Friday, June 1, 2012

Civil War Day

What did you think of the Civil War Day? 

Did you like role you played ? 

How do you think it could be improved?


Collin.S said...

I liked it.

kyle mckay said...
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JordanF said...

Yes I did like the role I played. I thought that Civil war day was ok, but It could have been better. I think it could be improved by having more battles and not just gettysburg.

connor pinkham said...

I liked civil war day but I think the hand to hand should have been longer. plus how did General Armistead do

Cameron T. said...

It was fun but it was kind of boring waiting for like 20 minutes in the sun for the union to get to their spot.

jason p said...

i liked it but i think that instead of sitting there for 30 min. that we should hav the union come the day before so we can go over it. i was the little nervous kid

Anonymous said...

it was boring. but you didnt plan it well eneough and it was so boring nobody listenened or cared. I just liked dying

LizzyGaddy said...

Do a battle that the confederates ACTUALLY win.

kyle mckay said...

it was too hot

kaylee m. :) said...

1.It was kinda boring

2. yes i guess so

3. It can be improved by having better hats.

Gracie && Tracie(: said...

Civil War Day was fun!!

We liked the role we played..

It doesn't need to be improved.(-:

Anonymous said...

1.I loved It but it was to hot out
2.I wish that I was Captain or Colonel but i like my position
3.more water breaks or something to get water in our system

LexiFogg:) said...


No Because I didn't want to die.!

Bonny Eagle is the union.......

Natalie Bushey said...

i liked to yell at the sacopee valley nurses!

kaylee m. :) said...

It was boring because we did a lot of sitting.

I liked my role because i didnt die

kyle mckay said...

and we had to carry too much stuff

Tanner McClure said...

It was amazing...! I thought that maybe next year you could invite parents and students and friends to come and eat and hang out the rest of the day!

Taylor! said...

I think it was fun, but it should have been longer. So make it longer by possibly changing the battle? I liked my role as a nurse because it was-fun?

LexiFogg:) said...

I thought it was fun.

I did't like it because I died.

I wanted to be the union not the confedrates.

Calleigh said...

It was good.

I liked the role I played, because I was a captain and it was fun.

There should have been more nurses.

Tanner McClure said...

they were weird

Anonymous said...

it woulda been better if justin bieber was there!

JordanF said...

He did amazing

Calleigh :-) said...

I agree :-)

Tanner McClure said...


Taylor! said...

I saved you :)

Anonymous said...

All we had to do carry a musket

Gavin lego said...

I played the role as my regiments captain. and i had fun yelling at people to stay in line and such. also i thought it was fun and we should do it again

Tanner McClure said...

failureeeee!.................... haha just kidding you did an aawesome job, your a good leader!

Calleigh :-) said...

I know.

Taylor! said...

They were nice!

Lucas T said...

It was fun I liked how i got to live and see all the BEMS kids hit the sacopee valley kids. I think it should be longer and a bigger field

Dale said...

I liked that I died at the very begining and carried the flag