Thursday, June 7, 2012

Engineering and Science

How is engineering related to science ?


Anonymous said...

science cuts the path. Engineer treads the path.
Scientific investigations prove something.

Ronahn said...

They conduct experiments, collect data, and record results. Some are employed by scientific companies.

jarred s said...


Oja, Noah said...

Most of the things done when engineering is science.

=D Dale said...

They make experements, have data and results

Aleha C (: said...

engineering is related to science because of how you make something.

Lauryn Fagan said...

the mechanics and materal.

Maddie and Sophia!(: said...

engineering is science.

Sarah M said...

Engineering is related to science by the way you would test the different models and how you would build it.

Anonymous said...

If you make a catapult you have to determine how far it will go until gravity pulls it down

caelin w said...

enginering is building stuff

Brian B. said...

Science is all through enginering like in building materials and fluids!

Molly M said...

Engineering is related to science because of the way you test different models and how you would build them.

Jasmine Mason said...

Engineering is related to science because of experiments that people engineer.....that's all I can think of..

Tyla Greenlaw said...

Engineering is related to science because of phisics and experiments.

Camille D :) said...

enguneering is related to science becasue you need physics

professor jacqueline said...

the tools,physics, chemistry and many other things of engineering is related to science

Archer t said...

Engineering is begot by physics, physics is begot by science.

Liz Napolitano❤ said...

How is engineering related to science ?

Physics, Mathematics, science.

Ian C. said...

Engineering is related to science through things like chemistry, measuring, and physics.

Kasey G. said...

Engineering is all about physics. Though, it does also depend on the type of engineering.

emile w said...

engineering is involved in make the things that make science things and make stuff in science

matt c said...

Engineering is related to science in ways like physics.

Lucas T said...

Engineering is involved in science by making things like things to calculate chemicals

Holly J said...

Physics, math, measuring, you would have to know about math and science if you wanted to engineer something.

Sara H said...

Engineering is about physics and physics is science. In engineering you make things and you need science to make things.

Aaron R said...

Engineering is related to science because it includes a lot of physics

Mason Batchelder, Ian Casciola, and Emile Woodruff said...

I like the blog and we should continue next year.