Tuesday, June 12, 2012

End of a Year of Science

This school year we have covered many topics in science. Starting with the changing surface of the Earth moving to cells , and human body systems , and finishing with topics on motion and forces. What topic would you have like to have covered in more depth? Was there an area of science that you wanted to discuss but we didn't? 
Thank you for your input feel free to post in groups.


gail littlefield said...

Planets. Solar system.

Noah Sophia and Maddie said...

We think we should have done more in the science lab, because its awesome! But other than that it was fun!

Jarred s, Charlie a said...

You covered everything I wanted

Sammy P. Logan D. Collin S. And Gavin L. said...

We should have learned more about space and carrots... and more in depth in cells!!!!!!

Chris and josh and nate said...

I want to knOw how a bubble pOps

Dominique F. Gracie N. Sarah M. Aleha C. said...

I would of wanted to learn more about cells. I would of liked to learn about planets, solar system! But it was super fun(:

lauryn said...

we should have had more experments. and gone to the science lab more.

Lizzyg said...

We should have dissected things

Jason jasmine Dillon said...

We should have done more experiments , more group work and gone outside more

Lexi kaylee and Kyle said...

I think we should have talke about food and how it goes through the body

Jason said...

And Stevy and jake

Jewel said...

Were good

Brian burgers and seriena said...

You should have covered more on the earth and you should have covered muscles mr ruby rules

Sarah Rhiannon said...

We should have learned more about the solar system

Sabrina said...

More exPeriments!!! They are more fun then paper:)

Kyle mckay said...

I've learned every thing I need to know NO MORE SCHOOL

Nick hannah alex emily said...


Connor will tanner Spencer said...

I liked learning how addictive jollyranches were

Matt and aaron said...

I wanted to go more in depth on the cells and wished we could of went over astronomy.

Cam t. said...

More about solar system

Mason Batchelder, Ian Casciola, Grace Berks, Emile Woodruff, and Jared Curtis said...

Next year you should study astronomy more in depth. There wasn't really a topic we didn't cover that we wish we did.

Sara H and Liz N said...

I think we should have covered astronomy and more about space and the universe. Also we should have done volcanoes and a volcano project.

Holly J said...

I think the whole science year was perfect and you shouldn't change anything.