

Noah Oja said...

I think u shud make them extremely hard next year for the stupid 6th graders.

Collin.S said...


KyleM said...

I really didn't like it but you should make it harder for the kids coming up next year.

Anonymous said...

Very challenging and yes and yes

Jarred s said...

The blog was fun some times

Dominique F. said...

I thought some of the questions were fun! You should do it next year.

Lauryn Fagan said...

the blog should go on next year.

Sarah M said...

I think that you should do the blog next year and I liked it. Also I think you should do it next year.

Gracie (: said...

There should be a blog next year!(:

Josh t said...

The blog is awesome

Mophia and saddie :D said...

I think you should keep doing it but make it a homework grade because you baraly give us homework

Jasmine Mason said...

Yes I do like the blog and I do think you should continue next year

caelin w said...

i liked it it was good

Jewel(: said...

Yes do it next year! And yes I did like it(:

Brian B. said...

I think the daily blog questions were good and they made you think! You should continue next year! I think that is a grayhound and i have one!

Serena and Julia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said...

Yes sure. and yeah kinda..

Sarah(: said...

Yeah It Was Really Fun :D

Kaylee m said...

Yes they are fun sometimes

kylel said...

i didnt like it

Lexi😃 said...

I think that some of the questions are hard but some are fun.
Yes I did like it.
Ye you should continue next year:)

lizzygaddy said...

Yes do it next year but I think you should make the posts more fun by giving kids a jolly rancher every time they make a really good post.

Jason said...

I think it's fun some r hard.... And I didn't do some

Jake said...

It's dumb

Nick said...

Its fun and it should come next year

Kacee said...

Heyy itsvfun

Anonymous said...

Yes, i like them. they are fun and yes it should contuine next year.

kyle mckay said...

yayyyyy science

Andrew b said...

It's cool I guess I'm on my phoNe doin this blog

Alexp said...

I think you should do the blog next year:)

professor jacqueline said...

let it continue its very fun for everyone

Ronahn said...

It's cool and different to have a blog. You should continue it next year. Maybe some of the old seventh grade could comment on the first one next year.

Erik C said...

I am glad it wasn't graded.

-posted from an epic iPod touch

Grace Berks said...

I liked everything this year(: I think you should keep it the same next year!!

JordanF said...

I thought that posting on the blog was fun. I think that it should be continued next year.

Tanner M said...

I liked the idea of the blog questions this year because it warmed up our brains for the daily lesson! I think ou should continue next year! Have a great summer

Matt and aaron said...

Me and Aaron both like the blog very much and would like them to continue to keep going next year!!!!

Sara H said...

Yes I do like the blog. You should do it next year. I posted from my phone(:

Kasey G. said...

I loved the blog! :D keep it the same!

Connor p said...

I though the blog made me learn a lot more and I think it should continue next year

Holly J said...

I thought they were good and you should continue next year. Do one graded blog each week to make sure students are actually doing it and paying attention.

Hollys Jordans IPod.

Jared C. said...

It's so cool! XD they totally need to do it again next year!

Lucas t said...

I thought It was really cool and I learned more than I Did lAst year and it should keep going next year

Mason Batchelder, Ian Casciola, Emile Woodruff said...

I like the blog and we should continue next year.

Will p said...

I thought the blog was a really awesome idea and we should definitely do it again next year.

Archer said...

Thanks for the year ! I love all of you! See you next year and stay wierd

Spencer S. said...

I loved the blog this year!

Isaiahp said...

I thought it was fun and you should do it next year

Connor tanner will and pope aka spence said...

I thought it was fun and we should have it next year

morgan d said...

hi mr. ruby!

emily b said...

hey mr.Ruby!!!!!!!!

morganD said...

hey everybody! Have a nice day!

Hayley G said...

Hey haahaha

nate.b said...

LONG tail

Emily H said...

I think that you should do the blog next year and I liked it. Also I think you should do it next year.